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SMF Type 38 Record (Subtype 2)

This table shows the record layout for type 38 SMF records
(Netview - Task resource utilization data).

List of other SMF record layouts available.
List of sample SMF reports.

Purpose: Netview writes type 38 There are 4 subtypes.
1 - Command authorization table record
2 - Task resource utilization data
3 - Dynamic span table record
4 - Command Statistics External Log Record

The subtype is indicated in the SMF38SUBT field.

It's easy to report on SMF 38 data!

SMF Spectrum Writer
We have a low-cost 4GL report writer especially for SMF files. It's called Spectrum SMF Writer.

Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see.

Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report.

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SMF Type 38 Record -- Netview - Task resource utilization data
Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See "Standard SMF Record Header" on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
Segment descriptor (see record length field).
System indicator Bit Meaning When Set 0 Subsystem name follows system identification 1 Subtypes used 2 Reserved 3-6 Version indicators* 7 Reserved.*See "Standard SMF Record Header" on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
Record type 33 (X'21').
Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF.
System identification (from the SID parameter).
Subsystem identifier. ("NETV")
Record subtype.
1 - Command authorization table record
2 - Task resource utilization data
3 - Dynamic span table record
4 - Command Statistics External Log Record
Total number of triplets (3)
Offset to Product section.
Length of Product section.
Number of Product Sections in this record.
Offset to General Section.
Length of General Section.
Number of General Sections in this record.
Offset to Data Section.
Length of Data Section.
Number of Data Sections in this record.
Product Section
This section identifies the product that generated the record.
(Offset from beginning of record: SMF38PROFF2)
Record version number - 01.
Product name - NETV
Product version and release, in the format vr, where v is version and r is release.
General Section
(Offset from beginning of record: SMF38GOFF2)
Record version number
One of the following event codes:
1 - LOGOFF or task ended abnormally
2 - Session ended, task ended abnormally, and reinstated
3 - Task stopped by STOP UNCOND
4 - Task statistics at CLOSE NORMAL checkpoint
5 - Task statistics at CLOSE STOP checkpoint
6 - Task statistics at CLOSE IMMED checkpoint
7 - Task statistics at CLOSE ABEND checkpoint
8 - Task statistics at LOGTSTAT checkpoint
9 - Task start events
10 - Task statistics at interval
Owning or billable operator ID. The task name or operator ID (TVBOPID).
LU name. The task name or terminal name connected to the task (TVBLUNAM).
NetView domain name. The NetView domain name in which the task ran.
NetView domain session correlation. Each NetView program has a different value for this field, and each time the NetView program is started, this value is changed. Records with the same value came from the same NetView program and ran in the same address space.
NetView subtask session correlation. Each task has a different value for this field, and each time the task starts, this value is changed. Records with the same value came from the same task and ran in the same "session." Recovery of an abnormal end is treated as the same session.
Current STCK value for data. The internal hardware clock at the time the data was recorded. (The store clock was shifted 12 bits to the right.)
Data Section
(Offset from beginning of record: SMF38DOFF2)
Record version number
Maximum processor percentage (hundredths of percent). The maximum measured processor during a 10 second interval since the task began, or since the last LOGTSTAT RESETMAX or LOGTSTAT INTERVAL command.
Task session time in seconds
Task time fraction of one second in microseconds. The elapsed time the task has run in seconds plus microseconds. The microseconds field provides accurate timing for short intervals. Note: These two fields are not a double-word pair containing microseconds. Refer to sample CNME1101 for algorithms in REXX for timing arithmetic.
Processor units used in seconds
Processor time fraction of one second in microseconds. The amount of processor time charged to this task by MVS. The microseconds field provides accurate timing for short intervals. Note: These two fields are not a double-word pair containing microseconds. See sample CNME1101 for algorithms in REXX for timing arithmetic.
Penalty time in seconds
Penalty time fraction of one second in microseconds. The number of seconds that this task has waited because of MAXMQIN, AVLSLOW, SLOWSTG, MAXCPU, MAXMQOUT, or MAXIO penalties. The microseconds field provides accurate timing for short intervals. Note: These two fields are not a double-word pair containing microseconds. See sample CNME1101 for algorithms in REXX for timing arithmetic.
Average processor utilization in hundredths of percent. The percentage of a processor this task has used. The ratio of Used CPU to Session Seconds.
Average penalty imposed in hundredths of percent. The percentage of elapsed time that this task has waited for penalties. The ratio of Penalty Seconds to Session Seconds.
Maximum storage used. The largest usage of storage for this task since the task was started or since the last LOGTSTAT RESETMAX or LOGTSTAT INTERVAL command.
Total DSIGET usage rate in KB per minute. The average rate (for the life of the task) at which storage was obtained by DSIGET, in KB per minute.
Total DSIFRE usage rate in KB per minute. The average rate (for the life of the task) at which storage was released by DSIFRE, in KB per minute.
A 24-bit DSIGET usage rate in KB per minute. The average rate (for the life of the task) at which storage was obtained by DSIGET, in KB per minute (24-bit storage only).
A 24-bit DSIFRE usage rate in KB per minute. The average rate (for the life of the task) at which storage was released by DSIFRE, in KB per minute (24-bit storage only).
Maximum inbound DSIMQS rate in KB per minute. The maximum rate, over a one-minute period, at which messages were queued to this task by DSIMQS, in KB per minute. This is the maximum rate since the task started, or since the last LOGTSTAT RESETMAX or LOGTSTAT INTERVAL command.
Average inbound DSIMQS rate in KB per minute. The rate, over the life of the task, at which messages were queued to this task by DSIMQS, in KB per minute.
Maximum outbound DSIMQS rate. The maximum rate (for a 1 minute period) at which messages were sent by this task by DSIMQS, in KB per minute. This is the maximum rate since the task started, or since the last LOGTSTAT RESETMAX or LOGTSTAT INTERVAL command.
Average outbound DSIMQS rate. The rate, over the life of the task, at which messages were sent by this task by DSIMQS, in KB per minute.
Number of inbound DSIMQS messages. The rate, over the life of the task, at which messages were sent to this task by DSIMQS, in KB per minute.
Number of outbound DSIMQS messages. The number of messages sent by this task over the life of the session.
Number of DASD I/Os. The total number of I/Os done by NetView services on this task for the life of this task.
Maximum I/O rate (I/Os per minute). The maximum rate of I/Os per minute in a 1 minute interval since the task was started or since the last LOGTSTAT RESETMAX or LOGTSTAT INTERVAL command.
Average I/O rate (I/Os per minute). The average rate of I/Os per minute for the life of the task.
Penalties caused by task (bytes per second)
Penalties caused by the task, fraction of 1 second (bytes per microsecond). The total number of penalty seconds that this task caused other tasks to wait because of MAXMQIN, SLOWSTG, or AVLSLOW limit being exceeded for this task. A penalty time is served when a DSIMQS from another task is sent to the task that is over any of these limits. The microseconds field provides accurate timing for short intervals. Note: These two fields are not a double-word pair containing microseconds. See sample CNME1101 for algorithms in REXX for timing arithmetic.

The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.

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