Sample Report from SMF 101 Records
It's easy to report on SMF data!
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus Spectrum SMF Writer even exports SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer.
In this report, we want to show the response time and CPU time for individual DB2 transactions.
Here is how to get response time from Class 1 metrics (according to a white paper found here):
Class 1 elapsed time has to be calculated as the difference between Ending Store Clock Time (QWACESC) and Beginning Store Clock Time (QWACBSC) Class 1 CPU time has to be calculated as the sum of the CPU seconds used by: -- Main task; calculated as the difference between Ending CPU Time (QWACEJST) and Beginning CPU Time (QWACBJST) -- Stored procedures (QWACSPCP) -- UDF (QWACUDCP).
Below are the simple Spectrum SMF Writer control statements that implement this.
All of this with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
OPTION: MAXINCLUDE(20) /* LIMIT RUN SIZE WHILE TESTING*/ ********************************************************************** * NAME THE INPUT FILE AND DEFINE THE 101 V11 FIELDS * * NORMALIZE THE QWAC SECTION (PROCESS ALL OCCURRENCES) * ********************************************************************** INPUT: SMF10111 NORMWHEN(SMF101_IFCID3 AND QWA01R1N > 0) NORMSMF(QWA01R1O) ********************************************************************** * INCLUDE ONLY 101 RECORDS FROM INPUT FILE * ********************************************************************** INCLUDEIF: SM101RTY=101 ********************************************************************** * COMPUTE ELAPSED AND CPU TIMES FROM SMF FIELDS * * #MAKENUM CHANGES TIME DATA (NN:NN:NN) TO NUMERIC SECS (NNN.NNNNN) * ********************************************************************** COMPUTE: ELAPSED-SECS = #MAKENUM(QWACESC - QWACBSC) /*END MINUS BEG*/ COMPUTE: MAIN-CPU-SECS = #MAKENUM(QWACEJST - QWACBJST) COMPUTE: TOTAL-CPU-SECS = MAIN-CPU-SECS + #MAKENUM(QWACSPCP) /* ADD "STORED PROCEDURES" TIME */ + #MAKENUM(QWACUDCP) /* ADD "UDF" TIME */ ********************************************************************** * NAME THE COLUMNS WE WANT TO SEE ON THE REPORT * ********************************************************************** COLUMNS: SM101DTE('SMF DATE') SM101TME('SMF TIME') QWHCEUID(10,'USER ID') QWHCEUTX(10,'TRANS.ID') QWACBSC('BEG TIME') QWACESC('END TIME') ELAPSED-SECS(PIC'ZZ9.999999') MAIN-CPU-SECS(PIC'ZZ9.999999') TOTAL-CPU-SECS(PIC'ZZ9.999999') ********************************************************************** * SPECIFY THE REPORT TITLE * ********************************************************************** TITLE: #DATE #TIME / 'DB2 RESPONSE TIME REPORT' / 'PAGE' #PAGE
03/11/17 8:41 PM DB2 RESPONSE TIME REPORT PAGE 1 MAIN TOTAL ELAPSED CPU CPU SMF DATE SMF TIME USER ID TRANS.ID BEG TIME END TIME SECS SECS SECS ________ ___________ __________ __________ _______________ _______________ __________ __________ __________ 10/13/09 20:46:33.18 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.174587 01:46:33.180247 0.005660 0.001892 0.001892 10/13/09 20:46:33.18 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.182359 01:46:33.184985 0.002626 0.000665 0.000665 10/13/09 20:46:33.19 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.187028 01:46:33.191893 0.004865 0.000682 0.000682 10/13/09 20:46:33.31 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.305910 01:46:33.315605 0.009695 0.000599 0.000599 10/13/09 20:46:33.33 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.324745 01:46:33.334389 0.009644 0.001883 0.001883 10/13/09 20:46:33.35 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.336540 01:46:33.350454 0.013914 0.001773 0.001773 10/13/09 20:46:33.35 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.352545 01:46:33.357884 0.005339 0.000532 0.000532 10/13/09 20:46:33.36 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.359754 01:46:33.369086 0.009332 0.001839 0.001839 10/13/09 20:46:33.37 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.372015 01:46:33.377884 0.005869 0.000681 0.000681 10/13/09 20:46:33.39 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.379804 01:46:33.390194 0.010390 0.000584 0.000584 10/13/09 20:46:33.45 00:00:00.000000 00:00:00.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 10/13/09 20:46:33.45 01:46:33.062795 01:46:33.457480 0.394685 0.030574 0.030574 10/13/09 20:46:33.47 01:46:33.464090 01:46:33.476195 0.012105 0.000624 0.000624 10/13/09 20:46:33.51 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.505705 01:46:33.515334 0.009629 0.000572 0.000572 10/13/09 20:46:33.54 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.523682 01:46:33.540041 0.016359 0.001819 0.001819 10/13/09 20:46:33.54 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.542616 01:46:33.548360 0.005744 0.001771 0.001771 10/13/09 20:46:33.55 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.550364 01:46:33.558284 0.007920 0.000517 0.000517 10/13/09 20:46:33.56 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.560054 01:46:33.568153 0.008099 0.001859 0.001859 10/13/09 20:46:33.57 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.570431 01:46:33.574913 0.004482 0.000631 0.000631 10/13/09 20:46:33.58 rmsprod perl 01:46:33.576989 01:46:33.584029 0.007040 0.000613 0.000613 *** GRAND TOTAL ( 20 ITEMS) 0.543397 0.050110 0.050110
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