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Spectrum SMF Writer - Low-Cost 4GL Report Writer for SMF Files.

Channel Profile Report from SMF 73 Records

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It's easy to report on SMF data!

SMF Spectrum Writer
We have a low-cost 4GL report writer especially for SMF files. It's called Spectrum SMF Writer.

Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see.

Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report.

Plus Spectrum SMF Writer even exports SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Try It FREE Now!

The SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer, the low-cost 4GL report writer for SMF files.

In this report we report on RMF's collected channel statistics. We read in the SMF 73 (RMF Channel Path Activity) records. (See SMF 73 record layout.) We report on each channel's utilization (LPAR as well as total). We also report on the average read- and write-speed (in megabytes per second) for each channel.

This is the kind of information that you might be able to monitor live if you have an expensive monitoring product. This report shows you the same information on a historical basis from your SMF logs.

All of this useful executive information with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!

These Spectrum SMF Writer Statements:

INPUT:  SMF73                                                    
        NORMWHEN(SMF73RTY=73 AND SMF73HPN > 1)                   
INCLUDE: SMF73RTY=73                                             
           AND SMF73FG3-VALID-PATH   /* ONLY "REAL" ENTRIES */   
COMP: INTDIV(2) = SMF73PTI * 1024 / 1000000                      
COMP: INT = SMF73PTI * 1024                                      
COMP: UTIL_TOTAL(2) =                                            
 WHEN(SMF73CMG = 1) ASSIGN( (SMF73TUT*100) / (SMF73PTI*8) )      
COMP: UTIL_PART_UTIL(2) =                                        
 WHEN(SMF73CMG = 1) ASSIGN( (SMF73PUT*100) / (SMF73PTI*8) )      
COMP: UTIL_BUSY(2) =                                             
COMP: READ_TOTAL(2) =                                            
 WHEN(SMF73CMG = 2) ASSIGN( (SMF73TRU*SMF73US) / INT )           
COMP: READ_PART(2) =                                     
COMP: WRITE_TOTAL(2) =                                   
COMP: WRITE_PART(2) =                                    
COL: SMF73SEG(4 'ID' HEX)                                
     SMF73GEN('GEN' 3)                                   
     UTIL_PART_UTIL(6 'UTIL%|PART''N')                   
     UTIL_TOTAL(6 'UTIL%|TOTAL')                         
     UTIL_BUSY(4 'UTIL%|BUS')                            
     READ_PART(6 'READ|MB/SEC|PART''N')                  
     READ_TOTAL(6 'READ|MB/SEC|TOTAL')                   
     WRITE_PART(6 'WRITE|MB/SEC|PART''N')                
     WRITE_TOTAL(6 'WRITE|MB/SEC|TOTAL')                 


Produce This SMF Report:

                            CHANNEL PROFILE

                                         READ   READ    WRITE  WRITE  
____ _______ ___ _ ______ ______ ____ _ ______ ______ _ ______ ______ 
0001  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0002  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0003  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0004  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0011  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0012  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0013  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0014  CLX      0 | ***Z** ***Z** 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0031  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0032  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0033  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0034  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0035  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0036  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0037  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0038  FW_S     9 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0041  FW_S     8 |   9.90   9.94 1.95 |   9.89   9.93 |   5.64   5.64 
0042  FW_S     8 |   9.89   9.94 1.95 |   9.88   9.93 |   5.67   5.67 
0043  FW_S     8 |   9.88   9.93 1.95 |   9.87   9.91 |   5.66   5.66 
0044  FW_S     8 |   9.88   9.93 1.95 |   9.89   9.93 |   5.66   5.66 
0057  CMR_S    0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00 
0059  IDF      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
005A  IDF      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
005B  FW_S     8 |   2.30   9.80 0.41 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.74   3.28  
005C  FW_S     8 |  10.95 ***V** 0.77 |   1.51   6.18 |   0.00   0.00  
005D  FW_S     8 |   2.21  10.25 0.41 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.75   3.30  
005E  FW_S     8 |  12.15 ***V** 0.75 |   1.52   6.02 |   0.00   0.00  
0061  FW_S     8 |   9.89   9.93 1.95 |   9.91   9.95 |   5.63   5.63  
0062  FW_S     8 |   9.88   9.93 1.95 |   9.85   9.90 |   5.70   5.70  
0063  FW_S     8 |   9.90   9.94 1.95 |   9.92   9.95 |   5.65   5.65  
0064  FW_S     8 |   9.90   9.95 1.95 |   9.93   9.98 |   5.65   5.65  
0071  FW_S     8 |  10.90  10.97 2.57 |  16.95  16.97 |   3.60   3.61  
0072  FW_S     8 |  10.88  10.95 2.57 |  16.94  16.95 |   3.59   3.60  
0073  FW_S     8 |  10.82  10.90 2.55 |  16.78  16.79 |   3.61   3.62  
0074  FW_S     8 |  10.88  10.96 2.57 |  16.90  16.92 |   3.60   3.61  
0075  FW_S     8 |  10.84  10.92 2.57 |  16.91  16.92 |   3.61   3.63  
0076  FW_S     8 |  10.90  10.98 2.58 |  16.98  16.99 |   3.64   3.65  
0077  FW_S     8 |  10.88  10.96 2.57 |  16.96  16.97 |   3.61   3.63  
0078  FW_S     8 |  10.86  10.94 2.57 |  16.94  16.95 |   3.63   3.64  
00A1  OMH      0 |   0.03   0.07 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
00A2  OMH      0 |   1.10   1.12 0.00 |   0.59   0.59 |  16.42  16.42  
00A3  OMH      0 |   0.03   0.03 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
00A4  OMH      0 |   4.76   4.83 0.00 |   2.39   2.39 |  11.04  11.04  
00A8  IDX      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
00B3  OMC      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
00BA  IDX      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  
00BB  OMC      0 |   0.00   0.00 0.00 |   0.00   0.00 |   0.00   0.00  

See Other Sample SMF Reports
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Pacific Systems Group.
All rights reserved.

Spectrum Writer 4GL - the economical alternative to SAS, Easytrieve, DYL-280...

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