SMF Type 118 Record
This table shows the record layout for type 118 SMF records
(TCP/IP Statistics).
List of other SMF record layouts available.
List of sample SMF reports.
Purpose: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) writes type 118 records to collect statistics about Telnet and FTP servers, API calls, and Telnet and FTP client calls.
Tip: You should use SMF type 119 records instead of SMF type 118 records. SMF type 118 records have been stabilized and no new information is being added to them. SMF type 119 records include all the latest enhancements to SMF information created by TCP/IP.
If you are running multiple stacks, SMF does not always allow you to distinguish among them. Consider the following issues:
- There is no stack identity in SMF type 118 records. SMF records that are written by the system address space or by standard servers may be identified as belonging to one stack or another, based on address space naming conventions.
- SMF records written by client address spaces cannot be identified as belonging to a single stack based on the address space naming conventions used in standard servers.
- The only technique currently available to distinguish among records written by
various client address spaces is to assign unique SMF type 118 record subtype
intervals to each stack:
- FTP server: One or nine subtypes in FTP.DATA
- Telnet server: Two subtypes on TELNETPARMS
- API: Two subtypes on SMFPARMS
- FTP, Telnet client: One subtype on SMFPARMS
If you choose to assign subtypes, there will be an obvious impact on your local accounting programs. SMF type 118 subtype changes and additions must be coordinated with persons responsible for managing the use of SMF.
SMF type 118 records do not support IPv6 addresses. Thus, if you choose to exploit IPv6 in your environment, migrate your SMF processing to use the SMF type 119 records, which do support IPv6 addresses.
It's easy to report on SMF 118 data! | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
The Spectrum Writer definitions for the SMF type 118 record below are based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual and/or DSECTs mapped by its Assembler macros.
File Definition for Type 118 SMF Records TCP/IP Statistics
*********************************************************************** * SPECTRUM SMF WRITER -- FILE DEFINITION STATEMENTS * * SMF TYPE 118 RECORD - "TCP/IP STATISTICS" * *********************************************************************** *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for common SMF record header * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FLD: SMFHDLEN LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(0) /*Length of record*/ FLD: SMFHDSEG LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(2) /*Segment Descriptor*/ FLD: SMFHDFLG LEN(1) TYPE(BIN) DISP(4) /*System Indicator*/ * EQU X'80' Reserved COMP: SMFHDSTY = X'40' /*Subtypes are valid.*/ COMP: SMFHDSP4 = X'10' /*MVS/SP Version 4 and above*/ COMP: SMFHDSP3 = X'08' /*MVS/SP Version 3 and above*/ COMP: SMFHDSP2 = X'04' /*MVS/SP Version 2 and above*/ COMP: SMFHDVS2 = X'02' /*MVS/VS2*/ FLD: SMFHDTYP LEN(1) TYPE(BIN) DISP(5) /*Record type number*/ COMP: SMFHDTCP = 118 /*Record type number*/ FLD: SMFHDTME LEN(4) TYPE(B-SECS) DISP(6) DEC(2) /*TOD, Using format from TIME*/ * macro W/BIN FLD: SMFHDDTE TYPE(P-CYYDDD) DISP(10) /*DATE Record written (CCYYDDDS)*/ FLD: SMFHDSID LEN(4) DISP(14) /*SYSTEM Id from Installation*/ FLD: SMFHDSSI LEN(4) DISP(18) /*Subsystem identification*/ FLD: SMFHDSUB LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(22) /*SMF sub type field*/ FLD: SMFHDOVY LEN(1) DISP(24) /*Start of subtype record overlay*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for FTP SMF Records * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFFTP76 DSECT DSECT to Describe FTP SMF Records *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFFTP76 DISP(0) LEN(1) OFFSET(24) /*DSECT to Describe FTP SMF Records*/ *SMFFTPHD DS CL24 Standard SMF header with subtypes * FLD: SMFFTPCM LEN(4) DISP(0) /*FTP subcommand*/ * FLD: SMFFTPTY LEN(4) DISP(4) /*filetype (SEQ, JES, SQL)*/ * FLD: SMFFTPSA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*remote (client) IP address or*/ * -1 for IPv6 ** USE SMFFTPSA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFFTPSA_B1 COL(SMFFTPSA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFFTPSA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTPSA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTPSA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFFTPSA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFFTPSA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFFTPSL LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(12) /*local (server) IP address or*/ * -1 for IPv6 ** USE SMFFTPSL_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFFTPSL_B1 COL(SMFFTPSL) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFFTPSL_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTPSL_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTPSL_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFFTPSL_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFFTPSL_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSL_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSL_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTPSL_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFFTPCP LEN(2) DISP(16) /*** reserved ***/ FLD: SMFFTPCF LEN(2) DISP(18) /*** reserved ***/ FLD: SMFFTPR2 LEN(4) DISP(20) /*** reserved ***/ * FLD: SMFFTPSU LEN(8) DISP(24) /*local user ID*/ * FLD: SMFFTPFM LEN(1) DISP(32) /*data format (type)*/ COMP: SMFFTPFA = 'A' /*A ASCII*/ COMP: SMFFTPFE = 'E' /*E EBCDIC*/ COMP: SMFFTPFI = 'I' /*I Image*/ COMP: SMFFTPFB = 'B' /*B double byte*/ COMP: SMFFTPFU = 'U' /*U UCS 2*/ FLD: SMFFTPMO LEN(1) DISP(33) /*transfer mode*/ COMP: SMFFTPMB = 'B' /*B block*/ COMP: SMFFTPMC = 'C' /*C compressed*/ COMP: SMFFTPMS = 'S' /*S stream*/ FLD: SMFFTPST LEN(1) DISP(34) /*structure*/ COMP: SMFFTPSF = 'F' /*F file*/ COMP: SMFFTPSR = 'R' /*R record*/ FLD: SMFFTPDT LEN(1) DISP(35) /*data set type*/ COMP: SMFFTPDB = 'S' /*S Sequential*/ COMP: SMFFTPDP = 'P' /*P PDS*/ COMP: SMFFTPDH = 'H' /*H HFS*/ FLD: SMFFTTRS LEN(4) TYPE(B-SECS) DISP(36) DEC(2) /*start time of transmission*/ FLD: SMFFTTRE LEN(4) TYPE(B-SECS) DISP(40) DEC(2) /*end time of transmission*/ FLD: SMFFTTBC LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(44) /*byte count of transmission*/ * FLD: SMFFTPXD LEN(1) DISP(48) /*FTP ID*/ COMP: SMFFTPXS = 'S' /*S server*/ FLD: SMFFTSLR LEN(3) DISP(49) /*last reply to client*/ * FLD: SMFFTDSN LEN(44) DISP(52) /*data set name or useid for failed*/ * LOGIN FLD: SMFFTMEM LEN(8) DISP(96) /*member name for PDS*/ FLD: SMFFTRS2 LEN(8) DISP(104) /*reserved for abnormal end info.*/ * FLD: SMFFTDS2 LEN(44) DISP(112) /*second data set name (if needed)*/ * FLD: SMFFTMM2 LEN(8) DISP(156) /*second member name for PDS*/ * FLD: SMFFTSTC LEN(8) DISP(164) /*started task qualifier*/ * FLD: SMFFTHST LEN(8) DISP(172) /*TCP/IP host name*/ * FLD: SMFFTSRP LEN(2) DISP(180) /*remote port number*/ FLD: SMFFTSLP LEN(2) DISP(182) /*local port number*/ FLD: SMFFTOF1 LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(184) /*offset to the first HFS file field*/ FLD: SMFFTOF2 LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(186) /*offset to the second HFS file field*/ FLD: SMFFTBYF LEN(8) DISP(188) /*bytes transferred counter in double*/ FLD: SMFFTGIG LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(196) /*4 Gigabyte counter for bytexfer*/ FLD: SMFFTVAR LEN(1) DISP(200) /*Var length fields*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for FTP SMF Records for the client * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFFTC76 DSECT DSECT to Describe FTP SMF Records *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFFTC76 DISP(0) LEN(1) OFFSET(24) /*DSECT to Describe FTP SMF Records*/ *SMFFTCHD DS CL24 Standard SMF header with subtypes * FLD: SMFFTCCM LEN(4) DISP(0) /*FTP subcommand*/ * FLD: SMFFTCTY LEN(4) DISP(4) /*value of reply to FTP command*/ * FLD: SMFFTCSA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*local (client) IP address or*/ * -1 for IPv6 ** USE SMFFTCSA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFFTCSA_B1 COL(SMFFTCSA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFFTCSA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTCSA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTCSA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFFTCSA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFFTCSA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFFTCSL LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(12) /*foreign (server) IP address or*/ * -1 for IPv6 ** USE SMFFTCSL_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFFTCSL_B1 COL(SMFFTCSL) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFFTCSL_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTCSL_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFFTCSL_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFFTCSL_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFFTCSL_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSL_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSL_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFFTCSL_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFFTCCP LEN(2) DISP(16) /*local port*/ FLD: SMFFTCCF LEN(2) DISP(18) /*foreign port*/ FLD: SMFFTCR2 LEN(4) DISP(20) /*reserved*/ * FLD: SMFFTCSU LEN(8) DISP(24) /*remote user ID*/ * FLD: SMFFTCFM LEN(1) DISP(32) /*data format (type)*/ COMP: SMFFTCFA = 'A' /*A ASCII*/ COMP: SMFFTCFE = 'E' /*E EBCDIC*/ COMP: SMFFTCFI = 'I' /*I Image*/ COMP: SMFFTCFB = 'B' /*B double byte*/ COMP: SMFFTCFU = 'U' /*U UCS 2*/ FLD: SMFFTCMO LEN(1) DISP(33) /*transfer mode*/ COMP: SMFFTCMB = 'B' /*B block*/ COMP: SMFFTCMC = 'C' /*C compressed*/ COMP: SMFFTCMS = 'S' /*S stream*/ FLD: SMFFTCST LEN(1) DISP(34) /*structure*/ COMP: SMFFTCSF = 'F' /*F file*/ COMP: SMFFTCSR = 'R' /*R record*/ FLD: SMFFTCDT LEN(1) DISP(35) /*data set type*/ COMP: SMFFTCDB = 'S' /*S sequential*/ COMP: SMFFTCDP = 'P' /*P PDS*/ COMP: SMFFTCDH = 'H' /*H HFS*/ FLD: SMFFTCRS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(36) /*start time of transmission*/ FLD: SMFFTCRE LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(40) /*end time of transmission*/ FLD: SMFFTCBC LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(44) /*byte count of transmission*/ * FLD: SMFFTCXD LEN(1) DISP(48) /*FTP ID*/ COMP: SMFFTPXC = 'C' /*C client*/ FLD: SMFFTCLR LEN(3) DISP(49) /*reserved*/ * FLD: SMFFTCSN LEN(44) DISP(52) /*data set name*/ FLD: SMFFTCEM LEN(8) DISP(96) /*member name for PDS*/ FLD: SMFFTCS2 LEN(60) DISP(104) /*reserved*/ * FLD: SMFFTCTC LEN(8) DISP(164) /*user ID of FTP user*/ * FLD: SMFFTCHN LEN(8) DISP(172) /*TCP/IP host name*/ * FLD: SMFFTCF1 LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(180) /*offset to the first HFS file field*/ FLD: SMFFTCF2 LEN(2) TYPE(BIN) DISP(182) /*offset to the second HFS file field*/ FLD: SMFFTCYF LEN(8) DISP(184) /*bytes transferred counter in double*/ * integer FLD: SMFFTCIG LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(192) /*4 gigabyte counter for bytexfer*/ FLD: SMFFTCAR LEN(1) DISP(196) /*variable length fields*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for TELNET SMF Records * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFTNT76 DSECT DSECT for TELNET SMF Records *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFTNT76 DISP(0) LEN(1) OFFSET(24) /*DSECT for TELNET SMF Records*/ *SMFTNTHD DS CL24 Standard SMF header with subtypes * FLD: SMFTNTCM LEN(4) DISP(0) /*TELNET Subcommand*/ * SERVER (LOGN/LOGF or INIT/TERM) * CLIENT (LGON/LGOF) * FLD: SMFTNTLU LEN(8) DISP(4) /*TELNET LU name*/ * FLD: SMFTNTAP LEN(8) DISP(12) /*TELNET APPL name*/ * FLD: SMFTNTIA LEN(4) DISP(20) /*TELNET Server intrnl logical dev addr*/ FLD: SMFTNCRP LEN(2) DISP(20) /*TELNET Client Remote port address*/ FLD: SMFTNCLP LEN(2) DISP(22) /*TELNET Client Local port number*/ * FLD: SMFTNTRA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(24) /*TELNET remote IP address*/ ** USE SMFTNTRA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFTNTRA_B1 COL(SMFTNTRA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFTNTRA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFTNTRA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFTNTRA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFTNTRA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFTNTRA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTRA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTRA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTRA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) FLD: SMFTNTLA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(28) /*TELNET local IP address*/ ** USE SMFTNTLA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFTNTLA_B1 COL(SMFTNTLA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFTNTLA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFTNTLA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFTNTLA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFTNTLA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFTNTLA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTLA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTLA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFTNTLA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFTNTST LEN(8) DISP(32) /*TELNET started task name*/ * FLD: SMFTNTHN LEN(8) DISP(40) /*TELNET TCP/IP Host Name*/ * FLD: SMFTNTSR LEN(2) DISP(48) /*TELNET Server reserved*/ * FLD: SMFTNTIN LEN(4) DISP(50) /*TELNET Server IN byte count*/ FLD: SMFTNTOU LEN(4) DISP(54) /*TELNET Server OUT byte count*/ * FLD: SMFTNTLF LEN(4) TYPE(B-SECS) DISP(58) DEC(2) /*TELNET Server time on LOGF record*/ * (specified in hundredths of a sec.) * FLD: SMFTNTPD TYPE(P-CYYDDD) DISP(62) /*TELNET Server date on LOGF record*/ * (specified in packed decimal) * FLD: SMFTNTRP LEN(2) DISP(66) /*TELNET Server Remote port number*/ FLD: SMFTNTLP LEN(2) DISP(68) /*TELNET Server Local port number*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for API SMF Records * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFAPI76 DSECT DSECT for API SMF Records *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFAPI76 DISP(0) LEN(1) OFFSET(24) /*DSECT for API SMF Records*/ *SMFAPIHD DS CL24 Standard SMF header with subtypes * FLD: SMFAPIST LEN(4) DISP(0) /*API connection status (or INIT/TERM)*/ * FLD: SMFAPILA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(4) /*API local IP address*/ ** USE SMFAPILA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFAPILA_B1 COL(SMFAPILA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFAPILA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFAPILA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFAPILA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFAPILA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFAPILA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPILA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPILA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPILA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) FLD: SMFAPIRA LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*API foreign IP address*/ ** USE SMFAPIRA_IP4 FOR NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN FORMAT FLD: SMFAPIRA_B1 COL(SMFAPIRA) LEN(1) TYPE(BU) /*REDEFINE*/ FLD: SMFAPIRA_B2 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFAPIRA_B3 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) FLD: SMFAPIRA_B4 LEN(1) TYPE(BU) COMPUTE: SMFAPIRA_IP4(15) = #COMPRESS( #FORMAT(SMFAPIRA_B1 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPIRA_B2 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPIRA_B3 P'ZZ9.' LEFT), 0, #FORMAT(SMFAPIRA_B4 P'ZZ9' LEFT) ) * FLD: SMFAPILP LEN(2) DISP(12) /*API local port number*/ FLD: SMFAPIRP LEN(2) DISP(14) /*API foreign port number*/ * FLD: SMFAPIIN LEN(4) DISP(16) /*API IN byte count*/ * (valid only for termination) FLD: SMFAPIOU LEN(4) DISP(20) /*API OUT byte count*/ * (valid only for termination) * FLD: SMFAPIUO TYPE(HALF) DISP(24) /*API offset to user area*/ FLD: SMFAPIUL TYPE(HALF) DISP(26) /*API length of user area*/ * FLD: SMFAPINM LEN(8) DISP(28) /*API job name*/ * (TSO user-id for TSO API usage) * (jobname for batch jobs) * (procedure name for STCs) * FLD: SMFAPIJI LEN(8) DISP(36) /*API JES Job Identifier*/ * (for HPNS applications only) * FLD: SMFAPIJS LEN(4) DISP(44) /*API JES Job Start time*/ * (for HPNS applications only) * FLD: SMFAPIJD LEN(4) DISP(48) /*API JES Job Start date*/ * (for HPNS applications only) * FLD: SMFAPIUS LEN(52) DISP(52) /*API user area (use SMFAPIOU)*/ * (offset subject to change) * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for TcpStatEntry Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** TcpStatEntry DSECT TCPSTAT structure *********************************************************************** FLD: TCPSTATENTRY DISP(0) LEN(1) OFFSET(0) /*TCPSTAT structure*/ FLD: SMF1184LEN TYPE(HALF) DISP(0)/*Record length*/ FLD: SMF1184SEG TYPE(HALF) DISP(2)/*SMF Seg set to zero/nospan*/ FLD: SMF1184FLG LEN(1) DISP(4) /*Smf flag bit 1 set on*/ COMP: SMF1184FLG_SUBTYPE = X'40' /*SMF1184Flg*/ FLD: SMF1184RTY LEN(1) DISP(5) /*Smf record type 118*/ COMP: SMF1184RTY_TYPE = X'76' /*SMF1184Rty*/ FLD: SMF1184TIM LEN(4) DISP(6) /*time set by MVS*/ FLD: SMF1184DAT LEN(4) DISP(10) /*date set by MVS*/ FLD: SMF1184SID LEN(4) DISP(14) /*system id set by MVS*/ FLD: SMF1184SSI LEN(4) DISP(18) /*subsystem id set by MVS*/ FLD: SMF1184STY TYPE(HALF) DISP(22) /*subtype*/ COMP: SMF1184STY_TYPE = 5 /*SMF1184Sty*/ FLD: SMF1184SDL TYPE(HALF) DISP(26) /*length of self defining section*/ * FLD: SMF1184SDS LEN(1) DISP(28) /*self defining section*/ *SMF1184SSA DS CL(LSMFTriple) subsystem section FLD: SMF1184SSO LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(28) /*offset to subsystem section*/ FLD: SMF1184SSL TYPE(HALF) DISP(32) /*length of subsystem section*/ FLD: SMF1184SSN TYPE(HALF) DISP(34) /*number of subsystem sections*/ *SMF1184IP DS CL(LSMFTriple) IP section FLD: SMF1184IPO LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(36) /*offset to IP section*/ FLD: SMF1184IPL TYPE(HALF) DISP(40) /*length of IP section*/ FLD: SMF1184IPN TYPE(HALF) DISP(42) /*number of IP sections*/ *SMF1184IC DS CL(LSMFTriple) ICMP section FLD: SMF1184ICO LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(44) /*offset to ICMP section*/ FLD: SMF1184ICL TYPE(HALF) DISP(48) /*length of ICMP section*/ FLD: SMF1184ICN TYPE(HALF) DISP(50) /*number of ICMP sections*/ *SMF1184TC DS CL(LSMFTriple) TCP section FLD: SMF1184TCO LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(52) /*offset to TCP section*/ FLD: SMF1184TCL TYPE(HALF) DISP(56) /*length of TCP section*/ FLD: SMF1184TCN TYPE(HALF) DISP(58) /*number of TCP sections*/ *SMF1184U DS CL(LSMFTriple) UDP section FLD: SMF1184UDO LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(60) /*offset to UDP section*/ FLD: SMF1184UDL TYPE(HALF) DISP(64) /*length of UDP section*/ FLD: SMF1184UDN TYPE(HALF) DISP(66) /*number of UDP sections*/ FLD: LSMF1184SDS LEN(1) /*SMF1184SDS length of self defining section*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for SMFSubSys Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFSubSys DSECT SMF subsystem structure *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * TO REPORT ON ALL OCCURRENCES OF SMFSUBSYS, USE: * INPUT: SMF118 * NORMALIZE(SMFSUBSYS, SMF1184SSN) *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFSUBSYS DISP(0) LEN(24) OFFSET(SMF1184SSO) /*SMF subsystem structure*/ FLD: SMFSUBPROC LEN(8) DISP(0) /*MVSMIBStruct.TcpIpProcName*/ FLD: SMFSUBASID LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*MVSMIBStruct.TcpIpAsid*/ FLD: SMFSUBTIME LEN(8) DISP(12) /*MVSMIBStruct.IplTod*/ FLD: SMFSUBFLAG LEN(1) TYPE(BIN) DISP(20) /*Reason for writing record*/ COMP: SMFRSNSTRT = X'80' /*Write first SMF record*/ COMP: SMFRSNINTV = X'40' /*Write interval SMF record*/ COMP: SMFRSNEND = X'20' /*Write last SMF record*/ COMP: SMFRSNSHUT = X'10' /*Write SMF record at shutdown*/ FLD: LSMFSUBSYS LEN(1) /*SMFSubSys Length of SMF subsystem structure*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for SMFSubIP Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFSubIP DSECT SMF IP structure *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * TO REPORT ON ALL OCCURRENCES OF SMFSUBIP, USE: * INPUT: SMF118 * NORMALIZE(SMFSUBIP, SMF1184IPN) *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFSUBIP DISP(0) LEN(84) OFFSET(SMF1184IPO) /*SMF IP structure*/ FLD: IMIRECV LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(0) /*Total Received Datagrams*/ FLD: IMIHDRER LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(4) /*Total Discarded Datagrams*/ FLD: IMIADRER LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*Total Discarded Addr Errs*/ FLD: IMIFWDDG LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(12) /*Total Attempt to Fwd Datagrams*/ FLD: IMIUNPRT LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(16) /*Total Discarded Unknown Prot*/ FLD: IMIDISC LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(20) /*Total Discarded Other*/ FLD: IMIDELVR LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(24) /*Total Delivered Datagrams*/ FLD: IMOREQST LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(28) /*Total Sent Datagrams*/ FLD: IMODISC LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(32) /*Total Sent Discarded Other*/ FLD: IMONORTE LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(36) /*Total Send Discarded No Route*/ FLD: IMRSMTOS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(40) /*Total Reassembly Timeouts*/ FLD: IMRSMREQ LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(44) /*Total Received Reassem. Req'ed*/ FLD: IMRSMOK LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(48) /*Total Datagrams Reassembled*/ FLD: IMRSMFLD LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(52) /*Total Reassembly Failed*/ FLD: IMFRAGOK LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(56) /*Total Datagrams Fragmented*/ FLD: IMFRGFLD LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(60) /*Total Discarded Frag. Failed*/ FLD: IMFRGCRE LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(64) /*Total Fragments Generated*/ FLD: IMRTDISC LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(68) /*Total Routing Discards*/ FLD: IMRSMMAX LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(72) /*Max active RSMCBs*/ FLD: IMRSMACT LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(76) /*Num active RSMCBs*/ FLD: IMRSMFUL LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(80) /*Reassembly flags*/ FLD: LSMFSUBIP LEN(1) /*SMFSubIP Length of SMF IP structure*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for SMFSubTC Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFSubTC DSECT SMF TCP structure *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * TO REPORT ON ALL OCCURRENCES OF SMFSUBTC, USE: * INPUT: SMF118 * NORMALIZE(SMFSUBTC, SMF1184TCN) *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFSUBTC DISP(0) LEN(56) OFFSET(SMF1184TCO) /*SMF TCP structure*/ FLD: TCP_RTOALGORITHM LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(0) /*Retransmit algorithm*/ FLD: TCP_RTOMIN LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(4) /*Min Retran time (ms)*/ FLD: TCP_RTOMAX LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*Max Retran time (ms)*/ FLD: TCP_MAXCONN LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(12) /*Max connections*/ FLD: TCP_ACTIVEOPENS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(16) /*Active opens*/ FLD: TCP_PASSIVEOPENS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(20) /*Passive opens*/ FLD: TCP_ATTEMPTFAILS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(24) /*Open failures*/ FLD: TCP_ESTABRESETS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(28) /*Number of resets*/ FLD: TCP_CURRESTAB LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(32) /*Currently Estabs*/ FLD: TCP_INSEGS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(36) /*Input segments*/ FLD: TCP_OUTSEGS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(40) /*Output segments*/ FLD: TCP_RETRANSSEGS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(44) /*Retransmitted segs*/ FLD: TCP_INERRS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(48) /*Input errors*/ FLD: TCP_OUTRSTS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(52) /*Number of resets*/ FLD: LSMFSUBTC LEN(1) /*SMFSubTC Length of SMF TCP structure*/ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * DSECT for SMFSubUD Structure * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *********************************************************************** **** SMFSubUD DSECT SMF UDP structure *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** * TO REPORT ON ALL OCCURRENCES OF SMFSUBUD, USE: * INPUT: SMF118 * NORMALIZE(SMFSUBUD, SMF1184UDN) *********************************************************************** FLD: SMFSUBUD DISP(0) LEN(16) OFFSET(SMF1184UDO) /*SMF UDP structure*/ FLD: USINDGRM LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(0) /*received datagrams*/ FLD: USNOPRTS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(4) /*dgrms rcvd with no port def*/ FLD: USINERRS LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(8) /*other dgrms not rcvd*/ FLD: USOTDGRM LEN(4) TYPE(BIN) DISP(12) /*sent datagrams*/ FLD: LSMFSUBUD LEN(1) /*SMFSubUD Length of SMF UDP structure*/ * FLD: SMF118_END LEN(1) OFFSET(0) |