How to Install Spectrum Writer OS/390DescriptionAt this point you have downloaded the 30-day trial version of Spectrum Writer from the Web. This document explains what to do next to complete the installation of Spectrum Writer OS/390 on your mainframe. It also explains how to license Spectrum Writer during your 30-day trial period so you can keep right on enjoying it without any interruption. OverviewTo install Spectrum Writer and run it on your mainframe, you will perform the following steps:
Step 1. Upload Object Code to the Mainframe.Upload the following files from your PC to your OS/390 mainframe.
When correctly uploaded to your OS/390 mainframe, the SWMVS300 member will contain roughly 5500 object code records similar in format to (but not necessarily identical to) these sample object code records: ....5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80 ESD SWINIT .íPROCCC PRTERRDT SWINIT01 ESD PRTCHAIN SORTIN2 SORTIN SWINIT02 ESD SORTOUT @ OSUTIL2 OSUTIL SWINIT03 ESD SWFLOAT TRTNUMOK TRTPK1OK ?n SWINIT04 ... TXT h 0vm ] 0A 0vq ] h & 0V ] I4 0 Q SWINIT12 TXT K vQK uv K v\K vUK vYK v K {vOK Dv4K Hv8K SWINIT13The SWDB2300 member will contain a much smaller number of similar-looking records. Do not proceed to the next step until your object code members look similar in format to the above. Step 2. Link-Edit the Object Code.Next, run a job on your OS/390 machine to link-edit the object code files and produce an executable load module. Use the sample JCL below as a guide and modify it for your shop. The OBJLIB DD should point to the PDS containing the Spectrum Writer object code that you just uploaded from your PC. The SYSLMOD DD should point to an existing load library where you want the SPECTWTR load module to be placed. Note that the "(R)" parm in the SYSLIN control cards means that any existing module named SPECTWTR in that library will be overwritten. The SYSLIB DD should point to your shop's DB2 load library (which contains modules such as DSNALI.) (Not required if you are not installing the DB2 Option.)
If you get a non-zero return code, it probably means that something went wrong in moving the object code from your PC to your mainframe. Here are some possible causes of the problem:
Step 3. DB2 SetupYou have now successfully installed Spectrum Writer OS/390 on your mainframe. It exists as a load module named SPECTWTR in the load library that you specified in your link-edit JCL. (If you do not plan to access DB2 data during your trial, you can skip this DB2 setup.) In order to use Spectrum Writer to access DB2 data, you will need to perform the following DB2 setup steps:
Note: if Spectrum Writer will be used on multiple DB2 subsystems, these two steps must be performed for each subsystem. Step 3A. Creating the DB2 Plan. The first step is to create a new DB2 plan. (In most shops, this is done by the Database Administrator.) The plan name should be "SPECT300." This is the plan that Spectrum Writer assumes you will use. Note: if necessary, you can use a different plan name. But you will have to tell Spectrum Writer that plan name in every job you run. That is done with the DB2PLAN option: OPTION: DB2PLAN('OURNAME') If you use SPECT300 as your plan name, you will not need to use the above statement. After creating the SPECT300 plan, you must "bind" the two Spectrum Writer "DBRM" modules (that you uploaded earlier) into that plan. You can perform the bind with ISPF, or any other way that your shop prefers. Step 3B. Granting DB2 Execute Authority. After you have created and bound the DB2 plan, you must grant "execute authority" for that plan. Generally, you will grant execute authority for this plan to PUBLIC. That allows anyone in your shop to execute Spectrum Writer. (Of course, each user's access will still be limited to those DB2 tables they are authorized for.) Step 4. Copy Library SetupBefore using Spectrum Writer to access non-DB2 data (such as VSAM files, QSAM flat files, etc.) some one-time setup is required. This setup consists of creating a Spectrum Writer copy library PDS, and then storing descriptions of your company's files in it. This is necessary before Spectrum Writer can produce reports from those non-DB2 files. Note: if you plan to use Spectrum Writer only with DB2 tables, you can skip this Step 4. No copy library is required for accessing DB2 tables. The following steps are needed to set up your Spectrum Writer copy library: Step 4A. Allocate a new PDS to be used as your Spectrum Writer copy library. The purpose of this PDS is to store definition statements about the files in your shop. The PDS's LRECL should be 80 bytes. The blocksize may be any multiple of 80. The amount of space required will depend on how many files you expect to define to Spectrum Writer. Try allocating 20 tracks, with 20 directory blocks to start with. If you prefer, you can use an existing 80-byte PDS (such as a COBOL copy library, etc.) However, it is recommended that a new PDS be created to serve exclusively as the Spectrum Writer copy library. Step 4B. Create a new member in the copy library for the first file that you want to define to Spectrum Writer. For example, if you want to define your company's payroll file, you might create a new member named PAYROLL. Within this member, type a FILE statement defining the payroll file. For example, if the payroll file is a sequential disk or tape file, you might enter the following: FILE: PAYROLL DDNAME(PAYROLL) LRECL(1500)The above statement defines a sequential file that will be referred to as "PAYROLL" in Spectrum Writer control statements. The DDNAME associated with this file will also be PAYROLL. Be sure to specify an LRECL value that's at least as big as the biggest record in your file. In our PAYROLL example, we specified 1500 as the largest record length. As another example, if our PAYROLL file was a VSAM file (either ESDS or KSDS) we would use this statement: FILE: PAYROLL DDNAME(PAYROLL) LRECL(1500) TYPE(VSAM)For more information on the FILE statement, see Chapter 6, "How to Define Your Input Files" in the manual that was included in your download. Next, type one FIELD statement for each field in the payroll file. For example, if the first two fields in the payroll file are a 20-byte last name and a 15-byte first name, you would enter the following: FIELD: LAST-NAME LENGTH(20) FIELD: FIRST-NAME LENGTH(15)(Chapter 6 explains how to write FIELD statements.) It isn't necessary to define all of the fields in the file right away. If the file contains fields that you don't care about using with Spectrum Writer, you do not need to define those fields. When skipping over fields, use the COLUMNS parm as needed to tell Spectrum Writer exactly which column a particular field begins in. For example: FIELD: SALARY COLUMN(20) LENGTH(6) TYPE(NUM) DECIMAL(2) FIELD: QUANTITY COLUMN(31) LENGTH(3) TYPE(COMP-3) DECIMAL(1) FIELD: NUM-SOLD COLUMN(55) LENGTH(2) TYPE(COMP)When you are finished, the copy library member should contain a single FILE statement followed by any number of FIELD statements. Save this copy library member when you are done. Here is a complete, sample file definition. It defines the SALES-FILE used in many of the examples in the manual.
Note: if you have a COBOL or Assembler record layout for the file you are defining, you can use Spectrum Writer to convert that layout into FIELD statements for you. Or, you can even produce a report directly from the record layout, without using FIELD statements at all. Both of these options are described in the latter part of Chapter 6 in the manual. To begin with, though, we suggest that you define one or two small files manually (as described above) to get a clear idea of how Spectrum Writer works. That will make it easier for you to later see how Spectrum Writer's COBOL and Assembler interpreter fits into the picture. Step 4C. Repeat step 4B for each file that you wish to define to Spectrum Writer. Your Spectrum Writer setup is now complete! Step 5. Spectrum Writer Execution JCLYou can now request all of the custom reports and output files that you want from your DB2 tables and from the input files that you defined. Following are two examples of execution JCL for Spectrum Writer. Use these as guides and modify them as necessary for your shop. (See the notes following the sample JCL.)
Keep Right On Using Spectrum Writer without Interruption!Once you start solving your custom reporting and file formatting needs with Spectrum Writer, you won't want to stop using it. If you purchase a license for Spectrum Writer before your 30-day trial ends, we can provide you with a new authorization code that will allow you to continue using this same, downloaded copy of Spectrum Writer without any interruption. There won't be anything else to install! Enjoy Using Spectrum Writer! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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