SMF Type 42 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 42 SMF records
It's easy to report on SMF 42 data! (Jump to sample reports) | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF42RCL | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the record descriptor word (RDW). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF42SGD | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field). This is zero, if the record is not spanned.
4 | 4 | SMF42FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Subsystem identification follows system identification. 1 Subtypes are used 2 Reserved 3-6 Version indicators* 7 Reserved.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
5 | 5 | SMF42RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 42 (X'2A').
6 | 6 | SMF42TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF42DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF42SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF42SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification.
22 | 16 | SMF42STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
Value - Meaning 1 - BMF cache summary 2 - Cache control units having SMS-managed device(s) attached. 3 - SMS configuration changed 4 - System Data Mover session statistics 5 - Storage class VTOC and VVDS I/O statistics 6 - Data set level I/O statistics 9 - B37/D37/E37 abend information 10 - Volume Selection Failure 11 - Extended remote copy session statistics 14 - ADSM session resource usage 15 - VSAM RLS CF storage class response time 16 - VSAM RLS CF data set response time 17 - VSAM RLS CF lock structure usage 18 - VSAM RLS CF cache partition usage 19 - VSAM RLS Buffer Manager LRU Activity 20 - STOW Initialize 21 - Member Delete 22 - DFSMSrmm audit records 23 - DFSMSrmm security records 24 - Member add/replace 25 - Member rename 27 - VTOC DSCB audit record |
24 | 18 | SMF42NT | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in record. A triplet is a set of offset/length/number values that defines a section of the record. (Optional)
26 | 1A | SMF42RES1 | 2 | -- | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF42OPS | 4 | binary | Offset to product section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
32 | 20 | SMF42LPS | 2 | binary | Length of product section.
34 | 22 | SMF42NPS | 2 | binary | Number of product sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42BMO | 4 | binary | Offset to BMF totals section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF42BML | 2 | binary | Length of BMF totals section.
42 | 2A | SMF42BMN | 2 | binary | Number of BMF totals sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42SCO | 4 | binary | Offset to storage class summary section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
48 | 30 | SMF42SCL | 2 | binary | Length of storage class summary section.
50 | 32 | SMF42SCN | 2 | binary | Number of storage class summary sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42CUO | 4 | binary | Offset to control unit cache section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF42CUL | 2 | binary | Length of control unit cache section.
42 | 2A | SMF42CUN | 2 | binary | Number of control unit cache sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42VLO | 4 | binary | Offset to volume section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
48 | 30 | SMF42VLL | 2 | binary | Total length of all volume sections. (Number of volume sections multiplied by the length of one volume section.)
50 | 32 | SMF42VLN | 2 | binary | Number of volume sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42EAO | 4 | binary | Offset to event audit section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF42EAL | 2 | binary | Length of event audit section.
42 | 2A | SMF42EAN | 2 | binary | Number of event audit sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42CCO | 4 | binary | Offset to CC statistics.
40 | 28 | SMF42CCL | 2 | binary | Length of CC statistics.
42 | 2A | SMF42CCN | 2 | binary | Number of CC sessions.
44 | 2C | SMF42EXO | 4 | binary | Offset to EXT statistics.
48 | 30 | SMF42EXL | 2 | binary | Length of EXT statistics.
50 | 32 | SMF42EXN | 2 | binary | Number of EXT data sets.
52 | 34 | SMF42VCO | 4 | binary | Offset to VCC statistics.
56 | 38 | SMF42VCL | 2 | binary | Length of VCC statistics.
58 | 3A | SMF42VCN | 2 | binary | Number of VCC sessions.
36 | 24 | SMF42SRO | 4 | binary | Offset to storage class response time section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF42SRL | 2 | binary | Length of storage class response time section.
42 | 2A | SMF42SRN | 2 | binary | Number of storage class response time sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42VHO | 4 | binary | Offset to volume header section from start of record, including read descriptor word (RDW).
48 | 30 | SMF42VHL | 2 | binary | Length of volume header section.
50 | 32 | SMF42VHN | 2 | binary | Number of volume header sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42JHO | 4 | binary | Offset to job header section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF42JHL | 2 | binary | Length of job header section.
42 | 2A | SMF42JHN | 2 | binary | Number of job header sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42ABO | 4 | binary | Offset to X37 abend data section.
40 | 28 | SMF42ABL | 2 | binary | Length of X37 abend data section.
42 | 2A | SMF42ABN | 2 | binary | Number of X37 abend sections (always 1).
44 | 2C | SMF42SMO | 4 | binary | Offset to SMS data section (0 if data set is not SMS managed).
48 | 30 | SMF42SML | 2 | binary | Length of SMS data section (0 if data set is not SMS managed).
50 | 32 | SMF42SMN | 2 | binary | Number of SMS sections (always 1 if data set is SMS managed. Otherwise, 0).
36 | 24 | SMF42VSF | 4 | binary | Offset to volume selection failure record.
40 | 28 | SMF42VSL | 2 | binary | Length of volume selection failure record.
42 | 2A | SMF42VSN | 2 | binary | Number of volume selection failure records.
36 | 24 | SMF42XRO | 4 | binary | Offset to XRC service.
40 | 28 | SMF42XRL | 2 | binary | Length of XRC service.
42 | 2A | SMF42XRN | 2 | binary | Number of XRC sessions.
36 | 24 | SMF42T14 | 4 | binary | Offset to ADSM section.
40 | 28 | SMF42T14_ L | 2 | binary | Length of ADSM section.
42 | 2A | SMF42T14_ N | 2 | binary | Number of ADSM sections, 1.
36 | 24 | SMF42FC1 | 4 | binary | Offset to sysplex-wide storage class (SC) summary data section.
40 | 28 | SMF42FC2 | 2 | binary | Length of sysplex-wide SC summary data section.
42 | 2A | SMF42FC3 | 2 | binary | Number of sysplex-wide SC summary data sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42FC4 | 4 | binary | Offset to SC, CF, SYS summary section.
48 | 30 | SMF42FC5 | 2 | binary | Length of SC, CF, SYS summary section.
50 | 32 | SMF42FC6 | 2 | binary | Number of SC, CF, SYS summary sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42AFC1 | 4 | binary | Offset to sysplex-wide storage class (SC) summary data section.
56 | 38 | SMF42AFC2 | 2 | binary | Length of sysplex-wide SC summary data section.
58 | 3A | SMF42AFC3 | 2 | binary | Number of sysplex-wide SC summary data sections.
60 | 3C | SMF42AFC4 | 4 | binary | Offset to SC, CF, SYS summary section.
64 | 40 | SMF42AFC5 | 2 | binary | Length of SC, CF, SYS summary section.
66 | 42 | SMF42AFC6 | 2 | binary | Number of SC, CF, SYS summary sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42GD1 | 4 | binary | Offset to sysplex-wide data set summary section.
40 | 28 | SMF42GD2 | 2 | binary | Length of sysplex-wide data set summary section.
42 | 2A | SMF42GD3 | 2 | binary | Number of sysplex-wide data set summary sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42GD4 | 4 | binary | Offset to data set, CF, SYS summary section.
48 | 30 | SMF42GD5 | 2 | binary | Total length of all data set, CF, SYS summary sections.
50 | 32 | SMF42GD6 | 2 | binary | Number of data set, CF, SYS summary sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42AGD1 | 4 | binary | Offset to sysplex-wide data set summary section.
56 | 38 | SMF42AGD2 | 2 | binary | Length of sysplex-wide data set summary section.
58 | 3A | SMF42AGD3 | 2 | binary | Number of sysplex-wide data set summary sections.
60 | 3C | SMF42AGD4 | 4 | binary | Offset to data set, CF, SYS summary section.
64 | 40 | SMF42AGD5 | 2 | binary | Total length of all data set, CF, SYS summary sections.
66 | 42 | SMF42AGD6 | 2 | binary | Number of data set, CF, SYS summary sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42HL1 | 4 | binary | Offset to MVS system CF lock structure activity totals section.
40 | 28 | SMF42HL2 | 2 | binary | Length of MVS system CF lock structure activity totals section.
42 | 2A | SMF42HL3 | 2 | binary | Number of MVS system CF lock structure activity totals sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42HL4 | 4 | binary | Offset to lock structure summary section.
48 | 30 | SMF42HL5 | 2 | binary | Length of lock structure summary section.
40 | 32 | SMF42HL6 | 2 | binary | Number of lock structure summary sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42IM1 | 4 | binary | Offset to CF cache partition activity totals section.
40 | 28 | SMF42IM2 | 2 | binary | Length of CF cache partition activity totals section.
42 | 2A | SMF42IM3 | 2 | binary | Number of CF cache partition activity totals sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42IM4 | 4 | binary | Offset to single CF cache partition summary section.
48 | 30 | SMF42IM5 | 2 | binary | Length of single CF cache partition summary section.
50 | 32 | SMF42IM6 | 2 | binary | Number of single CF cache partition summary sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42IM7 | 4 | binary | Offset to directory/element ratio data sections.
56 | 38 | SMF42IM8 | 2 | binary | Length of directory/element ratio data sections.
58 | 3A | SMF42IM9 | 2 | binary | Number of directory/element ratio data sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42JN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals section.
40 | 28 | SMF42JN2 | 2 | binary | Length of Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals section.
42 | 2A | SMF42JN3 | 2 | binary | Number of Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42JN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to Local Buffer Manager LRU activity section.
48 | 30 | SMF42JN5 | 2 | binary | Length of Local Buffer Manager LRU activity section.
50 | 32 | SMF42JN6 | 2 | binary | Number of Local Buffer Manager LRU activity sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42AJN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals section.
56 | 38 | SMF42AJN2 | 2 | binary | Length of Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals section.
58 | 3A | SMF42AJN3 | 2 | binary | Number of Sysplex Buffer Manager LRU activity totals sections.
60 | 3C | SMF42AJN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to Local Buffer Manager LRU activity section.
64 | 40 | SMF42AJN5 | 2 | binary | Length of Local Buffer Manager LRU activity section.
66 | 42 | SMF42AJN6 | 2 | binary | Number of Local Buffer Manager LRU activity sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42KN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to STOW Initialize section.
40 | 28 | SMF42KN2 | 2 | binary | Length of STOW Initialize section.
42 | 2A | SMF42KN3 | 2 | binary | Number of STOW Initialize sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42KN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to STOW Initialize additional information section.
48 | 30 | SMF42KN5 | 2 | binary | Length of STOW Initialize additional information section.
50 | 32 | SMF42KN6 | 2 | binary | Number of STOW Initialize additional information section.
36 | 24 | SMF42LN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member Delete section.
40 | 28 | SMF42LN2 | 2 | binary | Length of Member Delete section.
42 | 2A | SMF42LN3 | 2 | binary | Number of Member Delete sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42LN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to Deleted Alias Names section.
48 | 30 | SMF42LN5 | 2 | binary | Length of Deleted Alias Names section.
50 | 32 | SMF42LN6 | 2 | binary | Number of Deleted Alias Names sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42LN7 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member Delete additional information section.
56 | 38 | SMF42LN8 | 2 | binary | Length of Member Delete additional information section.
58 | 3A | SMF42LN9 | 2 | binary | Number of Member Delete additional information section.
36 | 24 | SMF42AUD | 4 | binary | Offset to audit section
40 | 28 | SMF42LAD | 2 | binary | Length of audit section.
42 | 2A | SMF42NAD | 2 | binary | Number of audit sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42REC | 4 | binary | Offset to record section.
48 | 30 | SMF42LRC | 2 | binary | Length of record section.
50 | 22 | SMF42NRC | 2 | binary | Number of record sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42SEC | 4 | binary | Offset to security section.
40 | 28 | SMF42LSC | 2 | binary | Length of security section.
42 | 2A | SMF42NSC | 2 | binary | Number of security sections.
36 | 24 | SMF42PN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member add/replace header section.
40 | 28 | SMF42PN2 | 2 | binary | Length of Member add/replace header section.
42 | 2A | SMF42PN3 | 2 | binary | Number of Member add/replace header section.
44 | 2C | SMF42PN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to Alias names section.
48 | 30 | SMF42PN5 | 2 | binary | Length of Alias names section.
50 | 32 | SMF42PN6 | 2 | binary | Number of Alias names section.
52 | 34 | SMF42PN7 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member add/replace additional information section.
56 | 38 | SMF42PN8 | 2 | binary | Length of Member add/replace additional information section.
58 | 3A | SMF42PN9 | 2 | binary | Number of Member add/replace additional information section.
36 | 24 | SMF42QN1 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member rename section.
40 | 28 | SMF42QN2 | 2 | binary | Length of Member rename section.
42 | 2A | SMF42QN3 | 2 | binary | Number of Member rename sections.
44 | 2C | SMF42QN4 | 4 | binary | Offset to old member name section.
48 | 30 | SMF42QN5 | 2 | binary | Length of old member name section.
50 | 32 | SMF42QN6 | 2 | binary | Number of old member name sections.
52 | 34 | SMF42QN7 | 4 | binary | Offset to Member rename additional information section.
56 | 38 | SMF42QN8 | 2 | binary | Length of Member rename additional information section.
58 | 3A | SMF42QN9 | 2 | binary | Number of Member rename additional information section.
36 | 24 | SMF4227R1 | 4 | binary | Offset to VTOC audit section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
40 | 28 | SMF4227R2 | 2 | binary | Length of VTOC audit section.
42 | 2A | SMF4227R3 | 2 | binary | Number of VTOC audit sections.
44 | 2C | SMF4227R4 | 4 | binary | Offset to VTOC DSCB section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
48 | 30 | SMF4227R5 | 2 | binary | Length of VTOC DSCB section.
50 | 32 | SMF4227R6 | 2 | binary | Number of VTOC DSCB sections.
(Present only for Subtype 1) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PDL | 8 | EBCDIC | Product level.
8 | 8 | SMF42PDN | 10 | EBCDIC | Product name.
18 | 12 | SMF42PSV | 1 | binary | Subtype version number 0 Volume header section does not exist 1 Volume header section exists.
19 | 13 | SMF42RES2 | 1 | -- | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF42PTS | 8 | binary | Interval Start or OPEN time of day. This is zero if not available. These values are in time-of-day (TOD) clock format, and reflect GMT time, not local time.
28 | 1C | SMF42PTE | 8 | binary | Interval End or CLOSE time of day. This is zero if not available. These values are in time-of-day (TOD) clock format, and reflect GMT time, not local time.
36 | 24 | SMF42RES3 | 4 | EBCDIC | 2 Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 1) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42TNA | 4 | binary | Total number of storage classes.
4 | 4 | SMF42TMT | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the elapsed time of the measurement period in seconds.
8 | 8 | SMF42TRT | 4 | binary | Total number of member data page reads.
12 | C | SMF42TRH | 4 | binary | Total number of member data page read hits handled by BMF.
16 | 10 | SMF42TDT | 4 | binary | Total number of directory data page reads.
20 | 14 | SMF42TDH | 4 | binary | Total number of directory data page read hits handled by BMF.
24 | 18 | -- | 4 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 2) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PNL | 2 | binary | Length of storage class name.
2 | 2 | SMF42PNN | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
32 | 20 | SMF42SRT | 4 | binary | Total number of member data page reads.
36 | 24 | SMF42SRH | 4 | binary | Total number of member data page read hits handled by BMF.
40 | 28 | SMF42SDT | 4 | binary | Total number of directory data page reads.
44 | 2C | SMF42SDH | 4 | binary | Total number of directory data page read hits handled by BMF.
(Present only for Subtype 2) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42SCS | 1 | binary | Storage director caching status Format Meaning 000xxxxx Caching is active. 001xxxxx Caching is pending active. 010xxxxx Internal subsystem error. Caching has ended. 100xxxxx Caching deactivated due to explicit host system request. 110xxxxx Pending off is in progress. Command to deactivate cache received, but de-stage is still in progress. 111xxxxx Pending off destage has failed. xxx1xxxx Subsystem storage disabled for maintenance. xxxxXXxx Reserved. xxxxxx1x IML device is not available. xxxxxxx1 Non-retentive data is deactivated.
1 | 1 | SMF42NCS | 1 | binary | Subsystem non-volatile storage status Format Meaning 00xxxxxx Non-volatile cache is active. 01xxxxxx Internal subsystem error. Non-volatile cache availability is ended. 10xxxxxx Non-volatile cache has been deactivated due to explicit host system request. 11xxxxxx Pending non-volatile unavailable has been received, but destage is still in progress. xxXxxXXX Reserved. xxx1xxxx Non-volatile storage disabled for maintenance. xxxx1xxx Non-volatile storage disabled due to error.
2 | 2 | SMF42CID | 2 | binary | Subsystem identifier.
4 | 4 | SMF42CSS | 4 | binary | Configured subsystem storage capacity, in bytes. F‘1’ means the capacity could not be determined.
8 | 8 | SMF42SSA | 4 | binary | Subsystem storage available, in bytes, for allocation as cache space.
12 | C | SMF42SAP | 4 | binary | Subsystem storage allocated, in bytes, for pinned data.
16 | 10 | SMF42SSU | 4 | binary | Subsystem storage unavailable, in bytes, due to subsystem failures.
20 | 14 | SMF42NSZ | 4 | binary | Configured non-volatile cache capacity, in bytes. F‘1’ means the capacity could not be determined.
24 | 18 | SMF42SPR | 4 | binary | Non-volatile cache allocated, in bytes, for pinned data.
28 | 1C | -- | 4 | Reserved. | |
32 | 20 | SMF42LCT | 4 | binary | I/O count for the subsystem.
36 | 24 | SMF42LFW | 4 | binary | Fast write bypass count.
40 | 28 | SMF42LRH | 4 | binary | Cache normal read hit percent, between 0 and 100.
44 | 2C | SMF42LWM | 4 | binary | Fast write bypasses per minute (an integer).
48 | 30 | SMF42LYY | 2 | binary | Year, in the form 0cyy, where c is 0 for 19xx and 1 for 20xx, and yy is the current year (0-99).
50 | 32 | SMF42LDD | 2 | binary | Day of year, in the form dddF, where ddd is the current day (1-366), and F is the sign.
52 | 34 | SMF42LTM | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in seconds.
56 | 38 | SMF42CCT | 4 | binary | I/O count for the subsystem.
60 | 3C | SMF42CFW | 4 | binary | Fast write bypass count.
64 | 40 | SMF42CRH | 4 | binary | Cache normal read hit percent, between 0 and 100.
68 | 44 | SMF42CWM | 4 | binary | Fast write bypasses per minute (an integer).
72 | 48 | SMF42CYY | 2 | binary | Year, in the form 0cyy, where c is 0 for 19xx and 1 for 20xx, and yy is the current year (0-99).
74 | 4A | SMF42CDD | 2 | binary | Day of year, in the form dddF, where ddd is the current day (1-366), and F is the sign.
76 | 4C | SMF42CTM | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in seconds.
80 | 50 | SMF42IHR | 2 | binary | Average hit ratio, between 0 and 100.
82 | 52 | SMF42IFW | 2 | binary | Average fast-write bypasses per minute (an integer).
84 | 54 | -- | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 3) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VOL | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number.
6 | 6 | -- | 2 | -- | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF42DEV | 4 | binary | Device number.
12 | C | SMF42DB1 | 1 | binary | Device status flags, byte 1 Bit Indicates 0-1 Device cache status Format Meaning 00xxxxxx Caching is activated. 01xxxxxx Unused. 10xxxxxx Deactivate pending by explicit host system request. Transfer of modified data to DASD has failed. 11xxxxxx Caching deactivated is unavailable.2-3 Fast write status Format Meaning xx00xxxx Fast write is activated. xx01xxxx Unused. xx10xxxx Fast-write deactivate pending. Transfer of data to DASD has failed. xx11xxxx Fast write deactivated.4-7 Duplex pair flags Format Meaning xxxx1xxx Primary of duplex pair. xxxxx1xx Secondary of duplex pair. xxxxxx00 Duplex pair available. xxxxxx01 Duplex pair is pending (copy to establish duplex pair is in progress or failed). xxxxxx10 Failed duplex by command. xxxxxx11 Failed duplex by subsystem.
13 | D | SMF42DB2 | 1 | binary | Device status flags, byte 2 Format Meaning 00xxxxxx No pinned data exists for the device, and fast write was not suspended. 01xxxxxx Pinned data exists for the device, but fast write was not suspended. 10xxxxxx Reserved. 11xxxxxx Pinned data exists for the device, and fast write was suspended. xxXXXXXX Channel connect address for other device in duplex pair.
14 | E | -- | 2 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42EAC | 8 | EBCDIC | The action that caused the record to be created, ACTIVATE, ENF, or VARY SMS.
8 | 8 | SMF42ERC | 4 | binary | Return code from resulting event.
12 | C | SMF42ERS | 4 | binary | Reason code from resulting event.
16 | 10 | SMF42EUA | 4 | binary | UCB address for the device.
20 | 14 | SMF42EVO | 6 | EBCDIC | VOLSER for device is online.
26 | 1A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF42EOS | 1 | binary | Old MVS volume status. Value Meaning 1 Online. 2 Offline. 3 Pending offline. 4 Boxed. 5 Not ready.
29 | 1D | SMF42ENS | 1 | binary | New MVS volume status.
30 | 1E | -- | 2 | Reserved. | |
32 | 20 | SMF42ETY | 8 | EBCDIC | Type of VARY or UPDATE request: STORGRP, LIBRARY, DRIVE or VOLUME.
40 | 28 | SMF42ESL | 2 | binary | Name length.
42 | 2A | SMF42ENM | 30 | EBCDIC | STORAGE name or LIBRARY name or DRIVE name.
72 | 48 | SMF42EVL | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial.
78 | 4E | SMF42 | -- | Reserved.
| |
80 | 50 | SMF42ESY | 8 | EBCDIC | System name (up to 8 systems, separated by commas) or ‘(ALL)’.
88 | 58 | SMF42EST | 12 | EBCDIC | Resulting status: ENABLE or ENABLE,NEW or QUIESCE or QUIESCE,NEW or DISABLE or DISABLE,NEW.
100 | 64 | -- | 4 | Reserved. | |
104 | 68 | SMF42ESD | 44 | EBCDIC | Source control data set name.
148 | 94 | SMF42EAD | 44 | EBCDIC | Active control data set name.
(Present only for Subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42CCID | 4 | binary | Logical session ID.
4 | 4 | SMF42CCRQS | 2 | EBCDIC | Request type: ‘CC’ = Concurrent Copy.
6 | 6 | SMF42CCTS | 1 | EBCDIC | Termination status: ‘N’ = normal ‘A’ = abnormal.
7 | 7 | -- | 1 | -- | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF42CCJNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Invoking jobname.
16 | 10 | SMF42CCJNO | 8 | EBCDIC | Invoking job number.
24 | 18 | SMF42CCSST | 8 | binary | Session start TOD.
32 | 20 | SMF42CCEIT | 8 | binary | Initialization end TOD.
40 | 28 | SMF42CCSET | 8 | binary | Session end TOD.
48 | 30 | SMF42CCSSO | 4 | binary | Offset to first SSID (storage subsystem identifier) header.
52 | 34 | SMF42CCSSN | 2 | binary | Number of SSIDs for session.
54 | 36 | SMF42CCSSL | 2 | binary | Length of SSID header.
56 | 38 | -- | 8 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42CSNXT | 4 | binary | Offset to next SSID header (0 if last SSID).
4 | 4 | SMF42CSID | 2 | binary | SSID.
6 | 6 | SMF42CSIDP | 1 | binary | Controller session ID.
7 | 7 | -- | 1 | -- | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF42CSMSF | 4 | binary | Maximum track threshold reached in storage control buffers.
12 | C | SMF42CSVLO | 4 | binary | Offset to first volume section for this SSID.
16 | 10 | SMF42CSVLN | 2 | binary | Number of volume sections.
18 | 12 | SMF42CSVLL | 2 | binary | Length of each volume section.
20 | 14 | -- | 4 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42CVLNX | 4 | binary | Offset to next volume (0 if last volume).
4 | 4 | SMF42CVLSR | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number.
10 | A | -- | 2 | -- | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF42CVLDV | 1 | binary | Device type.
13 | D | SMF42CVLUA | 3 | EBCDIC | Unit address.
16 | 10 | SMF42CVLTK | 4 | binary | Number of tracks to be processed on the volume.
20 | 14 | SMF42CVLRD | 4 | binary | Number of tracks read directly from DASD.
24 | 18 | SMF42CVLRS | 4 | binary | Number of tracks read from the storage control buffers.
28 | 1C | SMF42CVLEP | 4 | binary | Number of concurrent copy I/Os for the volume for the session.
32 | 20 | -- | 4 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 4) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42EXID | 4 | binary | Logical ID.
4 | 4 | SMF42EXRQS | 3 | EBCDIC | Request type: ‘EXT’ = Extended format data set.
7 | 7 | -- | 1 | -- | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF42EXJNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Invoking jobname.
16 | 10 | SMF42EXJNO | 8 | EBCDIC | Invoking job number.
24 | 18 | SMF42EXSTM | 8 | binary | Start TOD.
32 | 20 | SMF42EXETM | 8 | binary | End TOD.
40 | 28 | SMF42EXTS | 1 | EBCDIC | Termination status: ‘N’ = normal ‘A’ = abnormal
41 | 29 | -- | 3 | -- | Reserved.
44 | 2C | SMF42EVLRT | 8 | binary | Number of tracks read.
52 | 34 | SMF42EVLWT | 8 | binary | Number of tracks written.
60 | 3C | -- | 12 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VCID | 4 | binary | VCC Logical session ID.
4 | 4 | SMF42VCRQS | 3 | EBCDIC | Request type:
'VCC' = Virtual Concurrent Copy. |
7 | 7 | SMF42VCTS | 1 | EBCDIC | Termination status:
'N' = normal 'A' = abnormal. 8 8 S42VCJNM 8 EBCDIC Invoking jobname. |
16 | 10 | SMF42VCJNO | 8 | EBCDIC | Invoking job number.
24 | 18 | SMF42VCSST | 8 | binary | Session start TOD.
32 | 20 | SMF42VCEIT | 8 | binary | Initialization end TOD.
40 | 28 | SMF42VCSET | 8 | binary | Session end TOD.
48 | 30 | SMF42VCCTK | 8 | binary | Total number of tracks processed using concurrent copy.
56 | 38 | SMF42VCVTK | 8 | binary | Total number of tracks processed using virtual concurrent copy.
64 | 40 | SMF42VCDSP | 8 | binary | Total number of tracks stored in dataspace.
72 | 48 | SMF42VCSSO | 4 | binary | Offset to first SSID (storage subsystem identifier) header.
76 | 4C | SMF42VCSSN | 2 | binary | Number of SSIDs for session.
78 | 4E | SMF42VCSSL | 2 | binary | Length of SSID header.
80 | 50 | -- | 8 | binary | Reserved
(Present only for Subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42SCRNL | 2 | binary | Storage class name length.
2 | 2 | SMF42SCRNN | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
32 | 20 | SMF42SCIOR | 4 | binary | Response time.
36 | 24 | SMF42SCIOC | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time.
40 | 28 | SMF42SCIOP | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time.
44 | 2C | SMF42SCIOD | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time.
48 | 30 | SMF42SCIOQ | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time.
52 | 34 | SMF42SCION | 4 | binary | Total number of I/Os.
56 | 38 | SMF42SCCND | 4 | binary | Number of cache candidates.
60 | 3C | SMF42SCHIT | 4 | binary | Number of cache hits.
64 | 40 | SMF42SCWCN | 4 | binary | Number of write candidates.
68 | 44 | SMF42SCWHI | 4 | binary | Number of write hits.
72 | 48 | SMF42SCSEQ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential I/O operations.
76 | 4C | SMF42SCRLC | 4 | binary | Number of record level cache I/O operations.
80 | 50 | SMF42SCICL | 4 | binary | Number of inhibit cache load I/O operations.
84 | 54 | SMF42SCDA0 | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time.
88 | 58 | SMF42SCRDD | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads.
92 | 5C | SMF42SCRDT | 4 | binary | Total number of read operations.
96 | 60 | SMF42SCHRD | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF read operations.
100 | 64 | SMF42SCHWR | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF write operations.
104 | 68 | SMF42SCR1U | 4 | binary | Response time (one microsecond).
108 | 6C | SMF42SCC1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time (one microsecond).
112 | 70 | SMF42SCP1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time (one microsecond).
116 | 74 | SMF42SCD1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time (one microsecond).
120 | 78 | SMF42SCQ1U | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time (one microsecond).
124 | 7C | SMF42SCA1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time (one microsecond).
128 | 80 | SMF42SCT1U | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads (one microsecond).
132 | 84 | SMF42SCB1U | 4 | binary | Average device busy time (one microsecond).
136 | 88 | SMF42SCM1U | 4 | binary | Average initial command response time (one microsecond). 140 8C * 4 – Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VTNXT | 4 | binary | Offset to next volume header section from start of record, including record descriptor word (RDW).
4 | 4 | SMF42VTSER | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial identification.
10 | A | SMF42VTADR | 2 | binary | Binary device number.
12 | C | SMF42VTFL1 | 1 | binary | Device descriptor flags.
Bit Meaning 1... .... Device is online (SMF42VTONL) .1.. .... Device is SMS managed (SMF42VTSMS ) ..xx xxxx Reserved |
13 | D | -- | 7 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF42TUNC | 4 | binary | Count of I/O not captured by the VTOC or VVDS component statistics.
24 | 18 | SMF42VTVDO | 4 | binary | Offset to VTOC Data component section.
28 | 1C | SMF42VTVDL | 2 | binary | Length of VTOC Data component section.
30 | 1E | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42VTVXO | 4 | binary | Offset to VTOC Index component section.
36 | 24 | SMF42VTVXL | 2 | binary | Length of VTOC Index component section.
38 | 26 | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42VTVVO | 4 | binary | Offset to VVDS component section.
44 | 2C | SMF42VTVVL | 2 | binary | Length of VVDS component section.
42 | 2E | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VDIOR | 4 | binary | Response time.
4 | 4 | SMF42VDIOC | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time.
8 | 8 | SMF42VDIOP | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time.
12 | C | SMF42VDIOD | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time
16 | 10 | SMF42VDIOQ | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time.
20 | 14 | SMF42VDION | 4 | binary | Total number of I/Os.
24 | 18 | SMF42VDCND | 4 | binary | Number of cache candidates.
28 | 1C | SMF42VDHIT | 4 | binary | Number of cache hits.
32 | 20 | SMF42VDWCN | 4 | binary | Number of write candidates.
36 | 24 | SMF42VDWHI | 4 | binary | Number of write hits.
40 | 28 | SMF42VDSEQ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential I/O operations.
44 | 2C | SMF42VDRLC | 4 | binary | Number of record level cache I/O operations.
48 | 30 | SMF42VDICL | 4 | binary | Number of inhibit cache load I/O operations.
52 | 34 | SMF42VDDA0 | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time.
56 | 38 | SMF42VDRDD | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads.
60 | 3C | SMF42VDRDT | 4 | binary | Total number of read operations.
64 | 40 | SMF42VDHRD | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF read operations.
68 | 44 | SMF42VDHWR | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF write operations
72 | 48 | SMF42VDR1U | 4 | binary | Response time (one microsecond).
76 | 4C | SMF42VDC1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time (one microsecond).
80 | 50 | SMF42VDP1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time (one microsecond).
84 | 54 | SMF42VDD1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time (one microsecond).
88 | 58 | SMF42VDQ1U | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time (one microsecond).
92 | 5C | SMF42VDA1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time (one microsecond).
96 | 60 | SMF42VDT1U | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads (one microsecond).
100 | 64 | SMF42VDB1U | 4 | binary | Average device busy time (one microsecond).
104 | 68 | SMF42VDM1U | 4 | binary | Average initial command response time (one microsecond). 108 6C * 4 – Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 5) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VXIOR | 4 | binary | Response time.
4 | 4 | SMF42VXIOC | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time.
8 | 8 | SMF42VXIOP | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time.
12 | C | SMF42VXIOD | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time.
16 | 10 | SMF42VXIOQ | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time.
20 | 14 | SMF42VXION | 4 | binary | Total number of I/Os.
24 | 18 | SMF42VXCND | 4 | binary | Number of cache candidates.
28 | 1C | SMF42VXHIT | 4 | binary | Number of cache hits.
32 | 20 | SMF42VXWCN | 4 | binary | Number of write candidates.
36 | 24 | SMF42VXWHI | 4 | binary | Number of write hits.
40 | 28 | SMF42VXSEQ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential I/O operations.
44 | 2C | SMF42VXRLC | 4 | binary | Number of record level cache I/O operations.
48 | 30 | SMF42VXICL | 4 | binary | Number of inhibit cache load I/O operations.
52 | 34 | SMF42VXDA0 | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time.
56 | 38 | SMF42VXRDD | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads.
60 | 3C | SMF42VXRDT | 4 | binary | Total number of read operations.
64 | 40 | SMF42VXHRD | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF read operations (one microsecond).
68 | 44 | SMF42VXHWR | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF write operations (one microsecond).
72 | 48 | SMF42VXR1U | 4 | binary | Response time (one microsecond).
76 | 4C | SMF42VXC1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time (one microsecond).
80 | 50 | SMF42VXP1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time (one microsecond).
84 | 54 | SMF42VXD1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time (one microsecond).
88 | 58 | SMF42VXQ1U | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time (one microsecond).
92 | 5C | SMF42VXA1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time (one microsecond).
96 | 60 | SMF42VXT1U | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads (one microsecond).
100 | 64 | SMF42VXB1U | 4 | binary | Average device busy time (one microsecond).
104 | 68 | SMF42VXM1U | 4 | binary | Average initial command response time (one microsecond). 108 6C * 4 – Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 6) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42VVIOR | 4 | binary | Response time.
4 | 4 | SMF42VVIOC | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time.
8 | 8 | SMF42VVIOP | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time.
12 | C | SMF42VVIOD | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time.
16 | 10 | SMF42VVIOQ | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time.
20 | 14 | SMF42VVION | 4 | binary | Total number of I/Os
24 | 18 | SMF42VVCND | 4 | binary | Number of cache candidates.
28 | 1C | SMF42VVHIT | 4 | binary | Number of cache hits.
32 | 20 | SMF42VVWCN | 4 | binary | Number of write candidates.
36 | 24 | SMF42VVWHI | 4 | binary | Number of write hits.
40 | 28 | SMF42VVSEQ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential I/O operations.
44 | 2C | SMF42VVRLC | 4 | binary | Number of record level cache I/O operations.
48 | 30 | SMF42VVICL | 4 | binary | Number of inhibit cache load I/O operations.
52 | 34 | SMF42VVDA0 | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time.
56 | 38 | SMF42VVRDD | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads.
60 | 3C | SMF42VVRDT | 4 | binary | Total number of read operations.
64 | 40 | SMF42VVHRD | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF read operations.
68 | 44 | SMF42VVHWR | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF write operations.
72 | 48 | SMF42VVR1U | 4 | binary | Response time (one microsecond).
76 | 4C | SMF42VVC1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time (one microsecond).
80 | 50 | SMF42VVP1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time (one microsecond).
84 | 54 | SMF42VVD1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time (one microsecond).
88 | 58 | SMF42VVQ1U | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time (one microsecond).
92 | 5C | SMF42VVA1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time (one microsecond).
96 | 60 | SMF42VVT1U | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads (one microsecond).
100 | 64 | SMF42VVB1U | 4 | binary | Average device busy time (one microsecond).
104 | 68 | SMF42VVM1U | 4 | binary | Average initial command response time (one microsecond). 108 6C * 4 – Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 6) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JDJNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name.
8 | 8 | SMF42JDRST | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundreds of a second, reader recognized the JOB card for this job.
12 | 0C | SMF42JDRSD | 4 | packed | Date reader recognized the JOB card for this job, in the form 0cyydddF.
16 | 10 | SMF42JDUID | 8 | EBCDIC | User-defined identification field (taken from common exit parameter area, not from USER=parameter on job statement).
24 | 18 | SMF42JDDSO | 4 | binary | Offset to first data set header section.
28 | 1C | SMF42JDDSL | 2 | binary | Length of data set header section.
30 | 1E | SMF42JDCOD | 1 | binary | 0=Close, 1=Interval record.
31 | 1F | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42JDPGN | 2 | binary | Job performance group number.
34 | 22 | SMF42JDIOL | 2 | binary | Length of data set I/O statistics section.
36 | 24 | SMF42JDAML | 2 | binary | Length of access method statistics section.
38 | 26 | -- | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42JDGMO | 4 | binary | Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) offset represented in 1.048576 seconds.
44 | 2C | SMF42JDWSC | 8 | EBCDIC | Workload Manager (WLM) Service Class Name.
52 | 32 | SMF42JDWLD | 8 | EBCDIC | Workload Manager (WLM) workload name.
60 | 3C | -- | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 6) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42DSNXT | 4 | binary | Offset to the next data set header section (0 if the last data set).
4 | 4 | SMF42DSNAM | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
48 | 30 | SMF42DSTYP | 1 | binary | Data set type. Value Meaning 0 Other 1 Physical sequential 2 PDS 3 PDSE 4 Direct access 5 ISAM 6 EXCP 7 Extended format data set 10 HFS 16 KSDS data component 17 KSDS index component 18 Variable RRDS data component 19 Variable RRDS index component 20 Fixed length RRDS 21 Linear data set 22 ESDS
49 | 31 | SMF42DSCOD | 1 | binary | Entry descriptor flag Bit Meaning 1... .... First data set entry since Open. .xxx xxxx Reserved.
50 | 32 | SMF42DSFL1 | 1 | binary | Data set descriptor flags
Bit Meaning 11xx xxxx VSAM buffer flags 11.. .... GSR 10.. .... LSR 01.. .... RLS 00.. .... NSR ..x. .... Reserved ....1 .... Open for EXCP processing ..... 1... Non-VSAM fixed length records ..... .1.. Program library ..... ..1. Extended format ..... ...1 Compressed format |
51 | 33 | -- | 1 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
52 | 34 | SMF42DSIOO | 4 | binary | Offset to data set I/O statistics section.
56 | 38 | SMF42DSAMO | 4 | binary | Offset to access method statistics section.
60 | 3C | SMF42DSVOL | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number.
66 | 42 | SMF42DSDEV | 2 | binary | Device number.
68 | 44 | SMF42DSSC | 8 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
76 | 4C | SMF42DSBSZ | 4 | binary | Block size.
80 | 50 | SMF42DSTRP | 2 | binary | Number of stripes
82 | 52 | -- | 6 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 6) This section contains information as seen by the Access Method Services component of z/OS. Notes: 1. All delay values are in units of 128 microseconds. 2. The I/O delay is only calculated by Access Method Services when the application checks whether an I/O buffer is available to be reused (for example, when an access method has issued an I/O request to commit the buffer). The timer starts when the caller makes the check request; it does not start when the I/O is requested. The timer ends when the I/O request completes. Thus, the delay value that is reported is the amount of time that the caller had to wait to reuse a buffer. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42DSIOR | 4 | binary | Average response time.
4 | 4 | SMF42DSIOC | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time.
8 | 8 | SMF42DSIOP | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time.
12 | C | SMF42DSIOD | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time.
16 | 10 | SMF42DSIOQ | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time.
20 | 14 | SMF42DSION | 4 | binary | Total number of I/Os.
24 | 18 | SMF42DSCND | 4 | binary | Number of cache candidates.
28 | 1C | SMF42DSSHTS | 4 | binary | Number of cache hits.
32 | 20 | SMF42DSWCN | 4 | binary | Number of write candidates.
36 | 24 | SMF42DSWHI | 4 | binary | Number of write hits.
40 | 28 | SMF42DSSEQ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential I/O operations. Operations counted here are not accumulated in SMF42DSCND and SMF42DSWCN.
44 | 2C | SMF42DSRLC | 4 | binary | Number of record level cache I/O operations.
48 | 30 | SMF42DSICL | 4 | binary | Number of inhibit cache load I/O operations.
52 | 34 | SMF42DSDA0 | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time.
56 | 38 | SMF42DSMXR | 4 | binary | Maximum data set I/O response time.
60 | 3C | SMF42DSMXS | 4 | binary | Maximum data set service time.
64 | 40 | SMF42DSRDD | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads.
68 | 44 | SMF42DSRDT | 4 | binary | Total number of read operations.
72 | 48 | SMF42DSHRD | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF read operations.
76 | 4C | SMF42DSHWR | 4 | binary | Number of zHPF write operations.
80 | 50 | SMF42DSR1U | 4 | binary | Average response time (one microsecond).
84 | 54 | SMF42DSC1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O connect time (one microsecond). There is one SMF subtype 6 record per data set, and each record has its own SMFDSIOC field.
88 | 58 | SMF42DSP1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O pending time (one microsecond).
92 | 5C | SMF42DSD1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O disconnect time (one microsecond).
96 | 60 | SMF42DSQ1U | 4 | binary | Average control unit queue time (one microsecond).
100 | 64 | SMF42DSA1U | 4 | binary | Average I/O device-active-only time (one microsecond).
104 | 68 | SMF42DST1U | 4 | binary | Average disconnect time for reads (one microsecond).
108 | 6C | SMF42DSB1U | 4 | binary | Average device busy time (one microsecond).
112 | 70 | SMF42DSM1U | 4 | binary | Average initial command response time (one microsecond).
116 | 74 | SMF42DSIOS | 4 | binary | Total number of read/write operations to Metro Mirror secondary.
Note: I/O operations to the Metro Mirror secondary volume are included in the Data Set I/O reporting fields |
(Present only for Subtype 9) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AMSRB | 4 | binary | Sequential read: number of blocks.
4 | 4 | SMF42AMSRR | 4 | binary | Sequential read: input/output delay.
8 | 8 | SMF42AMSWB | 4 | binary | Sequential write: number of blocks.
12 | 0C | SMF42AMSWR | 4 | binary | Sequential write: input/output delay.
16 | 10 | SMF42AMDRB | 4 | binary | Direct read: number of blocks.
20 | 14 | SMF42AMDRR | 4 | binary | Direct read: total input/output delay.
24 | 18 | SMF42AMDWB | 4 | binary | Direct write: number of blocks.
28 | 1C | SMF42AMDWR | 4 | binary | Direct write: total input/output delay.
32 | 20 | SMF42AMZRB | 4 | binary | Number of directory reads.
36 | 24 | SMF42AMZRR | 4 | binary | Directory read: input/output delay.
40 | 28 | SMF42AMZWB | 4 | binary | Number of directory writes.
44 | 2C | SMF42AMZWR | 4 | binary | Directory write: input/output delay.
(Present only for Subtype 9) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42ASYID | 4 | EBCDIC | System ID.
4 | 4 | SMF42JOBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Job Name.
12 | C | SMF42RDST | 4 | binary | Reader start time.
16 | 10 | SMF42RDSD | 4 | packed | Reader start date (0cyyddf).
20 | 14 | SMF42AAUID | 8 | EBCDIC | User identification.
28 | 1C | SMF42ASTPN | 1 | binary | Job step number.
29 | 1D | SMF42FLAGS | 1 | binary | Flags
Bit Meaning 1... .... B37 Abend ..1.. .... D37 Abend ...1. .... E37 Abend |
30 | 1E | -- | 4 | -- | Reserved.
34 | 22 | SMF42DSORG | 2 | binary | DSORG (data set organization).
36 | 24 | SMF42ADISP | 1 | binary | Disposition.
37 | 25 | SMF42DSNME | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
81 | 51 | SMF42VOLSR | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number of current volume.
87 | 57 | SMF42UCBTP | 4 | binary | UCB type information.
91 | 5B | SMF42NEXT | 1 | binary | Number of extends on the current volume for this data set.
92 | 5C | SMF42TNTRK | 4 | binary | Total number of tracks for data set on this volume.
96 | 60 | SMF42ASSAT | 4 | binary | Secondary allocation amount from the JFCB.
100 | 64 | SMF42ADRLH | 3 | binary | Average block length if specified.
103 | 67 | -- | 5 | Reserved. | |
(Present only for Subtype 10) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42MCNME | 30 | EBCDIC | Management class name.
30 | 1E | SMF42SCNME | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
60 | 3C | SMF42DCNME | 30 | EBCDIC | Data class name.
(Present only for Subtype 11) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name.
8 | 8 | SMF42PGN | 8 | EBCDIC | Program name.
16 | 10 | SMF42STN | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name
24 | 18 | SMF42DDN | 8 | EBCDIC | DD name.
32 | 20 | SMF42DSN | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
76 | 4C | SMF42RSP | 4 | binary | Requested space quantity.
80 | 50 | SMF42UNT | 2 | EBCDIC | Unit of space quantity.
82 | 52 | SMF42DCL | 2 | binary | Length of data class.
84 | 54 | SMF42DCN | 30 | EBCDIC | Data class name.
114 | 72 | SMF42MCL | 2 | binary | Length of management class.
116 | 74 | SMF42MCN | 30 | EBCDIC | Management class name.
146 | 92 | SMF42SLN | 2 | binary | Length of storage class.
148 | 94 | SMF42SNM | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
178 | B2 | SMF42SGL | 2 | binary | Length of storage group.
180 | B4 | SMF42SGN | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage group name.
(Present only for Subtype 11) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42XRID | 8 | EBCDIC | Logical session ID.
8 | 8 | SMF42XRTYP | 8 | EBCDIC | Session type ‘XRC’ = Extended Remote Copy
16 | 10 | SMF42XRSSO | 4 | binary | Offset to first storage subsystem identifier (SSID) data section.
20 | 14 | SMF42XRSSN | 2 | binary | Number of SSIDs in the XRC session.
22 | 16 | SMF42XRSSL | 2 | binary | Length of SSID data section.
24 | 18 | -- | 8 | -- | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 14) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42XRSNX | 4 | binary | Offset to next SSID data section (0 if last SSID).
4 | 4 | SMF42XRSID | 2 | binary | SSID.
6 | 6 | SMF42XRIDP | 1 | binary | Controller session ID.
7 | 7 | -- | 1 | -- | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF42XRVSH | 4 | binary | Number of volumes being shadowed for this SSID that are still active in the XRC session at the end of the SMF interval.
12 | C | SMF42XRTPR | 4 | binary | Total number of primary data mover reads.
16 | 10 | SMF42XRNWD | 4 | binary | Number of data mover reads with data.
20 | 14 | SMF42XRNND | 4 | binary | Number of data mover reads with no data.
24 | 18 | SMF42XRNLR | 4 | binary | Number of data mover reads left to be read.
28 | 1C | SMF42XRNFW | 4 | binary | Number of format writes.
32 | 20 | SMF42XRNUW | 4 | binary | Number of update writes.
36 | 24 | SMF42FXRARS | 4 | binary | Average record size.
40 | 28 | -- | 4 | -- | Reserved.
Sysplex-Wide Storage Class Summary Data Section for Below the Bar (Present only for Subtype 15) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42T14_ PLV | 2 | EBCDIC | Product level.
2 | 2 | SMF42T14_ PNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name, ADSM.
10 | A | -- | 2 | -- | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF42T14_ NDNM | 30 | EBCDIC | Node name of ADSM client. If the node name does not fit completely within 30 characters, the client node name is listed as: first...last where first is the first 17 characters of the node name and last is the last 10 characters of the node name.
42 | 2A | SMF42T14_ DTTM | 14 | EBCDIC | Data and time of accounting (yyyymmddhhmmss).
56 | 38 | SMF42T14_ DUR | 4 | binary | Duraction of session, in seconds.
60 | 3C | SMF42T14_ 7 | 4 | binary | Number of archive database objects inserted during session.
64 | 40 | SMF42T14_ 8 | 4 | binary | Number of backup database objects inserted during session.
68 | 44 | SMF42T14_ 9 | 4 | binary | Amount of archived files, in kilobytes, sent by the client to the server.
72 | 48 | SMF42T14_ 10 | 4 | binary | Amount of backed up files, in kilobytes, sent by the client to the server
76 | 4C | SMF42T14_ 11 | 4 | binary | Amount of data, in kilobytes, communicated between a client node and the server during this session.
80 | 50 | SMF42T14_ 12 | 8 | EBCDIC | Client owner name (UNIX).
88 | 58 | SMF42T14_ 13 | 8 | EBCDIC | Node type.
96 | 60 | SMF42T14_ 14 | 8 | EBCDIC | Communication method used for session.
104 | 68 | SMF42T14_ 15 | 4 | binary | Number of archive database objects retrieved during session.
108 | 6C | SMF42T14_ 16 | 4 | binary | Number of backup database objects retrieved during session.
112 | 70 | SMF42T14_ 17 | 4 | binary | Amount of space, in kilobytes, retrieved by archived objects.
116 | 74 | SMF42T14_ 18 | 4 | binary | Amount of space, in kilobytes, retrieved by backed up objects.
120 | 78 | SMF42T14_ 19 | 4 | binary | Amount of Idle Wait time, in seconds, during the session.
124 | 7C | SMF42T14_ 20 | 4 | binary | Amount of Communications Wait time, in seconds, during the session.
128 | 80 | SMF42T14_ 21 | 4 | binary | Amount of Media Wait time, in seconds, during the session.
132 | 84 | SMF42T14_ 22 | 4 | binary | Amount of CPU time, in seconds, used by the server for basic client activity. This amount includes CPU time to send or receive data from the client but does not include CPU time to place data on, or retrieve it from database storage.
136 | 88 | SMF42T14_ 23 | 1 | binary | Authentication method used.
137 | 89 | SMF42T14_ 24 | 1 | binary | Normal termination indicator (Normal=X’01’).
138 | 8A | SMF42T14_ 25 | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
140 | 8C | SMF42T14_ 26 | 4 | binary | Number of space managed database objects inserted during session.
144 | 90 | SMF42T14_ 27 | 4 | binary | Amount of space managed data, in kilobytes, sent by the client to the server.
148 | 94 | SMF42T14_ 28 | 4 | binary | Number of space managed database objects retrieved during session.
152 | 98 | SMF42T14_ 29 | 4 | binary | Amount of space, in kilobytes, retrieved by space managed objects. Offsets Name Length Format Description
SC, CF, SYS Summary Section for Below the Bar (Present only for Subtype 15) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42FAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42F00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates if DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching is active. Value is GT4KACTIVE or GT4KNOTACT.
16 | 10 | SMF42FAB | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
18 | 12 | SMF42FAC | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
48 | 30 | SMF42F01 | 2 | binary | Length of DFSMS cache set name.
50 | 32 | SMF42FAD | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS cache set name.
80 | 50 | SMF42FAE | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed.
84 | 54 | SMF42FAF | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
88 | 58 | SMF42FAG | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
92 | 5C | SMF42F02 | 2 | binary | DFSMS direct weight
94 | 5E | SMF42F12 | 2 | binary | DFSMS sequential weight
96 | 60 | SMF42FAH | 7 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
103 | 67 | SMF42FY3 | 1 | binary | Bit - Meaning 1... .... CA and CI count valid .1.. .... Local contention fields valid |
104 | 68 | SMF42FSA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
108 | 6C | SMF42FSB | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
112 | 70 | SMF42FCA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
116 | 74 | SMF42FCB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
120 | 78 | SMF42FCC | 4 | binary | Total number of Read requests - no read integrity.
124 | 7C | SMF42FCD | 4 | binary | Total number of Read Requests - Consistent reads.
128 | 80 | SMF42FCE | 4 | binary | Total number of Write requests.
132 | 84 | SMF42FCF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
136 | 88 | SMF42FCG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read Requests.
140 | 8C | SMF42FCH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
144 | 90 | SMF42FCI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read hits.
148 | 94 | SMF42FCJ | 4 | binary | Number of BMF valid Read hits.
152 | 98 | SMF42FCK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
156 | 9C | SMF42FCL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the sysplex cache manager.
160 | A0 | SMF42FCM | 4 | binary | Number of CF Read requests.
164 | A4 | SMF42FCN | 4 | binary | Number of CF Write requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42FCO | 4 | binary | Number of CF Read hits
172 | AC | SMF42FCP | 4 | binary | Number of Read castins
176 | B0 | SMF42FCQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure.
184 | B8 | SMF42FCR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O requests to DASD.
188 | BC | SMF42FCS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O requests to DASD.
192 | C0 | SMF42FCT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all direct access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD.
200 | C8 | SMF42FCU | 8 | binary | Number of DASD for the write requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42FCV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
224 | E0 | SMF42FCW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
232 | E8 | SMF42FCX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
236 | EC | SMF42FCY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
240 | F0 | SMF42FCZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
248 | F8 | SMF42FC7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
280 | 118 | SMF42FDA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility Cache partition number (RE-DO).
284 | 11C | SMF42FDB | 4 | binary | Total number of requests to DASD (RE-DO).
288 | 120 | SMF42FDC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (RE-DO).
292 | 124 | SMF42FDD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (RE-DO).
296 | 128 | SMF42FDE | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE requests (RE-DO).
300 | 12C | SMF42FDF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests (RE-DO).
304 | 130 | SMF42FDG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests (RE-DO).
308 | 134 | SMF42FDH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests (RE-DO).
312 | 138 | SMF42FDI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits (RE-DO).
316 | 13C | SMF42FDJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits (RE-DO).
320 | 140 | SMF42FDK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids (RE-DO).
324 | 144 | SMF42FDL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager
328 | 148 | SMF42FDM | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure Read requests (RE-DO).
332 | 14C | SMF42FDN | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure Write requests (RE-DO).
336 | 150 | SMF42FDO | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure read hits (RE-DO).
340 | 154 | SMF42FDP | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure read castins (RE-DO).
344 | 158 | SMF42FDQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into DFSMS cache structure (RE-DO).
352 | 160 | SMF42FDR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD (RE-DO).
356 | 164 | SMF42FDS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD (RE-DO).
360 | 168 | SMF42FDT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
368 | 170 | SMF42FDU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
376 | 178 | SMF42FDV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved. (RE-DO)
392 | 188 | SMF42FDW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access requests in this interval (RE-DO).
400 | 190 | SMF42FDX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests) (RE-DO).
404 | 194 | SMF42FDY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K) (RE-DO).
408 | 198 | SMF42FDZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
416 | 1A0 | SMF42FD7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
448 | 1C0 | SMF42FEA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
452 | 1C4 | SMF42FEB | 4 | binary | Total number of requests.
456 | 1C8 | SMF42FEC | 4 | binary | Total number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
460 | 1CC | SMF42FED | 4 | binary | Total number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
464 | 1D0 | SMF42FEE | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE requests.
468 | 1D4 | SMF42FEF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests.
472 | 1D8 | SMF42FEG | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access BMF Read requests.
476 | 1DC | SMF42FEH | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access BMF Write requests.
480 | 1E0 | SMF42FEI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits.
484 | 1E4 | SMF42FEJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits.
488 | 1E8 | SMF42FEK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF false invalids.
492 | 1EC | SMF42FEL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager
496 | 1F0 | SMF42FEM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read requests.
500 | 1F4 | SMF42FEN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests.
504 | 1F8 | SMF42FEO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits.
508 | 1FC | SMF42FEP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins.
512 | 200 | SMF42FEQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS CF cache structure.
520 | 208 | SMF42FER | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
524 | 20C | SMF42FES | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
528 | 210 | SMF42FET | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
536 | 218 | SMF42FEU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42FEV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
560 | 230 | SMF42FEW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
568 | 238 | SMF42FEX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
572 | 23C | SMF42FEY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
576 | 240 | SMF42FEZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
584 | 248 | SMF42FE7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
616 | 268 | SMF42FFA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
620 | 26C | SMF42FFB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
624 | 270 | SMF42FFC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (RE-DO).
628 | 274 | SMF42FFD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
632 | 278 | SMF42FFE | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access Write requests. (RE-DO)
636 | 27C | SMF42FFF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
640 | 280 | SMF42FFG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
644 | 284 | SMF42FFH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
648 | 288 | SMF42FFI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
652 | 28C | SMF42FFJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
656 | 290 | SMF42FFK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
660 | 294 | SMF42FFL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager. (RE-DO)
664 | 298 | SMF42FFM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
668 | 29C | SMF42FFN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
672 | 2A0 | SMF42FFO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
676 | 2A4 | SMF42FFP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
680 | 2A8 | SMF42FFQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure (RE-DO).
688 | 2BO | SMF42FFR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
692 | 2B4 | SMF42FFS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
696 | 2B8 | SMF42FFT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42FFU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
712 | 2C8 | SMF42FFV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42FFW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42FFX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
740 | 2E4 | SMF42FFY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
744 | 2E8 | SMF42FFZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
752 | 2F0 | SMF42FF7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
784 | 310 | SMF42FGA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
788 | 314 | SMF42FGB | 4 | binary | Total number of real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
792 | 318 | SMF42FGC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (READ-AHEAD).
796 | 31C | SMF42FGD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (READ-AHEAD).
800 | 320 | SMF42FGE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (READ-AHEAD)
804 | 324 | SMF42FGF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (READ-AHEAD)
808 | 328 | SMF42FGG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (READ-AHEAD)
812 | 32C | SMF42FGH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (READ-AHEAD)
816 | 330 | SMF42FGI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
820 | 334 | SMF42FGJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
824 | 338 | SMF42FGK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read ahead)
828 | 33C | SMF42FGL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the sysplex cache manager. (read ahead)
832 | 340 | SMF42FGM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
836 | 344 | SMF42FGN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
840 | 348 | SMF42FGO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
844 | 34C | SMF42FGP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
848 | 350 | SMF42FGQ | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure for all sequential access requests. (read ahead)
856 | 358 | SMF42FGR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD (READ-AHEAD).
860 | 35C | SMF42FGS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD (READ-AHEAD).
864 | 360 | SMF42FGT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
868 | 368 | SMF42FGU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
880 | 370 | SMF42FGV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
896 | 380 | SMF42FGW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
904 | 388 | SMF42FGX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval. (total time/number of requests)
908 | 38C | SMF42FGY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
912 | 390 | SMF42FGZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
920 | 398 | SMF42FG7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
952 | 3B8 | SMF42FHA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
956 | 3BC | SMF42FHB | 4 | binary | Total number of real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42FHC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (PRE-FORMAT).
964 | 3C4 | SMF42FHD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (PRE-FORMAT).
968 | 3C8 | SMF42FHE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
972 | 3CC | SMF42FHF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42FHG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42FHH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42FHI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (pre-format)
988 | 3DC | SMF42FHJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (pre-format)
992 | 3E0 | SMF42FHK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
996 | 3E4 | SMF42FHL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Requests. (pre-format)
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42FHM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Read Requests. (pre-format)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42FHN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Write Requests. (pre-format)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42FHO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42FHP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (pre-format)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42FHQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (pre-format)
1024 | 400 | SMF42FHR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1028 | 404 | SMF42FHS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1032 | 408 | SMF42FHT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1040 | 410 | SMF42FHU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1048 | 418 | SMF42FHV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1064 | 428 | SMF42FHW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1072 | 430 | SMF42FHX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1076 | 434 | SMF42FHY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1080 | 438 | SMF42FHZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1088 | 440 | SMF42FH7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1120 | 460 | SMF42FOA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1124 | 464 | SMF42FOB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1128 | 468 | SMF42FOC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1132 | 46C | SMF42FOD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1136 | 470 | SMF42FOE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1140 | 474 | SMF42FOF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1144 | 478 | SMF42FUA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1148 | 44C | SMF42FUB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry
1152 | 480 | SMF42FOH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1156 | 484 | SMF42FOI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1160 | 488 | SMF42FOJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1164 | 48C | SMF42FOK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1168 | 490 | SMF42FOL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1172 | 494 | SMF42FOM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1176 | 498 | SMF42FON | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1180 | 49C | SMF42FOO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42FOP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42FOQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42FOR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42FOS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42FOT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42FOU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42FOV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42FOW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42FUD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42FUE | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for upgrade lock.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42FUF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42FUG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42FPH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42FPI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42FPJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42FPK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42FPS | 4 | binary | Total number of all thread requests.
1260 | 4EC | SMF42FPT | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42FPU | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of thread requests).
1268 | 4F4 | SMF42FPV | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
1272 | 4F8 | SMF42FPW | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1280 | 500 | SMF42FAI | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
1296 | 510 | SMF42FAJ | 8 | EBCDIC | Lock set.
Sysplex-Wide Storage Class Summary Data Section for Above the Bar (Present only for Subtype 15) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42FBA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42F03 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates if DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching is active. Value is GT4KACTIVE or GT4KNOTACT.
16 | 10 | SMF42FBB | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
18 | 12 | SMF42FBC | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
48 | 30 | SMF42F04 | 2 | binary | Cache Set Name Length
50 | 32 | SMF42FBD | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS Cache Set name.
80 | 50 | SMF42FBE | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
88 | 58 | SMF42F05 | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF42FBF | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
98 | 62 | SMF42FBG | 30 | EBCDIC | DFP CF cache structure name.
128 | 80 | SMF42FBH | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed.
132 | 84 | SMF42FBI | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
136 | 88 | SMF42FBJ | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
140 | 8C | SMF42FB2 | 2 | binary | SMS Direct Weight
142 | 8E | SMF42FB3 | 2 | binary | SMS Sequential Weight
144 | 90 | SMF42FBL | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
160 | A0 | SMF42FIA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
164 | A4 | SMF42FIB | 4 | binary | Number of direct requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42FIC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
172 | AC | SMF42FID | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
176 | B0 | SMF42FIE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
180 | B4 | SMF42FIF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
184 | B8 | SMF42FIG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
188 | BC | SMF42FIH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
192 | C0 | SMF42FII | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
196 | C4 | SMF42FIJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
200 | C8 | SMF42FIK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
204 | CC | SMF42FIL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF Cache structure requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42FIM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
212 | D4 | SMF42FIN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
216 | D8 | SMF42FIO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
220 | DC | SMF42FIP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
224 | E0 | SMF42FIQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
232 | E8 | SMF42FIR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD.
236 | EC | SMF42FIS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD.
240 | F0 | SMF42FIT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
248 | F8 | SMF42FIU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
256 | 100 | SMF42FIV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
272 | 110 | SMF42FIW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
280 | 118 | SMF42FIX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
284 | 11C | SMF42FIY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
288 | 120 | SMF42FIZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
296 | 128 | SMF42FI7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
328 | 148 | SMF42FJA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
332 | 14C | SMF42FJB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
336 | 150 | SMF42FJC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
340 | 154 | SMF42FJD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
344 | 158 | SMF42FJE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
348 | 15C | SMF42FJF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
352 | 160 | SMF42FJG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
356 | 164 | SMF42FJH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
360 | 168 | SMF42FJI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
364 | 16C | SMF42FJJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
368 | 170 | SMF42FJK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
372 | 174 | SMF42FJL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
376 | 178 | SMF42FJM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
380 | 17C | SMF42FJN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
384 | 180 | SMF42FJO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
388 | 184 | SMF42FJP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
392 | 188 | SMF42FJQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (RE-DO)
400 | 190 | SMF42FJR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
404 | 194 | SMF42FJS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
408 | 198 | SMF42FJT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
416 | 1A0 | SMF42FJU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
424 | 1A8 | SMF42FJV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
440 | 1B8 | SMF42FJW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access. (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
448 | 1C0 | SMF42FJX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests). (RE-DO)
452 | 1C4 | SMF42FJY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
456 | 1C8 | SMF42FJZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
464 | 1D0 | SMF42FJ7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
496 | 1F0 | SMF42FKA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
500 | 1F4 | SMF42FKB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
504 | 1F8 | SMF42FKC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
508 | 1FC | SMF42FKD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
512 | 200 | SMF42FKE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
516 | 204 | SMF42FKF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests.
520 | 208 | SMF42FKG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests.
524 | 20C | SMF42FKH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests.
528 | 210 | SMF42FKI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits.
532 | 214 | SMF42FKJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits.
536 | 218 | SMF42FKK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential BMF false invalids.
540 | 21C | SMF42FKL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42FKM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests.
548 | 224 | SMF42FKN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests.
552 | 228 | SMF42FKO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits.
556 | 22C | SMF42FKP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins.
560 | 230 | SMF42FKQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
568 | 238 | SMF42FKR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
572 | 23C | SMF42FKS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
576 | 240 | SMF42FKT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests
584 | 248 | SMF42FKU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
592 | 250 | SMF42FKV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
608 | 260 | SMF42FKW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
616 | 268 | SMF42FKX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
620 | 26C | SMF42FKY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
624 | 270 | SMF42FKZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
632 | 278 | SMF42FK7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
664 | 298 | SMF42FLA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
668 | 29C | SMF42FLB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
672 | 2A0 | SMF42FLC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
676 | 2A4 | SMF42FLD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
680 | 2A8 | SMF42FLE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
684 | 2AC | SMF42FLF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
688 | 2B0 | SMF42FL6 | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
692 | 2B4 | SMF42FLH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
696 | 2B8 | SMF42FLI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
700 | 2BC | SMF42FLJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
704 | 2C0 | SMF42FLK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
708 | 2C4 | SMF42FLL | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
712 | 2C8 | SMF42FLM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
716 | 2CC | SMF42FLN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
720 | 2D0 | SMF42FLO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read hits. (RE-DO)
724 | 2D4 | SMF42FLP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
728 | 2D8 | SMF42FLQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (RE-DO)
736 | 2E0 | SMF42FLR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
740 | 2E4 | SMF42FLS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
744 | 2E8 | SMF42FLT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
752 | 2F0 | SMF42FLU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
760 | 2F8 | SMF42FLV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
776 | 308 | SMF42FLW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
784 | 310 | SMF42FLX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
788 | 314 | SMF42FLY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
792 | 318 | SMF42FLZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
800 | 320 | SMF42FL7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
832 | 340 | SMF42FMA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
836 | 344 | SMF42FMB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
840 | 348 | SMF42FMC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (read ahead)
844 | 34C | SMF42FMD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read ahead)
848 | 350 | SMF42FME | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (read ahead)
852 | 354 | SMF42FMF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (read ahead)
856 | 358 | SMF42FMG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (read ahead)
860 | 35C | SMF42FMH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (read ahead)
864 | 360 | SMF42FMI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
868 | 364 | SMF42FMJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
872 | 368 | SMF42FMK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read ahead)
876 | 36C | SMF42FML | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests. (read ahead)
880 | 370 | SMF42FMM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
884 | 374 | SMF42FMN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
888 | 378 | SMF42FMO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
892 | 37C | SMF42FMP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
896 | 380 | SMF42FMQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (read ahead)
904 | 388 | SMF42FMR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
908 | 38C | SMF42FMS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
912 | 390 | SMF42FMT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
920 | 398 | SMF42FMU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
928 | 3A0 | SMF42FMV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
944 | 3B0 | SMF42FMW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
952 | 3B8 | SMF42FMX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
956 | 3BC | SMF42FMY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42FMZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
968 | 3C8 | SMF42FM7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42FNA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1004 | 3EC | SMF42FNB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (Pre-format)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42FNC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (Pre-format)
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42FND | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (Pre-format)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42FNE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (Pre-format)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42FNF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (Pre-format)
1024 | 400 | SMF42FNG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (Pre-format)
1028 | 404 | SMF42FNH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (Pre-format)
1032 | 408 | SMF42FNI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (Pre-format)
1036 | 40C | SMF42FNJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (Pre-format)
1040 | 410 | SMF42FNK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (Pre-format)
1044 | 414 | SMF42FNL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests. (Pre-format)
1048 | 418 | SMF42FNM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (Pre-format)
1052 | 41C | SMF42FNN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
1056 | 420 | SMF42FNO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
1060 | 424 | SMF42FNP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (Pre-format)
1064 | 428 | SMF42FNQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (Pre-format)
1072 | 430 | SMF42FNR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (Pre-format)
1076 | 434 | SMF42FNS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1080 | 438 | SMF42FNT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1088 | 440 | SMF42FNU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1096 | 448 | SMF42FNV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1112 | 458 | SMF42FNW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1120 | 460 | SMF42FNX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1124 | 464 | SMF42FNY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1128 | 468 | SMF42FNZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1136 | 470 | SMF42FN7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1168 | 490 | SMF42FRA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1172 | 494 | SMF42FRB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1176 | 498 | SMF42FRC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1180 | 49C | SMF42FRD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42FRE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42FRF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42FVA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42FVB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42FRH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42FRI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42FRJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42FRK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42FRL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42FRM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42FRN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42FRO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42FRP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42FRQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42FRR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42FRS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42FRT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42FRU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42FRV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1260 | 4EC | SMF42FRW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42FVD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1268 | 4F4 | SMF42FVE | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1272 | 4F8 | SMF42FVF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1276 | 4FC | SMF42FVG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1280 | 500 | SMF42FSH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1284 | 504 | SMF42FSI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1288 | 508 | SMF42FSJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1292 | 50C | SMF42FSK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests
1296 | 510 | SMF42FQR | 8 | EBCDIC | Total time all thread requests.
1304 | 518 | SMF42FQS | 4 | binary | Total number of all thread requests.
1308 | 51C | SMF42FQT | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1312 | 520 | SMF42FQU | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of thread requests)
1316 | 524 | SMF42FQV | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of bytes transferred/4K)
1320 | 528 | SMF42FQW | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1328 | 530 | SMF42FBM | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
1344 | 540 | SMF42FBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Lock set.
SC, CF, SYS Summary Section for Above the Bar (Present only for Subtype 15) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AFAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AF00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates if DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching is active. Value is GT4KACTIVE or GT4KNOTACT.
16 | 10 | SMF42AFAB | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
18 | 12 | SMF42AFAC | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
48 | 30 | SMF42AF01 | 2 | binary | Length of DFSMS cache set name.
50 | 32 | SMF42AFAD | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS cache set name.
80 | 50 | SMF42AFAE | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed.
84 | 54 | SMF42AFAF | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
88 | 58 | SMF42AFAG | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
92 | 5C | SMF42AF02 | 2 | binary | DFSMS direct weight
94 | 5E | SMF42AF12 | 2 | binary | DFSMS sequential weight 96 60 SMF2AFAH 8 EBCDIC Reserved.
104 | 68 | SMF42FSAA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
108 | 6C | SMF42FSBA | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
112 | 70 | SMF42AFCA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
116 | 74 | SMF42AFCB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
120 | 78 | SMF42AFCC | 4 | binary | Total number of Read requests - no read integrity.
124 | 7C | SMF42AFCD | 4 | binary | Total number of Read Requests - Consistent reads.
128 | 80 | SMF42AFCE | 4 | binary | Total number of Write requests.
132 | 84 | SMF42AFCF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
136 | 88 | SMF42AFCG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read Requests.
140 | 8C | SMF42AFCH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
144 | 90 | SMF42AFCI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read hits.
148 | 94 | SMF42AFCJ | 4 | binary | Number of BMF valid Read hits.
152 | 98 | SMF42AFCK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
156 | 9C | SMF42AFCL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the sysplex cache manager.
160 | A0 | SMF42AFCM | 4 | binary | Number of CF Read requests.
164 | A4 | SMF42AFCN | 4 | binary | Number of CF Write requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42AFCO | 4 | binary | Number of CF Read hits
172 | AC | SMF42AFCP | 4 | binary | Number of Read castins
176 | B0 | SMF42AFCQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure.
184 | B8 | SMF42AFCR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O requests to DASD.
188 | BC | SMF42AFCS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O requests to DASD.
192 | C0 | SMF42AFCT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all direct access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD.
200 | C8 | SMF42AFCU | 8 | binary | Number of DASD for the write requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42AFCV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
224 | E0 | SMF42AFCW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
232 | E8 | SMF42AFCX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
236 | EC | SMF42AFCY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
240 | F0 | SMF42AFCZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
248 | F8 | SMF42AFC7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
280 | 118 | SMF42AFDA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility Cache partition number (RE-DO).
284 | 11C | SMF42AFDB | 4 | binary | Total number of requests to DASD (RE-DO).
288 | 120 | SMF42AFDC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (RE-DO).
292 | 124 | SMF42AFDD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (RE-DO).
296 | 128 | SMF42AFDE | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE requests (RE-DO).
300 | 12C | SMF42AFDF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests (RE-DO).
304 | 130 | SMF42AFDG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests (RE-DO).
308 | 134 | SMF42AFDH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests (RE-DO).
312 | 138 | SMF42AFDI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits (RE-DO).
316 | 13C | SMF42AFDJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits (RE-DO).
320 | 140 | SMF42AFDK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids (RE-DO).
324 | 144 | SMF42AFDL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager
328 | 148 | SMF42AFDM | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure Read requests (RE-DO).
332 | 14C | SMF42AFDN | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure Write requests (RE-DO).
336 | 150 | SMF42AFDO | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure read hits (RE-DO).
340 | 154 | SMF42AFDP | 4 | binary | Number of CF cache structure read castins (RE-DO).
344 | 158 | SMF42AFDQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into DFSMS cache structure (RE-DO).
352 | 160 | SMF42AFDR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD (RE-DO).
356 | 164 | SMF42AFDS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD (RE-DO).
360 | 168 | SMF42AFDT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
368 | 170 | SMF42AFDU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
376 | 178 | SMF42AFDV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved. (RE-DO)
392 | 188 | SMF42AFDW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access requests in this interval (RE-DO).
400 | 190 | SMF42AFDX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests) (RE-DO).
404 | 194 | SMF42AFDY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K) (RE-DO).
408 | 198 | SMF42AFDZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
416 | 1A0 | SMF42AFD7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
448 | 1C0 | SMF42AFEA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
452 | 1C4 | SMF42AFEB | 4 | binary | Total number of requests.
456 | 1C8 | SMF42AFEC | 4 | binary | Total number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
460 | 1CC | SMF42AFED | 4 | binary | Total number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
464 | 1D0 | SMF42AFEE | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE requests.
468 | 1D4 | SMF42AFEF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests.
472 | 1D8 | SMF42AFEG | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access BMF Read requests.
476 | 1DC | SMF42AFEH | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access BMF Write requests.
480 | 1E0 | SMF42AFEI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits.
484 | 1E4 | SMF42AFEJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits.
488 | 1E8 | SMF42AFEK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF false invalids.
492 | 1EC | SMF42AFEL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager
496 | 1F0 | SMF42AFEM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read requests.
500 | 1F4 | SMF42AFEN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests.
504 | 1F8 | SMF42AFEO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits.
508 | 1FC | SMF42AFEP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins.
512 | 200 | SMF42AFEQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS CF cache structure.
520 | 208 | SMF42AFER | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
524 | 20C | SMF42AFES | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
528 | 210 | SMF42AFET | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
536 | 218 | SMF42AFEU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42AFEV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
560 | 230 | SMF42AFEW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
568 | 238 | SMF42AFEX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
572 | 23C | SMF42AFEY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
576 | 240 | SMF42AFEZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
584 | 248 | SMF42AFE7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
616 | 268 | SMF42AFFA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
620 | 26C | SMF42AFFB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
624 | 270 | SMF42AFFC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (RE-DO).
628 | 274 | SMF42AFFD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
632 | 278 | SMF42AFFE | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access Write requests. (RE-DO)
636 | 27C | SMF42AFFF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
640 | 280 | SMF42AFFG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
644 | 284 | SMF42AFFH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
648 | 288 | SMF42AFFI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
652 | 28C | SMF42AFFJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
656 | 290 | SMF42AFFK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
660 | 294 | SMF42AFFL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access requests processed by the Sysplex Cache Manager. (RE-DO)
664 | 298 | SMF42AFFM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
668 | 29C | SMF42AFFN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
672 | 2A0 | SMF42AFFO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
676 | 2A4 | SMF42AFFP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
680 | 2A8 | SMF42AFFQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure (RE-DO).
688 | 2BO | SMF42AFFR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
692 | 2B4 | SMF42AFFS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
696 | 2B8 | SMF42AFFT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42AFFU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
712 | 2C8 | SMF42AFFV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42AFFW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42AFFX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
740 | 2E4 | SMF42AFFY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
744 | 2E8 | SMF42AFFZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
752 | 2F0 | SMF42AFF7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
784 | 310 | SMF42AFGA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
788 | 314 | SMF42AFGB | 4 | binary | Total number of real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
792 | 318 | SMF42AFGC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (READ-AHEAD).
796 | 31C | SMF42AFGD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (READ-AHEAD).
800 | 320 | SMF42AFGE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (READ-AHEAD)
804 | 324 | SMF42AFGF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (READ-AHEAD)
808 | 328 | SMF42AFGG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (READ-AHEAD)
812 | 32C | SMF42AFGH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (READ-AHEAD)
816 | 330 | SMF42AFGI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
820 | 334 | SMF42AFGJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
824 | 338 | SMF42AFGK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read ahead)
828 | 33C | SMF42AFGL | 4 | binary | Number of requests processed by the sysplex cache manager. (read ahead)
832 | 340 | SMF42AFGM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
836 | 344 | SMF42AFGN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
840 | 348 | SMF42AFGO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
844 | 34C | SMF42AFGP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
848 | 350 | SMF42AFGQ | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure for all sequential access requests. (read ahead)
856 | 358 | SMF42AFGR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD (READ-AHEAD).
860 | 35C | SMF42AFGS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD (READ-AHEAD).
864 | 360 | SMF42AFGT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
868 | 368 | SMF42AFGU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
880 | 370 | SMF42AFGV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
896 | 380 | SMF42AFGW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
904 | 388 | SMF42AFGX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval. (total time/number of requests)
908 | 38C | SMF42AFGY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
912 | 390 | SMF42AFGZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
920 | 398 | SMF42AFG7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
952 | 3B8 | SMF42AFHA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
956 | 3BC | SMF42AFHB | 4 | binary | Total number of real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42AFHC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity) (PRE-FORMAT).
964 | 3C4 | SMF42AFHD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol (PRE-FORMAT).
968 | 3C8 | SMF42AFHE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
972 | 3CC | SMF42AFHF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42AFHG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42AFHH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (PRE-FORMAT)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42AFHI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (pre-format)
988 | 3DC | SMF42AFHJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (pre-format)
992 | 3E0 | SMF42AFHK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
996 | 3E4 | SMF42AFHL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Requests. (pre-format)
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42AFHM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Read Requests. (pre-format)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42AFHN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF Cache structure Write Requests. (pre-format)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42AFHO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42AFHP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (pre-format)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42AFHQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (pre-format)
1024 | 400 | SMF42AFHR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1028 | 404 | SMF42AFHS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1032 | 408 | SMF42AFHT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1040 | 410 | SMF42AFHU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1048 | 418 | SMF42AFHV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1064 | 428 | SMF42AFHW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1072 | 430 | SMF42AFHX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1076 | 434 | SMF42AFHY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1080 | 438 | SMF42AFHZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1088 | 440 | SMF42AFH7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1120 | 460 | SMF42AFOA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1124 | 464 | SMF42AFOB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1128 | 468 | SMF42AFOC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1132 | 46C | SMF42AFOD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1136 | 470 | SMF42AFOE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1140 | 474 | SMF42AFOF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1144 | 478 | SMF42FUAA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1148 | 44C | SMF42FUBA | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1152 | 480 | SMF42AFOH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1156 | 484 | SMF42AFOI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1160 | 488 | SMF42AFOJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1164 | 48C | SMF42AFOK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1168 | 490 | SMF42AFOL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1172 | 494 | SMF42AFOM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1176 | 498 | SMF42AFON | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1180 | 49C | SMF42AFOO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42AFOP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42AFOQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42AFOR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42AFOS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42AFOT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42AFOU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42AFOV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42AFOW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42FUDA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42FUEA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42FUFA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42FUGA | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42FPHA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42FPIA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42FPJA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42FPKA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42AFPR | 8 | EBCDIC | Total time all thread requests.
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42AFPS | 4 | binary | Total number of all thread requests.
1260 | 4EC | SMF42AFPT | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42AFPU | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of thread requests).
1268 | 4F4 | SMF42AFPV | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
1272 | 4F8 | SMF42AFPW | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1280 | 500 | SMF42AFAI | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
1296 | 510 | SMF42AFAJ | 8 | EBCDIC | Lock set.
Sysplex-Wide Data Set summary section for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 16) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AFBA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AF03 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates if DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching is active. Value is GT4KACTIVE or GT4KNOTACT.
16 | 10 | SMF42AFBB | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
18 | 12 | SMF42AFBC | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
48 | 30 | SMF42AF04 | 2 | binary | Cache Set Name Length
50 | 32 | SMF42AFBD | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS Cache Set name.
80 | 50 | SMF42AFBE | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
88 | 58 | SMF42AF05 | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF42AFBF | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
98 | 62 | SMF42AFBG | 30 | EBCDIC | DFP CF cache structure name.
128 | 80 | SMF42AFBH | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed.
132 | 84 | SMF42AFBI | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
136 | 88 | SMF42AFBJ | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
140 | 8C | SMF42AFB2 | 2 | binary | SMS Direct Weight
142 | 8E | SMF42AFB3 | 2 | binary | SMS Sequential Weight
144 | 90 | SMF42AFBL | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
152 | 98 | SMF42FTAA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval.
156 | 9C | SMF42FTBA | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval.SMF42@C Direct Access Section:
160 | A0 | SMF42AFIA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
164 | A4 | SMF42AFIB | 4 | binary | Number of direct requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42AFIC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
172 | AC | SMF42AFID | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
176 | B0 | SMF42AFIE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
180 | B4 | SMF42AFIF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
184 | B8 | SMF42AFIG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
188 | BC | SMF42AFIH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
192 | C0 | SMF42AFII | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
196 | C4 | SMF42AFIJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
200 | C8 | SMF42AFIK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
204 | CC | SMF42AFIL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF Cache structure requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42AFIM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
212 | D4 | SMF42AFIN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
216 | D8 | SMF42AFIO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
220 | DC | SMF42AFIP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
224 | E0 | SMF42AFIQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
232 | E8 | SMF42AFIR | 4 | binary | Number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD.
236 | EC | SMF42AFIS | 4 | binary | Number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD.
240 | F0 | SMF42AFIT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
248 | F8 | SMF42AFIU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
256 | 100 | SMF42AFIV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
272 | 110 | SMF42AFIW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
280 | 118 | SMF42AFIX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
284 | 11C | SMF42AFIY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
288 | 120 | SMF42AFIZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
296 | 128 | SMF42AFI7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
328 | 148 | SMF42AFJA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
332 | 14C | SMF42AFJB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
336 | 150 | SMF42AFJC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
340 | 154 | SMF42AFJD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
344 | 158 | SMF42AFJE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
348 | 15C | SMF42AFJF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
352 | 160 | SMF42AFJG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
356 | 164 | SMF42AFJH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
360 | 168 | SMF42AFJI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
364 | 16C | SMF42AFJJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
368 | 170 | SMF42AFJK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
372 | 174 | SMF42AFJL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
376 | 178 | SMF42AFJM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
380 | 17C | SMF42AFJN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
384 | 180 | SMF42AFJO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
388 | 184 | SMF42AFJP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
392 | 188 | SMF42AFJQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (RE-DO)
400 | 190 | SMF42AFJR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
404 | 194 | SMF42AFJS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
408 | 198 | SMF42AFJT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
416 | 1A0 | SMF42AFJU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
424 | 1A8 | SMF42AFJV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
440 | 1B8 | SMF42AFJW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access. (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
448 | 1C0 | SMF42AFJX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests). (RE-DO)
452 | 1C4 | SMF42AFJY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
456 | 1C8 | SMF42AFJZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
464 | 1D0 | SMF42AFJ7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
496 | 1F0 | SMF42AFKA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
500 | 1F4 | SMF42AFKB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
504 | 1F8 | SMF42AFKC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
508 | 1FC | SMF42AFKD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
512 | 200 | SMF42AFKE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
516 | 204 | SMF42AFKF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests.
520 | 208 | SMF42AFKG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests.
524 | 20C | SMF42AFKH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests.
528 | 210 | SMF42AFKI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits.
532 | 214 | SMF42AFKJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits.
536 | 218 | SMF42AFKK | 4 | binary | Number of sequential BMF false invalids.
540 | 21C | SMF42AFKL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42AFKM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests.
548 | 224 | SMF42AFKN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests.
552 | 228 | SMF42AFKO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits.
556 | 22C | SMF42AFKP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins.
560 | 230 | SMF42AFKQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
568 | 238 | SMF42AFKR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
572 | 23C | SMF42AFKS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
576 | 240 | SMF42AFKT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
584 | 248 | SMF42AFKU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
592 | 250 | SMF42AFKV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
608 | 260 | SMF42AFKW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
616 | 268 | SMF42AFKX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
620 | 26C | SMF42AFKY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
624 | 270 | SMF42AFKZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
632 | 278 | SMF42AFK7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
664 | 298 | SMF42AFLA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
668 | 29C | SMF42AFLB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
672 | 2A0 | SMF42AFLC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
676 | 2A4 | SMF42AFLD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
680 | 2A8 | SMF42AFLE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
684 | 2AC | SMF42AFLF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
688 | 2B0 | SMF42AFL6 | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
692 | 2B4 | SMF42AFLH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
696 | 2B8 | SMF42AFLI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
700 | 2BC | SMF42AFLJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
704 | 2C0 | SMF42AFLK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
708 | 2C4 | SMF42AFLL | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
712 | 2C8 | SMF42AFLM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
716 | 2CC | SMF42AFLN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
720 | 2D0 | SMF42AFLO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read hits. (RE-DO)
724 | 2D4 | SMF42AFLP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
728 | 2D8 | SMF42AFLQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (RE-DO)
736 | 2E0 | SMF42AFLR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
740 | 2E4 | SMF42AFLS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
744 | 2E8 | SMF42AFLT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
752 | 2F0 | SMF42AFLU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
760 | 2F8 | SMF42AFLV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
776 | 308 | SMF42AFLW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
784 | 310 | SMF42AFLX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
788 | 314 | SMF42AFLY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
792 | 318 | SMF42AFLZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
800 | 320 | SMF42AFL7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
832 | 340 | SMF42AFMA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
836 | 344 | SMF42AFMB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
840 | 348 | SMF42AFMC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (read ahead)
844 | 34C | SMF42AFMD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read ahead)
848 | 350 | SMF42AFME | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (read ahead)
852 | 354 | SMF42AFMF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (read ahead)
856 | 358 | SMF42AFMG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (read ahead)
860 | 35C | SMF42AFMH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (read ahead)
864 | 360 | SMF42AFMI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
868 | 364 | SMF42AFMJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
872 | 368 | SMF42AFMK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read ahead)
876 | 36C | SMF42AFML | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests. (read ahead)
880 | 370 | SMF42AFMM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
884 | 374 | SMF42AFMN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
888 | 378 | SMF42AFMO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
892 | 37C | SMF42AFMP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
896 | 380 | SMF42AFMQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (read ahead)
904 | 388 | SMF42AFMR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
908 | 38C | SMF42AFMS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
912 | 390 | SMF42AFMT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
920 | 398 | SMF42AFMU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
928 | 3A0 | SMF42AFMV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
944 | 3B0 | SMF42AFMW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
952 | 3B8 | SMF42AFMX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
956 | 3BC | SMF42AFMY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42AFMZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
968 | 3C8 | SMF42AFM7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42AFNA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1004 | 3EC | SMF42AFNB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (Pre-format)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42AFNC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (Pre-format)
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42AFND | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (Pre-format)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42AFNE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (Pre-format)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42AFNF | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF requests. (Pre-format)
1024 | 400 | SMF42AFNG | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Read requests. (Pre-format)
1028 | 404 | SMF42AFNH | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF Write requests. (Pre-format)
1032 | 408 | SMF42AFNI | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF read hits. (Pre-format)
1036 | 40C | SMF42AFNJ | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access BMF valid read hits. (Pre-format)
1040 | 410 | SMF42AFNK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (Pre-format)
1044 | 414 | SMF42AFNL | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure requests. (Pre-format)
1048 | 418 | SMF42AFNM | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Read requests. (Pre-format)
1052 | 41C | SMF42AFNN | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
1056 | 420 | SMF42AFNO | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
1060 | 424 | SMF42AFNP | 4 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure read castins. (Pre-format)
1064 | 428 | SMF42AFNQ | 8 | binary | Number of sequential access CF cache structure bytes transferred. (Pre-format)
1072 | 430 | SMF42AFNR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (Pre-format)
1076 | 434 | SMF42AFNS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1080 | 438 | SMF42AFNT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1088 | 440 | SMF42AFNU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1096 | 448 | SMF42AFNV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1112 | 458 | SMF42AFNW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1120 | 460 | SMF42AFNX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1124 | 464 | SMF42AFNY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1128 | 468 | SMF42AFNZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1136 | 470 | SMF42AFN7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1168 | 490 | SMF42AFRA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1172 | 494 | SMF42AFRB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1176 | 498 | SMF42AFRC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1180 | 49C | SMF42AFRD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42AFRE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42AFRF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42FVAA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42FVBA | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42AFRH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42AFRI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42AFRJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42AFRK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42AFRL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42AFRM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42AFRN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42AFRO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42AFRP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42AFRQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42AFRR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42AFRS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42AFRT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42AFRU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42AFRV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1260 | 4EC | SMF42AFRW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42FVDA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1268 | 4F4 | SMF42FVEA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1272 | 4F8 | SMF42FVFA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1276 | 4FC | SMF42FVGA | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1280 | 500 | SMF42FSHA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1284 | 504 | SMF42FSIA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1288 | 508 | SMF42FSJA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1292 | 50C | SMF42FSKA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1296 | 510 | SMF42AFQR | 8 | EBCDIC | Total time all thread requests.
1304 | 518 | SMF42AFQS | 4 | binary | Total number of all thread requests.
1308 | 51C | SMF42AFQT | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1312 | 520 | SMF42AFQU | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of thread requests)
1316 | 524 | SMF42AFQV | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the thread requests in the interval. (Total time/number of bytes transferred/4K)
1320 | 528 | SMF42AFQW | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1328 | 530 | SMF42AFBM | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
1344 | 540 | SMF42AFBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Lock set.
Data Set CF, SYS for Below the Bar (Present only for Subtype 16) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42GAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total time, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42A00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42GAB | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name
60 | 3C | SMF42A01 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42GAC | 44 | EBCDIC | VSAM sphere name.
108 | 6C | SMF42A02 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42GAD | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
114 | 72 | SMF42GAE | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
144 | 90 | SMF42A03 | 2 | binary | Length of DFSMS CacheSet name.
146 | 92 | SMF42GAF | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS CacheSet name.
176 | B0 | SMF42GAG | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
178 | B2 | SMF42GAH | 30 | EBCDIC | DFP CF cache structure name.
208 | D0 | SMF42GAI | 4 | binary | Indicator of component being processed.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Data component 1 Index component 2-31 Reserved. |
212 | D4 | SMF42GAJ | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching status. Value is ALL, NONE, UPDATESONLY, DIRONLY or GT4KNOTACT
224 | E0 | SMF42GAK | 4 | binary | Reserved.
228 | E4 | SMF42GAL | 4 | binary | Reserved.
232 | E8 | SMF42GAM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
236 | EC | SMF42GZ1 | 2 | binary | SMS Direct Weight
240 | EE | SMF42GZ2 | 2 | binary | SMS Sequential Weight
240 | F0 | SMF42GAN | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4 WLM Server class name
248 | F8 | SMF42GAO | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4 WLM report class name
256 | 100 | SMF42GAP | 16 | EBCDIC | SMS data class name
272 | 110 | SMF42GCA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
276 | 114 | SMF42GCB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
280 | 118 | SMF42GCC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
284 | 11C | SMF42GCD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
288 | 120 | SMF42GCE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
292 | 124 | SMF42CGF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
296 | 128 | SMF42GCG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
300 | 12C | SMF42GCH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
304 | 130 | SMF42GCI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
308 | 134 | SMF42GCJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
312 | 138 | SMF42GCK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
316 | 13C | SMF42GCL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
320 | 140 | SMF42GCM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
324 | 144 | SMF42GCN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
328 | 148 | SMF42GCO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
332 | 14C | SMF42GCP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
336 | 150 | SMF42GCQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure.
344 | 158 | SMF42GCR | 4 | binary | Total number READ of real I/O direct requests to DASD.
348 | 15C | SMF42GCS | 4 | binary | Total number WRITE of real I/O direct requests to DASD.
352 | 160 | SMF42GCT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
360 | 168 | SMF42GCU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
368 | 170 | SMF42GCV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserve
384 | 180 | SMF42GCW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
392 | 188 | SMF42GCX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
396 | 18C | SMF42GCY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
400 | 190 | SMF42GCZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
408 | 198 | SMF42GC7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
440 | 1B8 | SMF42GDA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
444 | 1BC | SMF42GDB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
448 | 1C0 | SMF42GDC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
452 | 1C4 | SMF42GDD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
456 | 1C8 | SMF42GDE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
460 | 1CC | SMF42GDF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
464 | 1D0 | SMF42GDG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
468 | 1D4 | SMF42GDH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
472 | 1D8 | SMF42GDI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
476 | 1DC | SMF42GDJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
480 | 1E0 | SMF42GDK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
484 | 1E4 | SMF42GDL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
488 | 1E8 | SMF42GDM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
492 | 1EC | SMF42GDN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
496 | 1F0 | SMF42GDO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
500 | 1F4 | SMF42GDP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
504 | 1F8 | SMF42GDQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (RE-DO)
512 | 200 | SMF42GDR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
516 | 204 | SMF42GDS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
520 | 208 | SMF42GDT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
528 | 210 | SMF42GDU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
536 | 218 | SMF42GDV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
552 | 228 | SMF42GDW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
560 | 230 | SMF42GDX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
564 | 234 | SMF42GDY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
568 | 238 | SMF42GDZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
576 | 240 | SMF42GD7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
608 | 260 | SMF42GEA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
612 | 264 | SMF42GEB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
616 | 268 | SMF42GDC_ 2 | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
620 | 26C | SMF42GED | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
624 | 270 | SMF42GEE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
628 | 274 | SMF42GEF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
632 | 278 | SMF42GEG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
636 | 27C | SMF42GEH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
640 | 280 | SMF42GEI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
644 | 284 | SMF42GEJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
648 | 288 | SMF42GEK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
652 | 28C | SMF42GEL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
656 | 290 | SMF42GEM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
660 | 294 | SMF42GEN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
664 | 298 | SMF42GEO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
668 | 29C | SMF42GEP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42GEQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
680 | 2A8 | SMF42GER | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
684 | 2AC | SMF42GES | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
688 | 2B0 | SMF42GET | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42GEU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42GEV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
720 | 2D0 | SMF42GEW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42GEX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
732 | 2DC | SMF42GEY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
736 | 2E0 | SMF42GEZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
744 | 2E8 | SMF42GE7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
776 | 308 | SMF42GFA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
780 | 30C | SMF42GFB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
784 | 310 | SMF42GFC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
788 | 314 | SMF42GFD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
792 | 318 | SMF42GFE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.(RE-DO)
796 | 31C | SMF42GFF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
800 | 320 | SMF42GFG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
804 | 324 | SMF42GFH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
808 | 328 | SMF42GFI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
812 | 32C | SMF42GFJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
816 | 330 | SMF42GFK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
820 | 334 | SMF42GFL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
824 | 338 | SMF42GFM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
828 | 33C | SMF42GFN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
832 | 340 | SMF42GFO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
836 | 344 | SMF42GFP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
840 | 348 | SMF42GFQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (RE-DO)
848 | 350 | SMF42GFR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
852 | 354 | SMF42GFS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
856 | 358 | SMF42GFT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
864 | 360 | SMF42GFU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
872 | 368 | SMF42GFV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
888 | 378 | SMF42GFW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
896 | 380 | SMF42GFX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
900 | 384 | SMF42GFY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
904 | 388 | SMF42GFZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
912 | 390 | SMF42GF7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
944 | 3B0 | SMF42GGA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
948 | 3B4 | SMF42GGB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
952 | 3B8 | SMF42GGC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).(read ahead)
956 | 3BC | SMF42GGD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read ahead)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42GGE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.(read ahead)
964 | 3C4 | SMF42GGF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (read ahead)
968 | 3C8 | SMF42GGG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (read ahead)
972 | 3CC | SMF42GGH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (read ahead)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42GGI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42GGJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42GGK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
988 | 3DC | SMF42GGL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (read ahead)
992 | 3E0 | SMF42GGM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
996 | 3E4 | SMF42GGN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42GGO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42GGP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42GGQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (read ahead)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42GGR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42GGS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1024 | 400 | SMF42GGT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1032 | 408 | SMF42GGU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1040 | 410 | SMF42GGV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1056 | 420 | SMF42GGW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
1064 | 428 | SMF42GGX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1068 | 42C | SMF42GGY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
1072 | 430 | SMF42GGZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1080 | 438 | SMF42GG7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1112 | 458 | SMF42GHA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1116 | 45C | SMF42GHB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (pre-format)
1120 | 460 | SMF42GHC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
1124 | 464 | SMF42GHD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (pre-format)
1128 | 468 | SMF42GHE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (pre-format)
1132 | 46C | SMF42GHF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (pre-format)
1136 | 470 | SMF42GHG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (pre-format)
1140 | 474 | SMF42GHH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (pre-format)
1144 | 478 | SMF42GHI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (pre-format)
1148 | 47C | SMF42GHJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (pre-format)
1152 | 480 | SMF42GHK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
1156 | 484 | SMF42GHL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (pre-format)
1160 | 488 | SMF42GHM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (pre-format)
1164 | 48C | SMF42GHN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (pre-format)
1168 | 490 | SMF42GHO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1172 | 494 | SMF42GHP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (pre-format)
1176 | 498 | SMF42GHQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (pre-format)
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42GHR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42GHS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42GHT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42GHU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42GHV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42GHW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42GHX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42GHY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42GHZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42GH7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1280 | 500 | SMF42GPA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote)
1284 | 504 | SMF42GPB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1288 | 508 | SMF42GPC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1292 | 50C | SMF42GPD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1296 | 510 | SMF42GPE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1300 | 514 | SMF42GPF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1304 | 518 | SMF42GUA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1308 | 51C | SMF42GUB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry
1312 | 520 | SMF42GPH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1316 | 524 | SMF42GPI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1320 | 528 | SMF42GPJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1324 | 52C | SMF42GPK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1328 | 530 | SMF42GPL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1332 | 534 | SMF42GPM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1336 | 538 | SMF42GPN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1340 | 53C | SMF42GPO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1344 | 540 | SMF42GPP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1348 | 544 | SMF42GPQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1352 | 548 | SMF42GPR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1356 | 54C | SMF42GPS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1360 | 550 | SMF42GPT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1364 | 554 | SMF42GPU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1368 | 558 | SMF42GPV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1372 | 55C | SMF42GPW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1376 | 560 | SMF42GUD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1380 | 564 | SMF42GUE | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1384 | 568 | SMF42GUF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1388 | 56C | SMF42GUG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1392 | 570 | SMF42GSH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1396 | 574 | SMF42GSI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1400 | 578 | SMF42GSJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1404 | 57C | SMF42GSK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1408 | 580 | SMF42GRA | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's.
1412 | 584 | SMF42GRB | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's.
1416 | 588 | SMF42GRC | 4 | binary | Number of BMF writes.
1420 | 58C | SMF42GRD | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests.
1424 | 590 | SMF42GRE | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests that encountered castout lock contention.
1428 | 594 | SMF42GRG | 4 | binary | RE-DO percentage.
1432 | 598 | SMF42GRH | 4 | binary | Recursive RE-DO percentage.
1436 | 59C | SMF42GRI | 4 | binary | SCM castout lock percentage.
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42GRF | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1452 | 5AC | SMF42GRJ | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks.
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42GSA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
1460 | 5B4 | SMF42GSB | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
1464 | 5B8 | SMF42GRK | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1472 | 5C0 | SMF42GAQ | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
Sysplex-Wide Data Set summary section for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 16) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42GBA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42A05 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42GBB | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
60 | 3C | SMF42A06 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42GBC | 44 | EBCDIC | VSAM sphere name.
108 | 6C | SMF42A07 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42GBD | 2 | binary | Length of storage class name.
114 | 72 | SMF42GBE | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
144 | 90 | SMF42A08 | 2 | binary | Length of cache set name.
146 | 92 | SMF42GBF | 30 | EBCDIC | Cache set name.
176 | B0 | SMF42A12 | 2 | binary | Reserved.
178 | B2 | SMF42GBG | 30 | EBCDIC | Cache structure name.
208 | D0 | SMF42GBH | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
216 | D8 | SMF42A11 | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
224 | E0 | SMF42GBI | 4 | binary | Indicator of component being processed
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Data component 1 Index component 2-31 Reserved. |
228 | E4 | SMF42A09 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching status. Value is ALL, NONE, UPDATESONLY, DIRONLY or GT4KNOTACT.
240 | F0 | SMF42GBK | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed by this MVS system.
244 | F4 | SMF42GBL | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
248 | F8 | SMF42GBM | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
252 | FC | SMF42GZ8 | 2 | binary | SMS DIRECT WEIGHT
254 | FE | SMF42GZ9 | 2 | binary | SMS SEQUENTIAL WEIGHT
256 | 100 | SMF42GBN | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4, WLM SERV Class Name
264 | 108 | SMF42GBO | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4, WLM Report Class Name
272 | 110 | SMF42GBP | 16 | EBCDIC | SMS data class name.
288 | 120 | SMF42GIA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
292 | 124 | SMF42GIB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
296 | 128 | SMF42GIC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
300 | 12C | SMF42GID | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
304 | 130 | SMF42GIE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
308 | 134 | SMF42GIF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
312 | 138 | SMF42GIG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
316 | 13C | SMF42GIH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
320 | 140 | SMF42GII | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
324 | 144 | SMF42GIJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
328 | 148 | SMF42GIK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
332 | 14C | SMF42GIL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
336 | 150 | SMF42GIM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
340 | 154 | SMF42GIN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
344 | 158 | SMF42GIO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
348 | 15C | SMF42GIP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
352 | 160 | SMF42GIQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
360 | 168 | SMF42GIR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O direct requests to DASD.
364 | 16C | SMF42GIS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O direct requests to DASD.
368 | 170 | SMF42GIT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
376 | 178 | SMF42GIU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
384 | 180 | SMF42GIV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
400 | 190 | SMF42GIW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
408 | 198 | SMF42GIX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
412 | 19C | SMF42GIY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
416 | 1A0 | SMF42GIZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
424 | 1A8 | SMF42GI7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
456 | 1C8 | SMF42GJA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
460 | 1CC | SMF42GJB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
464 | 1D0 | SMF42GJC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
468 | 1D4 | SMF42GJD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
472 | 1D8 | SMF42GJE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
476 | 1DC | SMF42GJF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
480 | 1E0 | SMF42GJG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
484 | 1E4 | SMF42GJH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
488 | 1E8 | SMF42GJI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
492 | 1EC | SMF42GJJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
496 | 1F0 | SMF42GJK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
500 | 1F4 | SMF42GJL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
504 | 1F8 | SMF42GJM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
508 | 1FC | SMF42GJN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
512 | 200 | SMF42GJO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
516 | 204 | SMF42GJP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
520 | 208 | SMF42GJQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
528 | 210 | SMF42GJR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
532 | 214 | SMF42GJS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
536 | 218 | SMF42GJT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42GJU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
552 | 228 | SMF42GJV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
568 | 238 | SMF42GJW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
576 | 240 | SMF42GJX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
580 | 244 | SMF42GJY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
584 | 248 | SMF42GJZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
592 | 250 | SMF42GJ7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
624 | 270 | SMF42GKA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
628 | 274 | SMF42GKB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
632 | 278 | SMF42GKC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
636 | 27C | SMF42GKD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
640 | 280 | SMF42GKE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
644 | 284 | SMF42GKF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
648 | 288 | SMF42GKG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
652 | 28C | SMF42GKH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
656 | 290 | SMF42GKI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
660 | 294 | SMF42GKJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
664 | 298 | SMF42GKK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
668 | 29C | SMF42GKL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42GKM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
676 | 2A4 | SMF42GKN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
680 | 2A8 | SMF42GKO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
684 | 2AC | SMF42GKP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
688 | 2B0 | SMF42GKQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42GKR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
700 | 2BC | SMF42GKS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42GKT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all sequential access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD. (real I/O DASD)
712 | 2C8 | SMF42GKU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all sequential access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD or a coupling facility cache structure. (real I/O DASD)
720 | 2D0 | SMF42GKV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42GKW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
744 | 2E8 | SMF42GKX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
748 | 2EC | SMF42GKY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
752 | 2F0 | SMF42GKZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
760 | 2F8 | SMF42GK7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
792 | 318 | SMF42GLA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
796 | 31C | SMF42GLB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
800 | 320 | SMF42GLC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
804 | 324 | SMF42GLD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
808 | 328 | SMF42GLE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
812 | 32C | SMF42GLF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
816 | 330 | SMF42GLG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
820 | 334 | SMF42GLH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
824 | 338 | SMF42GLI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
828 | 33C | SMF42GLJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
832 | 340 | SMF42GLK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
836 | 344 | SMF42GLL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
840 | 348 | SMF42GLM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
844 | 34C | SMF42GLN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
848 | 350 | SMF42GLO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
852 | 354 | SMF42GLP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
856 | 358 | SMF42GLQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
864 | 360 | SMF42GLR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
868 | 364 | SMF42GLS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
872 | 368 | SMF42GLT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
880 | 370 | SMF42GLU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
888 | 378 | SMF42GLV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
904 | 388 | SMF42GLW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
912 | 390 | SMF42GLX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
916 | 394 | SMF42GLY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
920 | 398 | SMF42GLZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
928 | 3A0 | SMF42GL7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
960 | 3C0 | SMF42GMA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
964 | 3C4 | SMF42GMB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
968 | 3C8 | SMF42GMC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (read-ahead)
972 | 3CC | SMF42GMD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read-ahead)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42GME | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (read-ahead)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42GMF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (read-ahead)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42GMG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
988 | 3DC | SMF42GMH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
992 | 3E0 | SMF42GMI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
996 | 3E4 | SMF42GMJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42GMK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read-ahead)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42GML | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42GMM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42GMN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42GMO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (read-ahead)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42GMP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
1024 | 400 | SMF42GMQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
1032 | 408 | SMF42GMR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1036 | 40C | SMF42GMS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1040 | 410 | SMF42GMT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1048 | 418 | SMF42GMU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1056 | 420 | SMF42GMV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1072 | 430 | SMF42GMW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
1080 | 438 | SMF42GMX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1084 | 43C | SMF42GMY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
1088 | 440 | SMF42GMZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1096 | 448 | SMF42GM7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1128 | 468 | SMF42GNA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1132 | 46C | SMF42GNB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (pre-format)
1136 | 470 | SMF42GNC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
1140 | 474 | SMF42GND | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (pre-format)
1144 | 478 | SMF42GNE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (pre-format)
1148 | 47C | SMF42GNF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (pre-format)
1152 | 480 | SMF42GNG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
1156 | 484 | SMF42GNH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
1160 | 488 | SMF42GNI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
1164 | 48C | SMF42GNJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
1168 | 490 | SMF42GNK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
1172 | 494 | SMF42GNL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
1176 | 498 | SMF42GNM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
1180 | 49C | SMF42GNN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42GNO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42GNP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42GNQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42GNR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42GNS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42GNT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42GNU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42GNV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42GNW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access. (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42GNX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42GNY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42GNZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42GN7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1296 | 510 | SMF42GQA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote)
1300 | 514 | SMF42GQB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1304 | 518 | SMF42GQC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1308 | 51C | SMF42GQD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1312 | 520 | SMF42GQE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1316 | 524 | SMF42GQF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1320 | 528 | SMF42GVA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1324 | 52C | SMF42GVB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1328 | 530 | SMF42GQH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1332 | 534 | SMF42GQI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1336 | 538 | SMF42GQJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1340 | 53C | SMF42GQK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1344 | 540 | SMF42GQL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1348 | 544 | SMF42GQM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1352 | 548 | SMF42GQN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1356 | 54C | SMF42GQO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1360 | 550 | SMF42GQP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1364 | 554 | SMF42GQQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1368 | 558 | SMF42GQR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1372 | 55C | SMF42GQS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1376 | 560 | SMF42GQT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1380 | 564 | SMF42GQU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1384 | 568 | SMF42GQV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1388 | 56C | SMF42GQW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1392 | 570 | SMF42GVD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1396 | 574 | SMF42GVE | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1400 | 578 | SMF42GVF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1404 | 57C | SMF42GVG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1408 | 580 | SMF42GTH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1412 | 584 | SMF42GTI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1416 | 588 | SMF42GTJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1420 | 58C | SMF42GTK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1424 | 590 | SMF42GRL | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's.
1428 | 594 | SMF42GRM | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's.
1432 | 598 | SMF42GRN | 4 | binary | Number of BMF writes.
1436 | 59C | SMF42GRO | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests.
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42GRP | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests that encountered castout lock contention.
1444 | 5A4 | SMF42GRR | 4 | binary | RE-DO percentage.
1448 | 5A8 | SMF42GRS | 4 | binary | Recursive RE-DO percentage.
1452 | 5AC | SMF42GRT | 4 | binary | SCM castout lock percentage.
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42GRQ | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1468 | 5BC | SMF42GRU | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks.
1472 | 5C0 | SMF42GTA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval.
1476 | 5C4 | SMF42GTB | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval.
1480 | 5C8 | SMF42GRV | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1488 | 5D0 | SMF42GBQ | 16 | EBCDIC | Lock structure name.
Data Set, CF, SYS summary section for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 16) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AGAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total time, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AA00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AGAB | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name
60 | 3C | SMF42AA01 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42AGAC | 44 | EBCDIC | VSAM sphere name.
108 | 6C | SMF42AA02 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42AGAD | 2 | binary | Length of the storage class name.
114 | 72 | SMF42AGAE | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
144 | 90 | SMF42AA03 | 2 | binary | Length of DFSMS CacheSet name.
146 | 92 | SMF42AGAF | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS CacheSet name.
176 | B0 | SMF42AGAG | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
178 | B2 | SMF42AGAH | 30 | EBCDIC | DFP CF cache structure name.
208 | D0 | SMF42AGAI | 4 | binary | Indicator of component being processed.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Data component 1 Index component 2-31 Reserved. |
212 | D4 | SMF42AGAJ | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching status. Value is ALL, NONE, UPDATESONLY, DIRONLY or GT4KNOTACT
224 | E0 | SMF42AGAK | 4 | binary | Reserved.
228 | E4 | SMF42AGAL | 4 | binary | Reserved.
232 | E8 | SMF42AGAM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
236 | EC | SMF42AGZ1 | 2 | binary | SMS Direct Weight
240 | EE | SMF42AGZ2 | 2 | binary | SMS Sequential Weight
240 | F0 | SMF42AGAN | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4 WLM Server class name
248 | F8 | SMF42AGAO | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4 WLM report class name
256 | 100 | SMF42AGAP | 16 | EBCDIC | SMS data class name
272 | 110 | SMF42AGCA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
276 | 114 | SMF42AGCB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
280 | 118 | SMF42AGCC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
284 | 11C | SMF42AGCD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
288 | 120 | SMF42AGCE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
292 | 124 | SMF42ACGF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
296 | 128 | SMF42AGCG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
300 | 12C | SMF42AGCH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
304 | 130 | SMF42AGCI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
308 | 134 | SMF42AGCJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
312 | 138 | SMF42AGCK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
316 | 13C | SMF42AGCL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
320 | 140 | SMF42AGCM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
324 | 144 | SMF42AGCN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
328 | 148 | SMF42AGCO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
332 | 14C | SMF42AGCP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
336 | 150 | SMF42AGCQ | 8 | binary | Number of bytes transferred into the DFSMS cache structure.
344 | 158 | SMF42AGCR | 4 | binary | Total number READ of real I/O direct requests to DASD.
348 | 15C | SMF42AGCS | 4 | binary | Total number WRITE of real I/O direct requests to DASD.
352 | 160 | SMF42AGCT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
360 | 168 | SMF42AGCU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
368 | 170 | SMF42AGCV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserve
384 | 180 | SMF42AGCW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
392 | 188 | SMF42AGCX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
396 | 18C | SMF42AGCY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
400 | 190 | SMF42AGCZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
408 | 198 | SMF42AGC7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
440 | 1B8 | SMF42AGDA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
444 | 1BC | SMF42AGDB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
448 | 1C0 | SMF42AGDC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
452 | 1C4 | SMF42AGDD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
456 | 1C8 | SMF42AGDE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
460 | 1CC | SMF42AGDF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
464 | 1D0 | SMF42AGDG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
468 | 1D4 | SMF42AGDH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
472 | 1D8 | SMF42AGDI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
476 | 1DC | SMF42AGDJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
480 | 1E0 | SMF42AGDK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
484 | 1E4 | SMF42AGDL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
488 | 1E8 | SMF42AGDM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
492 | 1EC | SMF42AGDN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
496 | 1F0 | SMF42AGDO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
500 | 1F4 | SMF42AGDP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
504 | 1F8 | SMF42AGDQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (RE-DO)
512 | 200 | SMF42AGDR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
516 | 204 | SMF42AGDS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
520 | 208 | SMF42AGDT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
528 | 210 | SMF42AGDU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
536 | 218 | SMF42AGDV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
552 | 228 | SMF42AGDW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
560 | 230 | SMF42AGDX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
564 | 234 | SMF42AGDY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
568 | 238 | SMF42AGDZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
576 | 240 | SMF42AGD7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
608 | 260 | SMF42AGEA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
612 | 264 | SMF42AGEB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
616 | 268 | SMF42AGDC_ 2 | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
620 | 26C | SMF42AGED | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
624 | 270 | SMF42AGEE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
628 | 274 | SMF42AGEF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
632 | 278 | SMF42AGEG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
636 | 27C | SMF42AGEH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
640 | 280 | SMF42AGEI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
644 | 284 | SMF42AGEJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
648 | 288 | SMF42AGEK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
652 | 28C | SMF42AGEL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
656 | 290 | SMF42AGEM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
660 | 294 | SMF42AGEN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
664 | 298 | SMF42AGEO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
668 | 29C | SMF42AGEP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42AGEQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
680 | 2A8 | SMF42AGER | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
684 | 2AC | SMF42AGES | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
688 | 2B0 | SMF42AGET | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42AGEU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42AGEV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
720 | 2D0 | SMF42AGEW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42AGEX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
732 | 2DC | SMF42AGEY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
736 | 2E0 | SMF42AGEZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
744 | 2E8 | SMF42AGE7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
776 | 308 | SMF42AGFA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
780 | 30C | SMF42AGFB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
784 | 310 | SMF42AGFC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
788 | 314 | SMF42AGFD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
792 | 318 | SMF42AGFE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.(RE-DO)
796 | 31C | SMF42AGFF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
800 | 320 | SMF42AGFG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
804 | 324 | SMF42AGFH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
808 | 328 | SMF42AGFI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
812 | 32C | SMF42AGFJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
816 | 330 | SMF42AGFK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
820 | 334 | SMF42AGFL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
824 | 338 | SMF42AGFM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
828 | 33C | SMF42AGFN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
832 | 340 | SMF42AGFO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
836 | 344 | SMF42AGFP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (RE-DO)
840 | 348 | SMF42AGFQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (RE-DO)
848 | 350 | SMF42AGFR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
852 | 354 | SMF42AGFS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
856 | 358 | SMF42AGFT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
864 | 360 | SMF42AGFU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
872 | 368 | SMF42AGFV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
888 | 378 | SMF42AGFW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
896 | 380 | SMF42AGFX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
900 | 384 | SMF42AGFY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
904 | 388 | SMF42AGFZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
912 | 390 | SMF42AGF7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
944 | 3B0 | SMF42AGGA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
948 | 3B4 | SMF42AGGB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
952 | 3B8 | SMF42AGGC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).(read ahead)
956 | 3BC | SMF42AGGD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read ahead)
960 | 3C0 | SMF42AGGE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.(read ahead)
964 | 3C4 | SMF42AGGF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (read ahead)
968 | 3C8 | SMF42AGGG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (read ahead)
972 | 3CC | SMF42AGGH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (read ahead)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42AGGI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (read ahead)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42AGGJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (read ahead)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42AGGK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
988 | 3DC | SMF42AGGL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (read ahead)
992 | 3E0 | SMF42AGGM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (read ahead)
996 | 3E4 | SMF42AGGN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (read ahead)
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42AGGO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (read ahead)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42AGGP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (read ahead)
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42AGGQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (read ahead)
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42AGGR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42AGGS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1024 | 400 | SMF42AGGT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1032 | 408 | SMF42AGGU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1040 | 410 | SMF42AGGV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1056 | 420 | SMF42AGGW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
1064 | 428 | SMF42AGGX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1068 | 42C | SMF42AGGY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
1072 | 430 | SMF42AGGZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1080 | 438 | SMF42AGG7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1112 | 458 | SMF42AGHA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1116 | 45C | SMF42AGHB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (pre-format)
1120 | 460 | SMF42AGHC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
1124 | 464 | SMF42AGHD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (pre-format)
1128 | 468 | SMF42AGHE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (pre-format)
1132 | 46C | SMF42AGHF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (pre-format)
1136 | 470 | SMF42AGHG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (pre-format)
1140 | 474 | SMF42AGHH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (pre-format)
1144 | 478 | SMF42AGHI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (pre-format)
1148 | 47C | SMF42AGHJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (pre-format)
1152 | 480 | SMF42AGHK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
1156 | 484 | SMF42AGHL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (pre-format)
1160 | 488 | SMF42AGHM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (pre-format)
1164 | 48C | SMF42AGHN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (pre-format)
1168 | 490 | SMF42AGHO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1172 | 494 | SMF42AGHP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins. (pre-format)
1176 | 498 | SMF42AGHQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred. (pre-format)
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42AGHR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42AGHS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42AGHT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42AGHU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42AGHV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42AGHW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42AGHX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42AGHY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42AGHZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42AGH7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1280 | 500 | SMF42AGPA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote)
1284 | 504 | SMF42AGPB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1288 | 508 | SMF42AGPC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1292 | 50C | SMF42AGPD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1296 | 510 | SMF42AGPE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1300 | 514 | SMF42AGPF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1304 | 518 | SMF42GUAA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1308 | 51C | SMF42GUBA | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1312 | 520 | SMF42AGPH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1316 | 524 | SMF42AGPI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1320 | 528 | SMF42AGPJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1324 | 52C | SMF42AGPK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1328 | 530 | SMF42AGPL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1332 | 534 | SMF42AGPM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1336 | 538 | SMF42AGPN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1340 | 53C | SMF42AGPO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1344 | 540 | SMF42AGPP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1348 | 544 | SMF42AGPQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1352 | 548 | SMF42AGPR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1356 | 54C | SMF42AGPS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1360 | 550 | SMF42AGPT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1364 | 554 | SMF42AGPU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1368 | 558 | SMF42AGPV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1372 | 55C | SMF42AGPW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1376 | 560 | SMF42GUDA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1380 | 564 | SMF42GUEA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1384 | 568 | SMF42GUFA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1388 | 56C | SMF42GUGA | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1392 | 570 | SMF42GSHA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1396 | 574 | SMF42GSIA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1400 | 578 | SMF42GSJA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1404 | 57C | SMF42GSKA | 4 | binary | Number of component class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests
1408 | 580 | SMF42AGRA | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's.
1412 | 584 | SMF42AGRB | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's.
1416 | 588 | SMF42AGRC | 4 | binary | Number of BMF writes.
1420 | 58C | SMF42AGRD | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests.
1424 | 590 | SMF42AGRE | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests that encountered castout lock contention.
1428 | 594 | SMF42AGRG | 4 | binary | RE-DO percentage.
1432 | 598 | SMF42AGRH | 4 | binary | Recursive RE-DO percentage.
1436 | 59C | SMF42AGRI | 4 | binary | SCM castout lock percentage.
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42AGRF | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1452 | 5AC | SMF42AGRJ | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks.
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42GSAA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval (across the sysplex).
1460 | 5B4 | SMF42GSBA | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval (across the sysplex). 1464 5B8 SMF2AGRK 8 EBCDIC Reserved. 1472 5C0 SMF2AGAQ 16 EBCDIC Lock structure name.
MVS System CF Lock Structure Activity Totals Section (Present only for Subtype 17) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AGBA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AA05 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AGBB | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
60 | 3C | SMF42AA06 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42AGBC | 44 | EBCDIC | VSAM sphere name.
108 | 6C | SMF42AA07 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42AGBD | 2 | binary | Length of storage class name.
114 | 72 | SMF42AGBE | 30 | EBCDIC | Storage class name.
144 | 90 | SMF42AA08 | 2 | binary | Length of cache set name.
146 | 92 | SMF42AGBF | 30 | EBCDIC | Cache set name.
176 | B0 | SMF42AA12 | 2 | binary | Reserved.
178 | B2 | SMF42AGBG | 30 | EBCDIC | Cache structure name.
208 | D0 | SMF42AGBH | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
216 | D8 | SMF42AA11 | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
224 | E0 | SMF42AGBI | 4 | binary | Indicator of component being processed
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Data component 1 Index component 2-31 Reserved. |
228 | E4 | SMF42AA09 | 12 | EBCDIC | Indicates DFSMS greater than 4K CF caching status. Value is ALL, NONE, UPDATESONLY, DIRONLY or GT4KNOTACT.
240 | F0 | SMF42AGBK | 4 | binary | Number of lock requests processed by this MVS system.
244 | F4 | SMF42AGBL | 4 | binary | Number of true contention lock requests.
248 | F8 | SMF42AGBM | 4 | binary | Number of false contention lock requests.
252 | FC | SMF42AGZ8 | 2 | binary | SMS DIRECT WEIGHT
254 | FE | SMF42AGZ9 | 2 | binary | SMS SEQUENTIAL WEIGHT
256 | 100 | SMF42AGBN | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4, WLM SERV Class Name
264 | 108 | SMF42AGBO | 8 | EBCDIC | In DFSMS 1.4, WLM Report Class Name
272 | 110 | SMF42AGBP | 16 | EBCDIC | SMS data class name.
288 | 120 | SMF42AGIA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
292 | 124 | SMF42AGIB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests.
296 | 128 | SMF42AGIC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
300 | 12C | SMF42AGID | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
304 | 130 | SMF42AGIE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
308 | 134 | SMF42AGIF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
312 | 138 | SMF42AGIG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
316 | 13C | SMF42AGIH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
320 | 140 | SMF42AGII | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
324 | 144 | SMF42AGIJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
328 | 148 | SMF42AGIK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
332 | 14C | SMF42AGIL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
336 | 150 | SMF42AGIM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
340 | 154 | SMF42AGIN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
344 | 158 | SMF42AGIO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
348 | 15C | SMF42AGIP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
352 | 160 | SMF42AGIQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
360 | 168 | SMF42AGIR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O direct requests to DASD.
364 | 16C | SMF42AGIS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O direct requests to DASD.
368 | 170 | SMF42AGIT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
376 | 178 | SMF42AGIU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
384 | 180 | SMF42AGIV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
400 | 190 | SMF42AGIW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all the direct access requests in this interval.
408 | 198 | SMF42AGIX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
412 | 19C | SMF42AGIY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
416 | 1A0 | SMF42AGIZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
424 | 1A8 | SMF42AGI7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
456 | 1C8 | SMF42AGJA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
460 | 1CC | SMF42AGJB | 4 | binary | Total number of direct access requests. (RE-DO)
464 | 1D0 | SMF42AGJC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
468 | 1D4 | SMF42AGJD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
472 | 1D8 | SMF42AGJE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
476 | 1DC | SMF42AGJF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
480 | 1E0 | SMF42AGJG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests. (RE-DO)
484 | 1E4 | SMF42AGJH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests. (RE-DO)
488 | 1E8 | SMF42AGJI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits. (RE-DO)
492 | 1EC | SMF42AGJJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits. (RE-DO)
496 | 1F0 | SMF42AGJK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
500 | 1F4 | SMF42AGJL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests. (RE-DO)
504 | 1F8 | SMF42AGJM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests. (RE-DO)
508 | 1FC | SMF42AGJN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests. (RE-DO)
512 | 200 | SMF42AGJO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
516 | 204 | SMF42AGJP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
520 | 208 | SMF42AGJQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
528 | 210 | SMF42AGJR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
532 | 214 | SMF42AGJS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O direct requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
536 | 218 | SMF42AGJT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
544 | 220 | SMF42AGJU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
552 | 228 | SMF42AGJV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
568 | 238 | SMF42AGJW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
576 | 240 | SMF42AGJX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the direct access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
580 | 244 | SMF42AGJY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
584 | 248 | SMF42AGJZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
592 | 250 | SMF42AGJ7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
624 | 270 | SMF42AGKA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
628 | 274 | SMF42AGKB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests.
632 | 278 | SMF42AGKC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity).
636 | 27C | SMF42AGKD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol.
640 | 280 | SMF42AGKE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests.
644 | 284 | SMF42AGKF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests.
648 | 288 | SMF42AGKG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
652 | 28C | SMF42AGKH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
656 | 290 | SMF42AGKI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
660 | 294 | SMF42AGKJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
664 | 298 | SMF42AGKK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids.
668 | 29C | SMF42AGKL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42AGKM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
676 | 2A4 | SMF42AGKN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
680 | 2A8 | SMF42AGKO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits.
684 | 2AC | SMF42AGKP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
688 | 2B0 | SMF42AGKQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42AGKR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
700 | 2BC | SMF42AGKS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42AGKT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all sequential access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD. (real I/O DASD)
712 | 2C8 | SMF42AGKU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred for all sequential access requests where the data was retrieved from DASD or a coupling facility cache structure. (real I/O DASD)
720 | 2D0 | SMF42AGKV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42AGKW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access requests in this interval.
744 | 2E8 | SMF42AGKX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
748 | 2EC | SMF42AGKY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K).
752 | 2F0 | SMF42AGKZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
760 | 2F8 | SMF42AGK7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
792 | 318 | SMF42AGLA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
796 | 31C | SMF42AGLB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (RE-DO)
800 | 320 | SMF42AGLC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (RE-DO)
804 | 324 | SMF42AGLD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (RE-DO)
808 | 328 | SMF42AGLE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (RE-DO)
812 | 32C | SMF42AGLF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (RE-DO)
816 | 330 | SMF42AGLG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
820 | 334 | SMF42AGLH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
824 | 338 | SMF42AGLI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
828 | 33C | SMF42AGLJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
832 | 340 | SMF42AGLK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (RE-DO)
836 | 344 | SMF42AGLL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
840 | 348 | SMF42AGLM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
844 | 34C | SMF42AGLN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
848 | 350 | SMF42AGLO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (RE-DO)
852 | 354 | SMF42AGLP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
856 | 358 | SMF42AGLQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure bytes transferred.
864 | 360 | SMF42AGLR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
868 | 364 | SMF42AGLS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (RE-DO)
872 | 368 | SMF42AGLT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
880 | 370 | SMF42AGLU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
888 | 378 | SMF42AGLV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
904 | 388 | SMF42AGLW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval.
912 | 390 | SMF42AGLX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (RE-DO) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
916 | 394 | SMF42AGLY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (RE-DO)
920 | 398 | SMF42AGLZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
928 | 3A0 | SMF42AGL7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
960 | 3C0 | SMF42AGMA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
964 | 3C4 | SMF42AGMB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (read ahead)
968 | 3C8 | SMF42AGMC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (read-ahead)
972 | 3CC | SMF42AGMD | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (read-ahead)
976 | 3D0 | SMF42AGME | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (read-ahead)
980 | 3D4 | SMF42AGMF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (read-ahead)
984 | 3D8 | SMF42AGMG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
988 | 3DC | SMF42AGMH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
992 | 3E0 | SMF42AGMI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
996 | 3E4 | SMF42AGMJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
1000 | 3E8 | SMF42AGMK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (read-ahead)
1004 | 3EC | SMF42AGML | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
1008 | 3F0 | SMF42AGMM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
1012 | 3F4 | SMF42AGMN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
1016 | 3F8 | SMF42AGMO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (read-ahead)
1020 | 3FC | SMF42AGMP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
1024 | 400 | SMF42AGMQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
1032 | 408 | SMF42AGMR | 4 | binary | Total number of real READ I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1036 | 40C | SMF42AGMS | 4 | binary | Total number of real WRITE I/O sequential requests to DASD. (read ahead)
1040 | 410 | SMF42AGMT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1048 | 418 | SMF42AGMU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1056 | 420 | SMF42AGMV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1072 | 430 | SMF42AGMW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval.
1080 | 438 | SMF42AGMX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (read ahead) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1084 | 43C | SMF42AGMY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (read ahead)
1088 | 440 | SMF42AGMZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1096 | 448 | SMF42AGM7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1128 | 468 | SMF42AGNA | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
1132 | 46C | SMF42AGNB | 4 | binary | Total number of sequential access requests. (pre-format)
1136 | 470 | SMF42AGNC | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - NRI protocol (No Read Integrity). (pre-format)
1140 | 474 | SMF42AGND | 4 | binary | Number of read requests - Consistent read protocol. (pre-format)
1144 | 478 | SMF42AGNE | 4 | binary | Number of Write requests. (pre-format)
1148 | 47C | SMF42AGNF | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF requests. (pre-format)
1152 | 480 | SMF42AGNG | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Read requests.
1156 | 484 | SMF42AGNH | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF Write requests.
1160 | 488 | SMF42AGNI | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF read hits.
1164 | 48C | SMF42AGNJ | 4 | binary | Number of direct access BMF valid read hits.
1168 | 490 | SMF42AGNK | 4 | binary | Number of BMF false invalids. (pre-format)
1172 | 494 | SMF42AGNL | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure requests.
1176 | 498 | SMF42AGNM | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Read requests.
1180 | 49C | SMF42AGNN | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure Write requests.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42AGNO | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read hits. (pre-format)
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42AGNP | 4 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure read castins.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42AGNQ | 8 | binary | Number of direct access CF cache structure byte transferred.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42AGNR | 4 | binary | Total number of READ real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42AGNS | 4 | binary | Total number of WRITE real I/O sequential requests to DASD. (pre-format)
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42AGNT | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the read requests.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42AGNU | 8 | binary | Total number of bytes transferred to DASD for the write requests.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42AGNV | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42AGNW | 8 | binary | Total amount of time, in milli seconds, for all sequential access. (pre-format) requests in this interval.
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42AGNX | 4 | binary | Average response time for all of the sequential access (pre-format) requests in this interval (total time/number of requests).
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42AGNY | 4 | binary | Normalized response time for all of the requests in this interval (total time/number of bytes transferred/4K). (pre-format)
1256 | 4E8 | SMF42AGNZ | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1264 | 4F0 | SMF42AGN7 | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1296 | 510 | SMF42AGQA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote)
1300 | 514 | SMF42AGQB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
1304 | 518 | SMF42AGQC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
1308 | 51C | SMF42AGQD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
1312 | 520 | SMF42AGQE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
1316 | 524 | SMF42AGQF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
1320 | 528 | SMF42GVAA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
1324 | 52C | SMF42GVBA | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
1328 | 530 | SMF42AGQH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1332 | 534 | SMF42AGQI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
1336 | 538 | SMF42AGQJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
1340 | 53C | SMF42AGQK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
1344 | 540 | SMF42AGQL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1348 | 544 | SMF42AGQM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
1352 | 548 | SMF42AGQN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
1356 | 54C | SMF42AGQO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
1360 | 550 | SMF42AGQP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1364 | 554 | SMF42AGQQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
1368 | 558 | SMF42AGQR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
1372 | 55C | SMF42AGQS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
1376 | 560 | SMF42AGQT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
1380 | 564 | SMF42AGQU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
1384 | 568 | SMF42AGQV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
1388 | 56C | SMF42AGQW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
1392 | 570 | SMF42GVDA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
1396 | 574 | SMF42GVEA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
1400 | 578 | SMF42GVFA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
1404 | 57C | SMF42GVGA | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
1408 | 580 | SMF42GTHA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
1412 | 584 | SMF42GTIA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
1416 | 588 | SMF42GTJA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
1420 | 58C | SMF42GTKA | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
1424 | 590 | SMF42AGRL | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's.
1428 | 594 | SMF42AGRM | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's.
1432 | 598 | SMF42AGRN | 4 | binary | Number of BMF writes.
1436 | 59C | SMF42AGRO | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests.
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42AGRP | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests that encountered castout lock contention.
1444 | 5A4 | SMF42AGRR | 4 | binary | RE-DO percentage.
1448 | 5A8 | SMF42AGRS | 4 | binary | Recursive RE-DO percentage.
1452 | 5AC | SMF42AGRT | 4 | binary | SCM castout lock percentage.
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42AGRQ | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1468 | 5BC | SMF42AGRU | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks.
1472 | 5C0 | SMF42GTAA | 4 | binary | Total number of CI splits for this interval.
1476 | 5C4 | SMF42GTBA | 4 | binary | Total number of CA splits for this interval. 1480 5C8 SMF2AGRV 8 EBCDIC Reserved. 1488 5D0 SMF2AGBQ 16 EBCDIC Lock structure name.
Lock Structure summary section (Present only for Subtype 17) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42HAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42H00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42HAB | 16 | EBCDIC | DFSMS lock table name.
32 | 20 | SMF42H01 | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
48 | 30 | SMF42HAC | 4 | binary | Reserved.
52 | 34 | SMF42HAD | 4 | binary | Reserved.
56 | 38 | SMF42HAE | 4 | binary | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF42HAF | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42HAG | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF42HAH | 4 | binary | Reserved.
100 | 64 | SMF42HAI | 4 | binary | Reserved.
104 | 68 | SMF42HAJ | 4 | binary | Reserved.
108 | 6C | SMF42HAK | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42HAL | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
120 | 78 | SMF42HUA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
124 | 7C | SMF42HUB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
128 | 80 | SMF42HUD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
132 | 84 | SMF42HUE | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
136 | 88 | SMF42HUF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
140 | 8C | SMF42HUG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
144 | 90 | SMF42HCA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
148 | 94 | SMF42HCB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
152 | 98 | SMF42HCC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
156 | 9C | SMF42HCD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
160 | A0 | SMF42HCE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
164 | A4 | SMF42HCF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42HCG | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
176 | B0 | SMF42HCH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
180 | B4 | SMF42HCI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
184 | B8 | SMF42HCJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
188 | BC | SMF42HCK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
192 | C0 | SMF42HCL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
196 | C4 | SMF42HCM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
200 | C8 | SMF42HCN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
204 | CC | SMF42HCO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42HCP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
212 | D4 | SMF42HCQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
216 | D8 | SMF42HCR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
220 | DC | SMF42HCS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
224 | E0 | SMF42HCT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
228 | E4 | SMF42HCU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
232 | E8 | SMF42HCV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
236 | EC | SMF42HCW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
240 | F0 | SMF42HCX | 4 | binary | Number of special lock requests.
244 | F4 | SMF42HCY | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
256 | 100 | SMF42HCZ | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
272 | 110 | SMF42HEH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
276 | 114 | SMF42HEI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention.
280 | 118 | SMF42HEJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention.
284 | 11C | SMF42HEK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests.
CF cache partition activity totals section (Present only for Subtype 18) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42HBA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42H02 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42HBB | 16 | EBCDIC | DFSMS lock table name.
32 | 20 | SMF42HBC | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
40 | 28 | SMF42H03 | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
48 | 30 | SMF42HBD | 4 | binary | Reserved.
52 | 34 | SMF42HBE | 4 | binary | Reserved.
56 | 38 | SMF42HBF | 4 | binary | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF42HBG | 4 | binary | Reserved.
64 | 40 | SMF42HBH | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF42HBI | 4 | binary | Reserved.
100 | 64 | SMF42HBJ | 4 | binary | Reserved.
104 | 68 | SMF42HBK | 4 | binary | Reserved.
108 | 6C | SMF42HBL | 4 | binary | Reserved.
112 | 70 | SMF42HBM | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
120 | 78 | SMF42HVA | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for record lock.
124 | 7C | SMF42HVB | 4 | binary | Number of record locks hashed to the same hash table entry.
128 | 80 | SMF42HVC | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for DIWA lock.
132 | 84 | SMF42HVD | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for UPGRADE lock.
136 | 88 | SMF42HVF | 4 | binary | Accumulation of waiters for COMP2 lock.
140 | 8C | SMF42HVG | 4 | binary | Number of locks (DIWA, UPGRADE, and COMP2) hashed to the same hash table entry.
144 | 90 | SMF42HDA | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests (obtain/alter/promote)
148 | 94 | SMF42HDB | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause true contention.
152 | 98 | SMF42HDC | 4 | binary | Number of record lock requests that cause false contention.
156 | 9C | SMF42HDD | 4 | binary | Number of record lock release requests.
160 | A0 | SMF42HDE | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type lock requests.
164 | A4 | SMF42HDF | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 type release lock requests.
168 | A8 | SMF42HDG | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
176 | B0 | SMF42HDH | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
180 | B4 | SMF42HDI | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause true contention.
184 | B8 | SMF42HDJ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) locks that cause false contention.
188 | BC | SMF42HDK | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_1 (DIWA) release lock requests.
192 | C0 | SMF42HDL | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
196 | C4 | SMF42HDM | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause true contention.
200 | C8 | SMF42HDN | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) locks that cause false contention.
204 | CC | SMF42HDO | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_2 (UPGRADE) release lock requests.
208 | D0 | SMF42HDP | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks (obtain/alter/promote).
212 | D4 | SMF42HDQ | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause true contention.
216 | D8 | SMF42HDR | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) locks that cause false contention.
220 | DC | SMF42HDS | 4 | binary | Number of component_1 class_3 (PREFORMAT) release lock requests.
224 | E0 | SMF42HDT | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 lock requests (obtain/alter/promote).
228 | E4 | SMF42HDU | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause true contention.
232 | E8 | SMF42HDV | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 locks that cause false contention.
236 | EC | SMF42HDW | 4 | binary | Number of component_2 release lock requests.
240 | F0 | SMF42HDX | 4 | binary | Number of special lock requests.
244 | F4 | SMF42HDY | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
256 | 100 | SMF42HDZ | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
272 | 110 | SMF42HFH | 4 | Binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks (obtain/alter/promote)
276 | 114 | SMF42HFI | 4 | Binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause true contention
280 | 118 | SMF42HFJ | 4 | Binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) locks that cause false contention
284 | 11C | SMF42HFK | 4 | Binary | Number of component_1 class 4 (Index Record) release lock requests
CF cache partition summary section (Present only for Subtype 18) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42IAA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42I00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42IAB | 32 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
48 | 30 | SMF42IBG | 16 | EBCDIC | Partition type (sequential, direct, or combined).
64 | 40 | SMF42IBH | 4 | binary | DFSMS specified cache weight.
68 | 44 | SMF42I01 | 12 | EBCDIC | Partition name.
80 | 50 | SMF42IAD | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
84 | 54 | SMF42IAE | 4 | binary | Status conditions.
88 | 58 | SMF42IAF | 4 | binary | Read-hit counter.
92 | 5C | SMF42IAG | 4 | binary | Read-miss directory-hit counter.
96 | 60 | SMF42IAH | 4 | binary | Read-miss assignment-suppressed counter.
100 | 64 | SMF42IAI | 4 | binary | Read-miss name-assigned counter.
104 | 68 | SMF42IAJ | 4 | binary | Read-miss target storage class full counter.
108 | 6C | SMF42IAK | 4 | binary | Write-hit change bit 0 counter.
112 | 70 | SMF42IAL | 4 | binary | Write-hit change bit 1 counter.
116 | 74 | SMF42IAM | 4 | binary | Write-miss not-registered counter.
120 | 78 | SMF42IAN | 4 | binary | Write-miss invalid state counter.
124 | 7C | SMF42IAO | 4 | binary | Write-miss target storage class full counter.
128 | 80 | SMF42IAP | 4 | binary | Directory entry reclaim counter.
132 | 84 | SMF42IAQ | 4 | binary | Data table entry reclaim counter.
136 | 88 | SMF42IAR | 4 | binary | Cross invalidate (XI) for directory reclaim counter.
140 | 8C | SMF42IAS | 4 | binary | XI for write counter.
144 | 90 | SMF42IAT | 4 | binary | XI for name invalidation counter.
148 | 94 | SMF42IAU | 4 | binary | XI for complement invalidation counter.
152 | 98 | SMF42IAV | 4 | binary | Cast-out counter.
156 | 9C | SMF42IAW | 4 | binary | Reference signal miss counter.
160 | A0 | SMF42IAX | 4 | binary | Target storage class full counter.
164 | A4 | SMF42IAY | 4 | binary | Directory entry counter.
168 | A8 | SMF42IAZ | 4 | binary | Data area element counter.
172 | AC | SMF42IBA | 4 | binary | Total changed counter.
176 | B0 | SMF42IBB | 4 | binary | Data area counter.
180 | B4 | SMF42IBC | 4 | binary | Completed reference lists counter.
184 | B8 | SMF42IBD | 4 | binary | Partially completed reference lists counter.
188 | BC | SMF42IBE | 4 | binary | XI for local cache vector entry replacement counter.
192 | C0 | SMF42IBF | 4 | binary | Write unchanged with XI counter.
CF Cache partition summary section, directory/element ratio data (Present only for Subtype 18) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42ICA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42I02 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42I04 | 2 | binary | Reserved.
18 | 12 | SMF42ICB | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS cache structure name.
48 | 30 | SMF42IDG | 16 | EBCDIC | Partition type (sequential, direct, or combined).
64 | 40 | SMF42IDH | 4 | binary | DFSMS specified cache weight.
68 | 44 | SMF42I03 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
80 | 50 | SMF42ICD | 4 | binary | Coupling facility cache partition number.
84 | 54 | SMF42ICE | 4 | binary | Status conditions.
88 | 58 | SMF42ICF | 4 | binary | Read-hit counter.
92 | 5C | SMF42ICG | 4 | binary | Read-miss directory-hit counter.
96 | 60 | SMF42ICH | 4 | binary | Read-miss assignment suppressed counter.
100 | 64 | SMF42ICI | 4 | binary | Read-miss name assigned counter.
104 | 68 | SMF42ICJ | 4 | binary | Read-miss target storage class full counter.
108 | 6C | SMF42ICK | 4 | binary | Write-hit change bit 0 counter.
112 | 70 | SMF42ICL | 4 | binary | Write-hit change bit 1 counter.
116 | 74 | SMF42ICM | 4 | binary | Write-miss not-registered counter.
120 | 78 | SMF42ICN | 4 | binary | Write-miss invalid state counter.
124 | 7C | SMF42ICO | 4 | binary | Write-miss target storage class full counter.
128 | 80 | SMF42ICP | 4 | binary | Directory entry reclaim counter.
132 | 84 | SMF42ICQ | 4 | binary | Data table entry reclaim counter.
136 | 88 | SMF42ICR | 4 | binary | XI for directory reclaim counter.
140 | 8C | SMF42ICS | 4 | binary | XI for write counter.
144 | 90 | SMF42ICT | 4 | binary | XI for name invalidation counter.
148 | 94 | SMF42ICU | 4 | binary | XI for complement invalidation counter.
152 | 98 | SMF42ICV | 4 | binary | Cast-out counter.
156 | 9C | SMF42ICW | 4 | binary | Reference signal miss counter.
160 | A0 | SMF42ICX | 4 | binary | Target storage class full counter.
164 | A4 | SMF42ICY | 4 | binary | Directory entry counter.
168 | A8 | SMF42ICZ | 4 | binary | Data area element counter.
172 | AC | SMF42IDA | 4 | binary | Total changed counter.
176 | B0 | SMF42IDB | 4 | binary | Data area counter.
180 | B4 | SMF42IDC | 4 | binary | Completed reference lists counter.
184 | B8 | SMF42IDD | 4 | binary | Partially completed reference lists counter.
188 | BC | SMF42IDE | 4 | binary | XI for local cache vector entry replacement counter.
192 | C0 | SMF42IDF | 4 | binary | Write unchanged with XI counter.
Sysplex totals local buffer manager LRU statistics summary for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42IEA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42I06 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42I07 | 2 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
18 | 12 | SMF42IEB | 30 | EBCDIC | DFSMS cache structure name.
48 | 30 | SMF42IEC | 4 | binary | Number of changes to directory portion of directory/element ratio.
52 | 34 | SMF42IED | 4 | binary | Number of changes to element portion of directory/element ratio.
56 | 38 | SMF42IEE | 4 | binary | Low ratio value for directory portion of directory/element ratio.
60 | 3C | SMF42IEF | 4 | binary | Low ratio value for element portion of directory/element ratio.
64 | 40 | SMF42IEG | 4 | binary | High ratio value for directory portion of directory/element ratio.
68 | 44 | SMF42IEH | 4 | binary | High ratio value for element portion of directory/element ratio.
72 | 48 | SMF42IEI | 4 | binary | Current ratio value for directory portion of directory/element ratio.
76 | 4C | SMF42IEJ | 4 | binary | Current ratio value for element portion of directory/element ratio.
Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JNA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42J00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42JNB | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42JND | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42JNE | 8 | binary | Average CPU time for all systems in sysplex (in milli-seconds).
48 | 30 | SMF42JNF | 8 | binary | Total CPU time for this record (in milli-seconds).
56 | 38 | SMF42JN0 | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF42JN7 | 4 | binary | Total number of write requests (sysplex totals).
64 | 40 | SMF42JNG | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed (sysplex totals).
68 | 44 | SMF42JNH | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed (across sysplex).
72 | 48 | SMF42JNI | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers.
76 | 4C | SMF42JNJ | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers (across sysplex).
80 | 50 | SMF42JNK | 4 | binary | Average number of times that BMF was called in this interval.
84 | 54 | SMF42JNL | 4 | binary | Total number of times that BMF was called in this interval (across sysplex).
88 | 58 | SMF42JNM | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager ‘hits’ during this interval.
92 | 5C | SMF42JNN | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager ‘hits’ during this interval.
96 | 60 | SMF42JNO | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
100 | 64 | SMF42JNP | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
104 | 68 | SMF42JNQ | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
108 | 6C | SMF42JNR | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager average ‘hits’ during this interval.
112 | 70 | SMF42JNS | 4 | binary | Average Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
116 | 74 | SMF42JNT | 4 | binary | Total Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
120 | 78 | SMF42JNU | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
124 | 7C | SMF42JNV | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
128 | 80 | SMF42JNW | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
132 | 84 | SMF42JNX | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ average percentage during this interval.
136 | 88 | SMF42JNY | 4 | binary | Average DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
140 | 8C | SMF42JNZ | 4 | binary | Total DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
144 | 90 | SMF42JOA | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
148 | 94 | SMF42JOB | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
152 | 98 | SMF42JOC | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
156 | 9C | SMF42JOD | 4 | binary | DASD average ‘hits’ during this interval.
160 | A0 | SMF42JOE | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Average Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 401.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42JRI | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Wide Totals Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex wide totals buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 402.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42JON | 4 | binary | Average buffer size goal (in megabytes) - low value.
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42JOO | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - Low value.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42JOP | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42JOQ | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42JOR | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42JOS | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42JOT | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - average value.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42JOU | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42JOV | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42JOW | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42JOX | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42JOY | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42JOZ | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42JRA | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42JRB | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - Average value.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42JRC | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks for this interval (across the sysplex).
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42JRD | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42JRE | 64 | EBCDIC | Average calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Average buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar” on page 402.
1316 | 524 | SMF42JRG | 64 | EBCDIC | Total calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Total buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar” on page 402.
1380 | 564 | SMF42JTA | 4 | binary | Average number of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1384 | 568 | SMF42JTB | 4 | binary | Total number of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1388 | 56C | SMF42JTC | 4 | binary | Average number of SCM read requests during this interval (across the sysplex).
1392 | 570 | SMF42JTD | 4 | binary | Total number of SCM read requests during this interval (across the sysplex).
1396 | 574 | SMF42JTE | 4 | binary | Current percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1400 | 578 | SMF42JTF | 4 | binary | Low percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1404 | 57C | SMF42JTG | 4 | binary | High percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1408 | 580 | SMF42JTH | 4 | binary | Average percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1412 | 584 | SMF42JTI | 4 | binary | Average number of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1416 | 588 | SMF42JTJ | 4 | binary | Total number of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1420 | 58C | SMF42JTK | 4 | binary | Average number of recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1424 | 590 | SMF42JTL | 4 | binary | Total number of recursive redo during this interval (across the sysplex).
1428 | 594 | SMF42JTM | 4 | binary | Current percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1432 | 598 | SMF42JTN | 4 | binary | Low percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1436 | 59C | SMF42JTO | 4 | binary | High percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42JTP | 4 | binary | Average percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1444 | 5A4 | SMF42JTQ | 4 | binary | Current percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1448 | 5A8 | SMF42JTR | 4 | binary | Low percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1452 | 5AC | SMF42JTS | 4 | binary | High percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42JTT | 4 | binary | Average percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1460 | 5B4 | SMF42JUA | 4 | binary | Average number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode (across the sysplex).
1464 | 5B8 | SMF42JUB | 4 | binary | Total number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode (across the sysplex).
Sysplex wide totals buffer pool count array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JOF | 4 | binary | Average low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42JOG | 4 | binary | Average high value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42JOH | 4 | binary | Average current value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42JOI | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42JOJ | 4 | binary | Average low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42JOK | 4 | binary | Average high value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
24 | 18 | SMF42JOL | 4 | binary | Average current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42JOM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
Average buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JRJ | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42JRK | 4 | binary | High value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42JRL | 4 | binary | Value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42JRM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42JRN | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42JRO | 4 | binary | High value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
24 | 18 | SMF42JRP | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42JRQ | 4 | binary | Reserved.
Total buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JRF | 4 | binary | Average number of times calculated value was within this range (across the sysplex).
System local buffer manager LRU statistics summary for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JRH | 4 | binary | Total number of times calculated value was within this range (across the sysplex).
Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JPA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42J01 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42JPB | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
24 | 18 | SMF42JPC | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42JPD | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42JPE | 8 | binary | Average CPU time for all systems in sysplex (in milli-seconds).
48 | 30 | SMF42JPF | 8 | binary | Total CPU time for this record (in milli-seconds).
56 | 38 | SMF42JP1 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
68 | 44 | SMF42JP6 | 4 | binary | Total number of write requests.
72 | 48 | SMF42JPG | 4 | binary | Number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed.
76 | 4C | SMF42JPH | 4 | binary | Number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers
80 | 50 | SMF42JPI | 4 | binary | Total number of times that BMF was called in this interval.
84 | 54 | SMF42JP2 | 4 | binary | Number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal, accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode.
88 | 58 | SMF42JPJ | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
92 | 5C | SMF42JPK | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
96 | 60 | SMF42JPL | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
100 | 64 | SMF42JPM | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
104 | 68 | SMF42JPN | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager average ‘hits’ during this interval.
108 | 6C | SMF42JP3 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
120 | 78 | SMF42JPO | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
124 | 7C | SMF42JPP | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
128 | 80 | SMF42JPQ | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
132 | 84 | SMF42JPR | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
136 | 88 | SMF42JPS | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ average percentage during this interval.
140 | 8C | SMF42JP4 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
152 | 98 | SMF42JPT | 4 | binary | DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
156 | 9C | SMF42JPU | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
160 | A0 | SMF42JPV | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
164 | A4 | SMF42JPW | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
168 | A8 | SMF42JPX | 4 | binary | DASD average ‘hits’ during this interval.
172 | AC | SMF42JP5 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
184 | B8 | SMF42JPY | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Average Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 404.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42JQG | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - low value.
700 | 2BC | SMF42JQH | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42JQI | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
708 | 2C4 | SMF42JQJ | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - average value.
712 | 2C8 | SMF42JQK | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
716 | 2CC | SMF42JQL | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
720 | 2D0 | SMF42JQM | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
724 | 2D4 | SMF42JQN | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - A@verage value.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42JQ2 | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks for this interval.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42JQ3 | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42JQO | 64 | EBCDIC | Calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Calculated megabytes distribution array for below the bar” on page 405
800 | 320 | SMF42JSA | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests which encountered castout contention during this interval.
804 | 324 | SMF42JSB | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests during this interval.
808 | 328 | SMF42JSC | 4 | binary | Current percentage of SCM read requests which encountered cast contention during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
812 | 32C | SMF42JSD | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42JSC.
816 | 330 | SMF42JSE | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42JSC.
820 | 334 | SMF42JSF | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42JSC.
824 | 338 | SMF42JSG | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's during this interval.
828 | 33C | SMF42JSH | 4 | binary | Current percentage of RE-DO's during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
832 | 340 | SMF42JSI | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42JSH.
836 | 344 | SMF42JSJ | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42JSH.
840 | 348 | SMF42JSK | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42JSH.
844 | 34C | SMF42JSL | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's during this interval.
848 | 350 | SMF42JSM | 4 | binary | Current percentage of recursive RE-DO's during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
852 | 354 | SMF42JSN | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42JSM.
856 | 358 | SMF42JSO | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42JSM.
860 | 35C | SMF42JSP | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42JSM.
Calculated megabytes distribution array for below the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JPZ | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42JQA | 4 | binary | High value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42JQB | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42JQ6 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42JQC | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42JQD | 4 | binary | High value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval
24 | 18 | SMF42JQF | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42JQ7 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
Sysplex totals local buffer manager LRU statistics summary for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42JQP | 4 | binary | For a single system, number of times calculated value was within this range.
Sysplex average buffer pool count array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJNA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AJ00 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AJNB | 16 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42AJND | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42AJNE | 8 | binary | Average CPU time for all systems in sysplex (in milli-seconds).
48 | 30 | SMF42AJNF | 8 | binary | Total CPU time for this record (in milli-seconds).
56 | 38 | SMF42AJN0 | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF42AJN7 | 4 | binary | Total number of write requests (sysplex totals).
64 | 40 | SMF42AJNG | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed (sysplex totals).
68 | 44 | SMF42AJNH | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed (across sysplex).
72 | 48 | SMF42AJNI | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers.
76 | 4C | SMF42AJNJ | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers (across sysplex).
80 | 50 | SMF42AJNK | 4 | binary | Average number of times that BMF was called in this interval.
84 | 54 | SMF42AJNL | 4 | binary | Total number of times that BMF was called in this interval (across sysplex).
88 | 58 | SMF42AJNM | 4 | binary | Average number of Buffer Manager ‘hits’ during this interval.
92 | 5C | SMF42AJNN | 4 | binary | Total number of Buffer Manager ‘hits’ during this interval.
96 | 60 | SMF42AJNO | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
100 | 64 | SMF42AJNP | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
104 | 68 | SMF42AJNQ | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
108 | 6C | SMF42AJNR | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager average ‘hits’ during this interval.
112 | 70 | SMF42AJNS | 4 | binary | Average Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
116 | 74 | SMF42AJNT | 4 | binary | Total Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
120 | 78 | SMF42AJNU | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
124 | 7C | SMF42AJNV | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
128 | 80 | SMF42AJNW | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
132 | 84 | SMF42AJNX | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ average percentage during this interval.
136 | 88 | SMF42AJNY | 4 | binary | Average DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
140 | 8C | SMF42AJNZ | 4 | binary | Total DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
144 | 90 | SMF42AJOA | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
148 | 94 | SMF42AJOB | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
152 | 98 | SMF42AJOC | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
156 | 9C | SMF42AJOD | 4 | binary | DASD average ‘hits’ during this interval.
160 | A0 | SMF42AJOE | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Average Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 401.
672 | 2A0 | SMF42AJRI | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Wide Totals Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex wide totals buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 402.
1184 | 4A0 | SMF42AJON | 4 | binary | Average buffer size goal (in megabytes) - low value.
1188 | 4A4 | SMF42AJOO | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - Low value.
1192 | 4A8 | SMF42AJOP | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
1196 | 4AC | SMF42AJOQ | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
1200 | 4B0 | SMF42AJOR | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
1204 | 4B4 | SMF42AJOS | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
1208 | 4B8 | SMF42AJOT | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - average value.
1212 | 4BC | SMF42AJOU | 4 | binary | Reserved.
1216 | 4C0 | SMF42AJOV | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
1220 | 4C4 | SMF42AJOW | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
1224 | 4C8 | SMF42AJOX | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
1228 | 4CC | SMF42AJOY | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
1232 | 4D0 | SMF42AJOZ | 4 | binary | Average Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
1236 | 4D4 | SMF42AJRA | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
1240 | 4D8 | SMF42AJRB | 4 | binary | Total Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - Average value.
1244 | 4DC | SMF42AJRC | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks for this interval (across the sysplex).
1248 | 4E0 | SMF42AJRD | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
1252 | 4E4 | SMF42AJRE | 64 | EBCDIC | Average calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Average buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar” on page 402.
1316 | 524 | SMF42AJRG | 64 | EBCDIC | Total calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Total buffer manager calculated distribution array for below the bar” on page 402.
1380 | 564 | SMF42AJTA | 4 | binary | Average number of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1384 | 568 | SMF42AJTB | 4 | binary | Total number of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1388 | 56C | SMF42AJTC | 4 | binary | Average number of SCM read requests during this interval (across the sysplex).
1392 | 570 | SMF42AJTD | 4 | binary | Total number of SCM read requests during this interval (across the sysplex).
1396 | 574 | SMF42AJTE | 4 | binary | Current percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1400 | 578 | SMF42AJTF | 4 | binary | Low percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1404 | 57C | SMF42AJTG | 4 | binary | High percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1408 | 580 | SMF42AJTH | 4 | binary | Average percentage of SCM read requests which encountered castout lock contention during this interval (across the sysplex).
1412 | 584 | SMF42AJTI | 4 | binary | Average number of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1416 | 588 | SMF42AJTJ | 4 | binary | Total number of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1420 | 58C | SMF42AJTK | 4 | binary | Average number of recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1424 | 590 | SMF42AJTL | 4 | binary | Total number of recursive redo during this interval (across the sysplex).
1428 | 594 | SMF42AJTM | 4 | binary | Current percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1432 | 598 | SMF42AJTN | 4 | binary | Low percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1436 | 59C | SMF42AJTO | 4 | binary | High percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1440 | 5A0 | SMF42AJTP | 4 | binary | Average percentage of RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1444 | 5A4 | SMF42AJTQ | 4 | binary | Current percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1448 | 5A8 | SMF42AJTR | 4 | binary | Low percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1452 | 5AC | SMF42AJTS | 4 | binary | High percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1456 | 5B0 | SMF42AJTT | 4 | binary | Average percentage of Recursive RE-DO's during this interval (across the sysplex).
1460 | 5B4 | SMF42AJUA | 4 | binary | Average number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode (across the sysplex).
1464 | 5B8 | SMF42AJUB | 4 | binary | Total number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode (across the sysplex).
Sysplex wide totals buffer pool count array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJOF | 4 | binary | Average low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42AJOG | 4 | binary | Average high value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42AJOH | 4 | binary | Average current value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42AJOI | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AJOJ | 4 | binary | Average low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42AJOK | 4 | binary | Average high value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
24 | 18 | SMF42AJOL | 4 | binary | Average current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42AJOM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
Average buffer manager calculated distribution array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJRJ | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42AJRK | 4 | binary | High value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42AJRL | 4 | binary | Value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42AJRM | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AJRN | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42AJRO | 4 | binary | High value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
24 | 18 | SMF42AJRP | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42AJRQ | 4 | binary | Reserved.
Total buffer manager calculated distribution array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJRF | 4 | binary | Average number of times calculated value was within this range (across the sysplex).
System local buffer manager LRU statistics summary for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJRH | 4 | binary | Total number of times calculated value was within this range (across the sysplex).
Sysplex average buffer pool count array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJPA | 4 | binary | Interval length. This is the total length, in seconds, of the measurement period.
4 | 4 | SMF42AJ01 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AJPB | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS system name.
24 | 18 | SMF42AJPC | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF42AJPD | 8 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF42AJPE | 8 | binary | Average CPU time for all systems in sysplex (in milli-seconds).
48 | 30 | SMF42AJPF | 8 | binary | Total CPU time for this record (in milli-seconds).
56 | 38 | SMF42AJP1 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
68 | 44 | SMF42AJP6 | 4 | binary | Total number of write requests.
72 | 48 | SMF42AJPG | 4 | binary | Number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals processed.
76 | 4C | SMF42AJPH | 4 | binary | Number of Buffer Manager LRU intervals where BMF was over the goal, and normal algorithms were bypassed to reclaim buffers
80 | 50 | SMF42AJPI | 4 | binary | Total number of times that BMF was called in this interval.
84 | 54 | SMF42AJP2 | 4 | binary | Number of buffer manager LRU intervals processed, where BMF was over the goal, accelerated the aging, but did not go into panic mode.
88 | 58 | SMF42AJPJ | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
92 | 5C | SMF42AJPK | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
96 | 60 | SMF42AJPL | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
100 | 64 | SMF42AJPM | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
104 | 68 | SMF42AJPN | 4 | binary | Buffer Manager average ‘hits’ during this interval.
108 | 6C | SMF42AJP3 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
120 | 78 | SMF42AJPO | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
124 | 7C | SMF42AJPP | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
128 | 80 | SMF42AJPQ | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
132 | 84 | SMF42AJPR | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
136 | 88 | SMF42AJPS | 4 | binary | Sysplex Cache manager number of ‘hits’ average percentage during this interval.
140 | 8C | SMF42AJP4 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
152 | 98 | SMF42AJPT | 4 | binary | DASD number of ‘hits’ during this interval.
156 | 9C | SMF42AJPU | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ current percentage during this interval.
160 | A0 | SMF42AJPV | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ low percentage during this interval.
164 | A4 | SMF42AJPW | 4 | binary | DASD ‘hits’ high percentage during this interval.
168 | A8 | SMF42AJPX | 4 | binary | DASD average ‘hits’ during this interval.
172 | AC | SMF42AJP5 | 12 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
184 | B8 | SMF42AJPY | 512 | EBCDIC | Sysplex Average Buffer Pool Count array. This is a 16 bit entry array with each entry 32 bytes long. The first entry is the 2K storage pool, the second entry is for the 4K storage pool... See “Sysplex average buffer pool count array for below the bar” on page 404.
696 | 2B8 | SMF42AJQG | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - low value.
700 | 2BC | SMF42AJQH | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - high value.
704 | 2C0 | SMF42AJQI | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - current value.
708 | 2C4 | SMF42AJQJ | 4 | binary | Buffer size goal (in megabytes) - average value.
712 | 2C8 | SMF42AJQK | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - low value.
716 | 2CC | SMF42AJQL | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - high value.
720 | 2D0 | SMF42AJQM | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - current value.
724 | 2D4 | SMF42AJQN | 4 | binary | Buffer size Calculated (in megabytes) - A@verage value.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42AJQ2 | 4 | binary | Total number of CF read requests that encountered retries for cast out locks for this interval.
728 | 2D8 | SMF42AJQ3 | 4 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
736 | 2E0 | SMF42AJQO | 64 | EBCDIC | Calculated megabytes distribution array. This is a 16 entry array which contains the number of times the calculated value occurred within a 100MB span. Entry 1 = 0-99m, entry 2 = 100-199m,... entry 16 > 150m. See “Calculated megabytes distribution array for below the bar” on page 405
800 | 320 | SMF42AJSA | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests which encountered castout contention during this interval.
804 | 324 | SMF42AJSB | 4 | binary | Number of SCM read requests during this interval.
808 | 328 | SMF42AJSC | 4 | binary | Current percentage of SCM read requests which encountered cast contention during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
812 | 32C | SMF42AJSD | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSC.
816 | 330 | SMF42AJSE | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSC.
820 | 334 | SMF42AJSF | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSC.
824 | 338 | SMF42AJSG | 4 | binary | Number of RE-DO's during this interval.
828 | 33C | SMF42AJSH | 4 | binary | Current percentage of RE-DO's during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
832 | 340 | SMF42AJSI | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSH.
836 | 344 | SMF42AJSJ | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSH.
840 | 348 | SMF42AJSK | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSH.
844 | 34C | SMF42AJSL | 4 | binary | Number of recursive RE-DO's during this interval.
848 | 350 | SMF42AJSM | 4 | binary | Current percentage of recursive RE-DO's during this interval. (Value is for the last LRU cycle before the SMF record was processed.)
852 | 354 | SMF42AJSN | 4 | binary | Low percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSM.
856 | 358 | SMF42AJSO | 4 | binary | High percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSM.
860 | 35C | SMF42AJSP | 4 | binary | Average percentage during this interval for SMF42AJSM.
Calculated megabytes distribution array for above the bar (Present only for Subtype 19) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJPZ | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
4 | 4 | SMF42AJQA | 4 | binary | High value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
8 | 8 | SMF42AJQB | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of BMF buffers for this pool during this interval.
12 | C | SMF42AJQ6 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
16 | 10 | SMF42AJQC | 4 | binary | Low value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
20 | 14 | SMF42AJQD | 4 | binary | High value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval
24 | 18 | SMF42AJQF | 4 | binary | Current value of the number of extents for this pool during this interval.
28 | 1C | SMF42AJQ7 | 4 | binary | Reserved.
(Present only for Subtype 20) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42AJQP | 4 | binary | For a single system, number of times calculated value was within this range.
(Present only for Subtype 20) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42KJB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name, started task control, or time sharing user who issued the STOW Initialize.
8 | 8 | SMF42KST | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name.
16 | 10 | SMF42KPR | 8 | EBCDIC | Proc name (or blanks).
24 | 18 | SMF42KDS | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
68 | 44 | SMF42KVS | 6 | EBCDIC | VOLSER.
(Present only for Subtype 21) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42KUI | 80 | EBCDIC | User information of the caller of STOW macro that is mapped by ICHRUTKN
(Present only for Subtype 21) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42LJB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name, started task control, or time sharing user who issued the STOW or DESERV delete.
8 | 8 | SMF42LST | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name.
16 | 10 | SMF42LPR | 8 | EBCDIC | Proc name (or blanks).
24 | 18 | SMF42LDS | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
68 | 44 | SMF42LVS | 6 | EBCDIC | VOLSER.
74 | 4A | SMF42LNL | 2 | binary | Length of the member name that was deleted (SMF42LMN).
76 | 4C | SMF42LFL | 4 | binary | Flags - Bit Meaning When Set
0 Some aliases were excluded from the record because the record length would have exceeded the maximum 1-31 Reserved. |
80 | 50 | SMF42LMN | VAR | EBCDIC | Member name that was deleted. Actual length used is determined by SMF42LNL. (Maximum length is 63.)
(Present only for Subtype 21) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42LNA | 2 | binary | Number of alias names that were also deleted because SMF42LMN is a PDSE primary member name.
2 | 2 | SMF42LAA | VAR | EBCDIC | Alias name list array, contains SMF42LNA number of entries. See “Alias Name List Array.”
(Present only for Subtype 21) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42LAL | 2 | binary | Length of the alias name that was deleted in sympathy.
2 | 2 | SMF42LAN | VAR | EBCDIC | Alias name deleted in sympathy. (Length is SMF42LAL.)
(Present only for Subtype 22) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42LUI | 80 | EBCDIC | User information of the caller of STOW macro that is mapped by ICHRUTKN.
(Present only for Subtype 23) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42MJBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name.
8 | 8 | SMF42MRST | 4 | EBCDIC | Reader start time.
12 | C | SMF42MRSD | 4 | EBCDIC | Reader start time.
16 | 10 | SMF42MUID | 8 | EBCDIC | RACF user ID.
24 | 18 | SMF42MACT | 1 | EBCDIC | Activity type:
A - Record added; C - Record changed; D - Record deleted |
25 | 19 | SMF42MFG1 | 1 | binary | Flag 1. Bit - Meaning When Set
0 - SMF42MLIS Last in set. 1 - SMF42MJRN Journal record available. 2-7 * Reserved. |
26 | 1A | SMF42MCVTSFLG | 8 | binary | Virtual tape server flag.
27 | 1B | SMF42MCENABLE | 8 | binary | Control record enable flag.
28 | 1C | SMF42MLDTO | 8 | EBCDIC | Local time/date offset.
36 | 24 | SMF42MCJNRECN | 4 | Signed | Journal record number.
40 | 28 | SMF42MJNRECN | 4 | Signed | Number of next jn rec.
44 | 2C | SMF42MCUPDVSI | 4 | Signed | VSI when MCUPDACT set on.
48 | 30 | SMF42MCVSICNT | 4 | Signed | VSI control count.
52 | 34 | SMF42MCVRLCTK | 8 | EBCDIC | VRSEL last change token.
60 | 3C | SMF42MCVRSCNT | 4 | Signed | Current VRS change counter.
64 | 40 | SMF42MCVRSRUN | 4 | Signed | Last HSKP VRS change counter.
68 | 44 | SMF42MCSYNCTS | 8 | EBCDIC | Catsynch time stamp.
68 | 44 | SMF42MCSYNCDT | 4 | EBCDIC | Catsynch date.
72 | 48 | SMF42MCSYNCTM | 4 | EBCDIC | Catsynch time.
(Present only for Subtype 24) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42NJBN | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name.
8 | 8 | SMF42NRST | 4 | EBCDIC | Reader start time.
12 | C | SMF42NRSD | 4 | EBCDIC | Reader start time.
16 | 10 | SMF42NUIF | 8 | EBCDIC | User identification.
24 | 18 | SMF42NUID | 8 | EBCDIC | RACF user ID.
32 | 20 | SMF42NCGP | 8 | EBCDIC | RACF connect group.
40 | 28 | SMF42NVER | 1 | EBCDIC | Record version identifier (2).
41 | 29 | SMF42NACT | 1 | EBCDIC | Activity type: C - Data set create E - Data set extend U - Data set update R - Data set read access D - Data set delete
42 | 2A | SMF42NSTP | 1 | binary | Security type.
43 | 2B | -- | 1 | EBCDIC | Reserved.
44 | 2C | SMF42NDSN | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
88 | 58 | SMF42NVOL | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number.
94 | 5E | SMF42NUNT | 8 | EBCDIC | Device type.
102 | 66 | SMF42NDSQ | 2 | Unsigned | Data set sequence number.
104 | 68 | SMF42NVSQ | 2 | EBCDIC | Volume sequence number.
112 | 70 | SMF42NLDTO | 8 | EBCDIC | Local time/date offset.
(Present only for Subtype 24) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PJB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name, started task control, or time sharing user who issued the STOW (add/replace) or DESERV PUT.
8 | 8 | SMF42PST | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name.
16 | 10 | SMF42PPR | 8 | EBCDIC | Proc name (or blanks).
24 | 18 | SMF42PDS | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
68 | 44 | SMF42PVS | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number (VOLSER).
74 | 4A | SMF42PML | 2 | binary | Length of the member name that was added or replaced.
76 | 4C | SMF42PF1 | 1 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Some aliases were excluded from the record because the record length would have exceeded the maximum. 1 When this bit is on, a new member was added. 2–7 Reserved.
77 | 4D | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
80 | 50 | SMF42PMN | VAR | EBCDIC | Member name that was added or replaced.
(Present only for Subtype 24) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PNA | 2 | binary | Number of alias names that were deleted because SMF42PMN is a PDSE primary member name.
2 | 2 | SMF42PAA | VAR | EBCDIC | Alias name list array, contains SMF42P#A number of entries. See “Alias Name List Array.
(Present only for Subtype 24) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PAL | 2 | binary | Length of the alias name that was deleted in sympathy.
2 | 2 | SMF42PAN | VAR | EBCDIC | Alias name that was deleted in sympathy.
(Present only for Subtype 25) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42PUI | 80 | EBCDIC | User information of the caller of STOW or DESERV macro that is mapped by ICHRUTKN.
(Present only for Subtype 25) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42QJB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name, started task control, or time sharing user who issued the STOW (rename) or DESERV RENAME.
8 | 8 | SMF42QST | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name.
16 | 10 | SMF42QPR | 8 | EBCDIC | Proc name (or blanks).
24 | 18 | SMF42QDS | 44 | EBCDIC | Data set name.
68 | 44 | SMF42QVS | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number (VOLSER).
74 | 4A | SMF42QML | 2 | binary | Length of the member name after the rename.
76 | 4C | SMF42QMN | VAR | EBCDIC | Member name after the rename (new name).
(Present only for Subtype 25) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42QOL | 2 | binary | Length of the member name before the rename.
2 | 2 | SMF42QON | VAR | EBCDIC | Member name before the rename (old name).
Contains the data set control block (DSCB) that is being written to the VTOC, along with data (such as the job name) to identify the VTOC writer. This record is created by EXCP when it scans a channel program. (Present only for Subtype 27) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42QUI | 80 | EBCDIC | User information of the caller of STOW or DESERV macro that is mapped by ICHRUTKN.
(Present only for Subtype 27) | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF42RJOB | 8 | EBCDIC | Job name
8 | 8 | SMF42RJNO | 8 | EBCDIC | Job number
16 | 10 | SMF42RSTN | 8 | EBCDIC | Step name
24 | 18 | SMF42RPRN | 8 | EBCDIC | Proc name or blanks
32 | 20 | SMF42RVOL | 6 | EBCDIC | Volume serial number
38 | 26 | SMF42RDEV | 2 | binary | Device number (UCBCHAN)
40 | 28 | SMF42RACT | 4 | EBCDIC | Activity type:
Value - Meaning AZAP - AMASPZAP DCLO - Close for output non-VSAM data set DCLX - CLOSE executor non-VSAM extended format data set DCON - DSS consolidate DCRE - DADSM create data set DCVF - CVAFDIR Note: CVCLID not specified DDEL - DADSM scratch data set. Note: This entry reflects the DSCB just prior to the erase of the DSCB. DDMP - DSS dump DEVO - End-of-volume on output non-VSAM data set DEXT - DADSM extend data set DFRG - DSS defrag DMMS - DFSMF media manager services DPAR - DADSM partial release data set DREN - DADSM rename data set DRST - DSS restore DSSM - SSAM non-VSAM extended format data set DUPT - Update DSCB fields IOBE - IOBE not provided IOBU - IOBEUSER not specified |
44 | 2C | SMF42RIND | 2 | binary | Record indicators:
Value - Meaning X'80' Device is reserved. 46 2E * 2 CHAR Reserved |
48 | 30 | SMF42RSEEK | 4 | binary | VTOC track ID (CCCCHHHH)
52 | 34 | SMF42RSRCH | 5 | binary | VTOC record ID (CCCCHHHHR) (optional)
57 | 39 | SMF42RCMDS | 15 | binary | CCW command codes scanned
72 | 48 | SMF42RUPSW | 4 | binary | EXCP caller address following SVC 0
76 | 4C | SMF42RUTOK | 80 | binary | User security token (mapped by ICHRUTKN)
0 | 0 | SMF42RKEY | 44 | binary | DSCB key field.
44 | 2C | SMF42RDSC | 96 | binary | DSCB data field.
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer. It reads as input the SMF file and selects just the type 42 DFSMS statistics records. (See SMF 42 record layout.) It then prints a report line for each CLOSE of a dataset with a name matching the test criteria. The report shows job id and statistical information about the datasets, including average response time and total number of I/O's.
All of this with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
SMF 42 SUBTYPE 6 DFSMS DATASET CLOSING STATISTICS FOR DATASETS BEGINNING WITH: TTAP01B READER READER IO NUM STORAGE BLOCK JOBNAME DATE TIME SMF42JDW SMF42JDW SMF42DSNAM RATE IO'S VOLUME CLASS SIZE ________ ________ ___________ ________ ________ ____________________ _______ ________ ________ ________ ______ TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 40 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 8 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.AP400.ASM 122 1 VPWRKC 256 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.AP400.ASM 13 1 VPWRKC 256 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 7 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.SPFTEMP0.CNT 5 176 SYST1C 320 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.SPFTEMP0.CNT 4 177 SYST1C 800 SMF101 06/17/09 12:48:31.95 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.SMF19 166 1 SYST1E 27,998 SMF101 06/17/09 12:48:31.95 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.SW.COPYLIB 39 7 SYST1E 23,440 SMF101 06/17/09 12:48:31.95 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.AP400.LOADLI 20 28 VPWRKB 23,440 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.AP400.ASM 42 7 VPWRKC 23,440 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 5 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 6 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 6 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 6 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 6 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISR2469.BACK 6 1 SYST1E 1,296 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 5 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.SPFTEMP0.CNT 6 176 SYST1C 320 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.SPFTEMP0.CNT 5 177 SYST1C 800 SMF101 06/17/09 12:51:35.33 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.SMF19 19 1 SYST1E 27,998 SMF101 06/17/09 12:51:35.33 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.SW.COPYLIB 4 7 SYST1E 23,440 SMF101 06/17/09 12:51:35.33 BATMDM BATCH TTAP01B.AP400.LOADLI 4 28 VPWRKB 23,440 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.AP400.ASM 6 9 VPWRKC 23,120 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 5 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISR2469.BACK 5 10 SYST1E 281 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.AP400.ASM 6 7 VPWRKC 23,440 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.SW.COPYLIB 5 5 SYST1E 16,320 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 5 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 35 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 6 4 SYST1B 6,160 TTAP01B 06/17/09 12:45:56.94 TSO01 TSOOTHER TTAP01B.ISPF.ISPPROF 5 4 SYST1B 6,160 ...
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