SMF Type 85 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 85 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF85LEN | 2 | binary | Record length.
2 | 2 | SMF85SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor.
4 | 4 | SMF85FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator.
Bit Meaning WHEN SET 0 Reserved. 1 Subtypes are valid. 2 Reserved. 3 MVS/SP Version 4 and above. bits 3, 4, 5, and 6 are on. See note. 4 MVS/SP Version 3. bits 4, 5, and 6 are on. 5 MVS/SP Version 2. bits 5 and 6 are on. 6 VS2 bit 6 is on. 7 Reserved. Recommendation: Use record type 30 to obtain the z/OS product level. |
5 | 5 | SMF85RTY | 1 | binary | Record type (decimal 85, hexadecimal X'55').
6 | 6 | SMF85TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight in hundredths of a second that the record was presented to SMF.
10 | A | SMF85DTE | 4 | binary | Date the record was presented to SMF in the form of 0cyydddF, where F is the sign.
14 | E | SMF85SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System Identification (from SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF85SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification, contains ’OAM‘ for all OAM SMF records.
22 | 16 | SMF85STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
24 | 18 | SMF85TRN | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in this record. A triplet is a set of offset/length/number values that defines a section of the record.
26 | 1A | SMF85PSO | 4 | binary | Offset to OAM product section.
30 | 1E | SMF85PSL | 2 | binary | Length of OAM product section.
32 | 20 | SMF85PSN | 2 | binary | Number of OAM product section.
34 | 22 | SMF85OSO | 4 | binary | Offset to OAM subtype data section.
38 | 26 | SMF85OSL | 2 | binary | Length of OAM subtype data section.
40 | 28 | SMF85OSN | 2 | binary | Number of OAM subtype data sections.
42 | 2A | SMF85RSV_ 1 | 6 | binary | Reserved.
Each OAM SMF record has a 112-byte OAM product section following the standard SMF record header. The OAM product section contains product identification information and common information to all OAM SMF record subtypes. If a field is not used for a particular subtype and the format of the field is shown as EBCDIC in the FORMAT column of the table describing the SMF record subtype, the field contains EBCDIC blanks. If a field is not used for a particular subtype and the format of the field is shown as binary in the FORMAT column of the table describing the SMF record subtype, the field contains binary zeros. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF85_ R85PCID | 9 | EBCDIC | Component ID for OAM. For DFSMS, this field contains the characters ‘5695DF180’.
9 | 9 | SMF85_ R85PVID | 1 | binary | Version number for DFSMS.
10 | A | SMF85_ R85PRID | 1 | binary | Release number for DFSMS.
11 | B | SMF85_ R85PMID | 1 | binary | Modification level for DFSMS.
12 | C | SMF85_ R85PFMID | 8 | EBCDIC | SMP/E FMID for OAM.
20 | 14 | SMF85RSV_ 2 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF85_ R85PCPUI | 8 | binary | CPU ID as stored by S/390® Store CPU ID (STIDP) instruction.
32 | 20 | SMF85_ R85PJOBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name.
40 | 28 | SMF85_ R85PSTPN | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name.
48 | 30 | SMF85_ R85PPRCN | 8 | EBCDIC | Procedure name.
56 | 38 | SMF85_ R85PPGMN | 8 | EBCDIC | Contains the job step program name. The job step program name is the name of the program specified on the job control language (JCL) EXEC statement with the PGM= keyword.
64 | 40 | SMF85_ R85USRID | 8 | EBCDIC | User identification or blanks.
72 | 48 | SMF85_ R85PTRXN | 8 | EBCDIC | Contains the transaction name for subtypes 2-6. The transaction names are specified as follows. For all other subtypes, this field contains blanks.
Environment Meaning CICS The name of the CICS transaction that invoked the OSREQ macro. IMS The name of the IMS transaction that invoked the OSREQ macro. OTHER This field contains blanks, if the OSREQ macro was invoked from any other environment. |
80 | 50 | SMF85_ R85PSTRT | 8 | binary | Starting time of the function in 8-byte STCK format.
88 | 58 | SMF85_ R85PENDT | 8 | binary | Ending time of the function in 8-byte STCK format.
96 | 60 | SMF85_ R85PRESP | 4 | binary | Elapsed time of the function in milliseconds (.001 second units).
100 | 64 | SMF85RSV_ 3 | 12 | binary | Reserved.
The following are subtypes and descriptions for the functions of the OSREQ macro: Although subtypes 1–10 share a common subtype data section, not all fields are valid for each of the ten subtypes. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF85_ ST1COLN | 44 | EBCDIC | Collection name. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
44 | 2C | SMF85_ ST1OBJN | 44 | EBCDIC | Object name. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
88 | 58 | SMF85_ ST1SGN | 8 | EBCDIC | Storage group name. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
96 | 60 | SMF85_ ST1SCN | 8 | EBCDIC | Storage class name. Valid for subtypes 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.
104 | 68 | SMF85_ ST1MCN | 8 | EBCDIC | Management class name. Valid for subtypes 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 10.
112 | 70 | SMF85_ ST1OFF | 4 | binary | Offset for both partial object retrieve (subtype 3), and object store part (subtype 9). Zero for all others.
116 | 74 | SMF85_ ST1LEN | 4 | binary | Length. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10.
SUBTYPE Meaning 1 Unused, contains binary zero. 2 Length of object stored. 3 Number of bytes retrieved. 4 Number of QEL elements returned to the application program. 5 Unused, contains binary zero. 6 Length of object deleted. 7 Unused, contains binary zero. 8 Total object length in bytes. 9 Length in bytes of the part of the object to be stored. 10 Total object length in bytes to complete storage of the object. |
120 | 78 | SMF85_ ST1TTOK | 16 | binary | OSREQ tracking token supplied with TTOKEN keyword on the OSREQ macro.
Note: Any application programs that want to use the new TTOKEN keyword interface need to be recompiled with the new OSREQ macro. For more information concerning the TTOKEN keyword, see z/OS DFSMS OAM Application Programmer's Reference. |
136 | 88 | SMF85_ ST1TOK | 8 | binary | OSREQ token.
144 | 90 | SMF85_ ST1VSN | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, and 6.
For an OSREQ STORE request (subtype 2), this field contains the volume serial number of the tape or optical volume to which the primary copy of the object was stored. Only valid if bit 1 or 2 is on in field SMF85_ST2FLGS. For an OSREQ RETRIEVE request (subtype 3), this field contains the volume serial number of the tape or optical volume from which the copy of the object was retrieved. Either the first or the second backup copy is retrieved as determined by the VIEW=BACKUP | BACKUP2 option indicated on the RETRIEVE request. Valid if bit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 is on in field SMF85_ST3FLGS. For an OSREQ DELETE request (subtype 6), this field contains the volume serial number of the tape or optical volume from which the primary copy of the object was deleted. Valid if bit 1 or 2 is on in field SMFF85_ST6FLGS. |
150 | 96 | SMF85_ ST1VMT | 2 | EBCDIC | Volume media type. Valid for subtype 2, 3, and 6. If a volume serial number is contained in the previous field (ST1VSN), this field contains the media type of the volume whose volume serial number is in field SMF85_ST1VSN as follows:
Value Meaning 01 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 650-MB rewritable optical disk media. 02 IBM 3480 Cartridge System Tape. 03 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 650-MB WORM optical disk media. 04 IBM 3480 Enhanced Capacity Cartridge System Tape. 05 IBM High Performance Cartridge Tape. 06 IBM Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape. 07 IBM Enterprise Tape Cartridge. 08 IBM Enterprise WORM Tape Cartridge. 09 IBM Enterprise Economy Tape Cartridge. 10 IBM Enterprise Economy WORM Tape Cartridge. 11 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 1300-MB rewritable optical disk media. 12 IBM Enterprise Extended Tape Cartridge. 13 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 1300-MB WORM optical disk media. 14 IBM Enterprise Extended WORM Tape Cartridge. 15 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 1300-MB CCW optical disk media. 21 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 2600-MB rewritable optical disk media. 23 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 2600-MB WORM optical disk media. 25 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 2600-MB CCW optical disk media. 31 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 5.2-GB rewritable optical disk media. 33 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 5.2-GB WORM optical disk media. 35 IBM 3995 5.25-inch 5.2-GB CCW optical disk media. Note: CCW = continuous composite WORM media. WORM = write-once-read-many. |
152 | 98 | SMF85_ ST1RC | 4 | binary | OSREQ return code. Value in register 15 following the OSREQ macro invocation.
156 | 9C | SMF85_ ST1RS | 4 | binary | OSREQ reason code. Value in register 0 following the OSREQ macro invocation.
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST1FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 1, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the IADDRESS parameter was specified on the OSREQ request. 1-31 Reserved |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST2FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 2, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the object is stored to disk. 1 When on, the object is stored to optical. 2 When on, the object is stored to tape. 3 Unused. 4 Unused. 5 When on, the OSREQ STORE request resulted in the mounting of a shelf-resident removable media volume (tape or optical) by an operator. This bit is valid only if bit 1 or 2 is on. 6 When on, the OSREQ STORE request resulted in the mounting of a library-resident removable media volume (tape or optical) inside an automated storage library. This bit is valid only if bit 1 or 2 is on. 7 When on, the OSREQ STORE request was satisfied using an already mounted removable media volume (tape or optical). This bit is valid only if bit 1 or 2 is on. 8 When on, an immediate backup copy is scheduled for this object. 9 When on, the object is stored to LOB storage structure. 10 When on, the object is stored on a sublevel 1. When bit 0 is on, the object is stored in DB2. When bit 2 is on, the object is stored to a tape sublevel 1 volume. 11 When on, the object is stored on a sublevel 2. When bit 0 is on, the object is stored in a file system. When bit 2 is on, the object is stored to a tape sublevel 2 volume. 12 Unused 13 When on, the OSREQ STORE request included a DELHOLD=HOLD parameter. A deletion-hold was in effect for this object when it was initially stored. 14 When on, the object was stored as a retention-protected object. 15 When on, the object was stored as a deletion-protected object. 16 When on, the object was stored as an event-based-retention object. |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST3FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 3, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the primary copy of the object was retrieved from disk. 1 When on, the primary copy of the object was retrieved from optical. 2 When on, the primary copy of the object was retrieved from tape. 3 When on, either the first or the second backup copy of the object was retrieved from optical as a result of VIEW=BACKUP or VIEW=BACKUP2 being specified on the OSREQ macro. See bit 10 to indicate which backup copy was retrieved. 4 When on, either the first or the second backup copy of the object was retrieved from tape as a result of VIEW=BACKUP or VIEW=BACKUP2 being specified on the OSREQ macro. See bit 10 to indicate which backup copy was retrieved. 5 When on, either the first or the second backup copy of the object was retrieved from optical as a result of the primary copy of the object being unavailable and the automatic access to backup being active. See bit 10 for indication which backup copy was retrieved. 6 When on, either the first or the second backup copy of the object was retrieved from tape as a result of the primary copy of the object being unavailable and the automatic access to backup being active. See bit 10 for indication which backup copy was retrieved. 7 When on, the OSREQ RETRIEVE request resulted in the mounting of a shelf-resident removable media volume (tape or optical) by an operator. This bit is valid only if bit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 is on. 8 When on, the OSREQ RETRIEVE request resulted in the mounting of a library-resident removable media volume (tape or optical) inside an automated storage library. This bit is valid only if bit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 is on. 9 When on, the OSREQ RETRIEVE request was satisfied using an already mounted removable media volume (tape or optical). This bit is valid only if bit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 is on. 10 When on, the second backup copy of the object was retrieved. 11 When on, a recall is scheduled for this object. 12 When on, a recall was explicitly specified on the OSREQ RETRIEVE request. 13 When on, the primary copy of the object was retrieved from a LOB table. 14 When on, the object is retrieved from a sublevel 1. When bit 0 is on, the object is retrieved from DB2. When bit 2 is on, the object is retrieved from a tape sublevel 1 volume. 15 When on, the object is retrieved from a sublevel 2. When bit 0 is on, the object is retrieved from a file system. When bit 2 is on, the object is retrieved from a tape sublevel 2 volume. |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST4FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 4, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the QUERY BACKUP OPTION has been disabled by specifying QB=N in the IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member. When off, the QUERY BACKUP OPTION is enabled, either by default or by specifying QB=Y in the IEFSSNxx PARMLIB member. 1-31 Reserved. |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST5FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 5, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, management class is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 1 When on, storage class is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 2 When on, retention period is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 3 When on, special retention period value of -1 is specified the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 4 When on, special retention period value of -2 is specified the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 5 When on, special retention period value of X'7FFFFFFF' is specified the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 6 When on, event expiration (EVENTEXP) is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 7 When on, activate deletion hold (DELHOLD=HOLD) is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. 8 When on, release deletion hold (DELHOLD=NOHOLD) is specified on the OSREQ CHANGE macro. |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST6FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 6, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the primary copy of the object is deleted from disk. 1 When on, the primary copy of the object is deleted from optical. 2 When on, the primary copy of the object is deleted from tape. 3 When on, the first backup copy of the object is deleted from optical. 4 When on, the first backup copy of the object is deleted from tape. 5 When on, the second backup copy of the object is deleted from optical. 6 When on, the second backup copy of the object is deleted from tape. 7 When on, the primary copy of the object is deleted from LOB table. 8 When on, the primary copy of the object is deleted from sublevel 1. When bit 0 is on, the object is deleted from DB2. When bit 2 is on, the object is deleted from a tape sublevel 1 volume. 9 When on, the primary copy of object is deleted from sublevel 2. When bit 0 is on, the object is deleted from a file system. When bit 2 is on, the object is deleted from a tape sublevel 2 volume. |
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST7FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. For subtype 7, all bits contain zero.
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST8FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. For subtype 8, all bits contain zero.
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST9FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. For subtype 9, all bits contain zero.
160 | A0 | SMF85_ ST10FLGS | 4 | binary | Processing flags. The meaning is dependent on the record subtype. Unless specified below, all bits are zero and reserved. For subtype 10, the following bit definitions apply:
Bit Meaning 0 When on, the object is stored to disk. 1 Unused. 2 When on, the object is stored to tape. 3 Unused. 4 Unused. 5 When on, the OSREQ STORE request resulted in the mounting of a shelf-resident tape volume by an operator (this could also be a non-IBM tape library). This bit is valid only if bit 2 is on. 6 When on, the OSREQ STORE request resulted in the mounting of a library-resident tape volume inside an IBM automated tape library. This bit is valid only if bit 2 is on. 7 When on, the OSREQ STORE request was satisfied using an already mounted tape volume. This bit is valid only if bit 2 is on. 8 When on, an immediate backup copy is scheduled for this object. 9 When on, the object is stored to LOB storage structure. 10 When on, the object is stored on a sublevel 1. When bit 0 is on, the object is stored in DB2. When bit 2 is on, the object is stored to a tape sublevel 1 volume. 11 When on, the object is stored on a sublevel 2. When bit 0 is on, the object is stored in a file system. When bit 2 is on, the object is stored to a tape sublevel 2 volume. 12 When on, the CANCEL=YES keyword was specified indicating the store sequence was successfully cancelled. 13 When on, the OSREQ STOREBEG request included a DELHOLD=HOLD parameter. A deletion-hold was in effect for this object when it was initially stored. 14 When on, the object was stored as a retention-protected object. 15 When on, the object was stored as a deletion-protected object. 16 When on, the object was stored as an event-based-retention object. |
164 | A4 | SMF85_ ST1STOK | 16 | binary | OSREQ STOKEN. Valid for subtypes 8, 9, and 10.
180 | B4 | SMF85_ ST1RC2 | 4 | binary | OSREQ Return Code 2. Valid for subtypes 2, 3, and 10.
184 | B8 | SMF85_ ST1STOUT | 4 | binary | STIMEOUT value specified on the STOREBEG request. Specifies the maximum interval in seconds between STOREBEG, STOREPRT, and STOREEND request that OAM should wait before OAM will assume that there will be no more activity for this store sequence. Valid for subtype 8.
188 | BC | SMF85_ ST1OLRD | 10 | EBCDIC | Old Last Reference Date. Value contained in OLDREFDT prior to the OSREQ CHANGE or RETRIEVE request. Valid for subtypes 3 and 5.
198 | C6 | SMF85_ ST1NLRD | 10 | EBCDIC | New Last Reference Date. Value contained in ODLREFDT after the OSREQ CHANGE or RETRIEVE request has completed. Valid for subtypes 3 and 5.
208 | D0 | SMF85_ ST1INST | 4 | binary | Instance ID. Valid for subtypes 2,3,6, and 10.
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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