SMF Type 70 RecordThis table shows the record layout for type 70 SMF records
It's easy to report on SMF 70 data! (Jump to sample reports) | |
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
0 | 0 | SMF70LEN | 2 | binary | Record length. This field and the next field (total of four bytes) form the RDW (record descriptor word). See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
2 | 2 | SMF70SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor (see record length field).
4 | 4 | SMF70FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator: Bit Meaning When Set 0 New record format 1 Subtypes used 2 Reserved. 3-6 Version indicators* 7 System is running in PR/SM mode.*See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
5 | 5 | SMF70RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 70 (X'46').
6 | 6 | SMF70TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, that the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF70DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
14 | E | SMF70SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from the SMFPRMxx SID parameter).
18 | 12 | SMF70SSI | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification (‘RMF’).
22 | 16 | SMF70STY | 2 | binary | Record subtype.
24 | 18 | SMF70TRN | 2 | binary | Number of triplets in this record. A triplet is a set of three SMF fields (offset/length/number values) that defines a section of the record. The offset is the offset from the RDW.
26 | 1A | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
28 | 1C | SMF70PRS | 4 | binary | Offset to RMF product section from the RDW.
32 | 20 | SMF70PRL | 2 | binary | Length of RMF product section.
34 | 22 | SMF70PRN | 2 | binary | Number of RMF product sections.
36 | 24 | SMF70CCS | 4 | binary | Offset to CPU control section from RDW.
40 | 28 | SMF70CCL | 2 | binary | Length of CPU control section.
42 | 2A | SMF70CCN | 2 | binary | Number of CPU control section.
44 | 2C | SMF70CPS | 4 | binary | Offset to CPU data section from RDW.
48 | 30 | SMF70CPL | 2 | binary | Length of CPU data section.
50 | 32 | SMF70CPN | 2 | binary | Number of CPU data sections in this record.
52 | 34 | SMF70ASS | 4 | binary | Offset to ASID data section from RDW.
56 | 38 | SMF70ASL | 2 | binary | Length of ASID data section.
58 | 3A | SMF70ASN | 2 | binary | Number of ASID data sections.
60 | 3C | SMF70BCS | 4 | binary | Offset to PR/SM partition data section from RDW.
64 | 40 | SMF70BCL | 2 | binary | Length of PR/SM partition data section.
66 | 42 | SMF70BCN | 2 | binary | Number of PR/SM partition data sections.
68 | 44 | SMF70BVS | 4 | binary | Offset to PR/SM logical processor data section from RDW.
72 | 48 | SMF70BVL | 2 | binary | Length of PR/SM logical processor data section.
74 | 4A | SMF70BVN | 2 | binary | Number of PR/SM logical processor data sections.
76 | 4C | SMF70CNS | 4 | binary | Offset to CPU-identification name sections.
80 | 50 | SMF70CNL | 2 | binary | Length of CPU-identification name section.
82 | 52 | SMF70CNN | 2 | binary | Number of CPU-identification name sections.
36 | 24 | SMF7023S | 4 | binary | Offset to cryptographic coprocessor data section.
40 | 28 | SMF7023L | 2 | binary | Length of cryptographic coprocessor data section.
42 | 2A | SMF7023N | 2 | binary | Number of cryptographic coprocessor data sections.
44 | 2C | SMF7024S | 4 | binary | Offset to cryptographic accelerator data section.
48 | 30 | SMF7024L | 2 | binary | Length of cryptographic accelerator data section.
50 | 32 | SMF7024N | 2 | binary | Number of cryptographic accelerator data sections.
52 | 34 | SMF702CS | 4 | binary | Offset to ICSF Services Data Section.
56 | 38 | SMF702CL | 2 | binary | Length of ICSF Services Data Section.
58 | 3A | SMF702CN | 2 | binary | Number of ICSF Services Data Sections.
0 | 0 | SMF70MFV | 2 | packed | RMF version number.
2 | 2 | SMF70PRD | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name (‘RMF’).
10 | A | SMF70IST | 4 | packed | Time that the RMF measurement interval started, in the form 0hhmmssF, where hh is the hours, mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, and F is the sign.
14 | E | SMF70DAT | 4 | packed | Date when the RMF measurement interval started, in the form 0cyydddF. See “Standard SMF Record Header” on page 13-1 for a detailed description.
18 | 12 | SMF70INT | 4 | packed | Duration of the RMF measurement interval, in the form mmsstttF where mm is the minutes, ss is the seconds, ttt is the milliseconds, and F is the sign. (The end of the measurement interval is the sum of the recorded start time and this field.)
22 | 16 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
24 | 18 | SMF70SAM | 4 | binary | Number of RMF samples.
28 | 1C | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
30 | 1E | SMF70FLA | 2 | binary | Flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Reserved 1 Samples have been skipped 2 Record was written by RMF Monitor III 3 Interval was synchronized with SMF 4-15 Reserved.
32 | 20 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
36 | 24 | SMF70CYC | 4 | packed | Sampling cycle length, in the form 000ttttF, where tttt is the milliseconds and F is the sign (taken from CYCLE option). The range of values is 0.050 to 9.999 seconds.
40 | 28 | SMF70MVS | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS software level (consists of an acronym and the version, release, and modification level - ZVvvrrmm).
48 | 30 | SMF70IML | 1 | binary | Indicates the type of processor complex on which data measurements were taken. Value Meaning 3 9672, zSeries 49 31 SMF73PRF 1 binary Processor flags.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 The system has expanded storage 1 The processor is enabled for ES connection architecture (ESCA) 2 There is an ES connection director in the configuration 3 System is running in z/Architecture mode 4 At least one zAAP is currently installed 5 At least one zIIP is currently installed 6 Enhanced DAT architecture available 7 Reserved. |
50 | 32 | SMF70PTN | 1 | binary | PR/SM partition number of the partition that wrote this record.
51 | 33 | SMF70SRL | 1 | binary | SMF record level change number (X'5D' for z/OS V1R13 RMF). This field enables processing of SMF record level changes in an existing release.
52 | 34 | SMF70IET | 8 | char | Interval expiration time token. This token can be used to identify other than RMF records that belong to the same interval (if interval was synchronized with SMF).
60 | 3C | SMF70LGO | 8 | binary | Offset GMT to local time (STCK format).
68 | 44 | SMF70RAO | 4 | binary | Offset to reassembly area relative to start of RMF product section.
72 | 48 | SMF70RAL | 2 | binary | Length of reassembly area. Area consists of a fixed header and a variable number of information blocks. Length depends on the record type/subtype, but is fixed for a specific type/subtype.
74 | 4A | SMF70RAN | 2 | binary | Reassembly area indicator. Value Meaning 0 Record is not broken. 1 Record is broken.Note: This field is used to indicate whether an SMF record is a broken record. Therefore, offset (SMF70RAO) and length (SMF70RAL) are only valid if SMF70RAN = 1. A reassembly area is only present in broken records.
76 | 4C | SMF70OIL | 2 | binary | Original interval length as defined in the session or by SMF (in seconds).
78 | 4E | SMF70SYN | 2 | binary | SYNC value in seconds.
80 | 50 | SMF70GIE | 8 | binary | Projected gathering interval end (STCK format) GMT time.
88 | 58 | SMF70XNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Sysplex name as defined in parmlib member COUPLExx.
96 | 60 | SMF70SNM | 8 | EBCDIC | System name for current system as defined in parmlib member IEASYSxx SYSNAME parameter.
0 | 0 | SMF70RBR | 2 | binary | Total number of broken records built from the original large record.
2 | 2 | SMF70RSQ | 2 | binary | Sequence number of this broken record. Every broken record built from the same large record must have a unique sequence number, it is in the range from 1 to SMF70RBR.
4 | 4 | SMF70RIO | 4 | binary | Offset to first reassembly information block relative to start of reassembly area header.
8 | 8 | SMF70RIL | 2 | binary | Length of reassembly information block.
10 | A | SMF70RIN | 2 | binary | Number of reassembly information blocks (same value as SMF70TRN in header section).
12 | C | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
0 | 0 | SMF70RNN | 2 | binary | Total number of sections in the original large record. This field contains information of how many sections of a specific type were contained in the original SMF record. This field is a copy of the number field of the triplet in the original (non broken) record.
2 | 2 | SMF70RPP | 2 | binary | Position of the first of one or more consecutive sections described by this block as in the original record. Values in the range of 1 to SMF70RNN are valid for correct processing. A value of 0 will skip processing of this information block. This field provides information where the sections that are part of this broken record were placed in the original record before the split took place. The actual number of consecutive sections contained in this record is available from the actual triplet in the header extension.
(Present for subtype 1) There is one section per record. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70MOD | 2 | EBCDIC | CPU processor family.
2 | 2 | SMF70VER | 1 | binary | CPU version number — meaning varies with model number.
3 | 3 | SMF70BNP | 1 | binary | Number of physical processors assigned for use by PR/SM.
4 | 4 | SMF70INB | 1 | binary | PR/SM indicator bits
Bit Meaning When Set 0 PR/SM diagnose X’204’ failure. 1 Number of physical processors has changed. 2 Dispatch interval time has been changed. 3 An additional partition, that is not included in the count of configured partitions, is presented with a name of “PHYSICAL”. This partition includes all of the uncaptured time that was used by the LPAR management time support feature but could not be attributed to a specific logical partition. 4 PR/SM - Diagnose X’204’ extended data is supported. 5 Simplified Diagnose X'204' data provided for system running as z/VM guest. CPU consumption by z/VM itself provided with partition data section for logical partition named PHYSICAL. 6-7 Reserved. |
5 | 5 | SMF70STF | 1 | binary | Flag
Bit Meaning When Set 0 The STSI facility is available for the CPC. 1 Physical CPU adjustment factor has been changed. 2 Service units available to MVS image have been changed. 3 SMF70LAC is provided for systems running in LPAR mode or as a z/VM guest. The value does no longer include CPU wait times. 4 SMF70MDL is the model-capacity identifier and SMF70HWM is the physical model. If this bit is OFF, SMF70MDL represents both model-capacity and physical model. 5 OPT parameter BLWLTRPCT changed. 6 OPT parameter BLWLINTHD changed. 7 Field SMF70GAU is valid. |
6 | 6 | SMF70GTS | 2 | binary | Dispatch accumulated interval time in milliseconds. A zero value indicates that the dispatch interval was dynamically determined.
8 | 8 | SMF70MDL | 16 | EBCDIC | CPC model identifier.
24 | 18 | SMF70DSA | 2 | binary | Number of Diagnose samples.
26 | 1A | SMF70IFA | 2 | binary | IFA processors online at the end of the interval.
28 | 1C | SMF70CPA | 4 | binary | Physical CPU adjustment factor (will be used for converting processor time to service units).
32 | 20 | SMF70WLA | 4 | binary | Processor capacity available to MVS image measured in MSUs (millions of service units) per hour. The value takes into account whether or not the image has a defined capacity limit. (For systems running as VM guest, this is the VM capacity).
36 | 24 | SMF70LAC | 4 | binary | Long-term average of CPU service (millions of service units)
40 | 28 | SMF70HOF | 8 | binary | Hypervisor date/time offset in STCK format (aka Sysplex timer offset).
48 | 30 | SMF70HWM | 16 | EBCDIC | CPC physical model identifier. Valid if bit 4 of SMF70STF is set.
64 | 40 | SMF70SUP | 2 | binary | Number of zIIPs online at the end of the interval.
66 | 42 | SMF70GJT | 8 | EBCDIC | Time in STCK format when the partition that wrote this record has joined or left a capacity group (last change of group name). Also set at IPL time, when the partition is not a member of a capacity group.
74 | 4A | SMF70POM | 4 | EBCDIC | EBCDIC plant code that identifies the plant of manufacture for the configuration. The plant code is left-justified with trailing blank characters if necessary.
78 | 4E | SMF70CSC | 16 | EBCDIC | EBCDIC sequence code of the configuration. The sequence code is right-justified with leading EBCDIC zeroes if necessary.
94 | 5E | SMF70HHF | 1 | binary | HiperDispatch information. Bit - Meaning When Set. 0 HiperDispatch mode supported 1 HiperDispatch mode is active 2 HiperDispatch mode changed during interval 3-7 Reserved.
95 | 5F | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
96 | 60 | SMF70PMI | 4 | binary | Accumulated number of blocked dispatchable units per second that may get promoted in their dispatch priority. To get the average promote event rate, divide SMF70PMI by SMF70SAM.
100 | 64 | SMF70PMU | 4 | binary | Number of blocked dispatchable units being promoted during the interval.
104 | 68 | SMF70PMW | 4 | binary | Accumulated number of address spaces and enclaves being blocked during the interval. To get the average number of waiters for promote, divide SMF70PMW by SMF70SAM.
108 | 6C | SMF70PMP | 4 | binary | Maximum number of address spaces and enclaves found being blocked during the interval.
112 | 70 | SMF70PMT | 2 | binary | 1/1000s of the CPU capacity for promote slices (OPT parameter BLWLTRPCT).
114 | 72 | SMF70PML | 2 | binary | Swapped-in starvation threshold. When an address space or enclave has not received CPU service within this time interval although it has ready-to-run work, it is considered being blocked (OPT parameter BLWLINTHD).
116 | 74 | SMF70MPC | 16 | EBCDIC | CPC model identifier indicating the permanent capacity of the CPC, without the temporarily increased capacity and the temporarily available replacement capacity. The identifier is left justified with trailing blanks if necessary. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware.
132 | 84 | SMF70MTC | 16 | EBCDIC | CPC model identifier indicating the temporary capacity of the CPC, which is the total of permanent capacity and temporarily increased capacity, without the temporarily available replacement capacity. The identifier is left justified with trailing blanks if necessary. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware.
148 | 94 | SMF70MCR | 4 | binary | CPC model capacity rating associated with the model as identified by SMF70MDL. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware.
152 | 98 | SMF70MPR | 4 | binary | CPC permanent model capacity rating associated with the model as identified by SMF70MPC. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware.
156 | 9C | SMF70MTR | 4 | binary | CPC temporary model capacity rating associated with the model as identified by SMF70MTC. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware.
160 | A0 | SMF70ZEP | 4 | binary | ZEP field 1.
164 | A4 | SMF70ZER | 8 | binary | ZEP field 2.
172 | AC | SMF70ZEE | 8 | binary | ZEP field 3.
180 | B4 | SMF70ZEC | 8 | binary | ZEP field 4.
188 | BC | SMF70NRM | 4 | binary | Normalization factor for zIIP. Multiply zIIP time by this value and divide by 256 to get the equivalent time on a CP
192 | C0 | SMF70GAU | 4 | binary | Long-term average of CPU service in millions of service units which would be allowed by the limit of the capacity group but is not used by its mmbers. If the value is negative, the group is capped. Valid if bit 7 of SMF70STF is set.
196 | C4 | SMF70ZEI | 8 | binary | ZEP field 5.
204 | CC | SMF70NCR | 4 | binary | Nominal model-capacity rating in MSU/hour. When non-zero, this value is associated with the nominal model capacity as identified in field SMF70MDL. When field SMF70CAI contains a value of 100, this value equals the value in field SMF70MCR.
208 | D0 | SMF70NPR | 4 | binary | Nominal permanent model-capacity rating in MSU/hour. When non-zero, this value is associated with the nominal permanent model capacity as identified in field SMF70MPC. When field SMF70CAI contains a value of 100, this value equals the value in field SMF70MPR.
212 | D4 | SMF70NTR | 4 | binary | Nominal temporary model-capacity rating in MSU/hour. When non-zero, this value is associated with the nominal temporary model capacity as identified in field SMF70MTC. When field SMF70CAI contains a value of 100, this value equals the value in field SMF70MTR.
216 | D8 | SMF70CAI | 1 | binary | Capacity-adjustment indication. When zero, the indication is not reported. When in the range from 1 to 99, some amount of reduction is indicated. When 100, the machine is operating at its normal capacity. Temporary capacity changes that affect machine performance (for example, CBU or OOCoD) are not included.
217 | D9 | SMF70CCR | 1 | binary | Capacity-change reason. Valid if SMF70CAI is non-zero. When 0, no capacity change took place. When 1, the capacity change is due to the setting of a manual control. When greater than 1, the capacity change is due to an internal machine condition or due to an external machine exception.
218 | DA | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
(Present for subtype 1) This section contains general information on CPU use during the interval. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70WAT | 8 | binary | CPU wait time, where bit 51 = 1 microsecond. That is, the amount of time that the CPU is not processing instructions (PSW wait state bit is on). Data could be incorrect if a SET CLOCK occurred during the RMF interval. Note: This field is incorrect if MVS is running under VM.
8 | 8 | SMF70CID | 2 | binary | CPU identification
10 | A | SMF70CNF | 1 | binary | Configuration activity indicator Bit Meaning When Set 0-3 Reserved 4 Data available for complete interval 5 CPU reconfigured during post processor duration interval 6 CPU reconfigured during the measurement interval (data for this CPU is incorrect) 7 CPU online at end of interval.
11 | B | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
12 | C | SMF70SER | 3 | char | CPU serial number (6 hexadecimal digits).
15 | F | SMF70TYP | 1 | binary | CPU type. Value Meaning 0 Standard CP processor 1 IFA processor
16 | 10 | SMF70SLH | 4 | binary | Number of entries to the I/O SLIH; number of I/O interruptions that this processor handled by entry into the I/O interrupt handler.
20 | 14 | SMF70TPI | 4 | binary | Number of TPI (test pending interrupt) with CC=1; number of I/O interruptions that this processor handled from issuing the TPI instruction.
24 | 18 | SMF70VFS | 4 | binary | Number of samples when the vector bit in the PSA image was on, which is used to determine the percentage of time vector affinity was on.
28 | 1C | SMF70V | 1 | binary | Vector configuration Bit Meaning When Set 0 Vector was online 1-7 Reserved.
29 | 1D | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved.
32 | 20 | SMF70PAT | 8 | binary | CPU parked time, where bit 51 = 1 microsecond.
40 | 28 | SMF70TCB | 8 | binary | Number of TCB dispatches for this CPU.
48 | 30 | SMF70SRB | 8 | binary | Number of SRB dispatches for this CPU.
56 | 38 | SMF70NIO | 8 | binary | Number of I/Os for this CPU.
64 | 40 | SMF70SIG | 8 | binary | Total number of SIGPs done by this CPU.
72 | 48 | SMF70WTD | 8 | binary | Wait dispatch count for this CPU.
(Present for subtype 1) This section contains address space use during the interval | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70RMN | 2 | binary | Ready minimum value over interval.
2 | 2 | SMF70RMM | 2 | binary | Ready maximum value over interval.
4 | 4 | SMF70RTT | 4 | binary | Ready total value over interval.
8 | 8 | SMF70R00 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was zero.
12 | C | SMF70R01 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 1.
16 | 10 | SMF70R02 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 2.
20 | 14 | SMF70R03 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 3.
24 | 18 | SMF70R04 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 4.
28 | 1C | SMF70R05 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 5.
32 | 20 | SMF70R06 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 6.
36 | 24 | SMF70R07 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 7.
40 | 28 | SMF70R08 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 8.
44 | 2C | SMF70R09 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 9.
48 | 30 | SMF70R10 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 10.
52 | 34 | SMF70R11 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 11.
56 | 38 | SMF70R12 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 12.
60 | 3C | SMF70R13 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 13.
64 | 40 | SMF70R14 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 14.
68 | 44 | SMF70R15 | 4 | binary | Count of times ready value was 15 or more.
72 | 48 | SMF70IMN | 2 | binary | IN users minimum over interval.
74 | 4A | SMF70IMM | 2 | binary | IN users maximum over interval.
76 | 4C | SMF70ITT | 4 | binary | IN users total value over interval.
80 | 50 | SMF70I00 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was zero.
80 | 54 | SMF70I01 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 1 or 2.
88 | 58 | SMF70I02 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 3 or 4.
92 | 5C | SMF70I03 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 5 or 6.
96 | 60 | SMF70I04 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 7 or 8.
100 | 64 | SMF70I05 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 9 or 10.
104 | 68 | SMF70I06 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 11 - 15.
108 | 6C | SMF70I07 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 16 - 20.
112 | 70 | SMF70I08 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 21 - 25.
116 | 74 | SMF70I09 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 26 - 30.
120 | 78 | SMF70I10 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 31 - 35.
124 | 7C | SMF70I11 | 4 | binary | Count of times IN users was 36 or more.
128 | 80 | SMF70OMN | 2 | binary | Out users minimum over interval.
130 | 82 | SMF70OMM | 2 | binary | Out users maximum over interval.
132 | 84 | SMF70OTT | 4 | binary | Out users total value over interval.
136 | 88 | SMF70O00 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was zero.
140 | 8C | SMF70O01 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 1 or 2.
144 | 90 | SMF70O02 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 3 or 4.
148 | 94 | SMF70O03 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 5 or 6.
152 | 98 | SMF70O04 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 7 or 8.
156 | 9C | SMF70O05 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 9 or 10.
160 | A0 | SMF70O06 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 11 - 15.
164 | A4 | SMF70O07 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 16 - 20.
168 | A8 | SMF70O08 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 21 - 25.
172 | AC | SMF70O09 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 26 - 30.
176 | B0 | SMF70O10 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 31 - 35.
180 | B4 | SMF70O11 | 4 | binary | Count of times out users was 36 or more.
184 | B8 | SMF70WMN | 2 | binary | Wait user minimum over interval.
186 | BA | SMF70WMM | 2 | binary | Wait users maximum over interval.
188 | BC | SMF70WTT | 4 | binary | Wait users total value over interval.
192 | C0 | SMF70W00 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was zero.
196 | C4 | SMF70W01 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 1 or 2.
200 | C8 | SMF70W02 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 3 or 4.
204 | CC | SMF70W03 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 5 or 6.
208 | D0 | SMF70W04 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 7 or 8.
212 | D4 | SMF70W05 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 9 or 10.
216 | D8 | SMF70W06 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 11 - 15.
220 | DC | SMF70W07 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 16 - 20.
224 | E0 | SMF70W08 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 21 - 25.
228 | E4 | SMF70W09 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 26 - 30.
232 | E8 | SMF70W10 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 31 - 35.
236 | EC | SMF70W11 | 4 | binary | Count of times wait users was 36 or more.
240 | F0 | SMF70BMN | 2 | binary | Batch users minimum over interval.
242 | F2 | SMF70BMM | 2 | binary | Batch users maximum over interval.
244 | F4 | SMF70BTT | 4 | binary | Batch users total value over interval.
248 | F8 | SMF70B00 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was zero.
252 | FC | SMF70B01 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 1 or 2.
256 | 100 | SMF70B02 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 3 or 4.
260 | 104 | SMF70B03 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 5 or 6.
264 | 108 | SMF70B04 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 7 or 8.
268 | 10C | SMF70B05 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 9 or 10
272 | 110 | SMF70B06 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 11 - 15.
276 | 114 | SMF70B07 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 16 - 20.
280 | 118 | SMF70B08 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 21 - 25.
284 | 11C | SMF70B09 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 26 - 30.
288 | 120 | SMF70B10 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 31 - 35.
292 | 124 | SMF70B11 | 4 | binary | Count of times batch users was 36 or more.
296 | 128 | SMF70SMN | 2 | binary | Started users minimum over interval.
298 | 12A | SMF70SMM | 2 | binary | Started users maximum over interval.
300 | 12C | SMF70STT | 4 | binary | Started users total value over interval.
304 | 130 | SMF70S00 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was zero.
308 | 134 | SMF70S01 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 1 or 2.
312 | 138 | SMF70S02 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 3 or 4.
316 | 13C | SMF70S03 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 5 or 6.
320 | 140 | SMF70S04 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 7 or 8.
324 | 144 | SMF70S05 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 9 or 10.
328 | 148 | SMF70S06 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 11 - 15.
332 | 14C | SMF70S07 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 16 - 20.
336 | 150 | SMF70S08 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 21 - 25.
340 | 154 | SMF70S09 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 26 - 30.
344 | 158 | SMF70S10 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 31 - 35.
348 | 15C | SMF70S11 | 4 | binary | Count of times users was 36 or more.
352 | 160 | SMF70TMN | 2 | binary | TSO/E users minimum over interval.
354 | 162 | SMF70TMM | 2 | binary | TSO/E users maximum over interval.
356 | 164 | SMF70TTT | 4 | binary | TSO/E users total value over interval.
360 | 168 | SMF70T00 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was zero.
364 | 16C | SMF70T01 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 1 or 2.
368 | 170 | SMF70T02 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 3 or 4.
372 | 174 | SMF70T03 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 5 or 6.
376 | 178 | SMF70T04 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 7 or 8.
380 | 17C | SMF70T05 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 9 or 10.
384 | 180 | SMF70T06 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 11 - 15.
388 | 184 | SMF70T07 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 16 - 20.
392 | 188 | SMF70T08 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 21 - 25.
396 | 18C | SMF70T09 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 26 - 30.
400 | 190 | SMF70T10 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 31 - 35.
404 | 194 | SMF70T11 | 4 | binary | Count of times TSO/E users was 36 or more.
408 | 198 | SMF70LMN | 2 | binary | Logical ready users minimum over interval.
410 | 19A | SMF70LMM | 2 | binary | Logical ready users maximum over interval.
412 | 19C | SMF70LTT | 4 | binary | Logical ready users total value over interval.
416 | 1A0 | SMF70L00 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was zero.
420 | 1A4 | SMF70L01 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 1 or 2.
424 | 1A8 | SMF70L02 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 3 or 4.
428 | 1AC | SMF70L03 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 5 or 6.
432 | 1B0 | SMF70L04 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 7 or 8.
436 | 1B4 | SMF70L05 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 9 or 10.
440 | 1B8 | SMF70L06 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 11 - 15.
444 | 1BC | SMF70L07 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 16 - 20.
448 | 1C0 | SMF70L08 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 21 - 25.
452 | 1C4 | SMF70L09 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 26 - 30.
456 | 1C8 | SMF70L10 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 31 - 35.
460 | 1CC | SMF70L11 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical ready users was 36 or more.
464 | 1D0 | SMF70AMN | 2 | binary | Logical wait users minimum over interval.
466 | 1D2 | SMF70AMM | 2 | binary | Logical wait users maximum over interval.
468 | 1D4 | SMF70ATT | 4 | binary | Logical wait users total value over interval.
472 | 1D8 | SMF70A00 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was zero.
476 | 1DC | SMF70A01 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 1 or 2.
480 | 1E0 | SMF70A02 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 3 or 4.
484 | 1E4 | SMF70A03 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 5 or 6.
488 | 1E8 | SMF70A04 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 7 or 8.
492 | 1EC | SMF70A05 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 9 or 10.
496 | 1F0 | SMF70A06 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 11 - 15.
500 | 1F4 | SMF70A07 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 16 - 20.
504 | 1F8 | SMF70A08 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 21 - 25.
508 | 1FC | SMF70A09 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 26 - 30.
512 | 200 | SMF70A10 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 31 - 35.
516 | 204 | SMF70A11 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of logical wait users was 36 or more.
520 | 208 | SMF70PMN | 2 | binary | Minimum number of ASCH address spaces. An ASCH address space is scheduled by the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler.
522 | 20A | SMF70PMM | 2 | binary | Maximum number of ASCH address spaces.
524 | 20C | SMF70PTT | 4 | binary | Total number of ASCH address spaces.
528 | 210 | SMF70P00 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 0 ASCH address spaces were found.
532 | 214 | SMF70P01 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 1 - 2 ASCH address spaces were found.
536 | 218 | SMF70P02 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 3 - 4 ASCH address spaces were found.
540 | 21C | SMF70P03 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 5 - 6 ASCH address spaces were found.
544 | 220 | SMF70P04 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 7 - 8 ASCH address spaces were found.
548 | 224 | SMF70P05 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 9 - 10 ASCH address spaces were found.
552 | 228 | SMF70P06 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 11 - 15 ASCH address spaces were found.
556 | 22A | SMF70P07 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 16 - 20 ASCH address spaces were found.
560 | 230 | SMF70P08 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 21 - 25 ASCH address spaces were found.
564 | 234 | SMF70P09 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 26 - 30 ASCH address spaces were found.
568 | 238 | SMF70P10 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 31 - 35 ASCH address spaces were found.
572 | 23A | SMF70P11 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 36 or more ASCH address spaces were found.
576 | 240 | SMF70XMN | 2 | binary | Minimum number of OMVS address spaces.
578 | 242 | SMF70XMM | 2 | binary | Maximum number of OMVS address spaces.
580 | 244 | SMF70XTT | 4 | binary | Total number of OMVS address spaces.
584 | 248 | SMF70X00 | 4 | binary | Number of times when zero OMVS address spaces were found.
588 | 24C | SMF70X01 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 1 - 2 OMVS address spaces were found.
592 | 250 | SMF70X02 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 3 - 4 OMVS address spaces were found.
596 | 254 | SMF70X03 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 5 - 6 OMVS address spaces were found.
600 | 258 | SMF70X04 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 7 - 8 OMVS address spaces were found.
604 | 25C | SMF70X05 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 9 - 10 OMVS address spaces were found.
608 | 260 | SMF70X06 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 11 - 15 OMVS address spaces were found.
612 | 264 | SMF70X07 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 16 - 20 OMVS address spaces were found.
616 | 268 | SMF70X08 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 21 - 25 OMVS address spaces were found.
620 | 26C | SMF70X09 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 26 - 30 OMVS address spaces were found.
624 | 270 | SMF70X10 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 31 - 35 OMVS address spaces were found.
the number N of processors being online when the sample was taken. With HiperDispatch mode active and an SMF record level SMF70SRL >= X'55'(85), N is the number of processors being online and not parked when the sample was taken. | |||||
628 | 274 | SMF70X11 | 4 | binary | Number of times when 36 or more OMVS address spaces were found.
632 | 278 | SMF70Q00 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was less or equal N.
636 | 27C | SMF70Q01 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+1.
640 | 280 | SMF70Q02 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+2.
644 | 284 | SMF70Q03 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+3.
648 | 288 | SMF70Q04 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+4 or N+5.
652 | 28C | SMF70Q05 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+6 to N+10.
656 | 290 | SMF70Q06 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+11 to N+15.
660 | 294 | SMF70Q07 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+16 to N+20.
664 | 298 | SMF70Q08 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+21 to N+30.
668 | 29C | SMF70Q09 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+31 to N+40.
672 | 2A0 | SMF70Q10 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+41 to N+60.
676 | 2A4 | SMF70Q11 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was N+61 to N+80.
680 | 2A8 | SMF70Q12 | 4 | binary | Count of times In Ready users was greater than N+80.
684 | 2AC | SMF70SRM | 4 | binary | Number of samples taken by SRM
688 | 2B0 | SMF70CMN | 4 | binary | Minimum number of work units for general purpose processors over interval.
692 | 2B4 | SMF70CMM | 4 | binary | Maximum number of work units for general purpose processors over interval.
696 | 2B8 | SMF70CTT | 4 | binary | Total number of work units for general purpose processors over interval.
700 | 2BC | SMF70DMN | 4 | binary | Minimum number of work units for zAAPs over interval.
704 | 2C0 | SMF70DMM | 4 | binary | Maximum number of work units for zAAPs over interval.
708 | 2C4 | SMF70DTT | 4 | binary | Total number of work units for zAAPs over interval.
712 | 2C8 | SMF70EMN | 4 | binary | Minimum number of work units for zIIPs over interval.
716 | 2CC | SMF70EMM | 4 | binary | Maximum number of work units for zIIPs over interval.
on the number N of processors being online when the sample was taken. With HiperDispatch mode active, N is the number of processors being online and not parked when the sampl e was taken. | |||||
720 | 2D0 | SMF70ETT | 4 | binary | Total number of work units for zIIPs over interval.
724 | 2D4 | SMF70U00 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was less or equal N.
728 | 2D8 | SMF70U01 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was N+1.
732 | 2DC | SMF70U02 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was N+2.
736 | 2E0 | SMF70U03 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was N+3.
740 | 2E4 | SMF70U04 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was N+4 or N+5.
744 | 2E8 | SMF70U05 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+6 and N+10.
748 | 2EC | SMF70U06 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+11 and N+15.
752 | 2F0 | SMF70U07 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+16 and N+20.
756 | 2F4 | SMF70U08 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+21 and N+30.
760 | 2F8 | SMF70U09 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+31 and N+40.
764 | 2FC | SMF70U10 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+41 and N+60.
768 | 300 | SMF70U11 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+61 and N+80.
772 | 304 | SMF70U12 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+81 and N+100.
776 | 308 | SMF70U13 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+101 and N+120.
780 | 30C | SMF70U14 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was between N+121 and N+150.
784 | 310 | SMF70U15 | 4 | binary | Count of times the number of work units was greater N+150.
(Present for subtype 1) This section contains a configured logical partition. There is one for each logical partition. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70LPM | 8 | EBCDIC | Logical partition name.
8 | 8 | SMF70LPN | 1 | binary | Logical partition number.
9 | 9 | SMF70PFG | 1 | binary | Partition flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Partition has changed from activated to deactivated, or vice versa, during interval 1 Number of logical processors in partition has changed 2 Number of dedicated processors in partition has changed 3 Number of shared processors in partition has changed 4 WLM LPAR management is active for this partition. 5 Wait time field is defined. 6 Defined capacity limit has been changed. 7 Capacity limit is not defined.
10 | A | SMF70BDN | 2 | binary | Number of logical CPUs assigned to this partition. This count matches the number of subsequent PR/SM data sections. For processor type D/T2064, SMF70BDN has an alternate definition if in SMF70PFG bit 5 is on: It then contains the max defined logical processors as shown at the HMC console. For active logical processors, the online time SMF70ONT is not zero.
12 | C | SMF70BDS | 4 | binary | The PR/SM logical processor data blocks for all partitions are grouped together in the record. PR/SM logical processor data blocks for a given partition are grouped together. To get to the first logical processor data block associated with this partition, skip over the number of logical processor data blocks specified by this field, starting at the first logical processor data block in the record.
16 | 10 | SMF70BDA | 4 | binary | Accumulated number of active logical processors at a WLM partition. This value is updated at each measurement cycle. It does not cover the logical processors for a non WLM managed partition. (A partition is WLM managed, when flag SMF70WLM = ON.) To get the average number of logical CPUs, this value has to be divided by the number of Diagnose samples (field SMF70DSA in the CPU control section).
20 | 14 | SMF70SPN | 8 | EBCDIC | LPAR cluster name. An LPAR cluster is the subset of the systems in a sysplex that are running as LPARs on the same CEC. Blank, if partition is not a cluster member.
28 | 1C | SMF70STN | 8 | EBCDIC | System name. Blank, if partition is not a z/OS system.
36 | 24 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF70CSF | 4 | binary | Number of megabytes of central storage currently online to this partition.
44 | 2C | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved.
48 | 30 | SMF70ESF | 4 | binary | Number of megabytes of expanded storage currently online to this partition.
52 | 34 | SMF70MSU | 4 | binary | Defined capacity limit (in millions of service units).
56 | 38 | SMF70PFL | 2 | binary | Additional partition flags. Bit - Meaning When Set. 0 Content of SMF70UPI is valid. 1 Group flag. This partition is member of a capacity group. 2 Polarization flag. This partition is vertically polarized. That is, HiperDispatch mode is active. The SMF70POW fields in the logical processor data section are valid for CPUs of this partition. 3-15 Reserved.
58 | 3A | SMF70UPI | 1 | binary | User partition ID. Valid if bit 0 of SMF70PFL is set.
59 | 3B | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
60 | 3C | SMF70GNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Name of the capacity group to which this partition belongs. Valid if bit 1 of SMF70PFL is set.
68 | 44 | SMF70GMU | 4 | binary | Maximum licensing units of a group. The maximum number of processor licensing units for the group of logical partitions of which this partition is a member, and which may be consumed per unit of time, on average. Valid if bit 1 of SMF70PFL is set.
(Present for subtype 1) This section contains a PR/SM logical processor data block. There is one for each logical processor in each configured partition. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70PDT | 8 | binary | Logical processor dispatch time, in microseconds. This is the number of microseconds that were accumulated during the measurement interval (during which a physical CPU was assigned to this logical CPU). When associated with partition name PHYSICAL, this field contains the accumulated number of microseconds during which a physical CPU was busy, but the time could not be attributed to a specific logical partition. This time includes the time PR/SM was controlling the physical processor (LPAR management time), as well as any other time the processor was busy for any reason such as managing coupling facility traffic.
8 | 8 | SMF70VPA | 2 | binary | Logical processor address.
10 | A | SMF70BPS | 2 | binary | Partition processor resource weight factor. If the value is X‘FFFF’, then the partition has been assigned dedicated processors.
12 | C | SMF70VPF | 1 | binary | Logical processor flags Bit Meaning When Set 0 Wait completion is enabled 1 Wait completion status has changed during interval 2 Weight has changed during interval 3 Partition capping is enabled 4 Partition capping status has changed during the interval 5 Logical processor varied online during the measurement interval 6-7 Reserved.
13 | D | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved.
14 | E | SMF70CIX | 2 | binary | Index to the CPU-identification name section that contains the EBCDIC name corresponding to the CPU type of the logical processor. This field is zero if there is no information available.
16 | 10 | SMF70EDT | 8 | binary | Logical processor effective dispatch time, in microseconds. The number of microseconds that were accumulated during the measurement interval (excluding LPAR management time), during which a physical CPU was assigned to this logical CPU. When associated with partition name PHYSICAL, this field contains the accumulated number of microseconds during which a physical CPU was busy, but the time could not be attributed to a specific logical partition or to LPAR management of the physical processor. One example is time used for managing coupling facility traffic. This field is zero, if not supported by the hardware. LPAR management time is the time from SMF70PDT associated with partition name PHYSICAL minus the contents of this field.
24 | 18 | SMF70ACS | 4 | binary | Accumulated processor actual share. To get the average processor actual share, this value has to be divided by the number of Diagnose samples (field SMF70DSA in the CPU control section).
28 | 1C | SMF70MIS | 2 | binary | Processor minimum share.
30 | 1E | SMF70MAS | 2 | binary | Processor maximum share.
32 | 20 | SMF70NSI | 4 | binary | Number of samples within 10% of the specified minimum.
36 | 24 | SMF70NSA | 4 | binary | Number of samples within 10% of the specified maximum.
40 | 28 | SMF70ONT | 8 | binary | Logical processor online time.
48 | 30 | SMF70WST | 8 | binary | Logical processor wait state time.
56 | 38 | SMF70PMA | 4 | binary | Average adjustment weight for pricing management.
60 | 3C | SMF70NSW | 4 | binary | Number of samples when WLM capped partition.
64 | 40 | SMF70POW | 4 | binary | Polarization weight for the logical CPU when HiperDispatch mode is active. See bit 2 (SMF70PWF) of SMF70PFL. Multiplied by a factor of 4096 for more granularity. The value may be the same or different for all shared CPUs of type SMF70CIX. This is an accumulated value. Divide by the number of Diagnose samples SMFX70DSA to get average weight value for the interval.
68 | 44 | -- | 12 | binary | Reserved.
(Present for subtype 1) There is one section per EBCDIC name that identifies a CPU type. ’CP’ and ’ICF’, with appropriate trailing blanks, are examples of EBCDIC names describing a General Purpose CPU and an Internal Coupling Facility CPU, respectively. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70CIN | 16 | EBCDIC | CPU-identification name.
16 | 10 | SMF70CTN | 2 | binary | Number of physical CPUs of this type at interval end.
18 | 12 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved.
20 | 14 | SMF70CAN | 4 | binary | Accumulated number of physical CPUs. Divide by SMF70DSA to get the average number of physical CPUs of this type applicable during the interval.
(Present for subtype 2) There is one section per cryptographic coprocessor. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70_ R7023AX | 1 | binary | Crypto processor index.
1 | 1 | SMF70_ R7023CT | 1 | binary | Crypto processor type.
2 | 2 | -- | 6 | binary | Reserved.
8 | 8 | SMF70_ R7023SF | 8 | floating | Scaling factor for this cryptographic coprocessor. Execution times in this data section have to be multiplied by this scaling factor to achieve a value in seconds.
16 | 10 | SMF70_ R7023T0 | 8 | floating | Execution time of all operations on the specified cryptographic coprocessor.
24 | 18 | SMF70_ R7023C0 | 8 | floating | Number of all operations on the specified cryptographic coprocessor.
32 | 20 | -- | 8 | binary | Reserved.
40 | 28 | SMF70_ R7023C1 | 8 | floating | Number of all RSA-key-generation operations.
(Present for subtype 2) There is one section per cryptographic accelerator | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70_ R7024AX | 1 | binary | Crypto processor index.
1 | 1 | SMF70_ R7024CT | 1 | binary | Crypto processor type.
Value Meaning 4 PCICA 6 CEX2A 8 CEX3A2 |
2 | 2 | SMF70_ R7024MSK | 1 | binary | Validity bit mask. Each bit position represents the validity of a timer-counter pair that measures the execution time and number of operations on a cryptographic accelerator card for a certain type of RSA operations.
Bit Meaning When Set 0 Valid data for 1024-bit ME-format RSA operations 1 Valid data for 2048-bit ME-format RSA operations 2 Valid data for 1024-bit CRT-format RSA operations 3 Valid data for 2048-bit CRT-format RSA operations 4 Valid data for 4096-bit ME-format RSA operations 5 Valid data for 4096-bit CRT-format RSA operations 6-7 Reserved |
4 | 4 | SMF70_ R7024EN | 4 | binary | Number of engines on the Crypto accelerator card. Specifies the number of valid entries in the SMF70_R7024TC array.
8 | 8 | SMF70_ R7024SF | 8 | floating | Scaling factor for this cryptographic accelerator. Execution times in this data section have to be multiplied by this scaling factor to achieve a value in seconds.
to five engines of a cryptographic accelerator. Unused blocks are allocated with values set to 0. | |||||
16 | 10 | SMF70_ R7021MET | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 1024-bit-ME format.
24 | 18 | SMF70_ R7021MEC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 1024-bit-ME format.
32 | 20 | SMF70_ R7022MET | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 2048-bit-ME format.
40 | 28 | SMF70_ R7022MEC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 2048-bit-ME format.
48 | 30 | SMF70_ R7021CRT | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 1024-bit-CRT format.
56 | 38 | SMF70_ R7021CRC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 1024-bit-CRT format.
64 | 40 | SMF70_ R7022CRT | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 2048-bit-CRT format.
72 | 48 | SMF70_ R7022CRC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 2048-bit-CRT format.
336 | 150 | SMF70_ R7023MET | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 4096-bit ME-format.
344 | 158 | SMF70_ R7023MEC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 4096-bit ME-format.
352 | 160 | SMF70_ R7023CRT | 8 | floating | Execution time for all operations in 4096-bit CRT-format.
360 | 168 | SMF70_ R7023CRC | 8 | floating | Number of all operations in 4096-bit CRT-format.
(Present for subtype 2) Contains measurement data of selected Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) activities There is either one or no section containing measurement data of selected Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) activities. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF70_ R702SNEC | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of calls to encipher the data.
8 | 8 | SMF70_ R702SNEB | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of bytes of data enciphered.
16 | 10 | SMF70_ R702SNEI | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of instructions used to encipher the data.
24 | 18 | SMF70_ R702TNEC | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of calls to encipher the data.
32 | 20 | SMF70_ R702TNEB | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of bytes of data enciphered.
40 | 28 | SMF70_ R702TNEI | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of instructions used to encipher the data.
48 | 30 | SMF70_ R702SNDC | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of calls to decipher the data.
56 | 38 | SMF70_ R702SNDB | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of bytes of data deciphered.
64 | 40 | SMF70_ R702SNDI | 8 | floating | Single DES: Number of instructions used to decipher the data.
72 | 48 | SMF70_ R702TNDC | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of calls to decipher the data.
80 | 50 | SMF70_ R702TNDB | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of bytes of data deciphered.
88 | 58 | SMF70_ R702TNDI | 8 | floating | Triple DES: Number of instructions used to decipher the data.
96 | 60 | SMF70_ R702NMGC | 8 | floating | Number of calls to generate the message authentication code (MAC).
104 | 68 | SMF70_ R702NMGB | 8 | floating | Number of bytes of data for which the MAC was generated.
112 | 70 | SMF70_ R702NMGI | 8 | floating | Number of PCMF instructions used to generate the MAC.
120 | 78 | SMF70_ R702NMVC | 8 | floating | Number of calls to verify the MAC.
128 | 80 | SMF70_ R702NMVB | 8 | floating | Number of bytes of data for which the MAC was verified.
136 | 88 | SMF70_ R702NMVI | 8 | floating | Number of PCMF instructions used to verify the MAC.
144 | 90 | SMF70_ R702NHAC | 8 | floating | Number of calls to hash the data.
152 | 98 | SMF70_ R702NHAB | 8 | floating | Number of bytes of data which was hashed.
160 | A0 | SMF70_ R702NHAI | 8 | floating | Number of PCMF instructions used to hash the data.
168 | A8 | SMF70_ R702NPTC | 8 | floating | Number of calls to translate the PIN.
176 | B0 | SMF70_ R702NPVC | 8 | floating | Number of calls to verify the PIN.
184 | B8 | SMF70_ R702NH2C | 8 | floating | For SHA-224 and SHA-256 hashing: Number of calls to hash the data.
192 | C0 | SMF70_ R702NH2B | 8 | floating | For SHA-224 and SHA-256 hashing: Number of bytes of data which was hashed.
200 | C8 | SMF70_ R702NH2I | 8 | floating | For SHA-224 and SHA-256 hashing: Number of PCMF instructions used to hash the data.
208 | D0 | SMF70_ R702NH5C | 8 | floating | For SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashing: Number of calls to hash the data.
216 | D8 | SMF70_ R702NH5B | 8 | floating | For SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashing: Number of bytes of data which was hashed.
224 | E0 | SMF70_ R702NH5I | 8 | floating | For SHA-384 and SHA-512 hashing: Number of PCMF instructions used to hash the data.
232 | E8 | SMF70_ R702CDLV | 4 | binary | ICSF data level.
236 | EC | SMF70_ R702AESC | 8 | floating | Number of AES encipher calls sent to a coprocessor.
244 | F4 | SMF70_ R702AESB | 8 | floating | Number of bytes processed by the AES encipher services handled by a coprocessor.
252 | FC | SMF70_ R702AESI | 8 | floating | Number of operations required to complete the AES encipher service calls to a coprocessor.
260 | 104 | SMF70_ R702ASDC | 8 | floating | Number of AES decipher calls sent to a coprocessor.
268 | 10C | SMF70_ R702ASDB | 8 | floating | Number of bytes processed by the AES decipher services handled by a coprocessor.
276 | 114 | SMF70_ R702ASDI | 8 | floating | Number of operations required to complete the AES decipher service calls to a coprocessor.
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer.
It reads as input the SMF file and selects just the type 70 subtype 1 (RMF Processor Activity) records. (See SMF 70 record layout.)
These records have a complex layout. Each record contains a variable number of LPAR sections, one for each LPAR. Furthermore, there are a variable number of Logical Processors sections for each of the LPAR sections. However, these logical processor sections are all located together -- not physically near their owning LPAR section.
Nevertheless, Spectrum SMF Writer easily handles these records so you quickly create powerful custom reports from the RMF data. We use nested NORMALIZE parms on the INPUT statement to process each Logical Processor that exists for each Logical Partition. We sort the data by LPAR name and then by logical processor address.
We have formatted the report to reflect this hierarchical layout of the SMF records. For each LPAR, we print a header containing ID info, as well as some info about the physical CPU. Below that are each of the processors for that LPAR. These detail processor report lines show the percentage of the RMF reporting interval for which the processor was: 1) online, 2) waiting, 3) effectively dispatched and 4) processor dispatched.
All of this with just a few lines of code!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
OPTION: MAXNORMDUMP(0) /*SUPPRESS DUMPS FOR LPARS WITHOUT PROCESSORS*/ ************************************************************************ * THE INPUT WILL BE 1 LOGICAL SMF 70-1 REC FOR EACH LPAR/PROC COMBO * ************************************************************************ INPUT: SMF70 NORM(SMF70_PRSMPD_SEGMENT) NORM(SMF70_PRSMLPD_SEGMENT) ************************************************************************ * INCLUDE ALL 70-1 LPAR SECTIONS THAT HAVE AT LEAST 1 PROCESSOR * ************************************************************************ INCLUDEIF: SMF70RTY=70 AND SMF70STY=1 /*INCLUDE SMF 70 SUBTYPE 1 */ AND SMF70BDN > 0 /* ONLY IF LPAR HAS AT LEAST 1 PROCESSOR */ AND SMF70ONT > 00:00:00 /* ONLY IF LPAR WAS "ACTIVE" IN PERIOD*/ ************************************************************************ * COMPUTE SOME WORK FIELDS (FOR SORTING/BREAKING AND FOR DISPLAY) * ************************************************************************ COMP: PARTITION = #FORMAT(SMF70LPN 3) + ' - ' + SMF70LPM COMP: SORT_PARTITION = SMF70SNM + PARTITION COMP: SORT_DATE_TIME = #FORMAT(SMF70DTE YYYYMMDD) + #FORMAT(SMF70TME HHMMSS) ************************************************************************ * SORT AND PAGE-BREAK ON DATE/TIME. FURTHER ON PARTITION AND PROCESSOR* ************************************************************************ SORT: SORT_DATE_TIME /* INTERVAL */ SORT_PARTITION(PAGE) /* PARTITION */ SMF70CIN /* CPU NAME */ SMF70VPA /* LOGICAL PROCESSOR */ ************************************************************************ * THE HEADING FOR EACH CONTROL GROUP SHOWS DATA FROM LPAR SECTION. * * (NUMBERS IN PARENTHESES SPECIFY THE PRINT-LINE SIZE OF AN ITEM.) * ************************************************************************ BREAK: SORT_PARTITION TOTAL('TOTAL') ************************************************************************ * COLUMNS STMT LISTS DETAIL DATA TO PRINT FROM THE PROCESSOR SECTIONS.* ************************************************************************ COLUMNS: SMF70VPA('LOGL|PROC|ADDR' HEX NOACC) SMF70BPS('WEIGHT|FACTOR' 6) SMF70CIN(4 'CPU|NAME') 2 '|' SMF70ONT('ONLINE|TIME') SMF70ONT_PCT('PCT|ONLINE') 2 '|' SMF70WST('WAIT|TIME') SMF70WST_PCT('PCT|WAIT' 6) 2 '|' SMF70EDT('EFFECT.|DISPATCH|TIME') SMF70EDT_PCT('PCT|EFF|DISP') 2 '|' SMF70PDT('PROC|DISP|TIME') SMF70PDT_PCT('PCT|PROC|DISP' 6) ************************************************************************ * REPORT TITLES * *(SLASHES SEPARATE THE LEFT (EMPTY HERE), CENTER AND RIGHT TITLE PARTS)* ************************************************************************ TITLE: 'RUN DATE:' #DATE / 'SMF 70 - PROCESSOR PERCENT TIME ONLINE REPORT' / 'PAGE' #PAGENUM TITLE: ' ' / TITLE: 'PARTITION INFO' / TITLE: '==============' / TITLE: 'SYSTEM:' SMF70SNM / TITLE: 'PARTITION (NUM-NAME):' SMF70LPN(3) '-' SMF70LPM / TITLE: 'PROCESSOR FAMILY AND MODEL:' SMF70MOD(HEX) SMF70MDL(5) 'SERIAL' SMF70SER(HEX) / TITLE: 'PROCESSOR CAPACITY:' 0 SMF70WLA(6) '(MSU''S)' / TITLE: 'LPAR CLUSTER:' SMF70SPN 'SYSTEM NAME:' SMF70STN / TITLE: 'LPAR DEFINED CAPACITY LIMIT:' 0 SMF70MSU(6) '(MSU''S)' / TITLE: 'STORAGE:' SMF70CSF(7) 'MB' / TITLE: 'PROCESSORS:' SMF70BDN(4) / TITLE: ' ' / TITLE: 'LOGICAL PROCESSOR INFO (FOR ACTIVE PROCESSORS)' / TITLE: 'FOR' SMF70INT_TIME 'MINUTE INTERVAL ENDING' SMF70DTE 'AT' SMF70TME / TITLE: ' ' /
RUN DATE: 07/02/20 SMF 70 - PROCESSOR PERCENT TIME ONLINE REPORT PAGE 5 PARTITION INFO ============== SYSTEM: TN01 PARTITION (NUM-NAME): 7 - ZU801IDO PROCESSOR FAMILY AND MODEL: 2817 611 SERIAL 083F96 PROCESSOR CAPACITY: 843 (MSU'S) LPAR CLUSTER: DPLEX1 SYSTEM NAME: TD01 LPAR DEFINED CAPACITY LIMIT: 0 (MSU'S) STORAGE: 28,672 MB PROCESSORS: 54 LOGICAL PROCESSOR INFO (FOR ACTIVE PROCESSORS) FOR 14:59.957 MINUTE INTERVAL ENDING 10/25/12 AT 14:14:00.04 LOGL EFFECT. PCT PROC PCT PROC WEIGHT CPU ONLINE PCT WAIT PCT DISPATCH EFF DISP PROC ADDR FACTOR NAME TIME ONLINE TIME WAIT TIME DISP TIME DISP ____ ______ ____ _ _________ ______ _ _________ ______ _ _________ _____ _ _________ ______ 0000 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 8:08.826 54.3% | 6:46.144 45.1% | 6:49.136 45.5% 0001 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 8:29.915 56.7% | 6:18.582 42.1% | 6:20.414 42.3% 0002 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 13:26.689 89.6% | 1:28.331 9.8% | 1:28.569 9.8% 0003 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:11.978 94.7% | 0:43.805 4.9% | 0:43.933 4.9% 0004 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:28.398 96.5% | 0:28.193 3.1% | 0:28.296 3.1% 0005 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:38.226 97.6% | 0:20.609 2.3% | 0:20.682 2.3% 0006 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:59.933 100.0% | 0:00.024 0.0% | 0:00.025 0.0% 0007 187 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:59.933 100.0% | 0:00.024 0.0% | 0:00.024 0.0% TOTAL 100.0% 86.2% 13.4% 13.5% RUN DATE: 07/02/20 SMF 70 - PROCESSOR PERCENT TIME ONLINE REPORT PAGE 6 PARTITION INFO ============== SYSTEM: TN01 PARTITION (NUM-NAME): 8 - ZU802IDO PROCESSOR FAMILY AND MODEL: 2817 611 SERIAL 083F96 PROCESSOR CAPACITY: 843 (MSU'S) LPAR CLUSTER: EPLEX1 SYSTEM NAME: TE02 LPAR DEFINED CAPACITY LIMIT: 0 (MSU'S) STORAGE: 28,672 MB PROCESSORS: 54 LOGICAL PROCESSOR INFO (FOR ACTIVE PROCESSORS) FOR 14:59.957 MINUTE INTERVAL ENDING 10/25/12 AT 14:14:00.04 LOGL EFFECT. PCT PROC PCT PROC WEIGHT CPU ONLINE PCT WAIT PCT DISPATCH EFF DISP PROC ADDR FACTOR NAME TIME ONLINE TIME WAIT TIME DISP TIME DISP ____ ______ ____ _ _________ ______ _ _________ ______ _ _________ _____ _ _________ ______ 0000 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 5:05.128 33.9% | 9:49.597 65.5% | 9:53.196 65.9% 0001 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 6:36.685 44.1% | 8:18.401 55.4% | 8:22.515 55.8% 0002 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 7:20.588 49.0% | 7:14.363 48.3% | 7:16.668 48.5% 0003 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 12:17.482 82.0% | 2:26.713 16.3% | 2:27.339 16.4% 0004 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 13:03.208 87.0% | 1:43.876 11.5% | 1:44.341 11.6% 0005 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 13:27.262 89.7% | 1:20.421 8.9% | 1:20.784 9.0% 0006 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 13:15.322 88.4% | 1:32.095 10.2% | 1:32.459 10.3% 0007 237 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 13:33.702 90.4% | 1:16.500 8.5% | 1:16.762 8.5% TOTAL 100.0% 70.6% 28.1% 28.3% RUN DATE: 07/02/20 SMF 70 - PROCESSOR PERCENT TIME ONLINE REPORT PAGE 7 PARTITION INFO ============== SYSTEM: TN01 PARTITION (NUM-NAME): 9 - ZU807IMO PROCESSOR FAMILY AND MODEL: 2817 611 SERIAL 083F96 PROCESSOR CAPACITY: 843 (MSU'S) LPAR CLUSTER: NPLEX1 SYSTEM NAME: TN0K LPAR DEFINED CAPACITY LIMIT: 0 (MSU'S) STORAGE: 4,096 MB PROCESSORS: 54 LOGICAL PROCESSOR INFO (FOR ACTIVE PROCESSORS) FOR 14:59.957 MINUTE INTERVAL ENDING 10/25/12 AT 14:14:00.04 LOGL EFFECT. PCT PROC PCT PROC WEIGHT CPU ONLINE PCT WAIT PCT DISPATCH EFF DISP PROC ADDR FACTOR NAME TIME ONLINE TIME WAIT TIME DISP TIME DISP ____ ______ ____ _ _________ ______ _ _________ ______ _ _________ _____ _ _________ ______ 0000 70 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:46.336 98.5% | 0:12.841 1.4% | 0:13.202 1.5% 0001 70 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:47.713 98.6% | 0:11.682 1.3% | 0:11.992 1.3% 0002 70 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:49.414 98.8% | 0:10.057 1.1% | 0:10.347 1.2% 0003 70 | 14:59.958 100.0% | 14:49.201 98.8% | 0:10.186 1.1% | 0:10.483 1.2% TOTAL 100.0% 98.7% 1.2% 1.3% ...
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