SMF Type 79 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 79 SMF records
It's easy to report on SMF 79 data! | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF79LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF79SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field). 4 4 SMG79FLG 1 binary System indicator: Bit Meaning When Set 0 New SMF record format 1 Subtypes used 2 Reserved. 3-6 Version indicators* 7 System is running in PR/SM mode.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
5 | 5 | SMF79RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 79 (X'4F').
6 | 6 | SMF79TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF79DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF79SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SMFPRMxx SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF79SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Sub-system identification (‘RMF’).
22 | 16 | SMF79STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
24 | 18 | SMF79TRN | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in this record. A triplet is a set of three SMF fields (offset/length/number values) that defines a section of the record.
26 | 1A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF79PRS | 4 | binary | Offset to RMF product section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
32 | 20 | SMF79PRL | 2 | binary | Length of RMF product section.
34 | 22 | SMF79PRN | 2 | binary | Number of RMF product sections.
36 | 24 | SMF79MCS | 4 | binary | Offset to Monitor II control section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF79MCL | 2 | binary | Length of Monitor II control section.
42 | 2A | SMF79MCN | 2 | binary | Number of Monitor II control sections.
44 | 2C | SMF79ASS | 4 | binary | Offset to data section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
48 | 30 | SMF79ASL | 2 | binary | Length of data section.
50 | 32 | SMF79ASN | 2 | binary | Number of data sections.
52 | 34 | SMF79DCS | 4 | binary | Offset to control section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
56 | 38 | SMF79DCL | 2 | binary | Length of control section.
58 | 3A | SMF79DCN | 2 | binary | Number of control sections.
60 | 3C | SMF79QSS | 4 | binary | Offset to input/output queue (IOQ) queuing control from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
64 | 40 | SMF79QSL | 2 | binary | Length of input/output queue (IOQ) global section.
66 | 42 | SMF79QSN | 2 | binary | Number of input/output queue (IOQ) global sections.
36 | 24 | SMF79FPO | 4 | binary | Offset to IMS long lock data section.
40 | 28 | SMF79FPL | 2 | binary | Length of IMS long lock data section.
42 | 2A | SMF79FPN | 2 | binary | Number of IMS long lock data sections.
0 | 0 | SMF79MFV | 2 | packed | RMF version number.
2 | 2 | SMF79PRD | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name (‘RMF’).
10 | A | SMF79IST | 4 | packed | Time that the RMF measurement interval started, in the form 0hhmmssF, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and F is the sign.
14 | E | SMF79DAT | 4 | packed | Date when the RMF measurement interval started, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
18 | 12 | SMF79INT | 4 | packed | Duration of the RMF measurement interval, in the form mmsstttF where mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, ttt is the milliseconds, and F is the sign. (The end of the measurement interval is the sum of the recorded start time and this field.)
22 | 16 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF79SAM | 4 | binary | Number of RMF samples.
28 | 1C | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
30 | 1E | SMF79FLA | 2 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Reserved 1 Samples have been skipped 2 Record was written by RMF Monitor III 3 Interval was synchronized with SMF 4-15 Reserved.
32 | 20 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
36 | 24 | SMF79CYC | 4 | packed | Sampling cycle length, in the form 000ttttF, where tttt is the milliseconds and F is the sign (taken from CYCLE option). The range of values is 0.050 to 9.999 seconds.
40 | 28 | SMF79MVS | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm).
48 | 30 | SMF79IML | 1 | binary | Indicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. Value Meaning 3 9672, zSeries 49 31 SMF75PRF 1 binary Processor flags.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 The system has expanded storage 1 The processor is enabled for ES connection architecture (ESCA) 2 There is an ES connection director in the configuration 3 System is running in z/Architecture mode 4 At least one zAAP is currently installed 5 At least one zIIP is currently installed 6 Enhanced DAT architecture available 7 Reserved. |
50 | 32 | SMF79PTN | 1 | binary | PR/SM partition number of the partition that wrote this record.
51 | 33 | SMF79SRL | 1 | binary | SMF record level change number (X’5D’ for z/OS V1R13 RMF). This field enables processing of SMF record level changes in an existing release.
52 | 34 | SMF79IET | 8 | char | Interval expiration time token. This token can be used to identify other than RMF records that belong to the same interval (if interval was synchronized with SMF).
60 | 3C | SMF79LGO | 8 | binary | Offset GMT to local time (STCK format).
68 | 44 | SMF79RAO | 4 | binary | Offset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product section.
72 | 48 | SMF79RAL | 2 | binary | Length of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtype.
74 | 4A | SMF79RAN | 2 | binary | Reassembly area indicator. Value Meaning 0 Record is not broken. 1 Record is broken.Note: This field is used to indicate whether an SMF record is a broken record. Therefore, offset (SMF79RAO) and length (SMF79RAL) are only valid if SMF79RAN = 1. A reassembly area is only present in broken records.
76 | 4C | SMF79OIL | 2 | binary | Original interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds).
78 | 4E | SMF79SYN | 2 | binary | SYNC value in seconds.
80 | 50 | SMF79GIE | 8 | binary | Projected gathering interval end (STCK format) GMT time.
88 | 58 | SMF79XNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Sysplex name as defined in parmlib member COUPLExx.
96 | 60 | SMF79SNM | 8 | EBCDIC | System name for current system as defined in parmlib member IEASYSxx SYSNAME parameter.
0 | 0 | SMF79RBR | 2 | binary | Total number of broken records built from the original large record.
2 | 2 | SMF79RSQ | 2 | binary | Sequence number of this broken record. Every broken record built from the same large record must have a unique sequence number, it is in the range from 1 to SMF79RBR.
4 | 4 | SMF79RIO | 4 | binary | Offset to first reassembly information block relative to start of reassembly area header.
8 | 8 | SMF79RIL | 2 | binary | Length of reassembly information block.
10 | A | SMF79RIN | 2 | binary | Number of reassembly information blocks (same value as SMF79TRN in header section).
12 | C | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
0 | 0 | SMF79RNN | 2 | binary | Total number of sections in the original large record. This field contains information of how many sections of a specific type were contained in the original SMF record. This field is a copy of the number field of the triplet in the original (non broken) record.
2 | 2 | SMF79RPP | 2 | binary | Position of the first of one or more consecutive sections described by this block as in the original record. Values in the range of 1 to SMF79RNN are valid for correct processing. A value of 0 will skip processing of this information block. This field provides information where the sections that are part of this broken record were placed in the original record before the split took place. The actual number of consecutive sections contained in this record is available from the actual triplet in the header extension.
0 | 0 | SMF79GTOD | 4 | packed | Time when the call to data gatherer was issued, in the form 0hhmmssF, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and F is the sign.
4 | 4 | SMF79LF2 | 1 | binary | Flags
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Not enough relocate data sections to complete data gathering 1 Report will be sorted by storage group 2 Incorrect RSM data obtained 3 Reserved. 4 Invalid transaction data 5 SRM mode changed 6 Invalid data from Monitor I (DEV PGSP IOQ). 7 Reserved. |
5 | 5 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
6 | 6 | SMF79SES | 2 | EBCDIC | RMF session identifier.
8 | 8 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
10 | A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved for user.
12 | C | SMF79RID | 8 | EBCDIC | Measurement name.
20 | 14 | SMF79CTXTL | 2 | binary | Length of command text.
22 | 16 | SMF79CTEXT | 32 | EBCDIC | Text of command.
54 | 36 | SMF79DTXTL | 2 | binary | Length of data reporter default text.
56 | 38 | SMF79DTEXT | 32 | EBCDIC | Default data reporter text.
88 | 58 | SMF79MIST | 4 | EBCDIC | Monitor I internal start time, in the form 0hhmmssF, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and F is the sign.
92 | 5C | SMF79TSR | 2 | binary | Total number of small records.
94 | 5E | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF79TOT | 4 | binary | Total number of data sections in large record.
100 | 64 | SMF79NXT | 4 | binary | Number of data sections in following small records.
104 | 68 | SMF79IWMTK | 8 | EBCDIC | Token returned from IWMRCOLL service.
ASD and ASDJ Data Section (Present for subtype 1) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF791ASID | 2 | binary | Address space identifier.
2 | 2 | SMF791JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of job.
10 | A | SMF791DMN | 2 | binary | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF791NPG | 2 | binary | Reserved.
14 | E | SMF791PGP | 2 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF791TTOD | 4 | binary | Real time into transaction (milliseconds).
20 | 14 | SMF791CL | 2 | EBCDIC | Current location. (Set to IN when all other indicators are off.) Contents Meaning DL Out queue/delayed IN In storage LO Logically swapped out NS Non-swappable PR Privileged OT Swapped out and ready WL Wait queue/long wait WM Wait queue/MSO WO Wait queue/reasons other than WM, WL, or WT WT Wait queue/terminal wait >> Transitioning out << Transitioning in.
22 | 16 | SMF791TAS | 2 | binary | Type of user Contents Meaning 0 Batch 1 Started task 2 Mount task 3 TSO/E 4 ASCH 5 OMVS address space.
24 | 18 | SMF791SRC | 2 | EBCDIC | Reason for last swap-out Contents Meaning TI Terminal input TO Terminal output LW Long wait XS Auxiliary storage shortage RS Central storage shortage DW Detected wait RQ Request swap NQ CAP enqueue EX CAP exchange US CAP uni-swap TS Transition swap IC Improve central storage usage IP Improve system paging rate MR Make room for a user who has been swapped out too long AW APPC WAIT (swapped out, because waiting for APPC services) IW OMVS input wait OW OMVS output wait SR In-real swap 00 Unknown.
26 | 1A | SMF791DP | 2 | binary | Dispatcher priority.
28 | 1C | -- | 6 | binary | Reserved.
34 | 22 | SMF791SWC | 2 | binary | Transaction swap count.
36 | 24 | SMF791SWMR | 2 | binary | SRM work load recommendation value.
38 | 26 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
42 | 2A | SMF791WMS | 4 | binary | SRM service for the current transaction since the last swap-in.
46 | 2E | SMF791TCPU | 4 | binary | CPU time (TCB + SRB) for current job step, in milliseconds.
50 | 32 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
54 | 36 | SMF791ESCT | 4 | binary | Number of pages on expanded storage frames.
58 | 3A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF791PIN | 4 | binary | Page-in count.
64 | 40 | SMF791TRTM | 4 | binary | Transaction residency time, in milliseconds.
68 | 44 | SMF791FLG | 1 | binary | Bit Meaning When Set 0 Cross memory address space 1 Data in SMF791CTAR is valid 2 Data in SMF791VAL is valid 3 Reserved. 4 If ON: this address space is a server address space If OFF: goal specified for this address space is being honored by WLM 5 Address space has been quiesced by a RESET command 6 Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which prevents managing the region based on the response time goals of its served transactions 7 Server has temporal affinity to clients.
69 | 45 | SMF791FLG2 | 1 | binary | Additional bits.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Service class assigned by classification, or RESET SRVCLASS was designated CPU-critical in the active policy. 1 Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which was designated storage-critical. 2 Address space is serving transactions which belong to a service class that was designated storage-critical in the active policy’s classification rules, or is running in SYSTEM/SYSSTC. 3 CPU protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space. 4 Storage protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space. 5 The dispatching priority of the address space is currently promoted due to a chronic resource contention. 6 Address space is a CICS TOR that matched a classification rule in the active policy which allows managing the region based on the region goals but also ensures that completed transactions are reported and used for management of the CICS AORs. 7 Reserved. |
70 | 46 | SMF791FMCT | 4 | binary | Number of central storage frames.
74 | 4A | SMF791WSS | 4 | binary | Working set at last swap in.
78 | 4E | SMF791TWSS | 4 | binary | RSM target working set size.
82 | 52 | SMF791ESHP | 4 | binary | Number of hiperspace expanded storage pages used by job.
86 | 56 | SMF791ESVI | 4 | binary | Number of VIO expanded storage pages used by job.
90 | 5A | SMF791HIN | 4 | binary | Number of ESO hiperspace page-ins by block.
94 | 5E | SMF791HRMS | 4 | binary | Number of ESO hiperspace read misses by job (a read miss is an attempt to read a frame that is not in expanded storage).
98 | 62 | SMF791BPIN | 4 | binary | Number of blocked pages brought in from DASD.
102 | 66 | SMF791PINE | 4 | binary | Number of pages brought in from expanded storage.
106 | 6A | SMF791BPNE | 4 | binary | Number of blocked pages brought in from expanded storage.
110 | 6E | SMF791CTAR | 4 | binary | Central storage target number of frames.
114 | 72 | SMF791VAL | 4 | binary | Recommendation value for working-set-managed address spaces.
118 | 76 | SMF791SCL | 8 | EBCDIC | Service class name.
126 | 7E | SMF791SCP | 2 | binary | Service class period.
128 | 80 | SMF791WKLD | 8 | EBCDIC | Workload name.
136 | 88 | SMF791RGRP | 8 | EBCDIC | Resource group name.
144 | 90 | SMF791SPI | 4 | binary | Number of page-ins from auxiliary storage for shared page groups.
148 | 94 | SMF791CMNI | 4 | binary | Number of common pages for current transaction.
152 | 98 | SMF791PNV | 4 | binary | Number of non-VIO pages for current transaction.
156 | 9C | SMF791PVIO | 4 | binary | Number of VIO pages for current transaction.
160 | A0 | SMF791EXCT | 4 | binary | EXCP count for this step.
164 | A4 | SMF791TCPC | 4 | binary | Total CPU time consumed in this address space, in milliseconds.
168 | A8 | SMF791ASST | 4 | binary | CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running on behalf of this address space, in milliseconds.
172 | AC | SMF791PHTM | 4 | binary | CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running in this address space, in milliseconds.
176 | B0 | SMF791RCL | 8 | EBCDIC | Report class name.
184 | B8 | SMF791MLIM | 8 | binary | Address space memory limit, in megabytes.
192 | C0 | SMF791TIFA | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zAAPs.
196 | C4 | SMF791TCP | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs. Only valid if zAAPs or zIIPs are in the configuration.
200 | C8 | SMF791TIFC | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zAAP.
204 | CC | SMF791NFFI | 4 | binary | Normalization factor for zAAP time. Used to convert between real zAAP times and ?normalized? zAAP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply SMF791TIFA by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zAAP time.
208 | D0 | SMF791TSUP | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zIIPs
212 | D4 | SMF791TSUC | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zIIP.
216 | D8 | SMF791NFFS | 4 | binary | Normalization factor for zIIP time. Used to convert between real zIIP times and ?normalized? zIIP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply SMF791TSUP by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zIIP time.
220 | DC | SMF791EXCW | 8 | binary | EXCP count (double word).
228 | E4 | SMF791PHTA | 4 | binary | zAAP-only equivalent of SMF791PHTM. This is normalized time.
232 | E8 | SMF791PHTI | 4 | binary | zIIP-only equivalent of SMF791PHTM. This is normalized time.
ARD and ARDJ Data Section (Present for subtype 2) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF792ASID | 2 | binary | Address space identifier.
2 | 2 | SMF792JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of job.
10 | A | SMF792DMN | 2 | binary | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF792NPG | 2 | binary | Reserved.
14 | E | SMF792CL | 2 | EBCDIC | Current location Contents Meaning DL Out queue/delayed IN In storage LO Logically swapped out NS Non-swappable PR Privileged OT Swapped out and ready WL Wait queue/long wait WM Wait queue/MSO WO Wait queue/reasons other than WM, WL, or WT WT Wait queue/terminal wait >> Transitioning out << Transitioning in.
16 | 10 | SMF792TAS | 2 | binary | Type of user Contents Meaning 0 Batch 1 Started task 2 Mount task 3 TSO/E 4 ASCH 5 OMVS address space.
18 | 12 | SMF792TRC | 2 | binary | Transaction count.
20 | 14 | SMF792TTOD | 4 | binary | Transaction elapsed time, in milliseconds.
24 | 18 | SMF792PRFX | 4 | binary | Number of private fixed frames.
28 | 1C | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
30 | 1E | SMF792SVAR | 4 | binary | SRM service absorption rate for step.
34 | 22 | SMF792TCPU | 4 | binary | Total TCB time for step, in milliseconds.
38 | 26 | SMF792PSS1 | 4 | binary | High order word - CPU page seconds, in milliseconds. One page in storage for one second is one page second.
42 | 2A | SMF792PSS2 | 4 | binary | Low order word - step product of frame, in milliseconds. One page in storage for one second is one page second.
46 | 2E | SMF792EJST | 4 | binary | Total processor time (TCB+SRB), in milliseconds.
50 | 32 | SMF792TSRM | 4 | binary | Total SRM service for job or session.
54 | 36 | SMF792RTM | 4 | binary | Resident time for step, in milliseconds.
58 | 3A | SMF792EXCP | 2 | binary | EXCP count for this step.
60 | 3C | SMF792CMNI | 4 | binary | Number of common pages for current transaction.
64 | 40 | SMF792PNV | 4 | binary | Number of non-VIO pages for current transaction.
68 | 44 | SMF792PVIO | 4 | binary | Number of VIO pages for current transaction.
72 | 48 | SMF792FXBL | 4 | binary | Number of fixed frames below 16 megabytes.
76 | 4C | SMF792PSWP | 4 | binary | Number of pages swapped in and out for current transaction.
80 | 50 | SMF792LPAI | 4 | binary | Number of link pack area (LPA) pages paged in for current transaction.
84 | 54 | SMF792CSAI | 4 | binary | Number of CSA pages paged in for current transaction.
88 | 58 | SMF792LSQA | 4 | binary | Number of fixed local system queue area (LSQA) fixed frames.
92 | 5C | SMF792NLQF | 4 | binary | Number of non-local system queue area (LSQA) fixed frames.
96 | 5E | SMF792TDEV | 4 | binary | Total device connect time in milliseconds.
100 | 64 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
102 | 66 | SMF792PIN | 4 | binary | Page-in count.
106 | 6A | SMF792TRTM | 4 | binary | Transaction residency time.
110 | 6E | SMF792FLG | 1 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Cross-memory address space 1 Incorrect RSM data obtained for address space 2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 If ON: this address space is a server address space If OFF: goal specified for this address space is being honored by WLM 5 Address space has been quiesced by a RESET command 6 Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which prevents managing the region based on the response time goals of its served transactions 7 Server has temporal affinity to clients.
111 | 6F | SMF792FLG2 | 1 | binary | Additional bits.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Service class assigned by classification, or RESET SRVCLASS was designated CPU-critical in the active policy. 1 Address space matched a classification rule in the active policy which was designated storage-critical. 2 Address space is serving transactions which belong to a service class that was designated storage-critical in the active policy’s classification rules, or is running in SYSTEM/SYSSTC. 3 CPU protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space. 4 Storage protection was assigned either to the address space or to transaction service classes being served by the space. 5 The dispatching priority of the address space is currently promoted due to a chronic resource contention. 6 Address space is a CICS TOR that matched a classification rule in the active policy which allows managing the region based on the region goals but also ensures that completed transactions are reported and used for management of the CICS AORs. 7 Reserved. |
112 | 70 | SMF792LSQR | 4 | binary | Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in central storage.
116 | 74 | SMF792LSQE | 4 | binary | Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in expanded storage.
120 | 78 | SMF792ARS | 4 | binary | Average number of real frames for step.
124 | 7C | SMF792TWSS | 4 | binary | SRM target working set size for this job.
128 | 80 | SMF792PHSP | 4 | binary | Number of hiperspace pages for the current transaction.
132 | 84 | SMF792EXCT | 4 | binary | EXCP count for this step.
136 | 88 | SMF792SCL | 8 | EBCDIC | Service class name.
144 | 90 | SMF792SCP | 2 | binary | Service class period.
146 | 92 | SMF792WKLD | 8 | EBCDIC | Workload name.
154 | 9A | SMF792RGRP | 8 | EBCDIC | Resource group name.
162 | A2 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
164 | A4 | SMF792TCPC | 4 | binary | Total CPU time consumed in this address space, in milliseconds.
168 | A8 | SMF792ASST | 4 | binary | CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running on behalf of this address space, in milliseconds.
172 | AC | SMF792PHTM | 4 | binary | CPU time consumed by preemptible-class SRBs running in this address space, in milliseconds.
176 | B0 | SMF792FXAB | 4 | binary | Number of fixed frames between 16M and 2G (z/Architecture mode).
180 | B4 | SMF792TIFA | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zAAPs.
184 | B8 | SMF792TCP | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs. Only valid if zAAPs or zIIPs are in the configuration.
188 | BC | SMF792TIFC | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zAAP.
192 | C0 | SMF792NFFI | 4 | binary | Normalization factor for zAAP time. Used to convert between real zAAP times and ?normalized? zAAP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply SMF792TIFA by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zAAP time.
196 | C4 | SMF792TSUP | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on zIIPs.
200 | C8 | SMF792TSUC | 4 | binary | CPU time in milliseconds consumed on standard CPs by work that was eligible for zIIP.
204 | CC | SMF792NFFS | 4 | binary | Normalization factor for zIIP time. Used to convert between real zIIP times and ?normalized? zIIP times, that is, the equivalent time on a standard CP. Multiply SMF792TSUP by this value and divide by 256 to calculate the normalized zIIP time.
208 | D0 | SMF792EXCW | 8 | binary | EXCP count (double word).
216 | D8 | SMF792PHTA | 4 | binary | zAAP-only equivalent of SMF792PHTM. This is normalized time.
220 | DC | SMF792PHTI | 4 | binary | zIIP-only equivalent of SMF792PHTM. This is normalized time.
SRCS Data Section (Present for subtype 3) | |||||
0 | 0 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
2 | 2 | SMF793CRI | 2 | binary | Current system UIC (MCTCurSystemUIC).
4 | 4 | SMF793SQA | 2 | binary | Number of system queue area (SQA) frames (replaced by SMF793SQA4).
6 | 6 | SMF793CMNF | 2 | binary | Number of frames allocated to the common area (replaced by SMF793CMN4).
8 | 8 | SMF793CMFF | 2 | binary | Number of common (LPA + CSA) fixed frames (replaced by SMF793CMF4).
10 | A | SMF793PRFX | 2 | binary | Number of private fixed frames (local system queue area (LSQA) + non-LSQA) (replaced by SMF793PFX4).
12 | C | SMF793CPUU | 2 | binary | LPAR utilization, if in LPAR mode and RMF Monitor I is active. X'7FFF' indicates no value available in PR/SM environment.
14 | E | SMF793DQ | 2 | binary | Length of out wait queue.
16 | 10 | SMF793INC | 2 | binary | Number of address spaces swapped in storage (SRM in queue).
18 | 12 | SMF793OUTU | 2 | binary | Number of address spaces swapped out of storage (SRM out queue).
20 | 14 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF793LPAF | 2 | binary | Number of link pack area (LPA) pageable frames (replaced by SMF793LPF4).
26 | 1A | SMF793CSAF | 2 | binary | Number of CSA pageable frames (replaced by SMF793CSF4).
28 | 1C | SMF793LPFX | 2 | binary | Number of link pack area (LPA) fixed frames (replaced by SMF793LFX4)..
30 | 1E | SMF793CSFX | 2 | binary | Number of CSA fixed frames (replaced by SMF793CFX4)..
32 | 20 | SMF793LSQA | 2 | binary | Number of local system queue area (LSQA) frames (replaced by SMF793LSQ4)..
34 | 22 | SMF793NLQF | 2 | binary | Number of private non-local system queue area (LSQA) fixed frames (replaced by SMF793NLF4)..
36 | 24 | SMF793LOUT | 2 | binary | Number of address spaces logically swapped out.
38 | 26 | SMF793SQR | 4 | binary | System queue area (SQA) pages in central storage.
42 | 2A | SMF793SQE | 4 | binary | System queue area (SQA) pages in expanded storage.
46 | 2E | SMF793LSQR | 4 | binary | Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in central storage.
50 | 32 | SMF793LSQE | 4 | binary | Local system queue area (LSQA) pages in expanded storage.
54 | 36 | SMF793AFC | 4 | binary | Number of available frames.
58 | 3A | SMF793CUT | 4 | binary | MVS utilization, that is, MVS non-wait time as a percentage of the interval length. For systems not running in LPAR mode in a PR/SM environment, this field is identical to SMF793CPUU. For details, see z/OS RMF Report Analysis.
62 | 3E | SMF793SQA4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of fixed system queue area (SQA) frames (replaces SMF793SQA).
66 | 42 | SMF793CMN4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of common (LPA+CSA) pageable and fixed frames (replaces SMF793CMNF).
70 | 46 | SMF793CMF4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of common (LPA+CSA) fixed frames (replaces SMF793CMFF).
74 | 4A | SMF793PFX4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of private fixed frames (LSQA+NON-LSQA) (replaces SMF793PRFX).
78 | 4E | SMF793LPF4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of total link pack area (LPA) frames (replaces SMF793LPAF).
82 | 52 | SMF793CSF4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of total CSA frames (replaces SMF793CSAF).
86 | 56 | SMF793LFX4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of link pack area (LPA) fixed frames (replaces SMF793LPFX).
90 | 5A | SMF793CFX4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of CSA fixed frames (replaces SMF793CSFX).
94 | 5E | SMF793LSQ4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of fixed local system queue area (LSQA) frames (replaces SMF793LSQA).
98 | 62 | SMF793NLF4 | 4 | unsigned binary | Number of private NON-LSQA fixed frames (replaces SMF793NLQF).
SPAG Data Section (Present for subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF794CMNI | 4 | binary | System common (LPA + CSA) pages in to central storage from auxiliary storage.
4 | 4 | SMF794CMNO | 4 | binary | System common (CSA) pages out from central storage to auxiliary storage.
8 | 8 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF794SWPO | 4 | binary | Number of swap-outs between central storage and auxiliary storage.
16 | 10 | SMF794PSPI | 4 | binary | Number of pages swapped in to central storage from auxiliary storage.
20 | 14 | SMF794PSPO | 4 | binary | Number of pages swapped out from central storage to auxiliary storage.
24 | 18 | SMF794PRVI | 4 | binary | Number of private pages (VIO + non-VIO) swapped in to central storage from auxiliary storage.
28 | 1C | SMF794PRVO | 4 | binary | Number of private pages (VIO + non-VIO) swapped out from central storage to auxiliary storage.
32 | 20 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
36 | 24 | SMF794VIO | 4 | binary | Number of VIO pages (in + out) between central storage and auxiliary storage.
40 | 28 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
42 | 2A | SMF794CRI | 2 | binary | Current system UIC (MCTCurSystemUIC).
44 | 2C | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
48 | 30 | SMF794LPAI | 4 | binary | System link pack area (LPA) pages in to central storage from auxiliary storage.
52 | 34 | SMF794CSAI | 4 | binary | System CSA pages out from central storage to auxiliary storage.
56 | 38 | -- | 12 | binary | Reserved.
68 | 44 | SMF794ERTE | 4 | binary | Number of pages sent from central storage to expanded storage.
72 | 48 | SMF794EVAL | 4 | binary | Number of available expanded storage frames not in use.
76 | 4C | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
80 | 50 | SMF794MRTE | 4 | binary | Number of pages migrated from expanded storage to auxiliary storage.
84 | 54 | SMF794MAGE | 4 | binary | Migration age.
88 | 58 | SMF794AFC | 4 | binary | Number of available frames.
92 | 5C | SMF794TWSS | 4 | binary | Target working set size for the common area.
96 | 60 | SMF794HSP | 4 | binary | Number of hiperspace pages (in + out) between central storage and auxiliary storage.
100 | 64 | SMF794PPIA | 4 | binary | Number of blocked pages paged in from private auxiliary storage.
104 | 68 | SMF794LPIA | 4 | binary | Number of blocks paged in from private auxiliary storage.
ASRM and ASRMJ Data Section (Present for subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF795ASID | 2 | binary | Address space identifier.
2 | 2 | SMF795JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of job.
10 | A | SMF795DMN | 2 | binary | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF795NPG | 2 | binary | Reserved.
14 | E | SMF795PGP | 2 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF795TTOD | 4 | binary | Real time into transaction.
20 | 14 | SMF795CL | 2 | EBCDIC | Current location (set to IN when all other indicators are off) Contents Meaning DL Out queue/delayed IN In storage LO Logically swapped out NS Non-swappable PR Privileged OT Swapped out and ready WL Wait queue/long wait WM Wait queue/MSO WO Wait queue/reasons other than WM, WL, or WT WT Wait queue/terminal wait >> Transitioning out << Transitioning in.
22 | 16 | SMF795TAS | 2 | binary | Type of user Contents Meaning 0 Batch 1 Started task 2 Mount task 3 TSO/E 4 ASCH 5 OMVS address space.
24 | 18 | SMF795TROD | 4 | binary | Transaction resident time.
28 | 1C | SMF795TCNT | 2 | binary | Transaction count.
30 | 1E | SMF795SWC | 2 | binary | Transaction swap count.
32 | 20 | SMF795CPUS | 4 | binary | Total processor service units for transaction (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
36 | 24 | SMF795MSOS | 4 | binary | Total main storage origin (MSO) service units for transaction (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
40 | 28 | SMF795IOCS | 4 | binary | Total IOC service units for transaction (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
44 | 2C | SMF795WMS | 4 | binary | Total service units for transaction (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
48 | 30 | SMF795TOTL | 4 | binary | Total service units for job or TSO/E session (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
52 | 34 | SMF795TOT | 4 | binary | Total service units for transaction since last swap-in.
56 | 38 | SMF795SRBS | 4 | binary | Total SRB service units for transaction (zeros when ASID is out of storage).
60 | 3C | SMF795FLG | 1 | binary | Flags. Bit Meaning When Set 0-2 Reserved 3 Reserved 4 If ON: this address space is a server address space If OFF: goal specified for this address space is being honored by WLM 5 Address space has been quiesced by a RESET command 6-7 Reserved.
61 | 3D | SMF795SCL | 8 | EBCDIC | Service class name.
69 | 45 | SMF795SCP | 2 | binary | Service class period.
71 | 47 | SMF795WKLD | 8 | EBCDIC | Workload name.
79 | 4F | SMF795RGRP | 8 | EBCDIC | Resource group name. Offsets Name Length Format Description
SENQR Data Section (Present for subtype 6) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF796ASID | 2 | binary | Address space ID of the job that issued the RESERVE.
2 | 2 | SMF796MAJ | 8 | EBCDIC | Major name of the resource.
10 | A | SMF796MIN | 44 | EBCDIC | Minor name of the resource.
54 | 36 | SMF796JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of the job that issued the RESERVE.
62 | 3E | SMF796VOLS | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial of the volume against which the RESERVE was issued.
68 | 44 | SMF796UCB | 3 | EBCDIC | Device number or ’UCB’ for 4-digit device numbers.
71 | 47 | SMF796REQ | 2 | EBCDIC | Type and status of request for the resource.
73 | 49 | SMF796MINL | 2 | binary | Length of the minor name field (used for reporting).
75 | 4B | SMF796FLG | 1 | binary | Reserve flag byte Bit Meaning When Set 0 Device reserved by this processor 1 Minor name truncated 2 Global resource 3 Reserve request converted to global enqueue 4-7 Reserved.
76 | 4C | SMF796SID | 8 | EBCDIC | System identifier of the job that issued the RESERVE.
84 | 54 | SMF796DVN | 2 | binary | Device number (binary).
SENQ Data Section (Present for subtype 7) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF797MAJ | 8 | EBCDIC | Major name of resource.
8 | 8 | SMF797MIN | 44 | EBCDIC | Minor name of resource.
52 | 34 | SMF797FLG | 1 | binary | Data type flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 ON=detail data OFF=summary data 1 ON=major name specified 2 ON=minor name specified 3 ON=minor name truncated 4 Global resource 5 Data is for all resources held by a specified system in a global resource serialization complex. 6 Data is for all resources held exclusively by a specified system in a global resource serialization complex. 7 Reserved.
53 | 35 | SMF797MINL | 4 | binary | Length of the minor name field (used for reporting).
57 | 39 | SMF797OWN | 2 | binary | Count of requestors that own the resource.
59 | 3B | SMF797EXCW | 2 | binary | Count of requestors waiting for exclusive use of a resource.
61 | 3D | SMF797SHRW | 2 | binary | Count of requestors waiting for shared use of a resource.
63 | 3F | SMF797REQ | 2 | EBCDIC | Type and status of request for a resource (‘SO’, ‘SW’, ‘EO’, or ‘EW’).
65 | 41 | SMF797JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of the job that issued the ENQ.
73 | 49 | SMF797ASID | 2 | binary | Address space ID of the job that issued the ENQ.
75 | 4B | SMF797SCOP | 4 | EBCDIC | Scope of the resource (‘SYS’, ‘SYSS’, or ‘STEP’).
79 | 4F | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
81 | 51 | SMF797SID | 8 | EBCDIC | System identifier of the job that issued the ENQ.
89 | 59 | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
Device Data Section (Present for subtype 9) This section contains one per device | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF799NUM | 2 | packed | Device number.
2 | 2 | SMF799LCU | 2 | binary | Logical control unit number X'00' to X'FF'.
4 | 4 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
5 | 5 | SMF799CNF | 1 | binary | Device flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 IOS queue-length incorrect 1 No logical control unit information 2 Data contained in fields SMF799SSC through SMF799DIS is incorrect 3 Connect, pending, or disconnect time for device is not valid 4-5 Reserved 6 Device was reconfigured or DDR activity was detected through Monitor I interval 7 Device is currently online.
6 | 6 | SMF799SER | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number of the volume mounted on this device.
12 | C | SMF799TYP | 4 | binary | Device type.
16 | 10 | SMF799NUX | 4 | binary | Number of base and alias devices for a parallel access volume (PAV). This field is 1 for a non-PAV device. For HyperPAV base devices (bit 6 of SMF799CNX is set), this is the accumulated number of HyperPAV aliases.
20 | 14 | SMF799SSC | 4 | binary | Start subchannel (SSCH) count.
24 | 18 | SMF799MEC | 4 | binary | Measurement event count; number of SSCH instructions for which connect, pending, and active times were stored.
28 | 1C | SMF799CNN | 4 | binary | Device connect time.
32 | 20 | SMF799PEN | 4 | binary | Function pending time.
36 | 24 | SMF799ATV | 4 | binary | Function active time.
40 | 28 | SMF799DIS | 4 | binary | Device disconnect time.
44 | 2C | SMF799QUE | 4 | binary | Number of requests queued in IOS for this device.
48 | 30 | SMF799UTL | 4 | binary | Number of samples when the device was reserved but an SSCH had not been issued to the device.
52 | 34 | SMF799RSV | 4 | binary | Number of samples taken during the measurement interval that indicated that the device was reserved.
56 | 38 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF799ALC | 4 | binary | Number of samples taken during the measurement interval that indicated that the device was allocated.
64 | 40 | SMF799DVB | 4 | binary | Device busy delay time.
68 | 44 | SMF799CUB | 4 | binary | Shows control unit busy delay time if bit 4 in SMF799CNX is set off.
72 | 48 | SMF799ICT | 2 | binary | Incorrect sample count.
74 | 4A | SMF799CNX | 1 | binary | Device flag extensions. Bit Meaning When Set 0 Base exposure of a parallel access volume 1 Number of alias exposures has changed 2 Timing facility not active 3 Extended CMB mode 4 Model-dependant data not available by STSCH 5 Initial command response time available 6 HyperPAV base device. 7 Reserved.
75 | 4B | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
76 | 4C | SMF799SGN | 8 | EBCDIC | Storage group name.
84 | 54 | SMF799NDA | 4 | binary | Total number of allocations in effect for the device.
88 | 58 | SMF799DPB | 4 | binary | Shows the amount of time during the measurement interval that I/O requests to a device were delayed because a director port was busy if bit 4 of SMF799CNX is set off.
92 | 5C | SMF799CMR | 4 | unsigned binary | Shows initial command response time in units of 128 microseconds if bit 5 of SMF799CNX is set on.
96 | 60 | SMF799PCT | 4 | binary | Number of unsuccessful PAV samples.
100 | 64 | SMF799PSM | 4 | binary | Number of successful PAV samples.
PGSP Control Section (Present for subtype 11) This section contains one control section followed by a data set section for each data set in the report. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79BETYP | 1 | EBCDIC | Type of data that follows: P — PAGE data sets
1 | 1 | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
(Present for subtype 11) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79BSALC | 4 | binary | Number of slots/sets in this data set.
4 | 4 | SMF79BSAVL | 4 | binary | Number of slots/sets available.
8 | 8 | SMF79BSLBD | 4 | binary | Number of bad slots/sets.
12 | C | SMF79BSUSE | 4 | binary | Number of samples that indicate ASM is using the data set.
16 | 10 | SMF79BSIOS | 4 | binary | Number of SSCH instructions issued for the data set.
20 | 14 | SMF79BREQS | 4 | binary | Number of pages transferred to/from the data set.
24 | 18 | SMF79BFLG | 1 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Indicates that the data set is bad 1 Indicates a pageable link pack area (PLPA) data set 2 Indicates a common data set 3 Reserved 4 Indicates a local page data set 5 Indicates a paging data 6 Reserved 7 Indicates that the data set accepts VIO pages.
25 | 19 | SMF79BDEV | 1 | binary | Device type.
26 | 1A | SMF79BDADR | 3 | EBCDIC | Device number or ’UCB’ for 4-digit device numbers.
29 | 1D | SMF79BVSER | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number.
35 | 23 | SMF79BDSN | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
79 | 4F | SMF79BFL2 | 1 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Reserved 1 Alternate control unit device 2 SMF79BDEVN contains a valid device name 3-7 Reserved.
80 | 50 | SMF79BDEVN | 8 | EBCDIC | Device name (blank if device name cannot be determined).
88 | 58 | SMF79BCU | 8 | EBCDIC | Control unit name (blank if control unit name cannot be determined).
96 | 60 | SMF79BDVN | 2 | binary | Device number (binary).
Channel Path Control Section (Present for subtype 12) This section contains one per record. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CSMP | 4 | binary | Number of samples as weighted by SRM. Only valid if bit 5 of SMF79CFLG1 is not set.
4 | 4 | SMF79CFLG1 | 1 | binary | Flags.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 CPMF (channel path measurement facility) available 1 Configuration change 2 DCM supported by hardware 3 Configuration contains DCM managed channels 4 RMF address space not active 5 Hardware allows multiple logical channel subsystems 6 Enhanced channel path measurement facility available 7 Reserved. |
5 | 5 | SMF79CCMI | 1 | binary | CPMF mode. Value Meaning 0 CPMF is not active 1 Compatibility mode 2 Extended mode
6 | 6 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF79CCFRC | 4 | binary | CPMF (channel path measurement facility) restart count.
12 | 12 | SMF79CCFSC | 4 | binary | CPMF (channel path measurement facility) sample count.
16 | 10 | SMF79CCSS | 1 | binary | Channel subsystem ID. Only valid if bit 5 of SMF79CFLG1 is set.
17 | 11 | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
Channel Path Data Section (Present for subtype 12) This section contains one per record. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CCPID | 1 | binary | Channel path identification. The range of values is X’00’ to X’FF’.
1 | 1 | SMF79CFG2 | 1 | binary | Channel flags Bit Meaning When Set 0-1 Reserved 2 Block multiplexor 3 Byte multiplexor 4 ES conversion channel 5 ES connection channel 6 ES connection director attached to channel path 7 CTC adapter.
2 | 2 | SMF79CFG3 | 1 | binary | Channel flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Channel path is shared between logical partitions 1 CPMF (channel path measurement facility) indicator, this entry is not valid 2 Reserved 3 Channel converter 3090 4 Channel path is DCM managed 5 Channel characteristics changed 6 Extended channel path measurement supported 7 Reserved.
3 | 3 | SMF79CCPD | 1 | binary | Channel path description. For an explanation, you can issue the command D M=CHP.
4 | 4 | SMF79CBSY | 4 | binary | Number of samples in which the channel path was busy, weighted by SRM.
8 | 8 | SMF79CPBY | 4 | binary | Channel-path-busy time of the partition since the last interval in units of 128 microseconds.
12 | C | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
13 | D | SMF79CCPTS | 3 | binary | Last CPMB (channel path measurement block) entry time stamp in units of 128 microseconds. This value wraps approximately every 35.79 minutes.
16 | 10 | SMF79CACR | 5 | EBCDIC | Channel path acronym.
21 | 15 | SMF79CCMG | 1 | binary | CPMF Channel measurement group.
22 | 16 | SMF79CFG4 | 1 | binary | CPMF validation flags - each bit (if on) indicates that the corresponding measurement data is available and valid. This refers to the first five words of the channel measurement data in field SMF79CCCM. Bit Measurement Data 0 Channel measurement data — word 1 1 Channel measurement data — word 2 2 Channel measurement data — word 3 3 Channel measurement data — word 4 4 Channel measurement data — word 5 5-7 Reserved.
23 | 17 | SMF79CCPP | 1 | binary | Channel path parameter.
24 | 18 | SMF79CCCM | 48 | structure | CPMF Channel measurement data (extended mode). The contents of this field is different for each measurement group, as described in the following tables.
72 | 48 | SMF79CGEN | 1 | binary | Channel type generation.
73 | 49 | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
76 | 4C | SMF79CCCMX | 32 | structure | Extended CPMF measurement data. This field is only available for measurement group 2. See table “SMF79CCCMX - CPMF Extended Channel Measurement Data (Measurement Group 2)” below for the contents of the field.
(Measurement Group 1): (Present for subtype 12, when SMF79CCMG = 1) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CTUT | 4 | binary | Total channel path busy time (in units of 128 microseconds).
4 | 4 | SMF79CPUT | 4 | binary | LPAR channel path busy time (in units of 128 microseconds).
8 | 8 | -- | 40 | binary | Reserved.
(Measurement Group 2): (Present for subtype 12, when SMF79CCMG = 2) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CMBC | 4 | binary | Maximum bus cycles per second.
4 | 4 | SMF79CMCU | 4 | binary | Maximum channel work units per second.
8 | 8 | SMF79CMWU | 4 | binary | Maximum WRITE data units per second.
12 | C | SMF79CMRU | 4 | binary | Maximum READ data units per second.
16 | 10 | SMF79CUS | 4 | binary | Data unit size (in bytes).
20 | 14 | SMF79CTBC | 4 | binary | Total bus cycles count.
24 | 18 | SMF79CTUC | 4 | binary | Total channel work unit count.
28 | 1C | SMF79CPUC | 4 | binary | LPAR channel work units count.
32 | 20 | SMF79CTWU | 4 | binary | Total WRITE data units count.
36 | 24 | SMF79CPWU | 4 | binary | LPAR WRITE data units count.
40 | 28 | SMF79CTRU | 4 | binary | Total READ data units count.
44 | 2C | SMF79CPRU | 4 | binary | LPAR READ data units count.
(Measurement Group 3): (Present for subtype 12, when SMF79CCMG = 3) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CPDU | 4 | binary | LPAR data unit size (in bytes).
4 | 4 | SMF79CTDU | 4 | binary | Total data unit size (in bytes).
8 | 8 | SMF79CPUM | 4 | binary | LPAR message sent unit size (in bytes)
12 | C | SMF79CTUM | 4 | binary | Total message sent unit size (in bytes)
16 | 10 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF79CPMS | 4 | binary | LPAR count of message sent units.
24 | 18 | SMF79CTMS | 4 | binary | Total count of message sent units.
28 | 1C | SMF79CPUS | 4 | binary | LPAR count of unsuccessful attempts to send messages.
32 | 20 | SMF79CPUB | 4 | binary | LPAR count of unsuccessful attempts to receive messages due to unavailable buffers.
36 | 24 | SMF79CTUB | 4 | binary | Total count of unsuccessful attempts to receive messages due to unavailable buffers.
40 | 28 | SMF79CPDS | 4 | binary | LPAR count of data units sent.
44 | 2C | SMF79CTDS | 4 | binary | Total count of data units sent.
(Measurement Group 2): (Present for subtype 12, when SMF79CCMG = 2) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79CXOC | 4 | binary | Total number of FICON command-mode operations (CPC) that have been attempted by the channel.
4 | 4 | SMF79CXOD | 4 | binary | Total number of FICON command-mode operations (CPC) that could not be initiated by the channel due to a lack of available resources.
8 | 8 | SMF79CXOS | 8 | binary | Summation count of FICON command-mode operations (CPC). Each time the number of FICON command-mode operations is incremented, the number of FICON command-mode operations active at the channel, including the one being initiated, is added to this field.
16 | 10 | SMF79CXTC | 4 | binary | Total number of FICON transport-mode operations (CPC) that have been attempted by the channel. Zero when zHPF is not available.
20 | 14 | SMF79CXTD | 4 | binary | Total number of FICON transport-mode operations (CPC) that could not be initiated by the channel due to a lack of available resources. Zero when zHPF is not available.
24 | 18 | SMF79CXTS | 8 | binary | Summation count of FICON transport-mode operations (CPC). Each time the number of FICON transport-mode operations is incremented, the number of transport-mode operations active at the channel, including the one being initiated, is added to this field. Zero when zHPF is not available.
I/O Queuing Control Section (Present for subtype 14) This section contains processors described by triplet SMF79QSS | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79EGFLG | 1 | binary | Global input/output queue (IOQ) status Bit Meaning When Set 0 Data is invalid due to failure of the channel measurement facility 1 Diagnose interface failure 2 ESCON director in the configuration 3 CHSC store secondary queue data not supported 4 DCM is supported by hardware 5 Configuration contains DCM managed channels 6 Measurement of initial command response time supported 7 Reserved.
1 | 1 | -- | 7 | binary | Reserved.
This section contains one per logical control unit described by SMF79DCS. (Present for subtype 14) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79EID1 | 2 | EBCDIC | Logical control unit identifier.
2 | 2 | SMF79ENTR | 2 | binary | Number of triplets following.
4 | 4 | SMF79ECPDS | 4 | binary | Offset to I/O queuing configuration data section (relative to beginning of I/O queuing configuration control section).
8 | 8 | SMF79ECPDL | 2 | binary | Length of I/O queuing configuration data section.
10 | A | SMF79ECPDN | 2 | binary | Number of I/O queuing configuration data sections for the LCU
This section contains one per channel path within a logical control unit described by triplet SMF79ECPDS. (Present for subtype 14) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79ECPID | 1 | binary | Channel path identifier.
1 | 1 | SMF79ECPST | 1 | binary | Channel path status Bit Meaning When Set 0 Channel path installed 1 Channel path online 2 Channel path varied 3 Channel path offline to all devices of the LCU 4 Channel path connection to devices of the LCU altered by VARY PATH processing 5 Reserved. 6 Channel path is DCM managed. 7 CHPID manipulated, requiring data reset.
2 | 2 | SMF79ECUN | 2 | binary | Number of control units attached.
4 | 4 | SMF79ECU1 | 2 | binary | First control unit identifier.
6 | 6 | SMF79ECU2 | 2 | binary | Second control unit identifier.
8 | 8 | SMF79ECU3 | 2 | binary | Third control unit identifier.
10 | A | SMF79ECU4 | 2 | binary | Fourth control unit identifier.
12 | C | SMF79ECUB | 4 | binary | Number of initial selection attempts that were unsuccessful because the control unit was busy.
16 | 10 | SMF79EPT | 4 | binary | Number of I/O operations accepted on this channel path.
20 | 14 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF79EDPBC | 4 | binary | Number of initial selection attempts that were unsuccessful because the director port was busy.
28 | 1C | SMF79ECBT | 4 | binary | Control unit busy delay time.
32 | 20 | SMF79ECMR | 4 | binary | Initial command response time.
36 | 24 | SMF79ESBS | 4 | binary | Switch busy count summation; contains the switch busy counts received for all partitions.
40 | 28 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
44 | 2C | SMF79ECPXF | 1 | binary | Channel path extended flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Extended I/O measurement block available 1-7 Reserved.
45 | 2D | SMF79ECPAT | 1 | binary | Path attributes Value Meaning 0 Not specified for this path. 1 Preferred path. 2 Non-preferred path.
46 | 2E | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
This section contains one per logical control unit, described by triplet SMF79ASS. (Present for subtype 14) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79EID2 | 2 | EBCDIC | Logical control unit identifier.
2 | 2 | SMF79EDST | 1 | binary | Data status Bit Meaning When Set 0 Reserved 1 No hardware measurements available 2-3 Reserved. 4 LCU contains DCM managed channels. 5 Path attributes are valid. 6-7 Reserved.
3 | 3 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
4 | 4 | SMF79EQSM | 4 | binary | Accumulated length of CU-HDR queue.
8 | 8 | SMF79EQCT | 4 | binary | Number of entries placed on the CU-HDR queue.
12 | C | SMF79EMCMN | 2 | binary | Minimum number of DCM managed channels used.
14 | E | SMF79EMCMX | 2 | binary | Maximum number of DCM managed channels used.
16 | 10 | SMF79EMCDF | 2 | binary | Defined number of DCM managed channels.
18 | 12 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF79EPTM | 4 | binary | Accumulated path taken count for DCM managed channels.
24 | 18 | SMF79EDPBM | 4 | binary | Accumulated director port busy count for DCM managed channels.
28 | 1C | SMF79ECUBM | 4 | binary | Accumulated control unit busy count for DCM managed channels.
32 | 20 | SMF79ECBTM | 4 | binary | Accumulated control unit busy delay time for DCM managed channels.
36 | 24 | SMF79ECMRM | 4 | binary | Accumulated initial command response time for DCM managed channels.
40 | 28 | SMF79ESBSM | 4 | binary | Accumulated switch busy count summation for DCM managed channels.
44 | 2C | -- | 8 | binary | Reserved.
52 | 34 | SMF79ECSST | 4 | binary | Channel subsystem wait time.
IMS Long Lock Data Section (Present for subtype 15) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF79FISTN | 16 | EBCDIC | IRLM lock structure name.
16 | 10 | SMF79FDLKC | 4 | binary | Dead lock cycle number.
20 | 14 | SMF79FETYP | 1 | EBCDIC | ’B’=Blocker / ’W’=Waiter.
21 | 15 | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF79FIMSI | 8 | EBCDIC | IMS subsystem ID.
32 | 20 | SMF79FPSTN | 2 | EBCDIC | PST number.
34 | 22 | SMF79FPSBN | 8 | EBCDIC | PSB name.
42 | 2A | SMF79FRGTY | 1 | EBCDIC | Region type.
43 | 2B | SMF79FRCVT | 16 | EBCDIC | Recovery token.
59 | 3B | SMF79FCTID | 8 | EBCDIC | CICS task ID (if CICS).
67 | 43 | SMF79FLHTI | 8 | binary | Scheduled elapsed time (TOD format).
75 | 4B | SMF79FLHCN | 4 | binary | Max lock held.
79 | 4F | SMF79FLKNA | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock name.
95 | 5F | SMF79FTRNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Transaction name / Job name.
103 | 67 | SMF79FRSNA | 8 | EBCDIC | Resource (DB/Area) name
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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