SMF Type 23 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 23 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF23LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard and Extended SMF record headers” on page 160 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF23SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field).
4 | 4 | SMF23FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator:
Bit - Meaning when set 0-2 - Reserved 3-6 - Version indicators (See “Standard and Extended SMF record headers” on page 160 for details.) 7 - Reserved. |
5 | 5 | SMF23RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 23 (X'17').
6 | 6 | SMF23TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved to the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF23DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard and Extended SMF record headers” on page 160 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF23SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SID parameter).
18 | 12 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF23POF | 4 | binary | Offset to product section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
24 | 18 | SMF23PLN | 2 | binary | Length of product section.
26 | 1A | SMF23PON | 2 | binary | Number of product sections.
28 | 1C | SMF23SOF | 4 | binary | Offset to system section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
32 | 20 | SMF23SLN | 2 | binary | Length of system section.
34 | 22 | SMF23SON | 2 | binary | Number of system sections.
36 | 24 | SMF23ROF | 4 | binary | Offset to SMF statistics section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF23RLN | 2 | binary | Length of SMF statistics section.
42 | 2A | SMF23RON | 2 | binary | Number of SMF statistics sections.
44 | 2C | SMF23LOF | 4 | binary | Offset to SMF logstream statistics section.
48 | 30 | SMF23LLN | 2 | binary | Length of SMF logstream statistics section.
50 | 32 | SMF23LON | 2 | binary | Number of SMF logstream statistics sections.
52 | 34 | SMF23NOF | 4 | binary | Offset to spin lock instrumentation data section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
56 | 38 | SMF23NLN | 2 | binary | Length of spin lock instrumentation data section.
58 | 3A | SMF23NON | 2 | binary | Number of spin lock instrumentation data sections.
60 | 3C | SMF23BOF | 4 | binary | Offset to bind break instrumentation data section from start of record, including the record descriptor word (RDW).
64 | 40 | SMF23BLN | 2 | binary | Length of bind break instrumentation data section.
66 | 42 | SMF23BON | 2 | binary | Number of bind break instrumentation data sections.
0 | 0 | SMF23TID | 2 | binary | Subtype identification — ‘0’.
2 | 2 | SMF23RVN | 2 | character | Record version number — ‘02’.
4 | 4 | SMF23PNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name — ‘SMF’.
0 | 0 | SMF23INT | 6 | EBCDIC | Length of measurement interval.
6 | 6 | SMF23FLS | 4 | EBCDIC | Operating system release level.
10 | A | SMF23OSL | 8 | character | MVS product name (taken from CVTPRODN).
18 | 12 | SMF23TOD | 8 | binary | Time and date that the interval ended for the STATUS function, in time-of-day (TOD) format, an unsigned 64-bit fixed-point number where bit 51 is equivalent to 1 microsecond. If you requested synchronized interval recording for SMF statistics, a field in other records, similar to this field, contains the same time so you can compare this record with other records generated at the end of the same interval.
26 | 1A | SMF23SYN | 8 | EBCDIC | System name (from the SYSNAME parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member).
34 | 22 | SMF23SYP | 8 | EBCDIC | Sysplex name (from the SYSPLEX parameter in the COUPLExx parmlib member).
0 | 0 | SMF23BFW | 4 | binary | Number of buffers written.
4 | 4 | SMF23BFQ | 4 | binary | Maximum number of buffers used at one time.
8 | 8 | SMF23SUS | 4 | -- | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF23RCW | 4 | binary | Number of records written.
16 | 10 | SMF23BFA | 4 | binary | Amount of each buffer allocation request.
20 | 14 | SMF23BFT | 4 | binary | Total amount of buffer storage currently allocated (and recently used).
24 | 18 | SMF23BFH | 4 | binary | ‘High water mark’ of buffer storage allocation.
28 | 1C | SMF23BFM | 4 | binary | Buffer storage maximum in effect (BUFSIZMAX binary value).
32 | 20 | SMF23BFL | 4 | binary | Buffer storage usage warning level in effect (BUFUSEWARN binary value).
36 | 24 | SMF23SFG | 4 | binary | Statistics section flags.
Note: For bits 0–8, all accumulators are never reset for the life of the system. |
40 | 28 | SMF23NGR | 8 | binary | Total number of getmain requests that have been issued. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 0.
48 | 30 | SMF23PBG | 8 | binary | Total number of pages backed during getmain requests that have been issued. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 1.
56 | 38 | SMF23NFR | 8 | binary | Total number of fix requests that have been issued for the storage whose address space is below two gigabytes. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 2.
64 | 40 | SMF23PFX | 8 | binary | Total number of frames that were requested to be fixed for the storage whose address space is below two gigabytes. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 3.
72 | 48 | SMF231RF | 8 | binary | Total number of first reference faults. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 4.
80 | 50 | SMF23NRF | 8 | binary | Total number of non-first reference faults. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 5.
88 | 58 | SMF23NIO | 8 | binary | Total number of I/Os for this interval. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 6.
96 | 60 | SMF23TCB | 8 | binary | Total number of unlocked TCB dispatches. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 7.
104 | 68 | SMF23SRB | 8 | binary | Total number of SRB dispatches. For more details, see the explanation of SMF23SFG bit 8.
112 | 70 | SMF23NGD | 4 | binary | Total number of getmain requests that have been issued for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NGR.
116 | 74 | SMF23PBD | 4 | binary | Total number of pages backed during GETMAIN requests that have been issued for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23PBG.
120 | 78 | SMF23NFD | 4 | binary | Total number of fix requests that have been issued for storage (address space only) below two gigabytes for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NFR.
124 | 7C | SMF23PFD | 4 | binary | Total number of frames that were requested to be fixed for storage (address space only) below two gigabytes for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23PFX.
128 | 80 | SMF231RD | 4 | binary | Total number of first reference faults taken for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF231RF.
132 | 84 | SMF23NRD | 4 | binary | Total number of non-first reference faults taken for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NRF.
136 | 88 | SMF23NID | 8 | binary | Total number of I/Os for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23NIO.
144 | 90 | SMF23TCD | 8 | binary | Total number of unlocked TCB dispatches for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23TCB.
152 | 98 | SMF23SRD | 8 | binary | Total number of SRB dispatches for this interval. For the cumulative total, see the explanation of SMF23SRB.
160 | A0 | SMF23MBU | 4 | binary | The maximum number of bytes stored in the temporary buffer that is used during SMF initialization.
0 | 0 | SMF23LSL | 2 | binary | Length of the logstream name in SMF23LSN.
2 | 2 | SMF23LSN | 26 | character | Logstream name.
28 | 1C | SMF23LFA | 4 | binary | Amount of each buffer allocation.
32 | 20 | SMF23LFT | 4 | binary | Total amount of buffer storage currently used (in bytes).
36 | 24 | SMF23LFH | 4 | binary | Binary high water mark of the buffer allocation (in bytes).
40 | 28 | SMF23LFM | 4 | binary | Buffer storage maximum in effect (DSPSIZMAX value in bytes).
44 | 2C | SMF23LFL | 4 | binary | Binary buffer warning level in effect (BUFUSEWARN binary value).
48 | 30 | SMF23LFG | 4 | binary | Various flags:
52 | 34 | SMF23PFT | 4 | binary | Total storage SMF is currently using for zEDC for this log stream. Value does not account for 1MB needed by each log stream using zEDC. Value may be up to 2MB greater than the defined PERMFIX value depending on usage.
56 | 38 | SMF23PFM | 4 | binary | Max storage SMF can use for zEDC for this log stream. Configuration-defined PERMFIX value.
60 | 3C | SMF23PFH | 4 | binary | High water mark of storage SMF has used for zEDC for this log stream connection.
64 | 40 | SMF23CWN | 4 | binary | Number of log blocks written containing compressed records during this interval.
68 | 44 | SMF23NCN | 4 | binary | Number of log blocks written containing non-compressed records during this interval.
72 | 48 | SMF23BBC | 8 | binary | zEDC uncompressed bytes total. For logstreams with compressed data, this field contains the total number of uncompressed bytes that zEDC successfully compressed during the interval. For logstreams with no compressed data, this field contains zeros.
80 | 50 | SMF23BAC | 8 | binary | zEDC compressed bytes total. For logstreams with compressed data, this field contains the total number of compressed bytes that were written to the logstream during the interval. For logstreams with no compressed data, this field contains zeros.
88 | 58 | SMF23LHP | 4 | binary | High water mark of the percentage of the buffer that is in use.
92 | 5C | SMF23LCP | 4 | binary | Current percentage of the buffer that is in use.
0 | 0 | SMF23SPN | 8 | binary | For internal use only.
0 | 0 | SMF23BND | 8 | binary | For internal use only.
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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