• Use Spectrum Mainframe Exporter to:

  • make your own custom export files on the mainframe, for use in:
    • spreadsheet programs like Excel and Lotus
    • database programs like Microsoft Access
    • e-mail attachments
    • Oracle databases
    • Unix Web servers
    • any other PC, server, or mainframe application that requires a custom file format
  • combine mainframe data from flat files, VSAM files and DB2 tables
  • select just the records and fields that you want to export
  • automatically re-format the mainframe data into comma-delimited files
    • choose your own delimiter character (eg: a comma, a tab character, or any other character)
    • specify the quote character to use when encapsulating text
    • choose from MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YY, DD/MM/YYYY (and many more) date formats for your output
  • automatically perform any required data conversion to get your mainframe data into PC-ready text format
    • supports Gregorian, Julian, Day-in-Century, STCK (and many other) date formats in your input files (and exports them as standard MM/DD/YYYY etc dates, as you specify)
    • lets you specify century windowing, if desired, to convert old YY mainframe dates into the correct YYYY dates
    • supports HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, HH:MM:SS.HHH... time fields, as well as binary seconds since midnight, CICS timestamps and STCK timestamps in your input files
    • accepts numeric data in character, packed, packed unsigned (BCD), binary, and binary unsigned formats
    • lets you convert bit fields (flags) in the input file into text strings for the output file
  • create custom fixed format ASCII files (instead of comma-delimited) if you prefer
  • turn mainframe data into HTML Web reports to put on websites or send as e-mail attachments
  • use your existing COBOL or Assembler record layouts to define your input files  


Spectrum Mainframe Exporter
Example of Importing Mainframe Data into Excel

Here is a simple 3-statement example. It shows how easy Spectrum Mainframe Exporter makes it to use mainframe data in Excel.


Photo of importing mainframe data into Excel.



Want to Learn More?

Want to learn more about Spectrum Mainframe Exporter? You can also:

  • see another example of exporting mainframe data, with a more detailed explanation.
  • read our Spectrum Mainframe Exporter FAQ, which has answers to lots of questions you may have.
  • view our step-by step, seven-lesson tutorial on how to use Spectrum Mainframe Exporter.
  • check out the Spectrum Mainframe Exporter price list.
  • download a free 30-day trial of this powerful mainframe export utility for Microsoft Excel.
  • send us your own questions or comments. We'll get back to you quickly with an answer.
  • or call us toll-free at 1-800-572-5517. We look forward to hearing from you.


What are you waiting for?
Download your free 30-day trial
of Spectrum Mainframe Exporter now.

Start exporting mainframe data to Excel right away!


Attention Mainframe Software Vendors! Spectrum Writer is the ideal choice for adding PC export functions to your own mainframe product. Learn more about OEM, VAR and bundling opportunities.