SMF Type 121 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 121 SMF records
It's easy to report on SMF 121 data! | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF121LEN | 2 | binary | Record length of the entire SMF record.
2 | 2 | SMF121SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor.
4 | 4 | SMF121FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator.
5 | 5 | SMF121RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 121 (X'79').
6 | 6 | SMF121TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight
10 | A | SMF121DTE | 4 | packed | Date record was moved to SMF.
14 | E | SMF121SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification.
18 | 12 | SMF121SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification.
22 | 16 | SMF121STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype 1.
24 | 18 | SMF121SDS_ TRIPLETS | 2 | binary | Number of triplets (offset/length/number combinations), currently three:
26 | 1A | SMF121SDS_ RSERVD | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF121SDS_ OFFJRS | 4 | binary | Offset to Java runtime section.
32 | 20 | SMF121SDS_ LENJRS | 2 | binary | Length of each Java runtime section.
34 | 22 | SMF121SDS_ NUMJRS | 2 | binary | Number of Java runtime sections. (There is only one Java runtime section.)
36 | 24 | SMF121SDS_ OFFGCS | 4 | binary | Offset to garbage collector section.
40 | 28 | SMF121SDS_ LENGCS | 2 | binary | Length of each garbage collector section.
42 | 2A | SMF121SDS_ NUMGCS | 2 | binary | Number of garbage collector sections. This depends on how many garbage collectors are active in the JVM.
44 | 2C | SMF121SDS_ OFFTS | 4 | binary | Offset to thread section.
48 | 30 | SMF121SDS_ LENTS | 2 | binary | Length of each thread section.
50 | 32 | SMF121SDS_ NUMTS | 2 | binary | Number of thread sections. This depends on the number of active Java threads.
(There is only one Java runtime section.) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF121JRS_ FDFLAGS | 4 | Binary | Field flags:
Byte 1 Bit - Meaning when set 0 - Contains CPU usage summary fields, including: SMF121JRS_APPCPU, SMF121JRS_SYSCPU, SMF121JRS_GCCPU, SMF121JRS_JITCPU 1-7 - Reserved Byte 2 - Reserved Byte 3 - Reserved Byte 4 - Reserved |
4 | 4 | SMF121JRS_ NAME | 80 | EBCDIC | Formatted JVM name. If longer than 80 characters, string will be truncated.
84 | 54 | SMF121JRS_ STRTTME | 8 | binary | Start time, in milliseconds.
92 | 5C | SMF121JRS_ UPTIME | 8 | binary | Up time, in milliseconds.
100 | 64 | SMF121JRS_ GCMODE | 40 | EBCDIC | Garbage collection mode. If longer than 40 characters, string will be truncated.
140 | 8C | SMF121JRS_ PEAKTHRD | 4 | binary | Peak live thread count.
144 | 90 | SMF121JRS_ CURRTHRD | 4 | binary | Current number of live threads.
148 | 94 | SMF121JRS_ APPCPU | 8 | binary | Total CPU usage of all application threads, in microseconds. If not available, value is -1.
156 | 9C | SMF121JRS_ SYSCPU | 8 | binary | Total CPU usage of all system threads, in microseconds. If not available, value is -1.
164 | A4 | SMF121JRS_ GCCPU | 8 | binary | Total CPU usage of all GC threads, in microseconds. If not available, value is -1.
172 | AC | SMF121JRS_ JITCPU | 8 | binary | Total CPU usage of all JIT threads, in microseconds. If not available, value is -1.
One section per active garbage collector in the JVM. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF121GCS_ FDFLAGS | 4 | binary | Field flags, currently all zeros.
4 | 4 | SMF121GCS_ NAME | 40 | EBCDIC | Garbage collector name. If longer than 40 characters, string will be truncated.
44 | 2C | SMF121GCS_ COLLCNT | 8 | binary | Total number of collections.
52 | 34 | SMF121GCS_ COLLTME | 8 | binary | Approximate accumulated collection elapsed time, in milliseconds.
60 | 3C | SMF121GCS_ TMEMFREED | 8 | binary | Cumulative total amount of memory freed, in bytes.
68 | 44 | SMF121GCS_ TCOMPACTS | 8 | binary | Cumulative total number of compacts performed.
76 | 4C | SMF121GCS_ MEMUSED | 8 | binary | Snapshot of the amount of heap memory used, in bytes
One section per active Java thread. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF121TS_ FDFLAGS | 4 | binary | Field flags, currently all zeros.
4 | 4 | SMF121TS_ ID | 8 | binary | Thread ID.
12 | C | SMF121TS_ NAME | 24 | EBCDIC | Thread name.
36 | 24 | SMF121TS_ CAT | 8 | EBCDIC | Thread category. Possible values are:
APP APP-U1 APP-U2 APP-U3 APP-U4 APP-U5 SYS GC JIT OTHER RM Empty string (""), if not available |
44 | 2C | SMF121TS_ CPU | 8 | binary | Total CPU time, in nanoseconds. If not available, value is -1.
52 | 34 | SMF121TS_ NATIVEID | 8 | binary | Native OS thread ID. If not available, value is -1.
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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