SMF Type 111 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 111 SMF records
It's easy to report on SMF 111 data! | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF111LEN | 2 | binary | Record length.
2 | 2 | SMF111SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor.
4 | 4 | SMF111FLG | 1 | binary | Operating system indicator. The Gateway daemon sets this value to X'C0' to indicate that the CICS TG record supports triplets.
5 | 5 | SMF111RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 111 (X'6F')
6 | 6 | SMF111TME | 4 | packed | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF111DTE | 4 | packed | Date that the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF.
14 | E | SMF111SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SID parameter).
18 | SMF111_ SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification (C'CTGZ')
| |
22 | SMF111_ STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype. CICS TG only uses one subtype. This value will always be zero.
| |
24 | SMF111_ TRN | 2 | Binary | Number of triplets 2
| |
26 | -- | 2 | |||
28 | SMF111_ APS | 4 | binary | Offset to product section
| |
32 | SMF111_ LPS | 2 | binary | Length of product section.
| |
34 | SMF111_ NPS | 2 | binary | Number of product sections. Always 1.
| |
36 | SMF111_ ASS | 4 | binary | Offset to DATA section
| |
40 | SMF111_ ASL | 2 | binary | Length of DATA section. (The total length of all the CICS TG records included in the data section.)
| |
42 | SMF111_ ASN | 2 | binary | Number of DATA sections. Always 1.
| |
This section describes the generic product section for the SMF record for type 111 records. The Gateway daemon fills in all the fields in this section. Parts of the record are of fixed format and common to all SMF products. Some parts of this record are specific to CICS TG. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ RVN | 2 | binary | Record version (X'0VRM') Each letter represents a numeric digit from values 0 to 9
V = Version R = Release M = Maintenance Version 7.1.0 of CICS TG would be represented as X'0710' | |
2 | SMF111_ PRN | 8 | EBCDIC | Generic product name (C'CICSTGGW')
| |
10 | SMF111_ SPN | 8 | EBCDIC | Gateway daemon identifier. CICS TG APPLID will be used. If the APPLID is not set the Jobname will be used.
| |
18 | SMF111_ MFL | 2 | binary | Record maintenance indicator 0
| |
20 | -- | 2 | |||
22 | SMF111_ STATTYPE | 1 | binary | Statistics type - This is the event that drives the statistic to be recorded.
X'00' for interval X'01' for end of day X'02' for shutdown | |
23 | -- | 1 | |||
24 | SMF111_ COLDATE | 4 | packed | Collection date (OCYYDDD+) Local time. Set to the time the Gateway daemon requests that records for a statistics interval are cut. This represents the time that the interval is initially requested. Time to process the interval data and perform the I/O is not included. The value corresponds to the statint and stateod values in the CICS TG .ini file. The date that the record is written is filled in by SMF in SMF111_SMFSTDTE.
| |
28 | SMF111_ COLTIME | 4 | packed | Collection time (OOHHMMSS) Local time. The last byte is used, it is not reserved or set to +. Set to the time the Gateway daemon requests that records for a statistics interval are cut. This represents the time that the interval is initially requested. Time to process the interval data and perform the I/O is not included. The value corresponds to the statint and stateod values in the CICS TG .ini file. The time that the record is written is filled in by SMF in SMF111_SMFTME. 32 NN MF111_LOCOFFSET 4 Signed binary Offset from GMT to local time is seconds. Signed integer Number to add to the system local time to derive GMT
| |
36 | SMF111_ LSTRESET | 4 | binary | The period of time (in seconds) since the last reset. If the first time stats have been issued in the lifetime of the CICS TG this represents time since initialization. The reset is performed each time that interval statistics are cut.
| |
40 | SMF111_ INTERVAL | 4 | binary | Interval seconds. (Length of time remaining before the next interval.)
| |
44 | SMF111_ INTVCOUNT | 4 | binary | Interval number. (A sequence number that increments each time an interval is requested. The scope of this is within a specific CICS TG gateway daemon instance, for the lifetime of that gateway daemon. The first interval is defined as 1.)
| |
This section describes the CICS TG Statistics record header. The data section contains a number of statistics records. Each statistics record has a header. The header is common to all CICS TG statistics records. It is possible to work out the type of data that follows the record from the SMF111_RECID and SMF111_RECVER fields. There is one instance of each CICS TG statistics record except for CSX statistics for EXCI and IPIC where there are multiple instances of the records within one SMF record. This is because there is one CSX statistics record for each server, uniquely identified by the netname of the server. The netname (SMF111_CSX_SAPPLID) is unique for each CSX statistics record. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ DATALEN | 2 | binary | Length of record Length of this header record + the length of the data that follows
| |
2 | SMF111_ RECID | 2 | binary | Record ID resource group Each CICS TG stats resource group will have a numeric ID allocated to it.
X'00' CM X'01' CS X'02' CSx for EXCI X'03' GD X'04' PH X'05' WT. | |
4 | SMF111_ RECVER | 1 | binary | Data section version (A combination of SMF111_RECID and SMF111_RECVER controls the version of the struct. As structs are fixed length, we need to change SMF111_RECVER every time a stat is added to a resource group (in between releases).)
| |
5 | SMF111_ ALIGN1 | 3 | |||
This section describes the CICS TG CM statistics format for writing SMF records. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ CM_ CALLOC | 4 | binary | Currently allocated connection managers
| |
4 | SMF111_ CM_ CCURR | 4 | binary | Current number of connection managers
| |
8 | SMF111_ CM_ CWAITING | 4 | binary | Number of connection managers waiting
| |
12 | SMF111_ CM_ LTIMEOUTS | 4 | binary | Number of times connect time out reached
| |
16 | SMF111_ CM_ SINIT | 4 | binary | Initial number of connection managers
| |
20 | SMF111_ CM_ SMAX | 4 | Signed binary | Maximum number of connection managers
| |
24 | SMF111_ CM_ ITIMEOUTS | 4 | binary | Number of times connect time out reached
| |
28 | SMF111_ CM_ IALLOCHI | 4 | binary | Peak number of allocated connection manager threads
| |
32 | SMF111_ CM_ ICREATED | 4 | binary | Number of connection manager threads created
| |
36 | SMF111_ CM_ IALLOC | 4 | binary | Number of times a connection manager thread was allocated
| |
This section describes the CICS TG CS statistics format for writing SMF records. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ CS_ CALLOC | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipes allocated
| |
4 | SMF111_ CS_ LALLOCFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe allocate failures
| |
8 | SMF111_ CS_ LALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
12 | SMF111_ CS_ LCOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
16 | SMF111_ CS_ LCOUNT | 4 | binary | Number of CICS servers
| |
20 | SMF111_ CS_ LREALLOC | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe reallocations
| |
24 | SMF111_ CS_ SLOGONLIM | 4 | binary | EXCI pipe limit
| |
| |
36 | SMF111_ CS_ IALLOCFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe allocate failures
| |
40 | SMF111_ CS_ IALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
44 | SMF111_ CS_ ICOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
48 | SMF111_ CS_ ICOUNT | 4 | binary | Number of CICS servers
| |
52 | SMF111_ CS_ IREALLOC | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe reallocations
| |
56 | SMF111_ CS_ IREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
64 | SMF111_ CS_ LREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
72 | SMF111_ CS_ IRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
80 | SMF111_ CS_ LRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
88 | SMF111_ CS_ SCOUNT | 4 | binary | Number of defined CICS servers
| |
92 | SMF111_ CS_ ICONNFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of connect failures
| |
96 | SMF111_ CS_ LCONNFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of connect failures
| |
100 | SMF111_ CS_ ILOSTCON | 4 | binary | Number of lost connections
| |
104 | SMF111_ CS_ LLOSTCON | 4 | binary | Number of lost connections
| |
108 | SMF111_ CS_ LIDLETIMEOUT | 4 | binary | Number of timed out connections
| |
112 | SMF111_ CS_ CSESSCURR | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC sessions in use
| |
116 | SMF111_ CS_ CSESSMAX | 4 | binary | Number of negotiated IPIC sessions
| |
120 | SMF111_ CS_ LSESSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC session failures
| |
124 | SMF111_ CS_ ISESSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC session failures
| |
128 | SMF111_ CS_ CWAITING | 4 | binary | Number of requests waiting on a response
| |
132 | SMF111_ CS_ IIDLETIMEOUT | 4 | binary | Number of timed out connections
| |
136 | SMF111_ CS_ IAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
140 | SMF111_ CS_ LAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
This section describes the CICS® TG CSx statistics format for EXCI. There is one instance of each CICS TG statistics record, except for CSx statistics for EXCI and IPIC, where there are multiple instances of the records within one SMF record. This is because there is one CSx statistics record for each server, uniquely identified by the netname of the server. The netname (SMF111_CSx_SAPPLID) is unique for each CSx statistics record. One record is written in an SMF interval, when the data collected is less than 30 Kbytes. If the data exceeds 30 Kbytes, multiple records are written. Correlation of multiple SMF records is achieved using the COLTIME field, in the product section data structure, as this is unique for each interval. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ SAPPLID | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS server name
| |
8 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ CALLOC | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipes allocated
| |
12 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LALLOCFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe allocate failures
| |
16 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
20 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ IALLOCFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of EXCI pipe allocate failures
| |
24 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ IALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
28 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ IAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
32 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
36 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LCOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
40 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ IREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
48 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
56 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ IRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
64 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ LRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
72 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ SPROTOCOL | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS server protocol
| |
80 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ ICOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
84 | SMF111_ CSX_ EXCI_ CWAITING | 4 | binary | Number of requests waiting on a response
| |
This section describes the CICS® TG CSx statistics format for IPIC. There is one instance of each CICS TG statistics record, except for CSx statistics for EXCI and IPIC, where there are multiple instances of the records within one SMF record. This is because there is one CSx statistics record for each server, uniquely identified by the netname of the server. The server name that is configured in the configuration file (SMF111_CSx_SININAME) is unique for each CSx statistics record. One record is written in an SMF interval, when the data collected is less than 30 Kbytes. If the data exceeds 30 Kbytes, multiple records are written. Correlation of multiple SMF records is achieved using the COLTIME field, in the product section data structure, as this is unique for each interval. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ SININAME | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS server name
| |
8 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ IREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
16 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS request data
| |
24 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ IRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
32 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of CICS response data
| |
40 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ IALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
44 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
48 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ ICONNFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of connection failures
| |
52 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LCONNFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of lost connections
| |
56 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ ILOSTCONN | 4 | binary | Number of lost connections
| |
60 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LLOSTCONN | 4 | binary | Number of lost connections
| |
64 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ IIDLETIMEOUT | 4 | binary | Number of timed out connections
| |
68 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LIDLETIMEOUT | 4 | binary | Number of timed out connections
| |
72 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ SIPADDR | 104 | EBCDIC | CICS server TCP/IP address
| |
176 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ SIPPORT | 4 | binary | CICS server TCP/IP port
| |
180 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ CSESSCURR | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC sessions in use
| |
184 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ CSESSMAX | 4 | binary | Number of negotiated IPIC sessions
| |
188 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ SSESSMAX | 4 | binary | Number of requested IPIC sessions
| |
192 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LSESSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC session failures
| |
196 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ ISESSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of IPIC session failures
| |
200 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ SPROTOCOL | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS server protocol
| |
208 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LCOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
212 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ ICOMMSFAIL | 4 | binary | Number of CICS communication failures
| |
216 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ CWAITING | 4 | binary | Number of requests waiting on a response
| |
220 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ IAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
224 | SMF111_ CSX_ IPIC_ LAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average CICS response time
| |
228 | -- | 4 | |||
This section describes the CICS TG Gateway daemon statistics format for writing SMF records. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ GD_ CHEALTH | 4 | binary | Gateway daemon health
| |
4 | SMF111_ GD_ CSTATUS | 16 | EBCDIC | Gateway daemon status
| |
20 | SMF111_ GD_ LALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
24 | SMF111_ GD_ LLUWTXNC | 4 | binary | Extended LUW transactions committed
| |
28 | SMF111_ GD_ LLUWTXNR | 4 | binary | Extended LUW transactions rolled back
| |
32 | SMF111_ GD_ LRUNTIME | 8 | binary | Gateway daemon running time
| |
40 | SMF111_ GD_ LSYNCTXN | 4 | binary | Successful SYNCONRETURN transactions
| |
44 | SMF111_ GD_ LXATXNC | 4 | binary | XA commit requests successfully processed
| |
48 | SMF111_ GD_ LXATXNR | 4 | binary | XA rollback requests successfully processed
| |
52 | SMF111_ GD_ SNAME | 8 | EBCDIC | Gateway daemon name
| |
60 | SMF111_ GD_ IALLREQ | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed
| |
64 | SMF111_ GD_ IRUNTIME | 4 | binary | Interval running time
| |
68 | SMF111_ GD_ ISYNCTXN | 4 | binary | Successful SYNCONRETURN transactions
| |
72 | SMF111_ GD_ IXATXNC | 4 | binary | XA commit requests successfully processed
| |
76 | SMF111_ GD_ IXATXNR | 4 | binary | XA rollback requests successfully processed
| |
80 | SMF111_ GD_ ILUWTXNC | 4 | binary | Extended LUW transactions committed
| |
84 | SMF111_ GD_ ILUWTXNR | 4 | binary | Extended LUW transactions rolled back
| |
88 | SMF111_ GD_ IAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average Gateway daemon response time
| |
92 | SMF111_ GD_ LAVRESP | 4 | binary | Average Gateway daemon response time
| |
96 | SMF111_ GD_ IREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of Java client request data
| |
104 | SMF111_ GD_ LREQDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of Java client request data
| |
112 | SMF111_ GD_ IRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of Java client response data
| |
120 | SMF111_ GD_ LRESPDATA | 8 | binary | Amount of Java client response data
| |
128 | SMF111_ GD_ CSYNCTXN | 4 | binary | Number of SYNCONRETURN transactions
| |
132 | SMF111_ GD_ CLUWTXN | 4 | binary | Number of Extended LUW transactions
| |
136 | SMF111_ GD_ CXATXN | 4 | binary | Number of XA transactions
| |
140 | SMF111_ GD_ LXAREQ | 4 | binary | Number of XA requests
| |
144 | SMF111_ GD_ IXAREQ | 4 | binary | Number of XA requests
| |
| |
156 | SMF111_ GD_ SAPPLIDQ | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS TG APPLID qualifier
| |
164 | SMF111_ GD_ SSTATINT | 6 | EBCDIC | Length of the statistics interval HHMMSS
| |
170 | SMF111_ GD_ SSTATEOD | 6 | EBCDIC | Logical End Of Day time HHMMSS
| |
176 | SMF111_ GD_ CNEXTRESET | 6 | EBCDIC | End of interval time HHMMSS
| |
182 | -- | 2 | |||
This section describes the CICS TG PH statistics format. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ PH_ SPORTSSL | 4 | Signed binary | SSL protocol handler port number
| |
4 | SMF111_ PH_ SPORTTCP | 4 | Signed binary | TCP protocol handler port number
| |
This section describes the CICS TG SE statistics format. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ SE_ SELIM | 4 | binary | Amount of available memory ELIM
| |
4 | SMF111_ SE_ CELOAL | 4 | binary | Amount of used memory ELOAL
| |
8 | SMF111_ SE_ CHEAPGCMIN | 8 | binary | JVM heap size after GC
| |
16 | SMF111_ SE_ SHEAPINIT | 8 | binary | JVM initial heap size
| |
24 | SMF111_ SE_ SHEAPMAX | 8 | binary | JVM maximum heap size
| |
32 | SMF111_ SE_ IGCTIME | 8 | binary | JVM GC time
| |
40 | SMF111_ SE_ LGCTIME | 8 | binary | JVM GC time
| |
48 | SMF111_ SE_ IGCCOUNT | 8 | binary | JVM GC count
| |
56 | SMF111_ SE_ LGCCOUNT | 8 | binary | JVM GC count
| |
This section describes the CICS TG WT statistics format. | |||||
0 | SMF111_ WT_ CALLOC | 4 | BINARY | Currently allocated worker threads
| |
4 | SMF111_ WT_ CCURR | 4 | binary | Current number of worker threads
| |
8 | SMF111_ WT_ LTIMEOUTS | 4 | binary | Number of times worker time out reached
| |
12 | SMF111_ WT_ SINIT | 4 | binary | Initial number of worker threads
| |
16 | SMF111_ WT_ SMAX | 4 | signed binary | Maximum number of worker threads
| |
20 | SMF111_ WT_ ITIMEOUTS | 4 | binary | Number of times worker time out reached
| |
24 | SMF111_ WT_ IALLOCHI | 4 | binary | Peak number of allocated worker threads
| |
28 | -- | 4 |
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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