SMF Type 119 Record - Subtype 7This table shows the record layout for type 119 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF119LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF119SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field).
4 | 4 | SMF119FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator Bit Meaning When Set 0 New record format 1 Subtypes used 2 Reserved. 3-6 Version indicators* 7 System is running in PR/SM mode.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
5 | 5 | SMF119RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 119 (X'77').
6 | 6 | SMF119TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF119DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF119SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SMFPRMxx SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF119SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification.
22 | 16 | SMF119STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
24 | 18 | SMF119TRN | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in this record. A triplet is a set of three SMF fields (offset/length/number values) that defines a section of the record. The offset is the offset from the RDW.
26 | 1A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF119IDOff | 4 | binary | Offset to TCP/IP identification section from RDW.
32 | 20 | SMF119IDLen | 2 | binary | Length of TCP/IP identification section.
34 | 22 | SMF119IDNum | 2 | binary | Number of TCP/IP identification sections.
36 | 24 | SMF119S1Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to first data section
40 | 28 | SMF119S1Len | 2 | Binary | Length of first data section
42 | 2A | SMF119S1Num | 2 | Binary | Number of first data sections
44 | 2C | SMF119S2Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to 2nd data section
48 | 30 | SMF119S2Len | 2 | Binary | Length of 2nd data section
50 | 32 | SMF119S2Num | 2 | Binary | Number of 2nd data sections
For the server Port Statistics record, the TCP/IP stack identification section indicates STACK as subcomponent and one of the six possible interval record reason settings, depending on if the reporting is due to interval expiration, statistics collection termination, or collection shutdown, and whether one or more physical records are needed to report all the Port statistics. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF119TI_ SYSName | 8 | EBCDIC | System name from SYSNAME in IEASYSxx
8 | 8 | SMF119TI_ SysplexName | 8 | EBCDIC | Sysplex name from SYSPLEX in COUPLExx
16 | 10 | SMF119TI_ Stack | 8 | EBCDIC | TCP/IP stack name
24 | 18 | SMF119TI_ ReleaseID | 8 | EBCDIC | z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP release identifier
32 | 20 | SMF119TI_ Comp | 8 | EBCDIC | TCP/IP subcomponent (right padded with blanks):
FTPC FTP Client FTPS FTP server IP IP layer STACK Entire TCP/IP stack TCP TCP layer TN3270C TN3270 Client TN3270S TN3270 server UDP UDP layer |
40 | 28 | SMF119TI_ ASName | 8 | EBCDIC | Started task qualifier or address space name of address space that writes this SMF record
48 | 30 | SMF119TI_ UserID | 8 | EBCDIC | User ID of security context under which this SMF record is written
56 | 38 | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved
58 | 3A | SMF119TI_ ASID | 2 | Binary | ASID of address space that writes this SMF record
60 | 3C | SMF119TI_ Reason | 1 | Binary | Reason for writing this SMF record:
X'08' Event record X'C0' Interval statistics record, more records follow X'80' Interval statistics record, last record in set X'60' End-of-statistics record, more records follow X'20' End-of-statistics record, last record in set X'50' Shutdown starts record, more records follow X'10' Shutdown starts record, last record in set |
61 | 3D | -- | 3 | EBCDIC | Reserved
0 | 0 | SMF119SP_ TCDuration | 8 | Binary | Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to one microsecond
8 | 8 | SMF119SP_ TCRName | 8 | EBCDIC | Server socket resource name (the name specified on the PORT reservation statement)
16 | 10 | SMF119SP_ TCBindIP | 16 | Binary | For bind-specific port reservations: the local IP address
32 | 20 | SMF119SP_ TCPort | 2 | Binary | Port number
34 | 22 | -- | 2 | Binary | Reserved
36 | 24 | SMF119SP_ TCConn | 4 | Binary | Number of successful connection establishments
40 | 28 | SMF119SP_ TCBinds | 4 | Binary | Number of socket binds to this port reservation
44 | 2C | SMF119SP_ TCBusySrv | 4 | Binary | Number of connection requests rejected due to server Busy conditions
48 | 30 | SMF119SP_ TCSynAttack | 4 | Binary | Number of connection requests rejected due to SYN Attack detect conditions
52 | 34 | SMF119SP_ TCHighwater | 4 | Binary | Highest number of active TCP connections
56 | 38 | SMF119SP_ TCNumConns | 4 | Binary | Number of active TCP connections
0 | 0 | SMF119SP_ UDDuration | 8 | Binary | Duration of recording interval
8 | 8 | SMF119SP_ UDRName | 8 | EBCDIC | Server socket resource name (the name specified on the PORT reservation statement)
16 | 10 | SMF119SP_ UDBindIP | 16 | Binary | For bind-specific port reservations: the local IP address
32 | 20 | SMF119SP_ UDPort | 2 | Binary | Port number
34 | 22 | -- | 2 | Binary | Reserved
36 | 24 | SMF119SP_ UDIDgrams | 8 | Binary | Number of inbound UDP datagrams to server port
44 | 2C | SMF119SP_ UDODgrams | 8 | Binary | Number of outbound UDP datagrams from server port
52 | 34 | SMF119SP_ UDIBytes | 8 | Binary | Number of inbound bytes
60 | 3C | SMF119SP_ UDOBytes | 8 | Binary | Number of outbound bytes
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer.
In this report, we read as input the SMF file and select just the type 119 subtype 2 TCP Connection Termination records. (See SMF 119 Subtype 2 record layout.) The report shows information about terminated TCP connections, including start time, end time and computed elapsed time. It also shows the total number of bytes sent and received during the connection and the termination code. Our record layout also expands the 1-byte termination code into a readable descriptive text. The report is grouped by TCP/IP Stack and Resource. The report includes subtotals for each Resource.
All of this with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
Z/OS TCP DAILY CONNECTIONS REPORT SYSTEM: ST1 SYSPLEX: SYPROD STACK: S01QDAS SORTED BY STACK AND RESOURCE NAME CONNECTION DATE TIME DATE TIME DURATION INBOUND OUTBOUND TERM RESOURCE STARTED STARTED ENDED ENDED HH:MM:SS.SS BYTES BYTES CODE TERM CODE DESC ________ ________ ___________ ________ ___________ ___________ ______________ ______________ ____ _______________________ FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:04:06.81 03/21/09 14:04:07.46 0.65 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:05:35.59 03/21/09 14:05:45.67 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:12:13.81 03/21/09 14:12:14.51 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:12:27.35 03/21/09 14:12:37.42 10.07 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA5 03/21/09 15:30:34.96 03/21/09 15:30:35.64 0.68 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 15:35:13.92 03/21/09 15:35:24.00 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA5 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.26 853,740 10,143 FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:05:38.03 03/21/09 14:05:38.70 0.67 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:07:23.60 03/21/09 14:07:33.68 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:12:29.83 03/21/09 14:12:30.50 0.67 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:17:10.02 03/21/09 14:17:20.16 10.14 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA6 03/21/09 15:35:16.45 03/21/09 15:35:17.21 0.76 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 15:36:15.10 03/21/09 15:36:25.18 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA6 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.40 853,740 10,143 FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:07:26.16 03/21/09 14:07:26.86 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:08:24.36 03/21/09 14:08:34.50 10.14 70 507 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:17:12.60 03/21/09 14:17:13.31 0.71 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:21:40.01 03/21/09 14:21:50.08 10.07 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA7 03/21/09 15:36:17.53 03/21/09 15:36:18.17 0.64 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 15:37:11.45 03/21/09 15:37:21.53 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA7 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.34 826,767 10,321 FTPTA8 03/21/09 08:09:32.96 03/21/09 15:29:02.41 7:19:29.45 274,763 15,912 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 13:17:39.42 03/21/09 14:42:50.82 1:25:11.40 47,498 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:42:57.42 03/21/09 14:43:21.38 23.96 45,921 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:43:26.45 03/21/09 15:28:27.01 45:00.56 47,498 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:50:01.00 03/21/09 15:28:26.10 38:25.10 35,513 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:51:01.03 03/21/09 14:52:28.82 1:27.79 33,273 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:53:05.50 03/21/09 15:28:22.53 35:17.03 33,273 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:53:51.74 03/21/09 14:55:51.42 1:59.68 35,306 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:56:05.98 03/21/09 15:11:31.19 15:25.21 33,066 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:12:01.80 03/21/09 15:13:30.66 1:28.86 35,266 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:13:45.48 03/21/09 15:17:09.41 3:23.93 38,223 2,199 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:18:54.59 03/21/09 15:20:07.26 1:12.67 34,273 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:20:22.01 03/21/09 15:28:20.73 7:58.72 33,118 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA8 ( 13 ITEMS) 11:16:44.36 726,991 34,632 FTPTA9 03/21/09 14:09:28.52 03/21/09 14:09:29.22 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA9 03/21/09 14:10:24.02 03/21/09 14:10:34.10 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA9 03/21/09 15:01:06.82 03/21/09 15:01:07.46 0.64 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA9 03/21/09 15:13:52.13 03/21/09 15:14:02.53 10.40 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE ...
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