SMF Type 94 Record - Subtype 2This table shows the record layout for type 94 SMF records
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Spectrum SMF Writer handles the difficult SMF record parsing for you automatically. You just specify which fields you want to see. Spectrum SMF Writer also converts the arcane date and time fields and reformats them into an attractive report. Plus, Spectrum SMF Writer can export SMF data as comma delimited files to use on your PC.
Offset (Dec.) | Offset (Hex) | Name | Length | Format | Description |
This section contains the triplet fields (offset/length/number), that locate the other sections on the record. The mapping macro resides in SYS1.MACLIB. | |||||
0 | 0 | SMF94S2_ LEN | 2 | binary | Record length.
2 | 2 | SMF94S2_ SEG | 2 | binary | Segment descriptor.
4 | 4 | SMF94S2_ FLG | 1 | binary | System indicator: Bit Meaning When Set 0-3 Reserved. 4 Subsystem name follows. 5 Subtypes utilized. 6-7 Reserved.
5 | 5 | SMF94S2_ RTY | 1 | binary | Record type 94 — Subtype 2
6 | 6 | SMF94S2_ TME | 4 | binary | Time since midnight, in hundredths of a second, when the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
10 | A | SMF94S2_ DTE | 4 | packed | Date when the record was moved into the SMF buffer, in the form 0cyydddF.
14 | E | SMF94S2_ SID | 4 | EBCDIC | System identification (from SMFPRMxx parmlib member).
18 | 12 | SMF94S2_ WID | 4 | EBCDIC | Subsystem identification, worktype indicator.
22 | 16 | SMF94S2_ STP | 2 | binary | Record subtype ‘02’ — Volume pooling statistics
24 | 18 | SMF94S2_ SDL | 4 | binary | Self-defining section length
28 | 1C | SMF94S2_ POF | 4 | binary | Offset to product section
32 | 20 | SMF94S2_ PLN | 2 | binary | Length of product section
34 | 22 | SMF94S2_ PON | 2 | binary | Number of product sections
36 | 24 | SMF94S2_ HOF | 4 | binary | Offset to header section
40 | 28 | SMF94S2_ HLN | 2 | binary | Length of header section
42 | 2A | SMF94S2_ HON | 2 | binary | Number of header sections
44 | 2C | SMF94S2_ SOF | 4 | binary | Offset to statistics section
48 | 30 | SMF94S2_ SLN | 2 | binary | Length of statistics section
50 | 32 | SMF94S2_ SON | 2 | binary | Number of statistics sections
0 | 0 | SMF94S2_ TYP | 2 | binary | Subtype for type 94 record.
2 | 2 | SMF94S2_ RVN | 2 | EBCDIC | Record version number C’01’.
4 | 4 | SMF94S2_ PNM | 8 | EBCDIC | Product name ’fmid ’.
12 | C | SMF94S2_ MVS | 8 | EBCDIC | MVS operating system name.
0 | 0 | -- | 32 | binary | Reserved (set to zero).
0 | 0 | -- | 14 | binary | VPS Message Header data
14 | E | SMF94S2_ HHI | 2 | binary | Hour Index. The hour index is incremented once each hour by the library manager. It is used to prevent duplicate logged statistics from the same one hour period from being counted twice. The hour index for volume pooling statistics is the same as reported for library statistical data calculated for the same hour.
16 | 10 | SMF94S2_ LRTD | 10 | EBCDIC | Last Reconcile Time and Date. This 10 EBCDIC character field contains the last time and date a reconcile was automatically completed by the VTS. Some of the statistical fields are calculated at this point.
26 | 1A | SMF94S2_ MNVP | 2 | binary | Maximum number of volume pools allowed in the partition This 2 byte hexadecimal field contains the maximum number of volume pools allowed in the partition. The number begins with 1. This field is used by the host to determine if there are more than 16 volume pools which would require additional requests for statistical data.
28 | 1C | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X’00’).
29 | 1D | SMF94S2_ VPSET | 1 | binary | Volume Pool Set. This byte specifies which set of volume pools are being reported, based on the set requested in the preceding request. If the set specified is 0, the first 16 volume pools are reported, if 1, the next 16 and so on.
30 | 1E | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved (set to X’00’).
32 | 20 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X’00’).
33 | 21 | SMF94S2_ BPMIO | 1 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0. This one byte field contains the identifier for the media type associated with the following common scratch pool volume count. The following are the defined values for this field: Value Description X'00' No media type configured. X'10' 3590 ‘J’ media X'11' 3590 ‘K’ media
34 | 22 | SMF94S2_ BPSVCO | 2 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 0 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of scratch stacked volumes, of a type identified by Media Identifier 0, assigned to the common volume pool. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. Physical volumes are assigned to the common scratch pool upon entry into the library or when returned from being borrowed by another pool.
36 | 24 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X’00’).
37 | 25 | SMF94S2_ BPMI1 | 1 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 1 This one byte field contains the identifier for the media type associated with the following common scratch pool volume count. See the Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0 field for the values defined for this field.
38 | 26 | SMF94S2_ BPSVC1 | 2 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 1 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of scratch stacked volumes, of a type identified by Media Identifier 1, assigned to the common volume pool. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. Physical volumes are assigned to the common scratch pool upon entry into the library or when returned from being borrowed by another pool.
40 | 28 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
41 | 29 | SMF94S2_ BPMI2 | 1 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 2 This one byte field contains the identifier for the media type associated with the following common scratch pool volume count. See the Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0 field for the values defined for this field.
42 | 2A | SMF94S2_ BPSVC2 | 2 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 2 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of scratch stacked volumes, of a type identified by Media Identifier 2, assigned to the common volume pool. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. Physical volumes are assigned to the common scratch pool upon entry into the library or when returned from being borrowed by another pool.
44 | 2C | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X’00’).
45 | 2D | SMF94S2_ BPMI3 | 1 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 3 This one byte field contains the identifier for the media type associated with the following common scratch pool volume count. See the Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0 field for the values defined for this field.
46 | 2E | SMF94S2_ SVC3 | 2 | binary | Common Scratch Pool Stacked Volume Count - Media ID 3 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of scratch stacked volumes, of a type identified by Media Identifier 3, assigned to the common volume pool. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. Physical volumes are assigned to the common scratch pool upon entry into the library or when returned from being borrowed by another pool.
48 | 30 | SMF94S2_ ARRAY | 1792 | binary | Volume Pool Statistics array. Each entry contains information about the usage and characteristics of a volume pool. Each entry in the array is 112 bytes long and is mapped by SMF94S2_ARRAY_ENTRY. Up to 16 array entries may be present. SMF94S2_MNVP contains the maximum number of pools in the library partition. When there are more than 16 pools, additional Volume Pool Statistics sections will be recorded. The number of Volume Pool Statistics sections is indicated by SMF94S2_SON in the self-defining section.
0 | 0 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
1 | 1 | SMF94S2_ VPN | 1 | binary | Pool Number. This one byte field contains the volume pool number. Pools are numbered starting with 1.
2 | 2 | -- | 2 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
4 | 4 | SMF94S2_ ALVIP | 4 | binary | Active logical volumes in pool (Hourly Snapshot) This four byte field contains the number of logical volume images resident in the volume pool. The number is updated dynamically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. To be considered resident in a pool, the logical volume must be on one of the physical volumes assigned to the pool. Cache resident only volumes, although assigned to the pool, are not included. Programming Note: This field may indicate a larger number of active logical volumes then is expected in a pool because it contain old versions of a logical volume’s image after its been reused, modified, or deleted since the last reconcile was completed. Reconcile removes the database references for old versions of logical volume images so that they are no longer included in the count.
8 | 8 | SMF94S2_ ADIVP | 4 | binary | Active data in volume pool (Hourly Snapshot). This four byte field contains the number of MBytes of logical volume image data managed by the virtual tape server in the volume pool. The number is updated dynamically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. To be considered resident in a pool, the logical volume must be on one of the physical volumes assigned to the pool. Cache resident only volumes, although assigned to the pool, are not included. It is accumulated in bytes and reported in an integral multiple of 1,048,576 bytes (1 MByte). Notes: 1. This field may indicate a larger count of active data then is expected in a pool because it contain old versions of a logical volume’s image after its been reused, modified, or deleted since the last reconcile was completed. Reconcile removes the database references for old versions of logical volume images so that their contents are no longer included in the count. 2. This field does not include the volumes that are currently mounted. Only volumes that have been premigrated are included in the count.
12 | C | SMF94S2_ DWTPLH | 4 | binary | Data written to the pool in the last hour This four byte field contains the number of MBytes premigrated from the tape volume cache to the pool during the last hour. Only the data for logical volumes that have completed premigration when statistics were calculated at the end of the last hour are included in this value. The value is reset and a new count begins after statistics are calculated. The count is accumulated in bytes and reported in an integral multiple of 1,048,576 bytes (1 MByte).
16 | 10 | SMF94S2_ PDCI | 1 | binary | Pool Device Class Identifier. This one byte field contains the device class identifier for the volume pool. The following are the defined values for this field: Value Description X'00' There is no device class configured. X'11' 3590 Model B1A X'13' 3590 Model E1A X'14' 3590 Model H1A
17 | 11 | SMF94S2_ MI0 | 1 | binary | Media Identifier 0 This one byte field contains the identifier for one of two media compatible with the device class for the pool. Refer to the definition of the Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0 field for the values defined for this field.
18 | 12 | SMF94S2_ PSSSVC0 | 2 | binary | Pool Static Scratch Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 0 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 0 volumes that were statically assigned to the volume pool and are in scratch status. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
20 | 14 | SMF94S2_ PSPSVC0 | 2 | binary | Pool Static Private Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 0 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 0 volumes that are statically assigned to the volume pool and contain active data. This includes volumes that have been marked full or those that are in the process of being filled. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
22 | 16 | SMF94S2_ PBSSVC0 | 2 | binary | Pool Borrowed Scratch Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 0 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 0 volumes that were assigned to the volume pool through borrowing and are in scratch status. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
24 | 18 | SMF94S2_ PBPSVC0 | 2 | binary | Pool Borrowed Private Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 0 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 0 volumes that are assigned to the volume pool through borrowing that contain active data. This includes volumes that have been marked full or those that are in the process of being filled. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
26 | 1A | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
27 | 1B | SMF94S2_ MI1 | 1 | binary | Media Identifier 1. This one byte field contains the identifier for one of two media compatible with the device class for the pool. Refer to the definition of the Common Scratch Pool Media Identifier 0 field for the values defined for this field.
28 | 1C | SMF94S2_ PSSSVC1 | 2 | binary | Pool Static Scratch Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 1 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 1 volumes that were statically assigned to the volume pool and are in scratch status. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
30 | 1E | SMF94S2_ PSPSVC1 | 2 | binary | Pool Static Private Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 1 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 1 volumes that are statically assigned to the volume pool and contain active data. This includes volumes that have been marked full or those that are in the process of being filled. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
32 | 20 | SMF94S2_ PBSSVC1 | 2 | binary | Pool Borrowed Scratch Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 1 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 1 volumes that were assigned to the volume pool through borrowing and are in scratch status. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
34 | 22 | SMF94S2_ PBPSVC1 | 2 | binary | Pool Borrowed Private Stacked Volume Count - Media Identifier 1 (Hourly Snapshot) This two byte field contains the number of media identifier 1 volumes that were assigned to the volume pool through borrowing that contain active data. This includes volumes that have been marked full or those that are in the process of being filled. The number is updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot of that count when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour.
36 | 24 | -- | 4 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
40 | 28 | SMF94S2_ AAORD | 2 | binary | Average age of residual data (as of the last reconcile). This two byte field contains the average age, in days, of the residual data that resides on the stacked volumes assigned to the pool at the completion of the last reconcile. Statically assigned and borrowed volumes are included in this calculation. A physical volume has residual data on it if it is not full. This value is calculated based on the date a volume transitions to not full and the current date. When a logical volume’s image on a physical volume no longer represents the most current version of the volume, after a reconcile, it has been removed from the database that manages the physical volumes and it is considered residual data.
42 | 2A | SMF94S2_ MAORD | 2 | binary | Maximum age of residual data (as of the last reconcile). This two byte field contains the maximum age, in days, of the residual data that resides on the stacked volumes assigned to the pool at the completion of the last reconcile. Statically assigned and borrowed volumes are included in this calculation. A physical volume has residual data on it if it is not full. This value is calculated based on the date a volume transitions to not full and the current date. When a logical volume’s image on a physical volume no longer represents the most current version of the volume, after a reconcile, it has been removed from the database that manages the physical volumes and it is considered residual data.
44 | 2C | SMF94S2_ AAOFPSV | 2 | binary | Average age of the full private stacked volumes (as of the last reconcile). This two byte field contains the average age, in days, of the private stacked volumes in the volume pool at the completion of the last reconcile. Statically assigned and borrowed volumes are included in this calculation. The age of a volume is measured from when the volume is marked as full until it is reclaimed.
46 | 2E | SMF94S2_ MAOFPSV | 2 | binary | Maximum age of the full private stacked volumes (as of the last reconcile). This two byte field contains the maximum age, in days, of the private stacked volumes in the volume pool at the completion of the last reconcile. Statically assigned and borrowed volumes are included in this calculation. The age of a volume is measured from when the volume is marked as full until it is reclaimed.
48 | 30 | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
49 | 31 | SMF94S2_ VPRTP | 1 | binary | Volume pool reclaim threshold percentage (Current value). This one byte field contains the current reclaim threshold percentage set for the volume pool.
50 | 32 | SMF94S2_ ADD00 | 2 | binary | 0-5% Active Data Distribution The next twenty, two byte fields report the number of full private stacked volumes in the volume pool that contain active data by the percentage (5% granularity) of active data remaining on the volumes. The numbers are updated periodically within the VTS and the reported value is the snapshot taken when statistics are calculated at the end of the last hour. The percentage of active data is relative to the amount of data on a stacked volume when it was filled.
52 | 34 | SMF94S2_ ADD05 | 2 | binary | >5-10% active data
54 | 36 | SMF94S2_ ADD10 | 2 | binary | >10-15% active data
56 | 38 | SMF94S2_ ADD15 | 2 | binary | >15-20% active data
58 | 3A | SMF94S2_ ADD20 | 2 | binary | >20-25% active data
60 | 3C | SMF94S2_ ADD25 | 2 | binary | >25-30% active data
62 | 3E | SMF94S2_ ADD30 | 2 | binary | >30-35% active data
64 | 40 | SMF94S2_ ADD35 | 2 | binary | >35-40% active data
66 | 42 | SMF94S2_ ADD40 | 2 | binary | >40-45% active data
68 | 44 | SMF94S2_ ADD45 | 2 | binary | >45-50% active data
70 | 46 | SMF94S2_ ADD50 | 2 | binary | >50-55% active data
72 | 48 | SMF94S2_ ADD55 | 2 | binary | >550-60% active data
74 | 4A | SMF94S2_ ADD60 | 2 | binary | >60-65% active data
76 | 4C | SMF94S2_ ADD65 | 2 | binary | >65-70% active data
78 | 4E | SMF94S2_ ADD70 | 2 | binary | >70-75% active data
80 | 50 | SMF94S2_ ADD75 | 2 | binary | >75-80% active data
82 | 52 | SMF94S2_ ADD80 | 2 | binary | >80-85% active data
84 | 54 | SMF94S2_ ADD85 | 2 | binary | >85-90% active data
86 | 56 | SMF94S2_ ADD90 | 2 | binary | >90-95% active data
88 | 58 | SMF94S2_ ADD95 | 2 | binary | >95-100% active data
90 | 5A | SMF94S2_ PPP | 1 | binary | Physical Pool Properties. This field contains the current settings of the pool’s management controls when statistics were calculated at the end of the last hour.
91 | 5B | -- | 1 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
92 | 5C | SMF94S2_ RPN | 1 | binary | Reclamation Pool. This one byte field contains the pool number to be used for the target for data that is reclaimed. Pools are numbered starting with 1.
93 | 5D | -- | 3 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00'
96 | 60 | -- | 15 | binary | Reserved (set to X'00')
The table above is based on the description provided by IBM in its "MVS Systems Management Facilities (SMF)" manual.
The sample SMF report below was created with Spectrum SMF Writer,
the low-cost 4GL SMF report writer. It reads as input the SMF file and selects just the type 94 subtype 1 tape library ststem records. (See SMF 94 record layout.) It selects the record for the hourly statistics for 11AM and prints various statistics for that hour.
All of this with just a few simple 4GL statements!
Why not install a Spectrum SMF Writer trial right now and start making your own SMF reports!
HOURLY TAPE STATISTICS FROM SMF 94 RECORDS FOR: 11AM MAX TAPE TOTAL TOTAL AVG AVG VOLS VOLS VOLS VOLS VOLS RECLAIM SCRATH PRIVATE VOLUME MAX MOUNTS DISMOU MOUNT DISMOU 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-100 THRESH STACKED SCRATCH CACHE SMF DATE SMF TIME HOUR DRIVES PENDIN PENDIN TIME TIME ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE PERCENT VOL CNT VOL CNT AGE ________ ___________ ____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ 11/02/07 12:18:29.88 11 15 37 32 73 66 1 74 252 40 275 329 4,099 *** GRAND TOTAL ( 1 ITEM) 15 37 32 73 66 1 74 252 40 275 329 4,099
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