SMF type 119 Record - Subtype 12This table shows the record layout for type 119 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF119LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word).
2 | 2 | SMF119SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field).
4 | 4 | SMF119FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator
Bit Meaning When Set 0 New record format 1 Subtypes used 2 Reserved. 3-6 Version indicators 7 System is running in PR/SM mode. |
5 | 5 | SMF119RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 119 77.
6 | 6 | SMF119TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF119DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF119SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SMFPRMxx SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF119SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification.
22 | 16 | SMF119STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
24 | 18 | SMF119TRN | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in this record (7)
26 | 1A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF119IDOff | 4 | Binary | Offset to TCP/IP identification section
32 | 20 | SMF119IDLen | 2 | Binary | Length of TCP/IP identification section
34 | 22 | SMF119IDNum | 2 | Binary | Number of TCP/IP identification sections
36 | 24 | SMF119S1Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to zERT connection detail common section
40 | 28 | SMF119S1Len | 2 | Binary | Length of zERT connection detail common section
42 | 2A | SMF119S1Num | 2 | Binary | Number of zERT connection detail common section
44 | 2C | SMF119S2Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to TLS protocol attributes section
48 | 30 | SMF119S2Len | 2 | Binary | Length of TLS protocol attributes section
50 | 32 | SMF119S2Num | 2 | Binary | Number of TLS protocol attributes sections
52 | 34 | SMF119S3Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to SSH protocol attributes section
56 | 38 | SMF119S3Len | 2 | Binary | Length of SSH protocol attributes section
58 | 3A | SMF119S3Num | 2 | Binary | Number of SSH protocol attributes sections
60 | 3C | SMF119S4Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to IPSec protocol attributes section
64 | 40 | SMF119S4Len | 2 | Binary | Length of IPSec protocol attributes section
66 | 42 | SMF119S4Num | 2 | Binary | Number of IPSec protocol attributes sections
68 | 44 | SMF119S5Off | 4 | Binary | Offset to certificate DNs section
72 | 48 | SMF119S5Len | 2 | Binary | Length of certificate DNs section
74 | 4A | SMF119S5Num | 2 | Binary | Number of certificate DNs sections
0 | 0 | SMF119TI_ SYSName | 8 | EBCDIC | System name from SYSNAME in IEASYSxx
8 | 8 | SMF119TI_ SysplexName | 8 | EBCDIC | Sysplex name from SYSPLEX in COUPLExx
16 | 10 | SMF119TI_ Stack | 8 | EBCDIC | TCP/IP stack name
24 | 18 | SMF119TI_ ReleaseID | 8 | EBCDIC | z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP release identifier
32 | 20 | SMF119TI_ Comp | 8 | EBCDIC | TCP/IP subcomponent (right padded with blanks):
FTPC FTP Client FTPS FTP server IP IP layer STACK Entire TCP/IP stack TCP TCP layer TN3270C TN3270 Client TN3270S TN3270 server UDP UDP layer |
40 | 28 | SMF119TI_ ASName | 8 | EBCDIC | Started task qualifier or address space name of address space that writes this SMF record
48 | 30 | SMF119TI_ UserID | 8 | EBCDIC | User ID of security context under which this SMF record is written
56 | 38 | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved
58 | 3A | SMF119TI_ ASID | 2 | Binary | ASID of address space that writes this SMF record
60 | 3C | SMF119TI_ Reason | 1 | Binary | Reason for writing this SMF record:
X'08' Event record X'C0' Interval statistics record, more records follow X'80' Interval statistics record, last record in set X'60' End-of-statistics record, more records follow X'20' End-of-statistics record, last record in set X'50' Shutdown starts record, more records follow X'10' Shutdown starts record, last record in set |
61 | 3D | -- | 3 | EBCDIC | Reserved
0 | 0 | SMF119SS_ SAIntervalDuration | 8 | Binary | Duration of recording interval in microseconds, where bit 51 is equivalent to 1 microsecond.
8 | 8 | SMF119SS_ SAEvent_ Type | 1 | Binary | Event type:
1. Summary interval record 2. zERT aggregation function enabled event record 3. zERT aggregation function disabled event record |
9 | 9 | SMF119SS_ SAFlags | 1 | Binary | Flags:
X'80': The session uses IPv6 addresses X’40’: The local socket of this session is acting as the server (only meaningful when SMF119SS_SAIPProto indicates TCP) X’20’: The local socket of this session is acting as the client (only meaningful when SMF119SS_SAIPProto indicates TCP) X'10': This security session represents Enterprise Extender connections (only meaningful when SMF119SS_SAIPProto indicates UDP) X’08’: This security session represents IPv4 outbound data connections that are established by the FTP server to the FTP client. X’04’: AT-TLS cryptographic data protection operations are bypassed for this security session as part of a stack optimization for intra-host connections. Only AT-TLS peer authentication operations are executed in this case. |
10 | A | SMF119SS_ SASecProtos | 1 | Binary | Cryptographic security protocol. Only one value is set. Possible values are:
X'00': No recognized cryptographic protection X'80': TLS/SSL X'40': SSH X'20': IPSec |
11 | B | SMF119SS_ SAJobname | 8 | EBCDIC | Jobname that is associated with the socket.
19 | 13 | SMF119SS_ SAUserID | 8 | EBCDIC | z/OS® user ID associated with the socket
Note The value *FTPUSR* is specified when this security session represents an aggregation of FTP data connections and we are reporting at the FTP server (SMF119SS_SAFlags = x’40. |
27 | 1B | SMF119SS_ SAIPProto | 1 | Binary | IP Protocol value. Possible values are:
6: TCP 17: UDP |
28 | 1C | SMF119SS_ SASrvIP | 16 | Binary | Server IP address. If SMF119SS_Flags indicates IPv6, then this is a 16-byte IPv6 address. Otherwise, it is a 4-byte IPv4 address in the first 4 bytes of the field.
44 | 2C | SMF119SS_ SACltIP | 16 | Binary | Client IP address. If SMF119SS_Flags indicates IPv6, then this is a 16-byte IPv6 address. Otherwise, it is a 4-byte IPv4 address in the first 4 bytes of the field.
60 | 3C | SMF119SS_ SASrvPortStart | 2 | Binary | Starting value for server port range. For information on this field, see How does zERT aggregation determine the server port? in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide.
62 | 3E | SMF119SS_ SASrvPortEnd | 2 | Binary | Ending value for server port range. If this security session represents a single-server port, then the ending value equals the starting value for the port range.
64 | 40 | SMF119SS_ SASessionID | 42 | EBCDIC | Session identifier that uniquely identifies a security session based on the server and client endpoints plus the significant security attributes for the session. The session identifier is in the form p-value, where p represents the cryptographic protocol. Possible values for p are:
C = No recognized cryptographic protection I = IPSec T = TLS/SSL S = SSH '-' is a separator character value is a 20-character hexadecimal string |
106 | 6A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved (alignment)
108 | 6C | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of connections for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
112 | 70 | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifePartialConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of the partial connections for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval. This is a subset of the connections reported in SMF119SS_SAInitLifeConnCnt. A connection is considered to be a “partial connection” if one or more of these conditions is met:
- The connection was in existence before it was associated with this security session - The security session stopped being associated with the connection, but the connection continued to exist. |
116 | 74 | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeShortConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of short connections for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval. Short connections are connections that last less than 10 seconds. This value is only meaningful when SMF119SS_SAIPProto indicates TCP.
120 | 78 | SMF119SS_ SAInitActiveConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Number of active connections that are associated with this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
124 | 7C | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeInBytes | 8 | Binary | Inbound byte count for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
132 | 84 | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeOutBytes | 8 | Binary | Outbound byte count for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
140 | 8C | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeInSegDG | 8 | Binary | Inbound TCP segment or UDP datagram count for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
148 | 94 | SMF119SS_ SAInitLifeOutSegDG | 8 | Binary | Outbound TCP segment or UDP datagram count for the life of this security session at the beginning of the summary interval.
156 | 9C | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of connections for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval.
160 | A0 | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifePartialConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of partial connections for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval. This is a subset of the connections reported in SMF119SS_SAEndLifeConnCnt that were associated with the security session for only part of their existence, using the same conditions described for SMF119SS_SAInitLifePartialConnCnt.
164 | A4 | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeShortConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Count of short connections for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval. Short connections are ones that last less than 10 seconds. This value is only meaningful when SMF119SS_SAIPProto indicates TCP.
168 | A8 | SMF119SS_ SAEndActiveConnCnt | 4 | Binary | Number of active connections that are associated with this security session at the end of the summary interval.
172 | AC | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeInBytes | 8 | Binary | Inbound byte count for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval.
180 | B4 | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeOutBytes | 8 | Binary | Outbound byte count for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval.
188 | BC | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeInSegDG | 8 | Binary | Inbound TCP segment or UDP datagram count for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval.
196 | C4 | SMF119SS_ SAEndLifeOutSegDG | 8 | Binary | Outbound TCP segment or UDP datagram count for the life of this security session at the end of the summary interval.
0 | 0 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ Source | 1 | Binary | Source of the information in this record. Can be one of the following values:
X'01': Stream observation X'02': Cryptographic protocol provider |
1 | 1 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CryptoFlags | 1 | BINARY | Cryptographic operations flags:
X'80': Encrypt-then-MAC processing is used |
2 | 2 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ Prot_ Ver | 2 | Binary | Protocol version:
X'0000': Unknown version X'0200': SSLv2 X'0300': SSLv3 X'0301': TLSv1.0 X'0302': TLSv1.1 X'0303': TLSv1.2 |
4 | 4 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ Neg_ Cipher | 6 | EBCDIC | Negotiated cipher suite identifier.
If the TLS version is SSLv3 or higher, this is a four character value in the first 4 bytes of this field, padded with trailing blanks. Refer to the TLS Cipher Suite registry for a complete list of the 4-hexadecimal-character values. If the TLS version is SSLv2, then all 6 bytes are used: '010080': 128-bit RC4 with MD5 '020080': 40-bit RC4 with MD5 '030080': 128-bit RC2 with MD5 '040080': 40-bit RC2 with MD5 '050080': 128-bit IDEA with MD5 '060040': DES with MD5 '0700C0': 3DES with MD5 |
10 | A | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CS_ Enc_ Alg | 2 | Binary | The symmetric encryption algorithm used by the cipher suite:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': DES X'0003': DES 40 X'0004': 3DES X'0005': RC2 40 X'0006': RC2 128 X'0007': RC2 X'0008': RC4 40 X'0009': RC4 128 X'000A': RC4 256 X'000B': RC4 X'000C': AES CBC 128 X'000D': AES CBC 192 X'000E': AES CBC 256 X'000F': AES CTR 128 X'0010': AES CTR 192 X'0011': AES CTR 256 X'0012': AES GCM 128 X'0013': AES GCM 256 X'0014': AES CCM 128 X'0015': AES CCM 256 X'0016': AES CCM8 128 X'0017': AES CCM8 256 X'0018': AES 256 X'0019': Blowfish X'001A': Blowfish CBC X'001B': CAST 128 CBC X'001C': ARCFOUR 128 X'001D': ARCFOUR 256 X'001E': ARCFOUR X'001F': Rijndael CBC X'0020': ACSS X'0021': ARIA 128 CBC X'0022': ARIA 256 CBC X'0023': ARIA 128 GCM X'0024': ARIA 256 GCM X'0025': Camellia 128 CBC X'0026': Camellia 256 CBC X'0027': Camellia 128 GCM X'0028': Camellia 256 GCM X'0029': ChaCha20 Poly1305 X'002A': IDEA CBC X'002B': SEED CBC X'002C': Fortezza X'002D': GOST28147 X'002E': TwoFish CBC 256 X'002F': TwoFish CBC X'0030': TwoFish CBC 192 X'0031': TwoFish CBC 128 X'0032': Serpent CBC 256 X'0033': Serpent CBC 192 X'0034': Serpent CBC 128 |
12 | C | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CS_ Msg_ Auth | 2 | Binary | The message authentication algorithm used by the cipher suite:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': No message authentication, or uses authenticated encryption algorithm like AES-GCM X'0002': MD2 X'0003': HMAC-MD5 X'0004': HMAC-SHA1 X'0005': HMAC-SHA2-224 X'0006': HMAC-SHA2-256 X'0007': HMAC-SHA2-384 X'0008': HMAC-SHA2-512 X'0009': AES-GMAC-128 X'000A': AES-GMAC-256 X'000B': AES-128-XCBC-96 X'000C': HMAC-SHA2-256-128 X'000D': HMAC-SHA2-384-192 X'000E': HMAC-SHA2-512-256 X'000F': HMAC-MD5-96 X'0010': HMAC-SHA1-96 X'0011': UMAC-64 X'0012': UMAC-128 X'0013': RIPEMD-160 |
14 | E | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CS_ Kex_ Alg | 2 | Binary | The key exchange algorithm used by the cipher suite:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': RSA X'0003': RSA_EXPORT X'0004': RSA_PSK X'0005': DH_RSA X'0006': DH_RSA_EXPORT X'0007': DH_DSS X'0008': DH_ANON X'0009': DH_ANON_EXPORT X'000A': DH_DSS_EXPORT X'000B': DHE_RSA X'000C': DHE_RSA_EXPORT X'000D': DHE_DSS X'000E': DHE_DSS_EXPORT X'000F': DHE_PSK X'0010': ECDH_ECDSA X'0011': ECDH_RSA X'0012': ECDH_ANON X'0013': ECDHE_ECDSA X'0014': ECDHE_RSA X'0015': ECDHE_PSK X'0016': KRB5 X'0017': KRB5_EXPORT X'0018': PSK X'0019': SRP_SHA_RSA X'001A': SRP_SHA_DSS X'001B': SRP_SHA |
16 | 10 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ SCert_ Signature_ Method | 2 | Binary | Server certificate signature method:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': RSA with MD2 X'0003': RSA with MD5 X'0004': RSA with SHA1 X'0005': DSA with SHA1 X'0006': RSA with SHA-224 X'0007': RSA with SHA-256 X'0008': RSA with SHA-384 X'0009': RSA with SHA-512 X'000A': ECDSA with SHA1 X'000B': ECDSA with SHA-224 X'000C': ECDSA with SHA-256 X'000D': ECDSA with SHA-384 X'000E': ECDSA with SHA-512 X'000F': DSA with SHA-224 X'0010': DSA with SHA-256 |
18 | 12 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ SCert_ Enc_ Method | 2 | Binary | Server certificate encryption method:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': RSA X'0003': DSA X'0004': ECDSA |
20 | 14 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ SCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | Binary | Server certificate digest algorithm:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': MD2 X'0003': MD5 X'0004': SHA1 X'0005': SHA-224 X'0006': SHA-256 X'0007': SHA-384 X'0008': SHA-512 |
22 | 16 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ SCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | Binary | Server certificate key type:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': RSA X'0003': DSA X'0004': Diffie-Hellman (DH) X'0005': Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) |
24 | 18 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ SCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate key length
26 | 1A | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CCert_ Signature_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate signature method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Signature_Method.
28 | 1C | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CCert_ Enc_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate encryption method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Enc_Method.
30 | 1E | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate digest algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Digest_Alg.
32 | 20 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate key type. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Key_Type.
34 | 22 | SMF119SS_ TLS_ CCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate key length
0 | 0 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Source | 1 | BINARY | Source of the information in this record. Can be one of the following values:
X'01': Stream observation X'02': Cryptographic protocol provider 1 1 1 Unused |
2 | 2 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Prot_ Ver | 1 | BINARY | Protocol version :
1 Protocol version 1 2 Protocol version 2 |
3 | 3 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CryptoFlags | 1 | BINARY | Cryptographic operations flags:
X'80': Encrypt-then-MAC processing is used for inbound traffic X'40': Encrypt-then-MAC processing is used for outbound traffic |
4 | 4 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Auth_ Method | 2 | BINARY | First or only peer authentication method that is used for this security session:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': Password X'0003': Public key X'0004': Host-based X'0005': Rhosts X'0006': RhostsRSA X'0007': RSA X'0008': Keyboard-interactive X'0009': Challenge-response X'000A': Control socket 1 X'000B': GSSAPI with MIC X'000C': GSSAPI Key exchange |
6 | 6 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Auth_ Method2 | 2 | BINARY | If not 0, the last of multiple authentication methods used for this connection. Values are the same as those for SMF119SS_SSH_Auth_Method
8 | 8 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ In_ Enc_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Encryption algorithm for inbound traffic. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Enc_Alg.
10 | A | SMF119SS_ SSH_ In_ Msg_ Auth | 2 | BINARY | Message authentication algorithm for inbound traffic. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Msg_Auth.
12 | C | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Kex_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Key exchange method.
X'0000' Unknown X'0001' None X'0002' Diffie-Hellman-group-exchangeSHA256 X'0003' Diffie-Hellman-group-exchangeSHA1 X'0004' Diffie-Hellman-group14-SHA1 X'0005' Diffie-Hellman-group1-SHA1 X'0006' ECDH-SHA2-NISTP256 X'0007' ECDH-SHA2-NISTP384 X'0008' ECDH-SHA2-NISTP521 X'0009' GSS-GROUP1-SHA1 X'000A' GSS-GROUP14-SHA1 X'000B' GSS-GEX-SHA1 X'000C' ECMQV-SHA2 X'000D' GSS-* X'000E' RSA1024-SHA1 X'000F' RSA2048-SHA256 |
14 | E | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Out_ Enc_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Encryption algorithm for outbound traffic. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Enc_Alg.
16 | 10 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ Out_ Msg_ Auth | 2 | BINARY | Message authentication algorithm for outbound traffic. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Msg_Auth.
18 | 12 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SKey_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Type of raw server key:
X'0000': Unknown X'0001': None X'0002': RSA X'0003': DSA X'0004': Diffie-Hellman (DH) X'0005': Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) X'0006': RSA1 (SSHV1 only) X'0007': RSA_CERT (from OpenSSH certificate) X'0008': DSA_CERT (from OpenSSH certificate) X'0009': ECDSA_CERT (from OpenSSH certificate) |
20 | 14 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SKey_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Length of raw server key in bits.
22 | 16 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CKey_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Type of raw client key. Same values as SMF119SS_SSH_Server_Key_Type.
24 | 18 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CKey_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Length of raw client key in bits.
26 | 1A | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SCert_ Signature_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate signature method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Signature_Method.
28 | 1C | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SCert_ Enc_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate encryption method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Enc_Method.
30 | 1E | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate digest algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Digest_Alg.
32 | 20 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate key type. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Key_Type.
34 | 22 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ SCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Server certificate key length
36 | 24 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CCert_ Signature_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate signature method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Signature_Method.
38 | 26 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CCert_ Enc_ Method | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate encryption method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Enc_Method.
40 | 28 | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate digest algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Digest_Alg.
42 | 2A | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate key type. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Key_Type.
44 | 2E | SMF119SS_ SSH_ CCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Client certificate key length
0 | 0 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKEMajVer | 1 | BINARY | Major version of the IKE protocol in use. Only the low-order 4 bits are used.
1 | 1 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKEMinVer | 1 | BINARY | Minor version of the IKE protocol in use. Only the low-order 4 bits are used.
2 | 2 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunLclEndpt | 16 | BINARY | Local IP address of tunnel endpoint. If SMF119SS_SAFlags indicates IPv6, then this is a 16-byte IPv6 address. Otherwise, it is a 4-byte IPv4 address in the first 4 bytes of the field.
18 | 12 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunRmtEndpt | 16 | BINARY | Remote IP address of tunnel endpoint. If SMF119SS_SAFlags indicates IPv6, then this is a 16-byte IPv6 address. Otherwise, it is a 4-byte IPv4 address in the first 4 bytes of the field.
34 | 22 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunLclAuthMeth | 2 | BINARY | The authentication method for the local endpoint. One of the following values:
X'00': Unknown or manual tunnel X'01': None X'02': RSA signature X'03': Preshared key X'04': ECDSA-256 signature X'05': ECDSA-384 signature X'06': ECDSA-521 signature X'07': Digital signature |
36 | 24 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunRmtAuthMeth | 2 | BINARY | The authentication method for the remote endpoint. Same values as SMF119SS_IPSec_IKETunLclAuthMeth.
38 | 26 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunAuthAlg | 2 | BINARY | Tunnel authentication algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Msg_Auth.
40 | 28 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunEncAlg | 2 | BINARY | Tunnel encryption algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Enc_Alg.
42 | 2A | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunDHGroup | 2 | BINARY | Diffie-Hellman group that is used to generate the keying material for this IKE tunnel. One of the following values:
X'00': Unknown or manual tunnel X'01': Group1 X'02': Group 2 X'05': Group 5 X'0E': Group 14 X'13': Group 19 X'14': Group 20 X'15': Group 21 X'18': Group 24 X'FF': No DH group used (only possible for SMF119SS_IPSec_PFSGroup, where these values are also used) |
44 | 2C | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ IKETunPseudoRandFunc | 2 | BINARY | Pseudo-random function that is used for seeding keying material. One of the following values:
X'00': Unknown or manual tunnel X'01': None X'02': HMAC-SHA2-256 X'03': HMAC-SHA2-384 X'04': HMAC-SHA2-512 X'05': AES-128-XCBC X'06': HMAC-MD5 X'07': HMAC-SHA1 |
46 | 2E | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ LclCert_ Sign_ Meth | 2 | BINARY | Local IKE certificate signature method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Signature_Method.
48 | 30 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ LclCert_ Enc_ Meth | 2 | BINARY | Local IKE certificate encryption method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Enc_Method.
50 | 32 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ LclCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Local IKE certificate digest algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Digest_Alg.
52 | 34 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ LclCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Local IKE certificate key type. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Key_Type.
54 | 36 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ LclCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Local IKE certificate key length in bits
56 | 38 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ RmtCert_ Sign_ Meth | 2 | BINARY | Remote IKE certificate signature method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Signature_Method.
58 | 3A | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ RmtCert_ Enc_ Meth | 2 | BINARY | Remote IKE certificate encryption method. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Enc_Method.
60 | 3C | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ RmtCert_ Digest_ Alg | 2 | BINARY | Remote IKE certificate digest algorithm. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Digest_Alg.
62 | 3E | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ RmtCert_ Key_ Type | 2 | BINARY | Remote IKE certificate key type. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_SCert_Key_Type.
64 | 40 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ RmtCert_ Key_ Len | 2 | BINARY | Remote IKE certificate key length in bits
66 | 42 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ PFSGroup | 2 | BINARY | Diffie-Hellman group that is used for perfect forward secrecy. Same values as SMF119SS_IPSec_IKETunDHGroup.
68 | 44 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ EncapMode | 1 | BINARY | Tunnel encapsulation mode. One of the following values:
X'01': Tunnel Mode X'02': Transport Mode |
69 | 45 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ AuthProto | 1 | BINARY | The protocol that is used for message authentication. One of the following values:
50 Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) 51: Authentication Header (AH) |
70 | 46 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ AuthAlg | 2 | BINARY | The tunnel authentication algorithms. Same values as SMF119SS_TLS_CS_Msg_Auth.
72 | 48 | SMF119SS_ IPSec_ EncAlg | 2 | BINARY | The tunnel encryption algorithms. Same values as !!119SS_TLS_CS_Enc_Alg.
If any DNs exist, there is one zERT summary DN section that contains all the DNs. For each DN included in the section, there is a 2-byte length field, a 2-byte DN type field, and a variable length DN. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF119SS_ DN_ Len | 2 | Binary | Length of the DN structure (includes the length of SMF119SS_DN_Len, SMF119SS_DN_Type, and SMF119SS_DN)
2 | 2 | SMF119SS_ DN_ Type | 2 | Binary | Type of Distinguished Name:
X'0001': IPSec Local Certificate Subject DN X'0002': IPSec Local Certificate Issuer DN X'0003': IPSec Remote Certificate Subject DN X'0004': IPSec Remote Certificate Issuer DN X'0005': TLS Server Certificate Subject DN X'0006': TLS Server Certificate Issuer DN X'0007': TLS Client Certificate Subject DN X'0008': TLS Client Certificate Issuer DN X'0009': SSH Server Certificate Subject DN X'000A': SSH Server Certificate Issuer DN X'000B': SSH Client Certificate Subject DN X'000C': SSH Client Certificate Issuer DN |
4 | 4 | SMF119SS_ DN | 1024 | EBCDIC | The variable length DN value (up to 1024)
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer.
In this report, we read as input the SMF file and select just the type 119 subtype 2 TCP Connection Termination records. (See SMF 119 Subtype 2 record layout.) The report shows information about terminated TCP connections, including start time, end time and computed elapsed time. It also shows the total number of bytes sent and received during the connection and the termination code. Our record layout also expands the 1-byte termination code into a readable descriptive text. The report is grouped by TCP/IP Stack and Resource. The report includes subtotals for each Resource.
All of this with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
Z/OS TCP DAILY CONNECTIONS REPORT SYSTEM: ST1 SYSPLEX: SYPROD STACK: S01QDAS SORTED BY STACK AND RESOURCE NAME CONNECTION DATE TIME DATE TIME DURATION INBOUND OUTBOUND TERM RESOURCE STARTED STARTED ENDED ENDED HH:MM:SS.SS BYTES BYTES CODE TERM CODE DESC ________ ________ ___________ ________ ___________ ___________ ______________ ______________ ____ _______________________ FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:04:06.81 03/21/09 14:04:07.46 0.65 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:05:35.59 03/21/09 14:05:45.67 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:12:13.81 03/21/09 14:12:14.51 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 14:12:27.35 03/21/09 14:12:37.42 10.07 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA5 03/21/09 15:30:34.96 03/21/09 15:30:35.64 0.68 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA5 03/21/09 15:35:13.92 03/21/09 15:35:24.00 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA5 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.26 853,740 10,143 FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:05:38.03 03/21/09 14:05:38.70 0.67 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:07:23.60 03/21/09 14:07:33.68 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:12:29.83 03/21/09 14:12:30.50 0.67 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 14:17:10.02 03/21/09 14:17:20.16 10.14 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA6 03/21/09 15:35:16.45 03/21/09 15:35:17.21 0.76 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA6 03/21/09 15:36:15.10 03/21/09 15:36:25.18 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA6 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.40 853,740 10,143 FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:07:26.16 03/21/09 14:07:26.86 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:08:24.36 03/21/09 14:08:34.50 10.14 70 507 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:17:12.60 03/21/09 14:17:13.31 0.71 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 14:21:40.01 03/21/09 14:21:50.08 10.07 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA7 03/21/09 15:36:17.53 03/21/09 15:36:18.17 0.64 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA7 03/21/09 15:37:11.45 03/21/09 15:37:21.53 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA7 ( 6 ITEMS) 32.34 826,767 10,321 FTPTA8 03/21/09 08:09:32.96 03/21/09 15:29:02.41 7:19:29.45 274,763 15,912 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 13:17:39.42 03/21/09 14:42:50.82 1:25:11.40 47,498 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:42:57.42 03/21/09 14:43:21.38 23.96 45,921 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:43:26.45 03/21/09 15:28:27.01 45:00.56 47,498 2,291 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:50:01.00 03/21/09 15:28:26.10 38:25.10 35,513 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:51:01.03 03/21/09 14:52:28.82 1:27.79 33,273 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:53:05.50 03/21/09 15:28:22.53 35:17.03 33,273 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:53:51.74 03/21/09 14:55:51.42 1:59.68 35,306 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 14:56:05.98 03/21/09 15:11:31.19 15:25.21 33,066 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:12:01.80 03/21/09 15:13:30.66 1:28.86 35,266 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:13:45.48 03/21/09 15:17:09.41 3:23.93 38,223 2,199 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:18:54.59 03/21/09 15:20:07.26 1:12.67 34,273 1,537 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA8 03/21/09 15:20:22.01 03/21/09 15:28:20.73 7:58.72 33,118 875 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE *** TOTAL FOR FTPTA8 ( 13 ITEMS) 11:16:44.36 726,991 34,632 FTPTA9 03/21/09 14:09:28.52 03/21/09 14:09:29.22 0.70 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA9 03/21/09 14:10:24.02 03/21/09 14:10:34.10 10.08 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE FTPTA9 03/21/09 15:01:06.82 03/21/09 15:01:07.46 0.64 257,537 3,052 61 CLIENT SENT RESET FTPTA9 03/21/09 15:13:52.13 03/21/09 15:14:02.53 10.40 27,043 329 52 APPL ISSUED CLOSE ...
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