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SMF Type 66 Record

This table shows the record layout for type 66 SMF records
(Integrated Catalog Facility Alter Activity).

List of other SMF record layouts available.
List of sample SMF reports.

Purpose: Record type 66 is written during any processing that results in an ALTER request to Catalog Management Services, such as:

One type 66 record is written for each record written or deleted from a catalog. Record type 66 identifies the entry being altered and the catalog in which the catalog record is written or deleted, and gives the new, updated, or deleted catalog record. It indicates if the entry was renamed (function indicator = ‘R’) and, if so, gives the old and new names of the entry. It identifies the job by job log identification and user identification. The job name, time, and date that the reader recognized the JOB card (for this job) constitutes the job log identification. If a system task caused the record to be written, the job name and user identification fields contain blanks and the time and date fields contain zeros.

It's easy to report on SMF 66 data!

SMF Spectrum Writer
We have a low-cost 4GL report writer especially for SMF files. It's called Spectrum SMF Writer.

Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see.

Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report.

Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Try It FREE Now!

SMF Type 66 Record -- Integrated Catalog Facility Alter Activity
Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
Record descriptor word descriptor (see record length field).
System indicator: Bit Meaning When Set 0-2 Reserved 3-6 Version indicators* 7 Reserved.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
Record type 66 (X'42').
Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
System identification (from the SID parameter).
The action taken on the catalog entry; valid values are: IN (INSERT) DE (DELETE) UP (UPDATE)
Offset of product section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
Length of product section.
Number of product sections.
Offset of data section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
Length of data section.
Number of data sections.
Version of the type 66 record.
Catalog management product identifier.
Job name. The job log identification consists of the job name, time, and date that the reader recognized the JOB card (for this job). If a system task caused the record to be written, the job name and user identification fields contain blanks and the time and date fields contain zeros.
Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the reader recognized the JOB card (for this job).
Date when the reader recognized the JOB card (for this job), in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
User-defined identification field (taken from common exit parameter area, not from USER=parameter on job statement).
Contains “R” if catalog entry is renamed.
Name of catalog in which record was updated or deleted.
Entry type identifier. For a description of this field, see the SMF60TYP field on page 13-255.
Current entry name.
New entry name.
Catalog record for updated or deleted entry (the length of this record is contained in the first two bytes of this field).

The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.

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Pacific Systems Group.
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