Thinking of Bundling SAS
as an OEM Report Writer
for Your Mainframe Product?
We may have a lower cost alternative.
Pacific Systems Group
Benefits of an OEM Writer Report
- Increase sales of your product
- Increase your existing customer's satisfaction
- Reduce support calls and your maintenance costs
- Sliding license fees as low as $995 per copy of Spectrum Writer
- Report writer can run under the name of your choosing (not as "Spectrum Writer")
Spectrum Writer Features:
- You and your customers can create brand-new production reports in just minutes
- Your customers can run one-time queries quickly and easily
- Your customers can extract and format your product's mainframe data for use in:
- PC spreadsheet, database and graphics programs
- Oracle databases
- Unix Web servers
- Internet and Intranet Web browsers (HTML)
- any other mainframe-, mini-, or PC-application
that requires a custom file format
Learn more about how bundling could work with your product.
See for yourself why Spectrum Writer is already in use at over 150 mainframe shops worldwide.
And why such companies as Computer Associates and Platinum Technology have OEM'ed Spectrum Writer.
Click here to read more about Spectrum Writer.
You can also download a free 30-day trial of this powerful OEM report writer.