SMF Type 99 Record (Subtype 7) - z/OS 1.13This table shows the record layout for type 99 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF99S7_ LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF99S7_ SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field).
4 | 4 | SMF99S7_ FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator: Bit Meaning When Set 0-2 Reserved 3-6 Version indicators* 7 Reserved.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
5 | 5 | SMF99S7_ RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 99
6 | 6 | SMF99S7_ TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | 0A | SMF99S7_ DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | 0E | SMF99S7_ SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF99S7_ SSID | 4 | EBCDIC | Sub system identification
22 | 16 | SMF99S7_ TID | 2 | binary | Record subtype (must be at offset X'16' x).
24 | 18 | SMF99S7_ SDEF_ LEN | 4 | binary | Length of the self definition section.
0 | 0 | SMF99S7_ POF | 4 | binary | Offset to the product section from the beginning of the record (including RDW).
4 | 4 | SMF99S7_ PLN | 2 | binary | Length of the product section.
6 | 6 | SMF99S7_ PON | 2 | binary | Number of the product section.
8 | 8 | SMF99S7_ DOF | 4 | binary | Offset to data section from beginning of the record (including RDW).
12 | C | SMF99S7_ DLN | 2 | binary | Length of the data section.
14 | E | SMF99S7_ DON | 2 | binary | Number of the data section.
0 | 0 | SMF99S7_ VN2 | 2 | binary | Record sub-version. Use to identify changes to the record in the service stream.
2 | 2 | SMF99S7_ RVN | 2 | binary | Record version number.
4 | 4 | SMF99S7_ PNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name - SRM
12 | C | SMF99S7_ SLV | 8 | EBCDIC | System level from which record was cut (Copied from CVTPRODN).
20 | 14 | SMF99S7_ SNM | 8 | EBCDIC | System name from which record was cut (Copied from CVTSNAME)
28 | 1C | SMF99S7_ PFLG | 1 | binary | Record Flags: Bit Meaning When Set 0 Only a subset of the available data was written to avoid that this record gets larger than 32 KByte 1 Only a subset of the available data is written to this record. The rest follows in subsequent records. This record contains a reassembly area. 2–7 Reserved.
29 | 1D | -- | 3 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
0 | 0 | SMF997_ PAV_ SUBSYS_ ID | 32 | EBCDIC | PAV subsystem ID, (NED TOKEN)
32 | 20 | SMF997_ NUM_ EXT_ SC | 4 | binary | Number of external service classes. This is needed to determine the index to the SYSTEM service class in the device service class bitmap. The device service class bitmap is in the device data section. The number of external service classes is put in the self-defining section to avoid repeating it for each device.
36 | 24 | SMF997_ PAV_ DATA_ DEV_ OF | 4 | binary | Offset to the first device section, from beginning of record (including RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF997_ PAV_ DATA_ DEV_ LEN | 2 | binary | Length of each device section.
38 | 26 | SMF997_ PAV_ DATA_ DEV_ NO | 2 | binary | Number of device sections.
0 | 0 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ ID | 2 | binary | Device ID.
2 | 2 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ FLAGS | 1 | binary | Goal type: Bit Meaning When Set 0 PAV device is an unbound alias 1 PAV device managed by WLM 2 PAV device temporarily unavailable 3–7 Reserved
3 | 3 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ NUM_ OF_ ALIASES | 1 | binary | Number of aliases assigned. Valid for PAV base device.
4 | 4 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ AVG_ IOS_ QUEUE_ LEN | 4 | binary | Average IOS queue length. Valid for PAV base device.
8 | 8 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ AVG_ SERVICE_ TIME | 4 | binary | Average service time. Valid for PAV base device in 128 micro seconds.
12 | C | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ IODELAY_ TIME | 4 | binary | I/O Delay Time. Currently CU queue time.
16 | 10 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ IODELAY_ SAMPS | 2 | binary | I/O Delay samples
18 | 12 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ IOSQSAMPLES | 2 | binary | IOS Queue samples
20 | 14 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved
24 | 18 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ DEVSC_ MAP_ OLD | 14 | binary | Device service class ID bit string for 108 service classes prior to z/OS V1R10
38 | 26 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved
40 | 28 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ UTILIZATION | 4 | binary | Utilization
44 | 2C | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ PENDTIME | 4 | binary | Pend time
48 | 30 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ DISCTIME | 4 | binary | Disconnect time
52 | 34 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ SSC | 4 | binary | Start subchannel count
56 | 38 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ MINACNT | 1 | binary | Local min alias count
57 | 39 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ GMINACNT | 1 | binary | Global min alias count
58 | 3A | -- | 2 | binary | reserved
60 | 3C | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ RSRVD2 | 8 | binary | Reserved
68 | 44 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved
72 | 48 | SMF997_ PAV_ DEV_ DEVSC_ MAP | 46 | binary | Device service class ID bit string
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
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